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[Signup - OPEN] Party to Treason Signups [Full] - Printable Version

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Party to Treason Signups [Full] - Florien - 12-07-2021


The propaganda posters along the streets of the Alliance-Run Colony of Allfield, (A town largely dedicated to producing canned goods, despite the agriculture-themed name), have a nice, stereotypical, Earth-cold-war dystopia feel, with the clean lines and the red, off-white, blue, and grey color scheme and an image of the great leader, Sendri Pilotslicense. The aesthetic is only amplified by the perpetually overcast sky and buildings made primarily of concrete and bricks. The small town of twelve thousand citizens has never much dared to speak against the "candidates for election." Indeed, the candidates are pre-approved by Alliance Officials, and the media is always pro-incumbent. That combined with an intense voter apathy has rendered all the seats completely safe.

You are the holders of those ten safe seats on the Allfield administrative board, mostly imported from abroad to serve as "model foreigners who willingly immigrated to join our great and welcoming nation and came into power through their newfound patriotism"

Most of you are loyalists. Maybe you bought fully into the Alliance as a force for good, and thus are unshakeable in your faith. Maybe you haven't bought fully into the Alliance line, but at least realize it is not prudent to criticize it too much. Or perhaps you have your eyes (or whatever you use to perceive) turned upwards to yet higher positions within the Alliance's governmental structure, and think that apparent loyalty will be good enough to get you there.

However, recently, a problem arose when rumors of dissent among the members of the board reached the regional political officer, Captain Lanthanide. Lanthanide video-called in, issued some threats, reprimanded you all for lack of loyalty, and demanded that the traitors be stopped, or everyone gets shot.

Shockingly, for the first time, the rumors are true, and not just a convenient excuse to replace you with someone cheaper. Four of you actually ARE Rebels. "Traitors to the nation an' Sendri in particular!" Lanthanide said. Thankfully for you, Lanthanide has no intention of actually doing her job at the moment, so you're unlikely to all get purged come the next "Loyalty Day" for "Improper Association with Traitors". But unless the loyalists among you do something to prevent it, worse problems than "imminent imprisonment and likely death" may arise should the rebels come to power.

Basic Rules:

1. Standard Murdergame Rules Apply.

2. Don't enter a character you're not okay with being a rebel, being a loyalist, or dying. Any of these things can and will happen.

3. If you're going to drop out, tell me, don't sit around waiting for someone to complain about your turbolurking before making a decision.

4. No communication outside of the thread. There will be no scum chat, nor will there be PMs between players.

Game Rules: (Based very closely on Secret Hitler)
1. At the start of the game, you will receive a DM telling you which role you have. The options are Loyalist, Rebel, and Rebel Leader. There will be six loyalists, three rebels, and one rebel leader.

2. There are 11 Rebel Edicts and 6 Loyalist Edicts in random order on the edict list. (Think of it like a deck of cards.)

3. The goal of the Loyalists is to either issue five Loyalist Edicts or get the Rebel Leader killed. The goal of the Rebels is to either issue six of their own edicts or get the Rebel Leader elected chairperson after three pro-rebel edicts have been issued.

