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  Escape From Zombie Park Island 3
Posted by: PointMaid - 04-16-2022, 14:08:46 PM - Forum: Signups - Replies (21)

Escape From Zombie Park Island 3

Thank you for your interest in working for Zombie Island Parks and Resort! [NOTE: Really should decide on a better name, shouldn't I? Reminder to hire a name consultant. - F] Please read the job descriptions and employee rules below and fill out an application form. Applications may be sent to: ffrankenstein@zipr.org or through our online portal.

This is an exciting opportunity for all animal lovers, adventure seekers, ecologists, genetic scientists, wildlife veterinarians, and more! Zombie Island Park is an ecotourism experience turned up to eleven. Zombie Island Parks and Resort plans to shortly be open to the public with a large array of animals you can't find anywhere else, on a gorgeous Pacific island where guests will be able to surf, swim, enjoy dolphin and whale cruises, and piña coladas and festive luaus! As an employee, enjoy this experience to the fullest while doing what you love, and get in on the ground level of this exceptional venture sure to turn heads around the globe in both scientific and travel journals!


[Image: attachment.php?aid=188] Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein [PointMaid] 

[Image: zombiehorn.png] Jimmy "Shoehorn" Scott [Matthew] 

Employee Handbook (RULES)

2. Loophole correction rules: Park security cameras have been upgraded and are unhackable. You may not use a character's powers to pull zombie cures from nowhere. Just because there isn't a rule against it, doesn't mean it's ok: please use common sense, for instance, nothing that's gamebreaking.

3. Nobody starts out infected. If you get bitten by one of the animals, you have a 1/6 probability of turning into a zombie (or your immune system may fight the zombie virus off).

4.  Half the number of players will be bitten each night. If you turn into a zombie, you can still win — by keeping the uninfected from knowing you were bitten so they can't vote for Management to deal with you, and turning or killing the innocents. Zombies will act like a Mafia; and whether they turn or kill someone they go after will be determined by a roll of the dice.

5. If the zombies roll higher than any zombie defenses the player targeted may have implemented, the player will either be killed or turned. They will have a one out of six chance of being turned and a five out of six chance of just being eaten for brains. Players will be able to vote off more than one possible zombie each day, as many as they like.

6. Identified zombies will be humanely dealt with, putting them in containment rather than executed, pending a zombie cure. You have lost the game but may still post in the thread: but MAY NOT say anything that would reveal other active zombies you are aware of.
If you ''don't'' get zombified and survive the week, you could escape the island and win a good referral on your resume! (Er, win the game). There will be seven potential game days.

Job Descriptions (ROLES)
Zombified individuals lose any role powers they might have had.
The Trainee: You have no special power. You're just an ordinary park trainee!
The Medic: May tend one person each night and make sure they don't turn into a zombie.
The Dodger: You may designate one day to have your reflexes on point. You will dodge any animals that might nip you. (Must say this before the conclusion of the daily challenge.)
The Saboteur: You may sabotage one person's challenge each day.
The Gunslinger: Dr. Frankie doesn't like guns (tranq guns notwithstanding), but you secretly brought a shotgun with you that will take a person's (or a zombie's) head clean off. You only have a single shotgun shell. You can shoot one person during the course of the game, during Night Phase. If they're a zombie, they will be dead before they can kill someone else, and you'll be vindicated . If you were wrong, you leave yourself open to being voted off and executed by your colleagues.
The Framer: If you become a zombie, one night (and only one night), you can leave a misleading piece of evidence.
The Twins: You're eerily in sync. If one of you becomes a zombie - both of you become zombies!
The Zombie Sympathizer: You don't want to see anyone dead, even a zombie -- especially a zombie! If a zombie gets away scott free after killing, you get immunity to being bitten in the challenge the next day.

Application Form (SIGN-UP TEMPLATE)




Appearance, Height and Weight (approximate is ok):


General Background (Where are they from? What major events have they been though? Etc.):


Island Map
[Image: attachment.php?aid=197]

Employee Applications [Cast List]:

1. Guts (Risdio51)
2. Bandana Waddle Dee (Oggy123)
3. Nepeta Leijon (Kennifer)
4. Tsumugi Shirogane (Despair's Archon of Memes)
5. Mikel Lgambling Email Address (Zanreo)
6. Illina Rose (Cassie)
7. Hitomi Elakha (wingedcatgirl)
8. Edd Gold (Dookie)
9. Rutherhorde Bee Swarm (Florien)
10. ENA (Cosmikpowa131)
11. Fluttershy (PopcornPie)
12. Dusk Red (TenOfSwords13)

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  Meta Madness
Posted by: SmilyCube112 - 04-04-2022, 18:15:00 PM - Forum: Hybrid games - Replies (7)

Welcome to Meta Madness!!

Here I have weakened the useless thing you call the Fourth Wall. Ugh. (Wish I could've done away with it outright, dammit.)

Well? Were you expecting anything else? Well, besides the portals that lead to/from your home realms. Please use them as you see fit. EXCEPT FOR DAMAGING THEM - YOU WILL BE PUNISHED IF YOU DO!

Oh, yea, let me show you the area - Please memorise this map.
Viewing Hub Map
[Image: meta_madness_map_6.jpg]

BTW, the scale ratio is 1cm:50m. And don't mind that blank area in the Tele Port - That's where it's holographic receptionist is. She'll automatically set the portal to the right destination for ya.

