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Life's a Beach 2 Sign-ups |
Posted by: Mr. Lee Hammer - 12-08-2021, 23:27:49 PM - Forum: Signups
- Replies (18)
Hi, everyone! This is George Washington Columbo, the very same man who managed Sweet Louie Johnson to the world heavyweight championship and became one of the most hyped and watched pay-per-view boxing matches of all time! All boxers wanna work for me, but I only represent the very best. If you can't draw the money, you're not worth my time baby! And I believe in only the best things money can buy. Which is why 14 lucky people have won my contest for an all-expenses paid vacation at my island resort in Sopal Isles. All the best money can buy while you enjoy the nice tropical atmosphere. Luxurious huts you can rest in. And make your way around the island, you can enjoy all the surfing and water-skiing you want. Have a nice meal at the bar-and-restaurant. Get some rays while you relax by the pool and even have all your worries massaged away at the spa. Everything here is top-notch. You can't ask for anything better. You're all too poor to enjoy it otherwise, so enjoy this nice vacation on me!
Much time has passed since the events between Shoehorn and Victoria. The old hotel is long demolished and in its place is the island resort, founded by famed boxing manage and upcoming real estate tycoon George Washington Columbo, a man obsessed with the excessive lifestyle money can bring. 14 lucky people have won a vacation to the resort, hoping for a little bit of rest and relaxation. But they're all about to walk into a vacation which will be anything but.
The island is inhabited by Dawn, the new leader of the Sharks after Shoehorn ended up leaving. She wants the island to preserve what Shoehorn tried to accomplish. And as such, has her three people wanting to kill GWC and anyone on the island to scare them off for good. And on top of this, two other people are here, too. Who both hate GWC's guts (naturally, considering his greedy, condescending personality) so much, they want him dead. And their own goals is to kill him and leave no witnesses.
And now once again’ it's survival on the island as the vacationers have to deal with two groups trying to kill each other as well as the innocent vacationers. Between the battle of threes, who will thrive? Will the vacationers make it out alive? Will GWC's enemies do away with the nasty billionaire? Will Dawn and her people get them all off the island?
This is…. Life's a Beach 2.
With your hosts
George Washington Columbo (Matthew)
Dawn (Dookie)
GAMEPLAYIn Life's a Beach 2, town has to deal with two scum teams who get to kill every night. The goal for the town is to vote off both scum teams, while for each scum team, the goal is to kill off the town as well as the opposite scum team. Town wins if they vote off both scum teams. A scum team will win if they manage to kill off both town and the opposite scum team, or the numbers of town and a surviving scum happen to be equal. If the survivors happen to be equal scum teams, a tie-breaker will happen which will determine who will win via RNG. Whoever scores the highest will win.
ROLESGWC enemies:
Detective - Knows the role of anybody they investigate. Can only be used two times.
Flavorless: Once per game, you may target a player and use your Vanilla-Inator on another player. That person will lose their abilities and become...VANILLA!
Seer - May block one person from using their role every night. This only counts for the night.
Ninja - Can disguise during a kill once per game, leaving no evidence.
Camo - If detected by Hacker, comes up as “Vacationers?”
Driver - May switch any two people during the night. Any action aimed at one of the switched people will hit the other instead.
Doctor - May protect one person from death every night.
Stoner - (Get it? Cause they basically turn to stone?) - Can call Stump anytime during the game. Once they do this, they cannot die, but they also cannot vote.
Friends: Can talk with one another through a Discord Group, and know the other isn't mafia.
Fortune Teller - May learn the alignment of any person. Can only be used three times.
Grubhub Delivery Guy - Can deliver a burger to someone every night. That person may eat that burger once at the start of any night, protecting them from kills.
Vacationers - You've just came here to enjoy the nice vacation. You're not here to shed any blood but you don't have any special powers either.
RULES[*]1. No god-modding allowed. Your character is the only character you can control. No one else can change other characters or settings without the permission of the hosts and/or players (if it involves one of the players).
[*]2. No turbo-lurking allowed. It is expected that anyone who signs up to play this game to participate regularly as much as they can and not give out any meaningless posts just to skirt by. If two game days pass by without any significant posts from a player, their character will be killed off. If you can no longer participate, let the hosts know and a replacement will be sought.
[*]3. (For the scum) If you become a scum, it is expected that you kill someone everyday as it is your role in-game. One person has to be killed every night, so don't stall. Failure to kill someone when the night phase is up will result in one random player being killed off. It could be a town or a scum, so get killing. It will be in the best interest of everyone.
[*]4. While jerkassery is all right IC, it is stated however that you don't be a jerk to your players OOC. Be respectful and cool with your players.
[*]5. And while jerkassery and the occasional off-color comment is acceptable, no NSFW, inappropriate or otherwise disruptive actions (i.e. Bill's Brother or Elizabeth Afton) will be tolerated in-game.
[*]6. Remain in-character in thread.
[*]7. If you're dead, you can no longer post in the thread. You are still however free to spectate. However, do not give away the killers or any clues outside the thread. Otherwise, you will be permanently banned from the game.
[*]8. For anyone sending messages to the hosts, please send the messages to ALL TWO HOSTS (i.e. Me and Dookie), so we can all be in the loop and we can log all the actions within our private server as soon as possible.
[*]9. And above all else, have fun with your characters and the game.
