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Life's a Beach 2 Sign-ups
Hi, everyone! This is George Washington Columbo, the very same man who managed Sweet Louie Johnson to the world heavyweight championship and became one of the most hyped and watched pay-per-view boxing matches of all time! All boxers wanna work for me, but I only represent the very best. If you can't draw the money, you're not worth my time baby! And I believe in only the best things money can buy. Which is why 14 lucky people have won my contest for an all-expenses paid vacation at my island resort in Sopal Isles. All the best money can buy while you enjoy the nice tropical atmosphere. Luxurious huts you can rest in. And make your way around the island, you can enjoy all the surfing and water-skiing you want. Have a nice meal at the bar-and-restaurant. Get some rays while you relax by the pool and even have all your worries massaged away at the spa. Everything here is top-notch. You can't ask for anything better. You're all too poor to enjoy it otherwise, so enjoy this nice vacation on me!

Much time has passed since the events between Shoehorn and Victoria. The old hotel is long demolished and in its place is the island resort, founded by famed boxing manage and upcoming real estate tycoon George Washington Columbo, a man obsessed with the excessive lifestyle money can bring. 14 lucky people have won a vacation to the resort, hoping for a little bit of rest and relaxation. But they're all about to walk into a vacation which will be anything but.

The island is inhabited by Dawn, the new leader of the Sharks after Shoehorn ended up leaving. She wants the island to preserve what Shoehorn tried to accomplish. And as such, has her three people wanting to kill GWC and anyone on the island to scare them off for good. And on top of this, two other people are here, too. Who both hate GWC's guts (naturally, considering his greedy, condescending personality) so much, they want him dead. And their own goals is to kill him and leave no witnesses.

And now once again’ it's survival on the island as the vacationers have to deal with two groups trying to kill each other as well as the innocent vacationers. Between the battle of threes, who will thrive? Will the vacationers make it out alive? Will GWC's enemies do away with the nasty billionaire? Will Dawn and her people get them all off the island?

This is…. Life's a Beach 2.

With your hosts

    George Washington Columbo (Matthew)
    Dawn (Dookie)

In Life's a Beach 2, town has to deal with two scum teams who get to kill every night. The goal for the town is to vote off both scum teams, while for each scum team, the goal is to kill off the town as well as the opposite scum team. Town wins if they vote off both scum teams. A scum team will win if they manage to kill off both town and the opposite scum team, or the numbers of town and a surviving scum happen to be equal. If the survivors happen to be equal scum teams, a tie-breaker will happen which will determine who will win via RNG. Whoever scores the highest will win.

GWC enemies:

Detective - Knows the role of anybody they investigate. Can only be used two times.

Flavorless: Once per game, you may target a player and use your Vanilla-Inator on another player. That person will lose their abilities and become...VANILLA!


Seer - May block one person from using their role every night. This only counts for the night.

Ninja - Can disguise during a kill once per game, leaving no evidence.

Camo - If detected by Hacker, comes up as “Vacationers?”


Driver - May switch any two people during the night. Any action aimed at one of the switched people will hit the other instead.

Doctor - May protect one person from death every night.

Stoner - (Get it? Cause they basically turn to stone?) - Can call Stump anytime during the game. Once they do this, they cannot die, but they also cannot vote.

Friends: Can talk with one another through a Discord Group, and know the other isn't mafia.

Fortune Teller - May learn the alignment of any person. Can only be used three times.

Grubhub Delivery Guy - Can deliver a burger to someone every night. That person may eat that burger once at the start of any night, protecting them from kills.

Vacationers - You've just came here to enjoy the nice vacation. You're not here to shed any blood but you don't have any special powers either.

[*]1. No god-modding allowed. Your character is the only character you can control. No one else can change other characters or settings without the permission of the hosts and/or players (if it involves one of the players).

[*]2. No turbo-lurking allowed. It is expected that anyone who signs up to play this game to participate regularly as much as they can and not give out any meaningless posts just to skirt by. If two game days pass by without any significant posts from a player, their character will be killed off. If you can no longer participate, let the hosts know and a replacement will be sought.