Before you get too comfortable, though, we need to establish some ground rules. I know, you hate 'em, but you have to obey them. You'll find them in this book.
Obey these rules or ELSE
  • {1} Take turns using canon characters. There's only one of each, and having multiples of the same character is only allowed if it runs consistent with their canon (e.g. Twice from MHA being able to duplicate himself and others).
  • {1A} If you wish to use another user's OC, or a character currently in use by another user, please ask first.
  • {2} Given the nature of the main thread, then yes, screenshots and OSTs from canon material are allowed in the main thread.
  • {2A} Clips are allowed as well, but only if they do not break copyright laws.
  • {2B} Fan-made creations are safe to share in the OOC thread, but not in the main thread if it wasn't made by you. It will only be allowed in the main thread if you created it, and have it attributed to a character you are currently using in the main thread.
  • {3} This one should be obvious, but please keep all chatter in the main thread consistent with the character(s).
  • {3A} Permadeath is not allowed here. Period. There's a system in place in the main thread to keep that from happening anyways.
  • {4} Even though the characters can see/hear through the fourth wall, that only applies to real-world events (read: Olympics), or televised shows/movies. In no way does that apply to any OOC thread at all.
  • {4A} It does, however, apply to video games.
  • {4B} Yes, it does apply to other Roleplay/Murder/Mafia games - but only the ones on TC and TVT.

With that, the Meta Hub is open! (And please, don't argue over the giant 32k UHD TV. That thing was NOT cheap.)

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  Meta Madness - OOC
Posted by: SmilyCube112 - 04-03-2022, 17:31:32 PM - Forum: OOC threads - Replies (1)

Meta Madness

What you need to know
Meta Madness is simply having fictional characters - be it of our own creation (OCs), or of other people's creation (e.g. Canon Characters) - watching and reacting to either real-life events; their own series/movie(s); or other character(')s show(s)/movie(s).

Purpose of the OOC thread
Discussing what the characters will be reacting to, and also which character(s) are used by whom.

In here.
  • {1} Take turns using canon characters. There's only one of each, and having multiples of the same character is only allowed if it runs consistent with their canon (e.g. Twice from MHA being able to duplicate himself and others).
  • {1A} If you wish to use another user's OC, or a character currently in use by another user, please ask first.
  • {2} Given the nature of the main thread, then yes, screenshots and OSTs from canon material are allowed in the main thread.
  • {2A} Clips are allowed as well, but only if they do not break copyright laws.
  • {2B} Fan-made creations are safe to share in the OOC thread, but not in the main thread if it wasn't made by you. It will only be allowed in the main thread if you created it, and have it attributed to a character you are currently using in the main thread.
  • {3} This one should be obvious, but please keep all chatter in the main thread consistent with the character(s).
  • {3A} Permadeath is not allowed here. Period. There's a system in place in the main thread to keep that from happening anyways.
  • {4} Even though the characters can see/hear through the fourth wall, that only applies to real-world events (read: Olympics), or televised shows/movies. In no way does that apply to any OOC thread at all.
  • {4A} It does, however, apply to video games.
  • {4B} Yes, it does apply to other Roleplay/Murder/Mafia games - but only the ones on TC and TVT.

I think that covers everything. One last thing - I am willing to let the TC mods step in if need be.

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  DtG attempt number "fuck it" OOC thread
Posted by: wingedcatgirl - 03-30-2022, 20:34:05 PM - Forum: OOC threads - Replies (3)

Companion to this thread. Do the OOC speaking in here.

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  Fuck it, here's another Destroy the Godmodder thread
Posted by: wingedcatgirl - 03-30-2022, 19:51:38 PM - Forum: Forum games - Replies (120)

One day, a Godmodder barged into your forum and started blasting everyone to smitheroons. You should probably do something about that.

  • First the Godmodder gets a move, then each player gets a move. The Godmodder's next move generally happens about two days after the first player's countermove (depending mostly on when we can get some time to write it).
    • For the Godmodder, a move consists of whatever the Godmodder feels like doing. NPCs will also take their actions at this time.
    • For players, a move consists of one normal, uncharged, direct action (attack or heal) and up to three action charges - either starting a charged action or charging an already-started action, theirs or another's. (Once an action is fully charged, unleashing it is free, but only for the player who started it.) Actions with no combat relevance are free. All actions should be roleplayed - it's more fun that way! 😁
  • Charged attacks can deal direct damage, heal allies, summon NPCs, bestow beneficial statuses on the players, inflict detrimental statuses on the Godmodder, or anything else you feel like doing - but how well they do it depends on how many charges it required. The number of charges a charged attack requires is declared when the attack is started.
  • You can bring in as many player characters as you like, at any time - but each player will always be restricted to the same one attack and three charges per move. If you want reinforcements, summon NPCs or invite friends to join the game.
  • You can spread your actions in a move out into multiple posts, for dramatic effect or strategic ordering or any other reason, but again, same action limit applies.
  • Doing the same thing repeatedly will become ineffective quite quickly. Get creative.
  • The OOC thread is over here.