Height and Weight:
2. Sephiroth (Risdio51)
3. Mario.EXE (door-kun)
4. Julia (Kennifer)
5. Desenari Chillvein (Florien)
6. Eri (wingedcatgirl)
7. Henry Stickmin (Despair's Archon of Memes)
8. Bandana Waddle Dee (Oggy123)
9. Ernesto Pucci (MadameButterflyKnife)
10. Lucky O'Chopper (PopcornPie)
11. Addison/"Steve" (the Image Hijacker) (Goose)
12. Squid Girl (Zanreo)
13. Gutierrezia "Snakeweed" Took (PointMaid)
14. Eren Lidestre (Cassie)
Party to Treason Signups [Full] |
Posted by: Florien - 12-07-2021, 21:32:17 PM - Forum: Signups
- Replies (16)
The propaganda posters along the streets of the Alliance-Run Colony of Allfield, (A town largely dedicated to producing canned goods, despite the agriculture-themed name), have a nice, stereotypical, Earth-cold-war dystopia feel, with the clean lines and the red, off-white, blue, and grey color scheme and an image of the great leader, Sendri Pilotslicense. The aesthetic is only amplified by the perpetually overcast sky and buildings made primarily of concrete and bricks. The small town of twelve thousand citizens has never much dared to speak against the "candidates for election." Indeed, the candidates are pre-approved by Alliance Officials, and the media is always pro-incumbent. That combined with an intense voter apathy has rendered all the seats completely safe.
You are the holders of those ten safe seats on the Allfield administrative board, mostly imported from abroad to serve as "model foreigners who willingly immigrated to join our great and welcoming nation and came into power through their newfound patriotism"
Most of you are loyalists. Maybe you bought fully into the Alliance as a force for good, and thus are unshakeable in your faith. Maybe you haven't bought fully into the Alliance line, but at least realize it is not prudent to criticize it too much. Or perhaps you have your eyes (or whatever you use to perceive) turned upwards to yet higher positions within the Alliance's governmental structure, and think that apparent loyalty will be good enough to get you there.
However, recently, a problem arose when rumors of dissent among the members of the board reached the regional political officer, Captain Lanthanide. Lanthanide video-called in, issued some threats, reprimanded you all for lack of loyalty, and demanded that the traitors be stopped, or everyone gets shot.
Shockingly, for the first time, the rumors are true, and not just a convenient excuse to replace you with someone cheaper. Four of you actually ARE Rebels. "Traitors to the nation an' Sendri in particular!" Lanthanide said. Thankfully for you, Lanthanide has no intention of actually doing her job at the moment, so you're unlikely to all get purged come the next "Loyalty Day" for "Improper Association with Traitors". But unless the loyalists among you do something to prevent it, worse problems than "imminent imprisonment and likely death" may arise should the rebels come to power.
Basic Rules:
1. Standard Murdergame Rules Apply.
2. Don't enter a character you're not okay with being a rebel, being a loyalist, or dying. Any of these things can and will happen.
3. If you're going to drop out, tell me, don't sit around waiting for someone to complain about your turbolurking before making a decision.
4. No communication outside of the thread. There will be no scum chat, nor will there be PMs between players.
Game Rules: (Based very closely on Secret Hitler)1. At the start of the game, you will receive a DM telling you which role you have. The options are Loyalist, Rebel, and Rebel Leader. There will be six loyalists, three rebels, and one rebel leader.
2. There are 11 Rebel Edicts and 6 Loyalist Edicts in random order on the edict list. (Think of it like a deck of cards.)
3. The goal of the Loyalists is to either issue five Loyalist Edicts or get the Rebel Leader killed. The goal of the Rebels is to either issue six of their own edicts or get the Rebel Leader elected chairperson after three pro-rebel edicts have been issued.
4. The Rebels know who the leader is, the Leader does not know who the rebels are.
5. The Gameplay takes place in phases. The phases go as follows.
ELECTION - The Presiding Member will nominate a Chairperson. They may discuss their nominee beforehand with the other players. (Someone who was chairperson one round cannot run again until someone else has been chairperson. The same is true for the presiding member.)
- Everyone discusses, and votes on whether or not the chosen candidate will be chairperson. (The chairperson nominee and presiding member get to vote too.)
- If the vote does not get a majority, it fails, the next person on the list becomes the presiding member, the chairperson seat remains empty, and the election phase repeats. If this happens three times in a row, the edict at the top of the edict list is issued, but if it would grant a power to the presiding member, it doesn't. The term limits also reset.
- If the vote does get a majority, the chairperson nominee is elected, and if a victory condition has not been met, legislation can begin.
LEGISLATION - The Presiding Member gets told the top three edicts on the list via DM, and chooses two to pass on to the Chairperson. The not chosen one is discarded and will not come up again until the whole pile of edicts has been gone through. The Presiding member may not communicate with anyone until the choice is made.
- The Chairperson is given the two edicts via DM, and choses which one to enact. The one not chosen is discarded and will not come up again for a while (until the whole pile of edicts has been gone through).
- If five rebel edicts have been issued, the Chairperson may request to skip the legislation phase after receiving the edicts, instead of issuing one. If the Presiding Member agrees, it is treated as if the election phase did not elect a chairperson and the legislation phase is skipped. Otherwise, the Chairperson must issue an edict.
- If the edict grants a power to the Presiding Member, the Presiding Member immediately uses that power. Otherwise, proceed to phase three.
DAMAGE CONTROL - Captain Lanthanide will bring up an issue that you need to resolve, usually related to the issued edict. This is a challenge posting phase, like in EZPI and CC. You will be given a task, and you will follow the directions. Then Captain Lanthanide will rate you.