4. The Rebels know who the leader is, the Leader does not know who the rebels are.

5. The Gameplay takes place in phases. The phases go as follows.

  • The Presiding Member will nominate a Chairperson. They may discuss their nominee beforehand with the other players. (Someone who was chairperson one round cannot run again until someone else has been chairperson. The same is true for the presiding member.)
  • Everyone discusses, and votes on whether or not the chosen candidate will be chairperson. (The chairperson nominee and presiding member get to vote too.)
  • If the vote does not get a majority, it fails, the next person on the list becomes the presiding member, the chairperson seat remains empty, and the election phase repeats. If this happens three times in a row, the edict at the top of the edict list is issued, but if it would grant a power to the presiding member, it doesn't. The term limits also reset.
  • If the vote does get a majority, the chairperson nominee is elected, and if a victory condition has not been met, legislation can begin.
  • The Presiding Member gets told the top three edicts on the list via DM, and chooses two to pass on to the Chairperson. The not chosen one is discarded and will not come up again until the whole pile of edicts has been gone through. The Presiding member may not communicate with anyone until the choice is made.
  • The Chairperson is given the two edicts via DM, and choses which one to enact. The one not chosen is discarded and will not come up again for a while (until the whole pile of edicts has been gone through).
  • If five rebel edicts have been issued, the Chairperson may request to skip the legislation phase after receiving the edicts, instead of issuing one. If the Presiding Member agrees, it is treated as if the election phase did not elect a chairperson and the legislation phase is skipped. Otherwise, the Chairperson must issue an edict.
  • If the edict grants a power to the Presiding Member, the Presiding Member immediately uses that power. Otherwise, proceed to phase three.
  • Captain Lanthanide will bring up an issue that you need to resolve, usually related to the issued edict. This is a challenge posting phase, like in EZPI and CC. You will be given a task, and you will follow the directions. Then Captain Lanthanide will rate you. 
  • The top performer will receive "patriot points", which means that they receive an extra "yes" vote if they are nominated for chairperson or if they nominate a chairperson.
Powers the Presiding Member will receive by number of Rebel edicts issued.

  1. Break-in: The Presiding member finds out one person's loyalty (Rebel or Loyalist). They may do with this information as they wish. The same player cannot be investigated this way twice.
  2. Second Break-In.
  3. Appoint Successor: Instead of the Presiding Member passing down the list, it passes to whoever the current presiding member chooses.
  4. Purge: A player of the Presiding Member's choice is executed and are dead. They are out of the game. If this eliminates the Rebel Leader, the game ends. Otherwise, no information is given on whether a Rebel or a Loyalist was purged.
  5. Second Purge.
  6. Rebel Victory.

Remember, Sendri's will is the only way, and have a very happy Loyalty Day.

Signup Form Template as follows.

Description or Image:
Additional Notes:

+ Kennifer as Eridan Ampora, who is dressed for success (at being a vampire)
+ CustardAndPie as Steve (from tankmen), who does not have a think tank supporting him, despite his job title.
+ Risdio51 as Asuka Langley Soryu, who's middle name has nothing to do with the CIA, and even if it did, we'd have to kill you.
+ wingedcatgirl as Billionaire Killer Mark February, who is either a symptom of or a cure to the problem of too many billionaires with enormous amounts of political power.
+ Matthew as George Costanza, who you can't prove doesn't believe that the cards saying "moops" is deliberate!
+ Despair's Archon of Memes as Monaca Towa, who seems to have really run with that official pardon she got.
+ Cassie as Bandu, who... look I can't even make a joke here, he has phones orbiting him.
+ Zanreo as CATS, who all your government structure are belong to.

RE: Party to Treason Signups - Kennifer - 12-07-2021

Name: Eridan Ampora
Description or Image: (See below). A seadwelling Alternian troll with gray skin, zigzag-shaped horns, and gills. He has black hair with a patch of purple in the front and dresses in a more fancy manner than other trolls.
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Age: 6 Alternian solar sweeps (about 13 Earth years)
Species: Alternian troll
Additional Notes: Yeah I'm finally going to try to play this douchebag, lol. He speaks in this color an wwith a wweird wwavvy soundin accent (which will hopefully be readable lol)

[Image: 229-2296297_fun-fact-eridan-s-eridan-ampora.png]

RE: Party to Treason Signups - Huney - 12-07-2021

Name: Magane Chikujoin
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her.
Age: I'm just gonna say she's 19 cuz she's never actually given a canonical age ok
Species: Human
Additional Notes: She has special powers that lets her change reality if you call her out on a bluff but obviously since that's INCREDIBLY busted I'm just gonna  pretend she doesn't have that here. She's also PURPLE, you dumb bitch!!!!

[Image: 1571807877874.png]

RE: Party to Treason Signups - Risdio51 - 12-07-2021

Name: I'm Asuka! Asuka Langley Soryu! Charmed, huh?

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Age: 14 

Species: Human

Additional Notes: This is very much the original series version of her, also, red!