With a crackle and swirl of magical energy, an edgy-looking youth in a trenchcoat with dozens of katanas strapped to their back materializes, floating in the air.

Nice place you've got here. Mind if I conquer it?

* The Godmodder appears. Tremble in despair, for all is lost.

Godmodder: 1,000,000/1,000,000

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  The Murder Challenge
Posted by: Dookie - 03-30-2022, 00:19:21 AM - Forum: Murdergames - Replies (1270)

(Note: The game has not started yet. I'm only posting background story materials until April 3rd at 3:00 CST, which is when the game will start).


Ground Floor:

[Image: mipui.png]


[Image: mipui-2.png]

Second Floor:

[Image: mipui-3.png]

Crazy Eights Picture:
[Image: collage.jpg?width=1372&height=1029]

top left to top right: JamieAndChill, Sweetz, AshReacts, Audrey Davis.
bottom left to bottom right: ThatOneAsianKid, t0n3y, Donna Ellis, JennyXx.

Internet Article #1: Timeline of the Crazy Eights
2/13/12: The YouTube Channel “Sweetz” is created by 18 year old Martin “Sweet” Diamond.
9/14/12: The YouTube Channel “JamieAndChill” is created by 16 year old Jamie Curtis, although he would not use the channel until 2016.
4/05/13: The YouTube Channel “AshReacts” is created by 15 year old Asher Katz.
7/26/13: The YouTube Channel “t0n3y” is created by 21 year old Tony Ford.
4/14/14: A video on t0n3y's channel, “If Pokemon were kept as housepets,” is the first video from any of the Crazy 8s to get over 100K views. It reaches the 1 Million mark in December of 2014.
9/15/14: The YouTube channel “ThatOneAsianKid” is created by 20 year old Esekiel Barlowe, who is a cousin of the previously mentioned Asher, who he'll partner up with on multiple occasions.
12/5/14: Martin and Ezekiel, who at this point have 55K and 2K subscribers respectively, after meeting online, collaborate on “Minecraft 2 Player Survival Stream!” Which is posted onto Martin's channel in full, and posted on Ezekiel's channel edited down. They become frequent collaborators afterwards, boosting both of their channels and having two heavily overlapping fandoms.
1/2/15: Tony is the first YouTuber channel of the 8 to get over 100K subscribers. He'd later get 500K in March of 2016.
1/19/15: ThatOneAsianKid gains popularity due to an appearance in a popular Minecraft YouTuber's video.
3/12/15: AshReacts guest stars on a t0n3y video, making him more popular.
8/31/15: The YouTube Channel JennyXx is created by 16 year old Jennifer Esher, although it would not be used for quite a while
9/3/15: ThatOneAsianKid's video “I DID WHAT WITH MY CAR??? || Rocket League” is the first of any Crazy Eights member to reach 1 Million Views.
10/28/15: The YouTube Channel Aubrey Davis is created by 21 year old Aubrey Davis.
1/23/16: Tony and Ash start appearing in each other's videos a lot more frequently, after another popular collab video.
2/23/16: ThatOneAsianKid is the first of the 8s to get 1 Million subscribers.
3/3/16: The first video on the JamieAndChill account is published.
7/12/16: The Donna Ellis YouTube channel is created by 19 year old Donna Ellis.
10/12/16: Ash, Tony, and Ezekiel all join Martin's stream of the multiplayer game Overcooked. This is the first time that more than 2 of the Crazy Eights would interact in one video. They'd continue doing this for the next 8 months.
6/13/17: Due to increasing interaction between the four, Martin, Asher, Ezekiel, and Tony would form the “Four of Spades” YouTube channel, which would showcase skits and gaming video containing three or more of them.
9/20/17: After being friends for many months, Donna Ellis and Ezekiel Barlowe start officially dating. She guest stars on many of the videos from this era.
11/19/17: Asher, Esekiel, Tony, and Martin are invited along with 21 other YouTubers (Which include JamieAndChill and Aubrey Davis) to participate in a Mr. Beast game for $100,000. The game is a large-scale game of Infection set in a large mall. Despite Aubrey being one of the first infected, Jamie quickly befriends the surviving members (Who at this point are Martin and Asher), and Jamie, Martin, and Asher place 3rd, 4th, and 10th respectively. The winner is instead cooking YouTuber “Haileee” (IRL Name Hailee Matthews). Jamie guest stars on many of the group's videos after this.
12/12/17: Aubrey Davis wins a Streamy for her video “The Scam that was Gigapix Studios”.
1/21/18: One of Martin's videos, of him falling out of her chair, becomes a meme, giving her more popularity outside of his own community.
3/10/18: Jamie's video “IF YOU CAN SPELL IT, I BUY IT!” is the first of any of the 8s to get 10 Million views.
8/29/18: Jamie and Donna are both considered honorary members of the Four of Spades, due to not appearing as often as the main four, but being frequent guests.
10/17/18: Jamie invites his friend Jenny to play on the video “Mario Party With Everyone!!! (Ft. JennyXx)”, Who despite not being a regular, is popular enough in the fanbase to come back often.
4/1/19: As a joke, Aubrey announces she'll be changing her channel into a “Kids-only, Uber-cool environment,” and that she'd be joining the Four of Spades channel. The other 6 were in on the joke, and created the video “I GOT A SUPER RARE PET IN ADOPT ME??????????” Which was posted on Aubrey's channel. They got along so well that she would actually become a frequent guest.
4/4/19: Jenny would officially join the channel as a frequent guest.
7/10/19: A frequent guest on the channel, gaming YouTuber “KevinElevin,” is arrested for participating in the Blue Bell challenge, as well as taking a shit and pissing into a cup of ice cream inside a Fresh Market. The channel cuts their ties with him.
9/10/19: The channel announces that they will expand their reach to more than just gaming videos, including challenges and skits.
10/24/19: Tony wins $5 Million dollars in the lottery, which he saves for later.
12/15/19: Donna announces her plan to expand her channel to include an original animated series. This is slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic, but they finally premiere almost a year later in August of 2020.
3/9/20: The channel officially accepts Jenny and Aubrey onto the roster.
5/14/20: The channel announces a rebrand into “The Crazy 8,” later renamed “The Crazy 8s” in June.
4/1/20: Donna's grandpa, Clarke, died at 88 of Heart Disease. He left his mansion to Donna in his will.
4/18/20 - 5/13/21: THe house is renovated, using both Tony's money and a share of their earnings, until it is completed in May. New things include an upgrade to the houses’ style, AC and Heating system, gym, and appliances; two new filming areas, A conversion of much of the storage room into a game room, and a pool. The team posts less often, but still continues to grow.
5/14/21: The house officially opens, and a tour is showcased on YouTube.
5/20/21 - 6/20/21: Tony, Jamie, Asher, and Jenny would all start their own TikTok accounts.
10/28/21: One of Jamie's cameramen, Patrick Jones, is fatally injured while filming a Halloween video. The video is never aired, and Patrick is honored in later videos.
2/2/22: The Crazy 8s are announced to be a panelist at the 2022 NetCon in Las Vegas, Nevada.