- The top performer will receive "patriot points", which means that they receive an extra "yes" vote if they are nominated for chairperson or if they nominate a chairperson.
Powers the Presiding Member will receive by number of Rebel edicts issued.
- Break-in: The Presiding member finds out one person's loyalty (Rebel or Loyalist). They may do with this information as they wish. The same player cannot be investigated this way twice.
- Second Break-In.
- Appoint Successor: Instead of the Presiding Member passing down the list, it passes to whoever the current presiding member chooses.
- Purge: A player of the Presiding Member's choice is executed and are dead. They are out of the game. If this eliminates the Rebel Leader, the game ends. Otherwise, no information is given on whether a Rebel or a Loyalist was purged.
- Second Purge.
- Rebel Victory.
Remember, Sendri's will is the only way, and have a very happy Loyalty Day.
Signup Form Template as follows.
Description or Image:
Additional Notes:
+ Kennifer as Eridan Ampora, who is dressed for success (at being a vampire)
+ CustardAndPie as Steve (from tankmen), who does not have a think tank supporting him, despite his job title.
+ Risdio51 as Asuka Langley Soryu, who's middle name has nothing to do with the CIA, and even if it did, we'd have to kill you.
+ wingedcatgirl as Billionaire Killer Mark February, who is either a symptom of or a cure to the problem of too many billionaires with enormous amounts of political power.
+ Matthew as George Costanza, who you can't prove doesn't believe that the cards saying "moops" is deliberate!
+ Despair's Archon of Memes as Monaca Towa, who seems to have really run with that official pardon she got.
+ Cassie as Bandu, who... look I can't even make a joke here, he has phones orbiting him.
+ Zanreo as CATS, who all your government structure are belong to.
D&D Homebrew Thread |
Posted by: AyyBee121 - 11-23-2021, 23:39:21 PM - Forum: Media Discussion
- Replies (1)
Exactly what it sounds like: A thread for discussing and sharing homebrew (fanmade) content for Dungeons & Dragons.
The first thing I want to discuss: Would "Conspiracy Theorist" make for a good background, or would it be more of a personality trait, and some other background should be used instead?
Mario D&D 5e Campaign |
Posted by: AyyBee121 - 11-14-2021, 06:22:24 AM - Forum: Signups
- Replies (64)
The Mushroom Kingdom. A massive land of seemingly endless adventure. While few of its citizens have answered the call to explore, a brave few have answered the call. Will you be the next?
This is a campaign for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, loosely based on the Super Mario Bros. franchise created by Nintendo, with a more high fantasy twist, with a few urban fantasy elements.
Races and SuchCredit for the following document to Persephone/kingslime80.
While the stats below are accurtate and the descriptions are mostly accurate, take the artwork used with a grain of salt, as this is a more high fantasy take on the Mario world with urban fantasy elements. Also completely ignore the "Homo Nintendonus" subrace listed under "Human", as it is not canon to this campaign.
Deities- Eldstar: Good. Knowldedge domain. Symbol is a large white mustache.
- Mamar: Good. Life Domain. Symbol is a pink bow.
- Skolar: Good. Knowledge/Tempest domain. Symbol is a pair of round spectacles.
- Muskular: Good. Tempest domain. Symbol is a sailor's hat.
- Misstar: Good. Light domain. Symbol is a yellow ribbon.
- Klevar: Good. Knowledge domain. Symbol is a brown book.
- Kalmar: Good. Light domain. Symbol is a brown handlebar mustache.
- The Dark Star: Evil. War/Death domain. Symbol is a representation of the Dark Star itself.
- The Great Mushroom: No alignment. Nature domain. Symbol is a mushroom with stars for spots.
- The Shadow Queen: Evil. Trickery/War Domain.
Rules- The game will have about 6 slots to start. However, if more players wish to join, I may consider adding more.
- In order to sign up, you must use a Dungeons and Dragons 5e character sheet, which can be found here, under "fifth edition starter sheets". You can either link them on your signing up post, or DM them to me directly. Do not ask me to do your character sheet for you, I do not want to do all the work. I you do not know how to fill out a character sheet, there are plenty of tutorials online.
- Both canon characters and OCs are allowed. However, there are a few exceptions:
- You cannot play as any major, main antagonists (with the exception of Wario and Waluigi). More minor antagonists, however, are allowed.
- You cannot play as any character listed on the deities list, for obvious reasons.
- If you use an OC that is not your own, please credit the original creator.
- Only characters from Super Mario Bros and its spinoffs (Wario, Donkey Kong COuntry, Yoshi, etc.), or OCs based on these series, are allowed. Crossover characters (such as those from Super Smash Bros.) do not count, though I wil allow Mario-ified expies, so long as they are distinct enough from the originals.
- You must roll honestly. Any suspicious rolls, and I will consider banning you from the campaign.
- You may, by default, only use humans and the races listed in the link under "Races And Such" above (Mostly, see the rule below), and only use vanilla classes and backgrounds, which can also use the sub-classes listed under the same link, and if your character uses a deity from the "Deities" folder. If you wish to use homebrew or vanilla elements not listed above, please run it by me first and wait for my approval.
- Related to the above, use of the "Homo Nintendonus" sub-race of human, while it is listed in the document I linked, is strictly prohibited, as all humans in this campaign are regular humans.
- Be courteous and tolerant of other players. Refrain from doing anything that would make them uncomfortable or otherwise negatively affect their experience.