[*]3. (For the scum) If you become a scum, it is expected that you kill someone everyday as it is your role in-game. One person has to be killed every night, so don't stall. Failure to kill someone when the night phase is up will result in one random player being killed off. It could be a town or a scum, so get killing. It will be in the best interest of everyone.

[*]4. While jerkassery is all right IC, it is stated however that you don't be a jerk to your players OOC. Be respectful and cool with your players.

[*]5. And while jerkassery and the occasional off-color comment is acceptable, no NSFW, inappropriate or otherwise disruptive actions (i.e. Bill's Brother or Elizabeth Afton) will be tolerated in-game.

[*]6. Remain in-character in thread.

[*]7. If you're dead, you can no longer post in the thread. You are still however free to spectate. However, do not give away the killers or any clues outside the thread. Otherwise, you will be permanently banned from the game.

[*]8. For anyone sending messages to the hosts, please send the messages to ALL TWO HOSTS (i.e. Me and Dookie), so we can all be in the loop and we can log all the actions within our private server as soon as possible.

[*]9. And above all else, have fun with your characters and the game.

Height and Weight:


2. Sephiroth (Risdio51)
3. Mario.EXE (door-kun)
4. Julia (Kennifer)
5. Desenari Chillvein (Florien)
6. Eri (wingedcatgirl)
7. Henry Stickmin (Despair's Archon of Memes)
8. Bandana Waddle Dee (Oggy123)
9. Ernesto Pucci (MadameButterflyKnife)
10. Lucky O'Chopper (PopcornPie)
11. Addison/"Steve" (the Image Hijacker) (Goose)
12. Squid Girl (Zanreo)
13. Gutierrezia "Snakeweed" Took (PointMaid)
14. Eren Lidestre (Cassie)
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Name: Yuffie Kisaragi
Age: 16
Height and Weight: 5'2, 116 lbs.
Personality: LOUD! Can and WILL make fun of you if she ever gets the chance, but also has a bad habit of cracking under pressure.
Abilities: Incredibly agile, that giant shuriken is PROBABLY pretty heavy, but she handles it like a champ! Great pickpocket too. Probably too great.
Other: Talks in green, baby!

[Image: Yuffie_Kisaragi.png]
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Name: Sephiroth

Age: 27ish

Height and Weight: 6'1", 150ish pounds 

Personality: Cold, conniving, clearly hiding some form of insanity and sadistic.

Abilities: God-like strength, a katana that's surely compensating for nothing, and all sorts of various fun magic.

Other: Probably speaking Japanese but will sound like he's speaking English. Also, speaks in a white glow, as such.

[Image: latest?cb=20191227003555]
Name: Mario.EXE
Image: [Image: Marioexe.png]
Age: Unknown
Height and Weight: 5'6, 198 lb.
Personality: Mario.EXE is a demon possessing Mario who believes himself to be the greatest thing in existence, and the personification of true evil and the devil in demonic form. He overhypes himself far too much and has an incredibly big ego that's also easy to poke holes through.
Abilities: Teleportation, the ability to manifest dark energy and weaponize it, and flying.
Other: He speaks in PURE EVIL TEXT .
That one guy who RPd Hifumi Yamada for some ungodly reason.
Name: Julia
Image: See below
Age: Mid-twenties, let's say 24?
Height and Weight: 5'4", maybe around 120 pounds? Has a swimmer's figure.
Personality: A bit guarded at first, friendly once you get to know her. Very studious and ambitious; she hopes one day to discover a new species and become famous for it. And she always wears a flower in her hair.
Abilities: She's a graduate student working towards a PhD in Marine Biology, so she has knowledge of general biology as well as knowledge of various sea life. She is especially interested in cephalopods as a focus of study. In addition to this she's pretty good at cooking, especially traditional Hawaiian foods (she is partly of Polynesian descent and was raised in Hawaii).
Other: She came on this trip to hopefully study the marine life around the island, probably. She'll speak in this color.