- from "Timeline of the Crazy Eights Channel" from the Crazy Eights Wiki. Taken on 3/12/22.

Color to Character Guide:
Jamie/JamieAndChill: Purple

Asher/AshReacts: Pink

Ezekiel/ThatOneAsianKid: Red

Donna Ellis: Yellow

Tony/t0n3y: Orange

Jenny/JennyXx: Green

Martin/Sweetz: Blue

Aubrey Davis: Grey

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Posted by: Dookie - 03-20-2022, 21:07:07 PM - Forum: Signups - Replies (16)

Wiki Article 1
JamieAndChill (Born March 10, 1999) is an American YouTuber and occasional TikToker.

He is known for creating 3AM videos, Slime, DIYs, Challenges, Food art challenges, Reviews, Pranks, and Slime DIY Pranks. His most popular video is “The Making of a DIY”, which gave him a huge following. His content is often catered to a very young audience.

As a member of the YouTube group, “Crazy Eights," he occasionally collaborates with others in the group. His main channel has amassed over 15 million subscribers and 5 billion total views.

In October of 2021, he was involved in an accident whilst filming a video in which cameraman Patrick Simon was injured while climbing on top of a cave, needing surgery on his back and legs. Patrick later left the channel's team on account of not being able to do his job properly due to his injuries.

His main channel is available at JamieAndChill on YouTube, and his TikTok account is available at JamiesHouse on TikTok. His merchandise is available to buy at Jamieandchill.com/merch.

- From TV Tropes. 2/26/22

Wiki Article 2
The "Crazy Eights" are a group of 8 YouTubers who frequently collaborate on each others videos. Their content is usually aimed at a younger demographic. They are as follows:

1. JamieAndChill (Jamie Curtis). Specializes in Challenge/DIY videos. He is known for his energetic personality and videos. He has 15 million subscribers as of January 2022.

2. Sweetz (Martin Diamond). Specializes in Gaming Streams. He is known for being chill and easygoing in his videos. He has 2 million subscribers as of January 2022.

3. AshReacts (Asher Katz). Specializes in Reaction videos. They are known for being wacky, and anti-authority. They have 8 million subscribers as of 2022.

4. Aubrey Davis. Specializes in Legends, Mysteries, and Scary Stories. She is known for her uneasy atmosphere she brings in videos. Out of all Crazy 8s, she is the one with the most respect outside of the community. She has 1 million subscribers as of 2022.

5. ThatOneAsianKid (Esekiel Barlowe). Specializes in gaming videos. Known for being the smartest of the 8, as well as his sense of humor. He has 6 million subscribers as of 2022.

6. t0n3y (Tony Ford). Specializes in meme videos and comedy skits. Known for being dumb, yet loveable. He has 1 million subs as of 2022.

7. Donna Ellis. Specializes in Animation and Storytime. Known for being down to earth and relatable. She has 4 million subs as of 2022.

8. JennyXx (Jennifer Esher). Specializes in reviews of animation. Known for being outgoing and witty. She has 1 million subs as of 2022.

- From WikiTubia, 3/19/22.

“And starting in 3, 2, 1…”

This is a social media themed Murdergame with an emphasis on the culture of YouTube.

This game will work like most other mafia type murdergames. Sadly, I could not figure out a way to do the ranking system (Sorry Goose, you can use it on another game), but there will still be challenges (EFZPI or CC type ones), and the winners will get immunity.