- Slightly related to the above, avoid "murder hobo" behavior.
- MadameButterflyKnife as Con Sensation
- KungFuCutbug as Bombastian
- GoldenCityBird as Goombjorg
- Florien as Devon Ian Cycad
- CustardAndPie as Princess Cherry
Like Tears In Rain: Signup |
Posted by: PointMaid - 11-05-2021, 23:02:31 PM - Forum: Signups
- Replies (23)
Like Tears in Rain
It's an era where travel between different times and different timelines is possible. When? Where? ...Unimportant. There are also sentient AIs working to keep the timeline as it is… and some working for groups who feel the timeline would be better off just a bit different. Or a lot different.
BOB-B is tasked with defending the current timeline. MORI-RT was developed by a group collaborating across other timelines. They're not so happy with the status quo, and they're willing to go to some extreme lengths to put their ideas into practice.
You are all important in some way. How? ...Well, even the two AIs can't see all eventualities. But you've been kidnapped and put into… well, a containment. You have all amenities. It's a pretty nice place. There's even a room with portals back to your own times and dimensions…. You have to be back here at night though. They know where you live. Literally.
A few of you are supporters of the group behind MORI-RT. Not even BOB-B knows which ones. But the supporters will try to erase the others from the timeline, permanently.
THIS GAME WILL BE CUSTOMIZED THE PLAYERS. Yes, you can still change your character and of course you can drop out. This will mean that there will be a longer than usual time after signups in order to complete the customization. The game is expected to start in the middle of December. Please be patient, and understand that this is a slightly higher commitment than usual, but as I said you can still change characters or drop out and be replaced. Co-hosting will be MadameButterflyKnife!
RULESThere will be 12 slots and three scum tasked with erasing the others from the timeline, permanently. The scum will be the only ones allowed through the portals at night. The innocents will have one Bus Driver who will be able to covertly switch two people's portals so that actions done on one person will be instead done on another. The other innocents are Town Backup Bus Drivers (have a chance of becoming the Bus Driver if the Bus Driver is killed) or one Town Cop (Able to investigate whether a player is scum; this is affected by Bus Driving). Inspired by this MafiaScum setup: https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Bus_Service
No godmodding. No being a jerk.
If you're dead, don't post in the thread, and don't reveal what you know to those who are still playing, especially who killed you.
Please make sure all rollable actions are prefaced with a ">" as in "> [character] tries to open the locked safe." Food, drink, and moving to a place you're allowed to be are not rolled actions and do not need to be prefaced that way. Obtaining items is a rollable action.
Voting: to vote on who is a scum, use the format "/vote [character]".
There will be challenges. The best responses to the challenge will win immunity for the night (One response will be chosen as best by each of the two co-hosts. Inventiveness, writing, and amusement factor may be a part of the judging criteria, but 'what is best' is up to the two co-hosts.)
Have fun! (...Suggested, anyway. If you're not having fun, you are welcome to leave at any time.)
Height and Weight (approximate is ok):
General Background (Where are they from? What major events have they been though? Etc.):
1. Amy (Kennifer)
2. T-800 (Matthew)
3. Sakuya Izayoi (Despair's Archon of Memes)
4. Helena (Dookie)
5. Charis Spiros (wingedcatgirl)
6. Dr. Simon Glass (Geek)
7. Missingno (Zanreo)
8. Kaworu Nagisa (Risdio51)
9. Sericle (SomeLibre)
10. Gwyneth Paltrow (EeveeGirlChey)
The Aurora Project - [END] |
Posted by: Cassie - 10-30-2021, 02:00:10 AM - Forum: Murdergames
- Replies (1064)
Birghan Peak Base Map
1. SomeLibre - Heeko Amekawa
2. @ Magolor - The Pianist
1. @TheGeekArtist08 - Dr. Rodney(?) Gerald NECROMANCER Welp, didn't even get to see how disastrous his necromancy would even be.
2. @Oggy123 - Nintendo VOLUNTEER So how does a company survive when their literal embodiment dies, huh?
3. @Kennifer - Holly HACKER ...she's THAT done with all of this!? THAT DONE!?
4. @PointMaid - Ruby Ramirez YETI Most fucked up misassignment ever.
5. @Despair's Archon of Memes - Reisen Udongein Inaba MAD SCIENTIST ...Losing everything be like...this.
6. @Zanreo - KMIY DEFECTOR [sigh] Didn't think enlisting aliens to act as Traitor moles would wind up like this...
7. @Dookie - June CRACKER Ugh, what a real pushover! Next time I get a kid in, they'll put up a fight regardless of the odds!
8. @ KungFuCutbug - Sherry Jeréz VOLUNTEER
10. @Goose - Bow DETECTIVE And then it went downhill after the heart breaks! Damn Traitors...
11. @ wingedcatgirl - Dubhe MAD DOCTOR
12. @ MadameButterflyKnife - Voi MEDIC
1. TalesOfUnder - Nikei Yomiuri (replaced by Sherry Jeréz (KungFuCutbug))
2. door-kun - Hajime Makunochi (replaced by Dubhe (wingedcatgirl))
Location: Birghan Peak
Date: 26th December, 2021
The helicopter you're in lands in a pretty flat area for someplace as high as Birghan Peak. It's been tough to get there in the first place, given that the altitude of the place inevitably has thin atmosphere, and the constant snow that envelops the peak.