[Image: latest?cb=20180306224921]

RE: Party to Treason Signups - Dookie - 12-07-2021

[Image: 81fc4879e8fcf159f54d18e9d9726de8.png?size=160]Name: Mickey Mouse
Description or Image:
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 93
Species: Mouse
Additional Notes: Didney Worl

RE: Party to Treason Signups - Mr. Lee Hammer - 12-08-2021

[Image: 174-1747849_seinfeld-george-costanza.png]

Name: George Costanza

Gender/Pronouns: Male/He

Age: 30s

Species: Human

Additional Notes: The lazy, petty, inconsiderate, selfish, lying SOB who speaks in this color!

RE: Party to Treason Signups - PointMaid - 12-08-2021

Name: Pinky and Brain
Description or Image: [Image: attachment.php?aid=147]
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him (for both)
Age: Unknown
Species: Mouse
Additional Notes: Abilities include planning, scientific knowledge, overwhelming sense of needing to prove himself (Brain), Fumbling his way into a good thing without even meaning to (Pinky). Lab mice intent on taking over the world. From Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain. Speaks like this (Brain),Speaks like this (Pinky)

RE: Party to Treason Signups - Despair's Archon of Memes - 12-08-2021

Name: Monaca Towa
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Description/Image: [Image: b6fdd7f7a1e9b8b33ff464efe18cefa101112f0e.png]
Age: 10-ish
Species: Human
Additional Notes: Great. Another one of these. And it's with the plant dictator. JUST GREAT.
(Shut up, Monaca, you might become Pickle Hitler. You're already Pickle Satan to begin with.)

RE: Party to Treason Signups - TalesofUnder - 12-08-2021

Name: J. Jonah Jameson
Description or Image:     
Gender/Pronouns: he/him
Age: 53
Species: Human
Additional Notes: My first fiscal policy will be MORE PICTURES OF SPIDER-MAN! 

RE: Party to Treason Signups - Zanreo - 12-08-2021

Name: CATS
Description or Image: [Image: Zero-Wing-Legrous-Stage-2-mp3-image.jpg]
Gender/Pronouns: He/him
Age: unknown
Species: Cyborg alien
Additional Notes: Speaking in the color of dark green!

RE: Party to Treason Signups (Signups close 12/13 at 11:59 PM) - Florien - 12-14-2021

Alright, signups are closed, role PMs are being sent, and the game thread opens tomorrow.

RE: Party to Treason Signups [One Slot Open] - Florien - 12-22-2021

TalesofUnder has dropped out. If you're interested, please sign up as a replacement. You'll receive your faction DM as soon as I'm able to send it and will be able to jump right in.

RE: Party to Treason Signups [One Slot Open] - Cassie - 12-24-2021

Name: Bandu
Description or Image: [Image: Bandu_Idle.gif]
Gender/Pronouns: Trans Male (He/They)
Age: 20
Species: Chaos God
Additional Notes: Is chaotic, has a brother who's WAY more powerful than him, and is obsessed with phones and candy, and loves pizza from 3D Hut the most. Is deathly allergic of bananas, slightly allergic of peanuts (he still tries to enjoy peanut butter despite this :concern:) Has a mischevious lil friend named Brobgonal. Is canonically shipped with a phone. Holy shit, that was disgusting, 3 hours. Fucking, 3 hours.

his wikipage

RE: Party to Treason Signups [One Slot Open] - Florien - 12-24-2021

And libre is in. I'll update the relevant things as soon as possible.

RE: Party to Treason Signups [Full] - MadeOfMilk - 01-19-2022

Name: Steve
Description or Image: [Image:]
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him
Age: Late 20's-early 30's
Species: Human
Additional Notes: He's pretty high-strung and is absolutely not above threatening to maim/kill anyone who pisses him off. Likes knives. His tank's just casually parked outside the administrative building and taking up at least 4 parking spots. Has a habit of saying weird expletives rather than swears. Speaks in this weird mustard color.

RE: Party to Treason Signups [Full] - wingedcatgirl - 01-19-2022

[Image: unknown.png]
Name: "Billionaire Killer" Mark February
Gender/Pronouns: he/him
Age: Dunno, 30s?
Species: Human
Additional Notes: He somehow clawed his way back from bankruptcy (and also death) after Sendri patented his life in YFF3.

RE: Party to Treason Signups [Full] - Florien - 01-19-2022

You're both in, and all slots are filled again. You'll receive roles shortly.