Inno Roles:

Alpha Male: On the first night, you may use your immense hotness to form an alliance with another person. You can talk in Discord PMs until one of you dies. The other player may kill others, but they cannot kill you, and vice versa. You will of course, form “Da Boys”.

Distraction Dancer: If you feel as if someone is destined to get , you can protect them by dancing over their bed. If the murderer comes into their room, they will be too mesmerized by your moves to kill. And will go to sleep, forgetting you even danced for them.

Driver: Twice per game, you may swap yourself with another player at night, or swap two other players. This affects all actions targeting the swapped players.

Internet Provider: You may, once a night, roleblock someone else from doing their ability.

Stickbugger: If Detective investigates them, they will instead get stickbugged lol. If Killer Tries To Kill Them, they will still die, but the killer will also get stickbugged lol. When they die, everybody will get stickbugged lol.

Normie: You ain't special lol cry about it. 4 people will have this role.

The Mafia role:

Baka: You are so sussy! At night, you may conspire together and possibly kill.

Favorite YouTube Channel:


1. Selen(ium) - PointMaid
2. Unregistered Hypercam 2 - Zanreo
3. Michelle Mason - Kennifer
4. Cold teel the Hedgeheg - Puma
5. Nintendo and SEGA - Oggy
6. Entrapta - PopcornPie
7. Bywyn Dleimel Chillvein - Florien
8. Ctharlak - Ten
9. Serial - Libre
10. Kanade Otonokoji - MP
11. Gunned 'Em To Not Cu - Tales
12. Mettaton - Caret

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  Close Circle 2
Posted by: Mr. Lee Hammer - 02-22-2022, 21:59:42 PM - Forum: Murdergames - Replies (970)

Main Game Map
[Image: cc2-map.png]

1. Reina Schultz (PointMaid) (Fresh off the island and taking it to the streets!) DEAD (She struck out.) TOWNIE
2. Mila (Kennifer) (Bad girls, bad girls, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?)
3. John Rambo (Weirdguy149) (The streets are like the jungle, he'll do fine!)
4. Spamton G. Spamton (Zanreo) (He could make a killing, both in the black market and in the hood!) EXECUTED (His dreams are crushed.) TOWNIE
5. Lindsey Clipton (Florien) (If you can make it in Trifold, you can make it in Los Capucha!)
6. Tom (Dookie) (I assume it's the pineapple side that makes him a real prick?) DEAD (The liquor went to his head.) TOWNIE
7. Addison/Steve the Image Hijacker (Goose) (Pimpin' out his NFTs for the whole world)
8. Strawberry Crepe Cookie (Despair's Archon of Memes) (Is the strawberry spicier than Chili this go-around? Find out here!) EXECUTED (Insert obligatory "cookie crumbles" joke here) SCUM
9. Tyler Black (Cassie) (Fly like an eagle...)
10. Lucky O'Chopper (PopcornPie) (Can easily hide bodies down the rabbit hole!)

Sign-Up Sheet

You all find yourselves in a small neighborhood in Los Capucha. One that is very ghetto. In fact, when you hear ghetto, this is the first thing you would probably think of. Houses that are shoddy and seemingly abandoned, with spray paint grafitti all over the streets. Poor people out on the streets roaming around, drug dealers pushing their products, even the occasional mugging. Not really the first place you'd want to visit at night. The first person you see when you get past all the ghetto gaudiness is a bald, dark-skinned man with sunglasses and a turtleneck sweater on talking on a cell phone.

Yeah, yeah, I know you're skeptical. But you just wait. This plan will go perfectly. We'll have them all right where we want 'em. Oh, hey, they just arrived. Now you just watch. It'll all work out fine. We'll talk more later on, ciao.

He puts his phone away and looks at everyone here, welcoming them all with a warm smile that shows off that sole gold tooth he has, but also one that resonates fear. One would get the vibe from him that you better stay on his good side otherwise it could end badly for you.

Good day, everyone. I'm Bubba Gold Tooth Sparxxx. And yes, "Gold Tooth" is my legal middle name. Had this gold tooth all my life, see? But I'm sure you're not that interested in my one false tooth. I'm here to get down to business. You're all working for me and I'm here to be the top dog in the hood, you all get me, my players? Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take care of business in my den. But have a look around the hood and get to know each other. And for the nights, you'll all have these houses you'll stay in. Each of them will have two bedrooms, so have some housemates if you want, Bubba says, pointing to the cul-de-sac full of houses.

They don't look like much, but they have all the essential utilities you need. Electricity, heating, air, plumbing, food, beds, TV, music, movies. The basic human needs for survival. Now if you'll all excuse me, I need to take care of something, but we will talk more later. The unfortunate business you walked into plus the jobs I'll have for you all. See you all in a moment, players.

Bubba goes into his own personal den.

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  Dead Men Walking Sign-Ups
Posted by: wahoothis - 02-16-2022, 00:19:08 AM - Forum: Signups - Replies (17)

You wake up by the scent of dust in the air followed by the sound of a grandfather clock's twelve chimes. As you open your dreary eyes, you see you're not alone. 15 others were just waking up as well. Once you get your bearings, and discover that no doors in this place lead out and no windows can't be broken, you meet them.