Once the engine of the chopper turns off, all twelve of you exit it, rush to the main cabin of the place, and unpack, as a man with cat-ear-like hair tufts and winter clothing shows up to you and introduces himself.
"Hello everyone, and welcome to Birghan Peak! You've all been recruited here to assist in The Aurora Project. I'm Heeko Amekawa, the Project's lead and its external communicator!"
He gives a pat to a cat woman with a humanoid figure.
"This here's the Pianist, my assistant! I've been doing a favor for her, and in return she's been helping me out on the Project!"
"Say, why don't you all get to know each other first?"
Experiment 194 |
Posted by: Dookie - 10-17-2021, 18:48:44 PM - Forum: Murdergames
- Replies (845)
Backstory:Innovision Labs is a scientific company based around technological advancements and biological ways. They use these to develop great machines, find new species of animals, and advertising to you in the scummiest way possible.
But what they found on that fateful day...November 18, 2003. Jay-Z releases The Black Album. Blink-182 releases Blink-182. And a certain scientist from Innovision finds something amazing, yet terrible whilst investigating a crator that crashed in his home town...
Defensive Monsters:
Fursona: On the first night, you may use your puppy eyes to form an alliance with another person. You can talk in Discord PMs until one of you dies. The other player may kill others, but they cannot kill you, and vice versa.
Slime Monster: Twice a game, you may protect yourself from a kill (and "slime" your potential killer) if you feel like you are going to be targeted.
Imposter/Alien: sus. You can convince people that someone, including you, is not the killer. During voting, you may protect somebody, including yourself, from being voted out. You can only do this once.
Kemonomimi: You hear real good with those cute ears! Each night, you may hear someone. You will learn everyone who visits that person.
Monster Clown: It's hard to find a good clown these days, huh? Tragic! [mad chuckling] Twice per game, they may swap themselves with another player at night, which affects all actions targeting you and the swapped player.
Candyman: A man made of candy! Every night, you can share your candy with another person, who can eat the candy any other night and be protected from any killers.
Offensive Monsters:
Reverse Mermaid: The reverse mermaid has a gun, for some reason. It has one bullet. They can choose to fire it at someone during a night phase. In the day, it will become known that they shot it. This shot is mainly to be fired at either a bad player or a sus one, but if you randomly shoot it at a non-bad non-sus person, I won't judge. You cannot be voted out because of your shot.
Invisible Man: Every night, you must visit someone. If that person was supposed to be killed, you protect them. The second time you stumble in front of someone you were supposed to kill, you die in their place.
Gorgon/Medusa: Your stone cold stare could turn anyone away! Every night, you may use it to stop someone from using their role each night.
The Troll: Wake up, you're gonna do a little trolling. You can "troll" another player at night, which can impose impedements in investigation during that night, and the following dayphase.
Shapeshifter: Each night, you may target a living player. You will use the ability of the player you targeted the previous night on them.
Ghost: If you can get yourself lynched during the day, you may leave alive, and execute someone else.
Rules1. This is set in October of 2005. I'm not going to limit any characters, but if you choose a character from the present day, I am not going to explain how they got there...that's on you.
2. No godmodding or stuff like that.
3. For characters who already are one of the monsters. They are allowed,but they'll just turn human instead. They'll have the same powers, though.
4. If you do not have any significant posts (E.G., invstigating, interacting with others, investigating the map) for one in-game day, unless you have a reason, I will warn you. If you continue to turbo-lurk, I will kick you.
5. Don't be a jerk to others OOC.
6. If you're dead, you cannot post in the thread, and don't even think about revealing your killer.
7. PM all night actions to me. Do not post in the thread at night.
8. Votes will be formatted as /Vote [X]. You willl have to "Whisper" them to the scientists. AKA voting will be anonymous. You will send in any vote you have through Discord PMs.
9. Have fun. It's not mandatory, but it's suggested.
CharactersTony - The President of Innovisions Inc. Tries to be nice, but will resort to any way he can to achieve his goals. Was the one behind the Experiment.
Lars - Security guard in his late 20s. Works for the company.
Jessica - Daughter of Tony. Has long pink hair and a tail because of experimenting on her.
Riley - Sibling of a worker at the plant, came here to see the monsters in action.
Markov - Former second hand man to Tony, pissed over getting replaced.
H - Current President. Recluse. Keeps his hat on all the time.
Subject Test Sheet:
1. Jack “J.S.” Smith (PointMaid)
2. Melissa (Kennifer)
3. Spamton G. Spamton (Zanreo)
4. Ashley & Red (Tales)
5. Hallie Matthews (Sylvi)
6. Cirno (MP)
7. Michael Afton (Geek)
8. Banch (Libre)
9. Zen (Lavender)
10. Kirby (Oggy)
11. Enoch Trebber (Weirdguy)
12. Jevil (Door)
You wake up in darkness. Even with your eyes open, you cannot see.
The Aurora Project - Signup Thread |
Posted by: Cassie - 10-16-2021, 00:41:23 AM - Forum: Signups
- Replies (20)
Location: Birghan Peak
Date: 26th December, 2021
The helicopter you're in lands in a pretty flat area for someplace as high as Birghan Peak. It's been tough to get there in the first place, given that the altitude of the place inevitably has thin atmosphere, and the constant snow that envelops the peak.
Once the engine of the chopper turns off, all twelve of you exit it, rush to the main cabin of the place, and unpack, as the Project's lead shows up to you, introduces himself, and tells you all about The Aurora Project, all to make the ultimate telecommunications transmission hub.