[Image: download20210501143924.png]
Stupid doomed timeline...
Name: Desenari Chillvein
[Image: Desi_Chillvein_Pfp.PNG]
Age: 27
Height: 5'4'', weighs about 140 pounds.
Personality: A mildly aggressive, inquisitive socialist trying very hard to get out of her grandmother's shadow, all too happy to try things, whether or not other people are interested or even think those things are a good idea.
Abilities: Some basic spellcasting, mostly fire based, though she knows how to create and suppress flashes of light and sounds.
Gender: Female, She/Her.
Other: Speaks in this color, in smallcaps. (It's 669955 specifically) It's unclear how she got here or why she's here, but she doesn't seem interested in talking too much about it.
I am the They who says it!
[Image: 1388268_jn11uuxA.png]
Eri, before the accident.

Name: Eri
Gender/pronouns: Gender hoarder, any pronouns
Age: 23
Height and Weight: 5'11", startlingly heavy due to cyborg parts
Personality: Eri is very much into science and development, which is why they used to be a Crow sympathizer, back when the whole "Sharks versus Crows" thing was a thing. But they aren't super into violence, which is why they tried to serve as a moderating influence. They didn't do a very good job of keeping things from spiraling into death last time around.
Abilities: Enhanced cat-ear hearing. Also their cybernetic parts have technology power, though they obviously also come with technology weaknesses.
Other: Left eye, right arm, and both legs are cybernetic. Beep boop bitches.
Name: Henry Stickmin
Gender: He/Him
Height/Weight: 6 ft and 110 lbs
Personality: Their personality can vary... quite wildly from path to path... but a rough approximation is an opportunist willing to do less than savory things for their goals... but at the same time, not quite soulless enough... With all of these paths... It's actually quite ambiguous how he got his wealth...
Abilities: Cyborg powers, including a spirit form, blade arm, and gun arm, cunning intelligence and many gadgets, as well as a scooter with a rocket booster, and acrobatics.
Other: Speaks in this font., Post-Multiverse Correction Ending (I.E. EVERY PATH IS CANON.)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Name: Bandana Waddle Dee

Image: [Image: 114-1142210_ksa-bandana-waddle-dee-hd-png-download.png]

Age: Unknown. Likely a young adult.

Height and Weight: Possibly around 40 cm high.

Personality: He's quite cheerful, loyal, and determined. However, he is somewhat shy and wimpish. He wishes to become stronger and more mature.

Abilities: Is quite skilled in attacking with his spear. He can also run fast and is quite agile.

Other: Speaks in this color. He comes here on a journey to search for his best friends, Kirby and Ribbon.
[Image: Ramsey_1.png]