A cloaked figure, who informs you all that you're trapped in this ghostly manor they own. There is no way out, you're all stuck here. . . Well, that's not entirely true. After all, there is one way out of here. For you see, only twelve of you are actual living, breathing beings. The other four? Ghosts, planted amongst you all tasked with blending in. Tasked, also, to kill you during the night at the cloaked figure's beck and call.

Can you solve the mystery of not just the Ghosts' identities, but also the mystery of this mansion and your being here? Or will you all be nothing more than Dead Men Walking?


Taking an approach to games like Mafia and the fellow murdergames here, where 12 Living players have 4 Ghost players amongst them. The goal for the Living players are to leave the mansion, and to that, they must suss out the ghosts and get rid of them. The goal for the Ghost players are to eliminate enough living players to win the game and be brought back to life to leave the manor.

During the day, no murders will be able to occur during this time. The group is free to investigate the mansion for clues. Clues on who the ghosts could possibly be. Discover the Cloaked Figure's identity. Find out just what the secrets this mansion holds, and what the Cloaked Figure's true goal is in running this game? During this time, they may call a meeting in the Exorcising Room if they have a suspicion on who a Ghost could be. Skipping a vote is allowed if everyone feels like they don't have enough evidence to fully pin someone. If a vote goes through and someone obtains the most votes, then they will be Purged.

Of course, during the day with no murder, the group can also choose to simply interact with one another and have some leisurely time to themselves if they don't feel like investigating clues of the mansion. However you choose to use this time is up to you.

But this is still a murdergame. Once night time comes, everyone will return to their rooms. It's during this time that the ghosts may choose to act. After discussing who they'll kill, who'll do the killing, and what occurs, the murder will occur. And anytime a murder has been done, the morning after, an investigation regarding their murder will follow. Afterwards, everyone will enter the Exorcising Room to discuss the evidence and find the killer. Whoever receives the most votes at the end will be Purged. You'll be able to see if the one Purged was a Ghost by looking at the four lit wax candles in the same room. If it still burns, that means they voted off an innocent. But if one of the flames had been extinguished, that confirms the Ghost has been busted.

However, the Ghosts aren't the only ones capable of killing. If you're a Living player, and your character have suspicions that can't wait till the morning to call a meeting, they can take matters into their own hands. By killing who they suspect is a Ghost. If they get it right, then at the next meeting in the Exorcising Room, they'll see a fire on the wax candles have died. If they get it wrong, the fire will still be burning, and they'll soon realize they killed an innocent.

To prevent a full slaughterfest during the night time section, only two deaths can occur at night. Any attempt to kill further after the two deaths at that night will be nulled and not go through. A Ghost and a Living can kill on the same night, another Living can't kill in the event of this. However, if the Ghosts decide not to kill at that night, it is possible for two Living members to kill someone. If a Living kills a Ghost that wasn't the one doing a murder, the Ghosts' murder still goes through. But if a Living can kill a Ghost that was the one killing, then the Ghosts' kill will be canceled and effectively save their intended target's life.

Investigation for both the manor/murders will be done with RNG rolls of 1-10. The better the rolls, the better the clues you get during the investigation. Bad rolls don't turn up that much help, and if you roll bad enough, it could be possible you destroy or ruin a piece of evidence that could blow the case open.

Both the Living and Ghost have the ability to kill at night. The former has to tell me privately in DMs who they're killing, how they kill them, and where they kill them. The latter is more or less the same, but will also have to include which of the ghosts they're killing. Only two players can kill at night, anymore will not go through. Of course, the ghosts can choose not to kill at night if they find it best not to. Same with the living. If a Living player kills a Ghost player that's murdering the night, the Ghosts' murder will be cancelled and their intended victim will survive. A murder is not necessary every night, it is up to the Ghosts if they want to kill, and up to the Livings if they want to take the risk to take out a Ghost.

During investigation, rolls will be made by RNG 1-10. As stated, the better the rolls, the better your investigations go. The worse your rolls are, the less likely you'll receive concrete clues. Apart from murder investigations, searching around the mansion is also something players can do to solve mysteries that don't pertain to the murders. It's entirely possible you can discover hints as to who the ghosts are during these. Puzzles may very well show up from time to time.

As for the meeting, only one can be held IC day. If you vote to skip the execution for that meeting, you cannot call another one and must wait till the next day. So you need to be extra sure if you have enough evidence during your investigations to call a meeting. Also, a good majority of players must be in agreement to hold a meeting. in order to call meetings, the majority must say/call a meeting for one to go through. Just to ensure that majority wish for a meeting to be called and not accidentally have a meeting be called when everyone isn't ready. One person cannot call a meeting to cancel the group's investigation, this game is as much about cooperation as it is about deceiving. Most of you must agree to host a meeting.

1. The usual rules of murdergames apply here.
2. Since the roles of Ghost are going to be randomized, make sure you apply a character that you are okay with potentially being the scum of this game.
3. This should be common knowledge: Be nice to the other players. If being a jerk is IC for your character to do so, that's fine. But being a jerk to everyone OOC? That isn't going to fly.
4. No god-modding or taking control of others' characters. Your character is yours, that's the only one you should be controlling.
5. Please try to be somewhat active for the game. Don't turbo lurk as the game goes on. If you're going to or need to drop out, please let us know so we can replace you.
6. Once your character dies in the game, please refrain from commenting in the thread. You can still spectate the game if you wish. When you die, please do not give out information or hints as to who the killer was outside the game.
7. Please post IC in the game thread, no OOC comments.
8. @LavenderDream is the co-host of this game. Please listen to them when they say things.
9. Most importantly, have fun with your char and the game! If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask. Also, please bear with me here since I'm a little new here at hosting. Things probably won't be perfect, but I hope people have fun in the end either way!