But for three of you among the ones who came here...you've been assigned by an unknown party (well, unknown to the others, that is) to enact sabotage upon the Project...
Meet the Hosts!
Heeko Amekawa (Libre): He works for an as-of-now unknown company, who assigned him as the leader the Project. He primarily handles communications from the outside world, though, and as such he's invited twelve of you to help him with the heavy duty of construction and such. Of course, he's had a fair share of folks trying to overthrow, ruin, or overtake his Project, and so to deal with those meddlesome fools, he's enlisted the help of...
The Pianist (@ Magolor): As her name suggests, she's the pianist of a jazz band. Hailing from the Void, she's the more calculating one of the group. Although she's just here to do a few errands, and help out, because the Singer urged her to...with a love for violence, expect her to be one of the few to not care about the death and blood. Which is real helpful when you can't just send away anyone that tries to fuck with your Project!
The Aurora Project is an 8-town, 3-scum, 1-third party mafia game. The town is known as the Survivors, while the scum are known as the Traitors. The town's goal is to eliminate all of the scum, whilst the scum's goal is to equal the non-scum's numbers with theirs. The third party's goal will be described in the Roles folder below.
Every day, there'll be an investigation on figuring out who killed the latest victim. The investigation system will be similar to that of Murder in the Mountains, where there's no RNG, but there'll be reduced evidence that's less likely to lead immediately to any certain targets.
Both town and scum can send private actions to the hosts to further their goals. The sole third-party role cannot send private actions during this phase.
If the player feels like they've got enough evidence, they can send their vote publicly at anyone they think is scum to get them executed. If no majority is reached, the plurality will be executed. If there's a tie, one will be selected at random.
Once the hammered player is executed, the game shifts to the Challenge phase, where players will be given a series of tasks to complete for a chance to gain immunity from being killed by gaining the highest amount of points.
The success of these tasks will be first determined by 1-10 RNG, then once the RNG results are collected, a -5 to +5 point modifier system will affect the collected score, based on what kind of actions were performed to complete the tasks (i.e. between "pepperspray the bears" and "punch the bears" to deter them, the latter is more likely to give a point penalty; between "use an axe" and "use a chainsaw" to chop down trees, the latter is more likely to give a point bonus). Whoever has the highest amount of points will be determined after everyone has performed their tasks, the successes are rolled, and the modifiers have been added.
Night Phase
Night phase hits after the challenges are over. Everyone with a power role must confirm via PMing the hosts (currently me and Magolor) on whether or not they want to do their actions, otherwise it'll be automatically assumed that the player did not perform an action. The scum must also send their kill action at this phase.
Rules1: Godmodding and puppeteering are not allowed.
2: Edits are only allowed if it's to fix formatting mistakes. Double-post to fix any grammar or wording mistakes.
3: IC jerkassery will be tolerated, OOC jerkassery will not. Be cool and respectful with others.
4: Please make sure you'll be able to participate in this game before signing up. And if you need to leave mid-game, tell the hosts so that we can find a replacement.
5: Turbolurking is not allowed. Don't post just for the sake of posting. Give actual substance or meaningful impact to the posts you give.
6: Do not reveal your roles under any circumstances. This also includes claiming that you're not a specific role. The only way roles can be revealed is if you get murdered or executed.
7: No stalling from both sides. The scum are expected to send a kill action every night (or else someone will randomly die, with both scum and town at risk), and the town are expected to vote someone out each day, and are not allowed to no-lim.
8: Whilst jerkassery and the occasional off-color comment is okay, NSFW, inappropriate, or outright disruptive stuff (such as Bill's Brother, or Steambot 3000 self-executing itself without giving the GM any OOC leeway to determine if its allowed or not) are absolutely not okay.
9: All private messages sent must be sent to all of the hosts (currently me and Magolor).
10: Remain in-character in the thread, and have fun!
Volunteer: Has no special abilities.
Necromancer: Twice per game, you can speak to the dead by asking the hosts a question of 20 words or less. The dead player will then respond in 20 words or less, and you will be told their reply.
Detective: Gets 3 chances per game to get clues on the role of anyone they choose to investigate. Each investigative PM upon someone contains 4-5 roles, one of which is the investigated player's correct role.
Medic: Every night, you can choose to protect someone from getting killed.
Defector: Has a 2-time use ability to learn anyone's alignment. The results that'll show up are "Traitor" for Traitors, and "Not A Traitor" for anyone who isn't a Traitor.
Hacker: Once per night, protect a named location in the map from getting attacked by the Cracker. If the Cracker attacks the location in question, the attack fails and any action that involves the location in the challenge phase gets a +1 RNG modifier.
Hunter: Once per game, you may choose to kill someone. If they're a Traitor, they die, If they're not a Traitor, you die.
Mad Doctor: Can block someone's role 3 times per game.
Mad Scientist: Can perform a single ninjakill once per game, that will leave the kill result exactly as the Traitor intends in their kill PM, without leaving any other possible evidence.
Cracker: They have 3 times to perform an action per game, which is one of the two following actions: - Sabotage a named location in the map, which inflicts a -1 RNG modifier on any actions that involve the location during the challenge phase.
- Muffle any clues the Detective could get by swapping one of the possible roles with another.
Yeti: If you get voted out, you can vote someone else to be executed in your stead, whilst you'll leave the game instead. The Yeti is not allowed to send private actions during the day.
