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  Absentee troubadours
Posted by: wingedcatgirl - 04-14-2021, 21:56:18 PM - Forum: Misc - Replies (4)

Taking a vacation from TC and wanna tell us so? Here's a thread for that.

There's also options in your profile for that.

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  Officebound: A Text Adventure Comic Thing
Posted by: ~okami~ - 04-14-2021, 01:09:15 AM - Forum: Hybrid games - Replies (19)

This is a webcomic/text adventure game that I decided to make instead of continuing my other Homestuck one. To be fair, this will still have heavy Homestuck influences, but this involves an original setting, characters, etc. This will focus on six main characters, all of whom work at an office. Please remember to follow the usual forum rules.

[Image: 8Gxnuzu.png]
It is the 13th day of April. A 26 year old office worker sits at his desk. He had been hired about a week ago. His interests include: shitposting, browsing Reddit, and trolling Discord moderators by posting memes in general. He had decorated his cubicle with bad memes. His coworkers thinks he's basically fucking stupid and not really funny, although he thinks otherwise. He works on the computer whilst listening to Violent Femmes and Barenaked Ladies, working in tech support. He occasionally questions his very existence. Is this really his life? Will he remain an office drone and a bad memer for the rest of his life? Surely there must be more to life than this...

anyway give him a name ig

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  You Fucking Donut
Posted by: Dookie - 04-10-2021, 22:23:27 PM - Forum: Signups - Replies (34)

Dear Chef,

Quick note! This gameshow involves [Unreadable], [Unreadable] and [Unreadable], i\if you don't want to [Unreadable], tear this up right now!

Would you like to become a world renowned chef? Someone whos name is known by everyone around the world?

Do you want to have your own restaurant?

Well then you've come to the right place!

Join Hell on a Dish, just by signing your name and abilities! Please write your application on the paper provided.

Try your best, make a good meal, and don't get eliminated!

Oh and don't die. Obviously.


Addie + The Sh.

Application Form:

Name: ____________
Age: ______________
Gender: ____________
Species: ____________
Abilities: _______________
Favorite Dish: ________________
Celebrity Guest to nominate (Who's your favorite celebrity?) (Optional): _________
Other: ______________________


I, as a participant of Hell on a Dish, solomnly swear to not cook myself or others, because that is murder. And murder is bad. I do know that I could potentially injure myself in the kitchen, and I'm not a serial killer.

Sign Here: ______________________________

The first two was a pack of letters you either received in the mail, or saw on your daily commute.

Months Later, you get a package with a colored envelope, and a white one. You open the white one first...

Dear Chef,

Good news! You have been accepted for Hell on a Dish! Please report to the Las Vegas airport on May 9, 2021 at 4:20 PM.

Low on cash?

Check the other envelope.

Good Luck!

You check the other envelope, and out comes a $2,000 dollar bill, along with a sticky note on it:

"To use for air travel."

Little do you know, Hell On a Dish doesn't exist. It's actually season 3 of the highly controversial (but popular) gameshow, known as Brothers In Arms.

This is a roleplay. You probably already fucking knew that.

So this game has a big twist...the 18 people competing? They'll be split into two groups of 9, The red team, and the blue team. Each team will consist of 7 innocent and 2 scum. The 4 scum will know who they all are, But you want to know what makes it even more interesting?

The "scum" and "innocents" will have to work together. Here's how it will work during the Dinner Service:

1. The Load. I give both teams the food they have to prepare (E.G. 11 Rosie Burgers, 2 Fox Stews, 8 Ibuki Nuggets) or each teams' "Load". The same load will be given to both teams. This is a great time to pick who will do what in what team. If somebody wants to or needs to sit out, they can do that.

2. The Reveal. Each day, we will have a special guest diner. Once everyone gets their load and everyone knows what they are doing. The guest diner will introduce themselves, interact with the cooks, and then put in their special order (E.G. a Shaggy Sundae).

3. The Cook-Off. Will usually begin about an hour or two after The Load. In it, a team member will say ">Make X". Then, I will send them a PM containing a puzzle, such as a Trivia Question, a word to Unscramble, or a famous saying, phrase, or quote with the words in the wrong order (E.G. "Look You Before Leap," "Father Am No I Your"). You will have to respond to my PM with the puzzle answer. If you get it right, a food item is taken off of your load. If you get it wrong, you have failed at making that food and the food will get "sent back," which means The Shag will make a quip about the food you have served, and instead of a food item taken away, a food item will be added to your load.

The special item is harder, as it involves three people to complete, but no puzzle.

The team who finishes their load first wins, and gets to stay in the safe room, which is a collection of bedrooms, along with other things. The murderers cannot kill them. It includes group video games, an entire set of Rock Band instruments, a full section of private hot tubs and showers, and a TV for every bed.

Meanwhile, anyone on the other team can be killed, "Eliminated", as we call it here...except for the murderers, of course!

Every night, the murderer may kill someone that isn't in the safe bedroom, or choose to do nothing.. They must pm me how they kill them, like "I take a kitchen knife and stab it in Shitass's chest." Innocents must sleep for the night, unless they have a role that says otherwise.

The next day, everyone will get up, and try to find the dead person. They can also investigate the scene for clues. Using RTD dice.

They can vote for anybody, but only before the Dinner Service.

The next Dinner Service will be at (the fictional) 2:00.

The murderers win if the amount of murderers left is 2 or 1 less (or even equal) than the amount of people left. The town win if each murderer is killed.


Blah blah blah here are the roles:

When the game starts, you will get a role. Here are the roles you may get:

Good Roles

The Detective: Gets clues on who might be bad every night. They never outright say it, but over time some roles should become known.