Sign-up Form
Additional notes:

1. Allen Wood (Matthew) (Now you're a man! A manly man.)
2. Sam Winchester (PointMaid) (A truly supernatural individual.)
3. Margaret Hodgins (Kennifer) (Caught up in a hodgepodge of a mess.)
4. Novice (awe921) (Diamond in the rough amongst the ghoulies.)
5. Edd (Dookie) (Cola's out, you're seeing Dr. Pepper today.)
6. Ingo (TheGeekArtist08) (And Ingo was his name-o.)
7. Yuuta/Suzume (Oggy123) (B-B-B-B-Bird bird bird. Bird is the word.)
8. Kokichi Ouma (door-kun) (Lying like a dog, even in the most crushing despair.)
9. Youmu Konpaku (Cassie) (Bullet Hell: Danny Phantom edition.)
10. Old Rutstein (TenOfSwords13) ("Got some rare things on sale, stranger!")
11. Yuyuko Saigyouji (Despair's Archon of Memes) (Not so much a perfect cherry blossom, are you?)
12. The Vengeful Ghost of the Earl of Thornwickley, Morcar (Florien) (Something something Metal Gear joke here)
13. Mikel Lgambling Email Address (Zanreo) (Ralph Breaks the Internet kinnie.)
14. Mettaton (Goose) (Domo arigato misuta Robotto.)
15. The Conductor (desistandcease) (Friends? Who need friends when I have knives?)

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  Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups (CAST IS FULL)
Posted by: Mr. Lee Hammer - 02-08-2022, 03:58:55 AM - Forum: Signups - Replies (15)

In the city of Singleton, you find yourselves in the district of Los Capucha. The part of town most people try to avoid because of how dangerous it is. For good reason, too. As Los Capucha is rife with gangsters, drug dealers, shootings, stabbings, grand theft auto, what have you. And is also in the midst of a heated gang war. A war between the Cappers and the Yarddogs. The former is getting very close to winning the war between the latter. The leader of the Cappers, a mysterious figure named Bubba Gold Tooth Sparxxx, is ambitious and dangerous. He is excited over running Los Capucha for good. But the leader of the Yarddogs, Jebidiah Kane, has one more trick up his sleeve to win the war for good. Instead of taking it to the Cappers, he's taking it inside the Cappers.

And this is where you all come in. All of you are members of the Cappers, assisting in winning the war for the district for good. Except for one problem: a few of you were sent by Kane himself to kill off the rest of the Cappers, to turn the tide in his favor. And the ones sent by Kane are blending in with you. Who you think is your fellow gang pal might actually be the enemy all this time with the goal to kill you all. And in this case, your wits and street smarts may be the only thing to keep you alive as you try to identify Kane's people and kill them off for good.

Will Sparxxx get the district all to his own self or will Kane reign supreme in the end? Find out in Close Circle 2.

Close Circle 2 is a mafia-style game, with 12 town players facing off against 3 scum players. The goal is for all the town to vote off the scum, while the scum tries to kill off the town. The town wins if all the scum get voted off, while the scum win if town members are equal or lesser than surviving scum. Initially, all alignments will have no special abilities to start off with, but will be able to gain some, buying them using money earned from completing challenges, to be described later.

Every day, there will be an investigation to figure out who killed the latest victim. The investigation will incorporate RNG rolls going from 1-10. And evidence can be destroyed if one gets enough bad rolls. If the players think they have enough evidence, they can vote off whoever they think is guilty of murder. And for added incentive, the money of the victim will be put to stake. If the innocents successfully vote off the killer, the money will be split between the surviving town. However, if an innocent gets voted off, then the money will go to the scum.

And after this, there will be the daily challenges, where players will be given a series of tasks to complete and for a chance to earn money. Each day, players will be given five challenges to choose from. Only one challenge can be done every day and each challenge can only be played once by each player. The success of the challenges will be determined by RNG as well as modifiers determined by the strengths and weaknesses of each player. The one with the highest scores wins the biggest cash prize. In addition, the winner of the challenge will get to stay in Sparkxxx's den for the night, where they will receiver immunity from being murdered for the night.

And for a little mini-game, there's also Flapjack's "Lucky" Card Game. Where players can take their money and attempt to gamble their cash for a chance to win money. It too will be determined by RNG, with the lowest rolls resulting in losing the money, median rolls, gaining a small profit and large rolls gaining a large profit. It could be a good way to earn quick cash to buy some abilities, if you don't lose it all that is. And note, it can only be played once by each player per day.