Signup TemplateName:
Height, Weight and Size:
Cast list:
1. TheGeekArtist08 - Dr. Rodney(?) Gerald ...well, if the smooth helicopter ride to here is any proof...
2. Oggy123 - Nintendo Winter Direct, much?
3. Kennifer - Holly Done with your shit, and apparently, done with the cold.
4. PointMaid - Ruby Ramirez Did you heard the news of a group's disbandment and another oven bomb?
5. Despair's Archon of Memes - Reisen Udongein Inaba Time Cop's on a non-temporal assignment? Intriguing...
6. Zanreo - KMIY Sorry folks, no arson allowed here.
7. Dookie - June Got stuck in the past once? Wonder if the Time Cop here had any involvement in the matter...
8. KungFuCutBug - Sherry Jeréz You've got NO reason to steal people's pockets here!
9. awe921 - Russell Seager Eh, you look more "cold-hearted" than "heartless" to me.
10. Goose - Bow Charming!
11. wingedcatgirl - Dubhe Unfortunately, timelines are out of my expertise.
12. MadameButterflyKnife - Voi A fine taste of jobs too!
On-deck replacements:
Caliburn's Inclement Emerald Nuzlocke |
Posted by: Caliburn - 10-08-2021, 01:17:50 AM - Forum: Alive Blogs
- Replies (1)
Hey, y'all wanna see some dead bodies?
![[Image: YV2zc1O.png]](https://imgur.com/YV2zc1O.png)
This right here is Pokemon Inclement Emerald, a newer hack that takes the classic Pokemon Emerald experience and spruces it up with a bunch of new content! That means new places to explore, new ways to encounter Pokemon, tougher battles along the journey, and (as of the latest update, version 1.7.1) 809 Pokemon to catch and train! I've been playing around with it a bit, and it's a blast, so I decided to share it with y'all.
There is a catch, however.
I'm going to be nuzlocking this game. That means two big things, and I think anyone who's heard the word "nuzlocke" knows what the first one is.
- When my Pokemon faint, they're dead, and I can never use them in battle again.
- I can only catch the first Pokemon I encounter in a given area. If I fail to catch it, I've lost my encounter for the area. Additionally, if I've already caught a particular Pokemon, I can't catch any other instances of that Pokemon.
These two rules form the basis of a nuzlocke challenge, but I'll be implementing some other rules to make things even harder on myself. You'll see what I mean when I get to that.
With all that out of the way, we have a lot of struggle and heartbreak to get to, so I'll just cut to the chase.
Chapter 1: First Steps![[Image: 2THEqOI.png]](https://imgur.com/2THEqOI.png)
The game starts with the typical "welcome to the world of Pokemon" spiel from Professor Birch. Nothing much to note from the outset.
![[Image: woQRVPP.png]](https://imgur.com/woQRVPP.png)
Damb, not even gonna phrase it as a matter of pronouns or style. I thought you were better than this, Birch.
![[Image: YpPgzCA.png]](https://imgur.com/YpPgzCA.png)
I can't fit Caliburn within the seven-character limit here, so I'll be making do with the name Callie.
![[Image: 0y5aTaW.png]](https://imgur.com/0y5aTaW.png)
They added in this little section to give a basic summary of Inclement Emerald, which I already provided y'all with. I'll be skipping over that part.
![[Image: FxgpdBh.png]](https://imgur.com/FxgpdBh.png)
Aha, here we go! This is where the other rules of my challenge come into play! I'm going to be playing on Challenge Mode, the hardest difficulty available to me! This means a few things:
- I can't use items in battle. That means no healing and no stat-boosting.
- Battle style is locked to Set Mode. That means that, when I take out an opposing trainer's Pokemon, I won't get a free switch to another of my own mons.
- Enemy trainers will have stronger teams. Pretty self-explanatory.
![[Image: RBMb6md.png]](https://imgur.com/RBMb6md.png)
Call me sadistic, but yeah, I'd say that sounds appealing to me. Now, let the adventure begin!
![[Image: VmIML3d.png]](https://imgur.com/VmIML3d.png)
...Hey so I know everyone and their mom has joked about this but why am I in the back of a moving van
![[Image: akl0az2.png]](https://imgur.com/akl0az2.png) ![[Image: cowq1kr.png]](https://imgur.com/cowq1kr.png)
No seriously mom why did I have to ride with all the boxes and junk, what's up with that
![[Image: WLGm0Ea.png]](https://imgur.com/WLGm0Ea.png)
Oh cool we have giant sloths unpacking our shit
![[Image: BdvP1kD.png]](https://imgur.com/BdvP1kD.png) ![[Image: 3PpRKI8.png]](https://imgur.com/3PpRKI8.png)
I go upstairs to set the clock, and when I come back down, dad's on TV! But I miss it, alas. You know, I just noticed that there's this ten-second music loop that plays during this scene that doesn't seem to come up anywhere else in the game. What's up with that?
![[Image: AaiMV57.png]](https://imgur.com/AaiMV57.png)
Now I gotta visit my next-door neighbor, Brendan.
![[Image: vKXcWRB.png]](https://imgur.com/vKXcWRB.png)
Honestly, dude, I dunno what I am. All I can tell you is that I'm not a guy.
![[Image: g3jIomU.png]](https://imgur.com/g3jIomU.png) ![[Image: tKk0nyE.png]](https://imgur.com/tKk0nyE.png)
Depending on how I answer this question, the starters I can pick from will change. You'll see what region I went with in a sec, don't worry.