Name: Ramsey Murdoch
Image: See above.
Age: 34, I think? It's not confirmed, but we could safely assume he's around that age.
Height and Weight: Around average height and weight for a guy in his 30s. A bit in the scrawny side though.
Personality: While he's sly and conniving on the job - What else do you expect from a conman after all? - he's actually pretty laid-back off the job.  . .and cowardly. Like a rat.
Abilities: His Epithet, Goldbricker, allows him to change himself and other things into gold. He's also a skilled artist, taking art commissions in the sidelines.
Other: "I don't need money, kid. I literally just made this worth my time."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Name: William Shamspeare
Age: 31 
Height and Weight: What we academically call a “lanky bitch”. Not quite to the degree of a Tumblr sexyman, but getting there. As for weight, he's about average for a 30-year old man.
Personality: On the surface, he's a decent guy, if rather eccentric, frequently making reference to Shakespeare and acting in an over-the-top manner. But under this facade lies a cold and ruthless criminal, ready at a moment's notice to kill if it means he benefits in some way.
Abilities: He's just a regular human, so there isn't much in the way of powers. He is pretty good at acting, but that's about it.
Other: Speaketh in yon pink text.
For my next trick, how about I kick your ass?
Name: Addison/"Steve" (the Image Hijacker)
[Image: unknown.png] Age: Ageless; assumes the form of Blue's Clues!Steve, who appears to be in is mid-to-late 20s
Height and Weight: Average for a supposed guy in his 20s.
Personality: "Steve" is an enigma of an advertising program, to say the least. A dedicated follower of the one and only Spamton G. Spamton, "Steve" is obsessed with spamming, corporate shilling, NFTs, and... Blue's Clues. Expect their dialogue to be peppered with non-sequiturs and and haphazard references to Blue's Clues.
Abilities: Steve is a living adware program and a self-proclaimed "Master Advertister". They can shapeshift between their Blue Clue's!Steve form and their true Addison body at any time.
Other: Can you paint with <#4CEA5E>?
Name: Squid Girl (yes, that's her name)
Image: [Image: s-l640.jpg]
Age: Unknown, looks 13-14-ish
Height and Weight: About...135-140 cm/4'5-4'7? Either way, smol. Weight can vary since she can change her weight to be really light or heavy (with no visual change) but default weight is about average for a young teen that height
Personality: A squid (squid-person?) who came to land to get revenge on humans for polluting the ocean. She can be overly confident and underestimate others, though she learns new skills quickly.
Abilities: Catching and holding things (and others) with her long, stretchy tentacles, squirting squid ink from her mouth, glowing in the dark, changing her weight to fly or lift heavier things. As a sea creature, she can also breathe underwater.
Other: Speaks in blue.
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
Name: Gutierrezia "Snakeweed" Took
Image: [Image: attachment.php?aid=238]
Age: 42
Height and Weight: 3'6"; About 80 pounds; Well-proportioned and athletic for a female Hobbit
Personality: Opportunistic, even mercenary, but does care deeply about her people and the Shire.
Abilities: Good at going unseen and unheard. Can put back a great deal of food if she feels like it. Excellent leadership ability.
Other: It's a fairly open secret in the Shire that she is a high ranking made woman in the Shire mafia... the Shire mafia mostly smuggles good Pipeweed. She personally is big on pipeweed cookies. Speaks in green.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Name: Eren Lidestre (uses "Libre" as an online alias)
Image: see below
Age: 16 years old the last time he died in a killing game
Height and Weight: Around 5'6", and weighs 163,1 pounds
Personality: since his talent is the Ultimate Dumbass, it'd be evident that he's not the brightest of the bunch. He's quite often quite happy-go-lucky, but that doesn't mean he can hold more negative feelings. He also has a hard time holding a grudge (actually like, unusually hard at it), though noticably, he's quick to call kinning stupid.
Abilities: ...he's got a phone, and nothing else but his comedic wits.
Other: ...he's been through death and resurrection/reincarnation many times. First when he met his end by an arcade cabinet, and another when he got killed in a bank, clonked in the head. He's on his third life, following the second killing game's end. Also speaks in pink

[Image: ttslibreavatarNEWeh.png]
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed

Geek dropped out, one spot open!
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Name: Ernesto Pucci
Image:[Image: spooooh.png]
Age: 22
Height and Weight: 5'10, 170 lb. Relatively athletic and fit.
Personality: Ernesto's obsessed with astrology and other sort of metaphysical stuff. To him, there's fate and destiny inscribed within the natural world, and he's meant to discern just what that fate is through astrology, crystals, incense, etc. He;s always searching for the right path to take in life, and he's constantly rationalizing everything that he does or what is done to him as just another step forward in the cycle of life.
Abilities: He's pretty charismatic, being able to help others in their time of need and make himself appear as a pillar for others to rely on. He also knows what a "Virgo Rising" means.
Other: Speaks in indigo.

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Tales has dropped out. One spot is open.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Name: Lucky O'Chopper
Image: [Image: luckypose_0000.jpg]
Age: 4 in rabbit years, making him approximately 44 in human years.
Height and Weight: 1'2''
Personality: Due to the loss of his paws to humans, Lucky is constantly in a state of blistering rage. His heart is sealed up with stone and he's adamant against making friends or even really showing kindness or happiness. He's quick on the draw and usually has some kind of weapon on his person, preferably shooting weapons. The thought of killing someone is one of very few things to make him smile, especially people who carry rabbits' feet.
Abilities: Lucky has heightened senses of hearing and smell due to being a rabbit. The only talent he wasn't born with is his sharphooting, which is so accurate that he could get a chicken from about six yards away, and constantly practices to hit targets even farther.
Other: Hates being called "bunny". Speaks in red.

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