Both town and scum members will have their own abilities to buy during night phase using cash players earned completing missions. After buying the abilities, players can choose to use the abilities or save them for another night. At the beginning of each night, players will get a PM stating how much money they have or any abilities they still have and can choose to do whatever. And note, just to keep things balanced, only one ability can be used at once. For example, if three players choose the Watcher ability, one will be picked randomly so their ability will take effect. However, the ones who don't get chosen will still keep their ability to be saved for another time, unless they get role-blocked, on which it will be gone forever. Players cannot pool their money together to buy an ability; what they've earn is theirs to spend and theirs to spend only. Both town and scum will have their own abilities to be used as well as the prices as follows:


Driver: (Costs $500) Are you confident that you can get a jump on someone and swap them out for someone else in hopes you can kill off a scum? Use the driver ability to swap any two players of your choice and whatever actions are taken on one will happen to the other and vice versa.

Watcher: (Costs $700) Any areas you think may be a hot spot for scum to come into? Then take charge and watch a room or a certain area of the map for the night. Whatever happens in there, you will see. Players who activate the ability will be able to watch one room for the night and whatever happens in the room, they will know. Cannot be used on consecutive days.

Protection: (Costs $800) Do you know someone whom you fear for their lives? They could use a little protection, just in case someone tried to off them, right? Put this into play to save them from any cops. Players can choose anyone of their choosing, which will save anyone that gets targeted by a Scum. Will not protect from Cleaner kills.

Background Check: (Costs $1000) Do you want to see if someone is on the level or do you suspect they might be one of the cops? Run a background check on the person and see how they're on your side. Players who run this ability picks a player of their choice and will find out if they're one of the Townies or a Scum.

Contract Killer: (Costs $1300) Does your gut instinct tell you that someone suspicious may be a Scum, but they're still at large trying to off your guys. Then hire a contract killer to off that someone suspicious. Players who use this can target someone they think is a Scum. If they are a Scum, they will get killed and you will live. But if they are a Townie, they will live and you will die instead.


The Blocker: (Costs $500) If you don't want to kill someone just yet, but rather you want to prevent someone from using their ability, this is the one for you to stop them dead in their tracks. Players can use this ability to block one from whatever ability they're using, if they're using it. And if they are, then they will waste the ability.

Cover-Up: (Costs $700) Someone onto you? Fearing that they might check you out and reveal your true allegiances? Then take use of the cover-up. If one runs a background check on your while you're covered-up, they will see you as "innocent" and you can still continue your reign of terror without further incident. Hopefully.

Investigator: (Costs $900) Do you want to see who has certain abilities and see if a player is dangerous or not? Use the Investigator ability and see what the player has in stock and discuss it among yourselves if the Town member needs killing. Players who use this can find out what abilities and money a town member has, as well as whether or not they have special protections and what actions they are taken.

Cleaner: (Costs $1300) Do you think someone may be too dangerous to live, or maybe you just want a free kill? Hire the cleaner, and whoever you choose will disappear without a trace, no questions asked. Players who activate this ability can choose anyone to kill, no body, no evidence found. It cannot be used in consecutive days. It is the factional kill for the scum, so no other kills can be done if Cleaner is activated.

  1. No god-modding allowed. Your character is the only character you can control. No one else can change other characters or settings without the permission of the hosts and/or players (if it involves one of the players).
  2. No turbo-lurking allowed. It is expected that anyone who signs up to play this game to participate regularly as much as they can and not give out any meaningless posts just to skirt by. If two game days pass by without any significant posts from a player, their character will be killed off. If you can no longer participate, let the hosts know and a replacement will be sought.
  3. (For the scum) If you become a scum, it is expected that you kill someone everyday as it is your role in-game. One person has to be killed every night, so don't stall. Failure to kill someone when the night phase is up will result in one random player being killed off. It could be a town or a scum, so get killing. It will be in the best interest of everyone.
  4. While jerkassery is all right IC, it is stated however that you don't be a jerk to your players OOC. Be respectful and cool with your players. And while jerkassery and the occasional off-color comment is acceptable, no NSFW, inappropriate or otherwise disruptive actions (i.e. Bill's Brother or Elizabeth Afton) will be tolerated in-game.
  5. Remain in-character in thread.
  6. If you're dead, you can no longer post in the thread. You are still however free to spectate. However, do not give away the killers or any clues outside the thread. Otherwise, you will be permanently banned from the game.
  7. And above all else, have fun with your characters and the game.

Sign-Up Template
* Name:
* Age:
* Background:
* Personality:
* Abilities:
* Strengths and Weaknesses (there must be at least one of each):
* Other:
* Appearance:


1. Reina Schultz (PointMaid) (Fresh off the island and taking it to the streets!)
2. Mila (Kennifer) (Bad girls, bad girls, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?)
3. John Rambo (Weirdguy149) (The streets are like the jungle, he'll do fine!)
4. Spamton G. Spamton (Zanreo) (He could make a killing, both in the black market and in the hood!)
5. Lindsey Clipton (Florien) (If you can make it in Trifold, you can make it in Los Capucha!)
6. Tom (Dookie) (I assume it's the pineapple side that makes him a real prick?)
7. Addison/Steve the Image Hijacker (Goose) (Pimpin' out his NFTs for the whole world)
8. Strawberry Crepe Cookie (Despair's Archon of Memes) (Is the strawberry spicier than Chili this go-around? Find out here!)
9. Tyler Black (Cassie) (Fly like an eagle...)
10. Lucky O'Chopper (PopcornPie) (Can easily hide bodies down the rabbit hole!)

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