![[Image: F2oZfJj.png]](https://imgur.com/F2oZfJj.png)
After all that, I can finally save this grown-ass man from a small raccoon and claim my first Pokemon in the process! And that Pokemon shall be...
![[Image: WjRSone.png]](https://imgur.com/WjRSone.png)
...the worst one I could've possibly picked!
Actually, not quite. While Chikorita's notorious as being the worst starter Pokemon, Inclement Emerald has given most Pokemon some minor buffs that make even the worst ones worth using! As such, Chikorita's got some tricks up its sleeve that I'd like to try out.
![[Image: ZlNyTPL.png]](https://imgur.com/ZlNyTPL.png)
The fight with the Zigzagoon was so short that it wasn't worth screenshotting.
![[Image: v5Szqlo.png]](https://imgur.com/v5Szqlo.png)
Aplomb. I love that word. Wish the remakes kept it in, but unfortunately, they retranslated some of the dialogue, and we lost aplomb in the process. For shame.
![[Image: NcgMncS.png]](https://imgur.com/NcgMncS.png) ![[Image: l4Uy3kk.png]](https://imgur.com/l4Uy3kk.png) ![[Image: ldIz7da.png]](https://imgur.com/ldIz7da.png)
Unfortunately, my game crashed and I had to completely redo that opening portion, but whatever! I'm just as fine off with Narcissus as I was with my original Chikorita. The nature could use some work, though. (A red stat means it's boosted, while a blue stat means it's weaker; Chikorita is a bulky special attacker, so this is really lackluster.)
![[Image: YC2KLLq.png]](https://imgur.com/YC2KLLq.png)
I make my way up to Oldale Town, and here we see a pretty interesting change: Poke Marts now hold equippable items for battle, rather than Poke Balls and healing items. Those are instead sold within Pokemon Centers. Speaking of which...
![[Image: DarByW2.png]](https://imgur.com/DarByW2.png)
Another cool addition this game has is the Poke Vial! It's like a one-use Pokemon Center that you can use whenever you want!
![[Image: WoEXO9N.png]](https://imgur.com/WoEXO9N.png)
Narcissus got a level-up on my way to meet (and fight) Brendan on Route 103. Didn't realize Chikorita got Poison Powder this early. That's gonna be fun to play around with.
![[Image: fRcS2vZ.png]](https://imgur.com/fRcS2vZ.png) ![[Image: 3oie7gS.png]](https://imgur.com/3oie7gS.png)
Brendan still only uses one of the Hoenn starters, regardless of what region you picked your starter from. Time to stall his Torchic out and hope it doesn't know Ember yet!
![[Image: JvW6Zrq.png]](https://imgur.com/JvW6Zrq.png)
Well, that wasn't too bad. Now it's back to the lab again so I can grab some Poke Balls and really get this nuzlocke started!
![[Image: szLyH8C.png]](https://imgur.com/szLyH8C.png)
Oh okay thanks Brendan that's actually really kickass
![[Image: 5NxwfEV.png]](https://imgur.com/5NxwfEV.png)
Since this hack lets you run from the get-go, mom gives you the Old Rod instead of the Running Shoes. This'll be very useful for when I want to catch a Magikarp (unironically).
![[Image: IANH3PW.png]](https://imgur.com/IANH3PW.png)
My first encounter on the first route is... a Zigzagoon. Dammit, I could've gotten a Zorua...
![[Image: aARrBNJ.png]](https://imgur.com/aARrBNJ.png) ![[Image: 5N9HlTP.png]](https://imgur.com/5N9HlTP.png) ![[Image: nwPUQq0.png]](https://imgur.com/nwPUQq0.png)
Well, at least he's got Pickup! Now I can farm items to my heart's content, just as long as I don't get Ratatosk killed while doing so.
![[Image: E4zcdgl.png]](https://imgur.com/E4zcdgl.png) ![[Image: WfjF79R.png]](https://imgur.com/WfjF79R.png) ![[Image: tBaCneP.png]](https://imgur.com/tBaCneP.png)
My encounter for Route 103 is a Shinx! Bit of a shame that he came with Rivalry rather than Intimidate (Intimidate lets me start off a battle with an Attack debuff on the opponent, whereas Rivalry... doesn't), but still, I appreciate whatever early-game Electric-types I can come across.
My encounter for Route 102 is a
![[Image: DFblpdd.png]](https://imgur.com/DFblpdd.png)
son of a BITCH
![[Image: Zf5Z1VB.png]](https://imgur.com/Zf5Z1VB.png) ![[Image: RJfofvJ.png]](https://imgur.com/RJfofvJ.png) ![[Image: 8mU0EY5.png]](https://imgur.com/8mU0EY5.png)
...Actually, with that nature and that ability, I can't be mad forever. I mean, sure, I would've preferred a Ralts or a Lotad, but Bidoof can be fun to use too.
Also, I haven't said this outright yet, but I have a mythology-based naming scheme going on with my Pokemon. Narcissus is an obvious one, but Ratatosk is the messenger squirrel who traversed Yggdrasil in Norse mythology, and Indra is a Vedic deity of storms. As for Doober?
He's Doober.
With that, I think I'll call it a wrap for this installment of my journey through Hoenn. It wasn't terribly eventful, but it was a start. Maybe there'll be some bloodshed in the next chapter! I mean, I hope not, but who knows?
Side note, sorry the images are so big. I'll shrink mGBA's window a bit next time I take screenshots for this liveblog.