The Spy: On the second day and after, they may ask three times per game to see the most recent dm I sent someone, or the most recent dm someone sent me.

The Medic: Can choose to protect one player every night from the killer.

The Spirit: May choose to look at one person every night. They will know everybody that visited that person, but will not know what they did.

The Bomber: If killed by killer, will blow up the killer with them.

The EMF: Any time during the game, they can announce their role to everybody and double their votes for the rest of the game. Unbelievable!

Grubhub Delivery Guy - Can deliver a burger to someone every night. That person may eat that burger once at the start of any night, protecting them from kills.

The Cook: You are boring, but you can make toast! Yay!

Evil Roles

The Killer: Default killing role. Once during the game, they can ninja-kill.

The Accomplice: This person doesn't do any of the killing, but they second the killer, or whoever kills. Every night, when the killer kills, they may put in up to two pieces of fake evidence. If The Killer dies for any reason, they take their place, but lose this role.

The Roleblocker: Every night, they can block somebody from doing their night action. The blocked will instead get a PM saying, “Your Role Has Been Blocked For This Night.” They know who the killers are.

The Magic Man: Muffles the detective's clues to be in the scum's favor. They can only use this three times in the game, but they can ask every night for the clue going to the detective, before it is sent to them, so they can choose to muffle it.


Cupid: Every night, can make two players twins. If one dies that night or gets voted off that day, so does the other one. Twins know who the other twin is for the night/day sequence. After the day is over, new twins are crowned.

Rickroller: Is told they are a Boring when roles are revealed. If Detective investigates them, they will instead get a link to Rick Astley's “Never Gonna Give You Up”. If Killer Tries To Kill Them, they will still die, but the killer will also get a link to Rick Astley's “Never Gonna Give You Up.” When they die, everybody will get a link to Rick Astley's “Never Gonna Give You Up”.    Hopefully we can use it this time.

The Bartender: Gives somebody 2 shots every night, That morning, the player will become drunk. They will stay drunk until the challenge starts.

Lone Wolves:

The Action Hero: You always Macgyver yourself out of bad situations. And once you got yourself in one of the worst you've ever gotten in, you don't sweat. Why? You have a plan. 1. Get yourself voted out. 2. Escape. 3. Save everyone else by killing the person who seems the most suspicious.

Will it work? Only time will tell.

1: Make your votes clear during meetings

like /vote Shitass


This includes talking for other characters, evading a murder, escaping the house, or throwing a challenge in your favor. If someone godmods in this game,    I wont be very happy!

3: Please make sure you can participate before signing up. I don't want anyone to be AFK for the entire game. If you need to leave, please say so by DM.

4: Editing is allowed, because this is a roleplay, but only for spelling or grammar mistakes.

5: If you are dead or voted out, please don't post in the thread until the finale.

6: You only have one character. Use it wisely.

7: Please do not quote any of my dms in your posts.

8: Any character is allowed, except for controversial figures.

9: If you do not post for an entire week with no reason why, you will be kicked out and replacements will be found to be in your place. Also, if you post only once in a day 3 times in a row with no reason why, I will interrogate you, and possibly kick you.

10: If you need to quit the game, please tell me and I will find a replacement.

11: Please do not post for the sake of posting (E.G. Post only once an in-game day, post only an introduction and sometimes stating the obvious). If you do this, I will dm you about it. If you don't respond within a week, you will get replaced.

12. Just because it isn't a rule doesn't mean you can do it. Use you common sense. No, you can't take out a gun and shoot The Shag down. No, you can't kill yourself. No, you can't make a milkshake when we ask for Roasted Peanut.

The Game-Breakers will serve as The Shag's 2nd hand (wo)men.
Meet The Game-Breakers!
Sam Reyu:

[Image: 1f704384_e9d1_406d_82d5_78ce3f39e818.png]

The Magnificent Sam Reyu!

An author avatar of an Idea-Maker called HonidiWebzz. Suffered the fate of being a Mary Sue, and once she started to get the hate of other players, she was killed by the murderer. Soon came back to just call out the murderer and say that they killed them. Luckily, everyone took pity on the murderer and everyone else left alive.


[Image: 9df07123_7098_4442_a631_34229e207dd0.png]


A funny baby elephant who was abused in a circus. If you've ever met them before, they will not stop talking about that last part. They got so annoying the host told them to stop. She soon started to overshadow everyone else and started to overshadow even the host, even trying to take the host over, but the host then obliterated them into nothingness. The Shag (Really Audley) has found the remains of TooToo and used it to reconstruct the elephant.


[Image: 5b1c842b_90f7_4347_a91a_2e55ae137197.jpeg]

Mentira in his game

Originally as the villain in the Video Game “Far Cry: The Battle Of Freedom,” He was brought in another murdergame, and actually stayed chill for a while. Then, they started talking for other players, but nobody really minded. Then, he not only talked for another player, but turned the completely innocent player into a murderer. Needless to say, the host was not happy, and kicked them out, but Mentira escaped beforehand. He then made snarky comments on the current situation for the rest of the game.


[Image: A321AB6A-04F5-4579-9499-BB1D006F3D03.png]

Damn that's rare, an actual picture!

A prep student from Reginald University, and almost died in a bombing there. The bombing gave her a dark side, whenever you make them angry.....Not many people would know this though, as in their murdergame they did absolutely nothing, and apparently quit.
They were the murderer. The host was angry at them, and banished them from every murdergame after. That incident was a long time ago, and Audley's powers tried to develop, but because she barely did anything, they never did. Her only power is being so forgettable, she makes you forget things from your memory. The more you forget, the shorter it stays.

Also (Spoilers for BIA 2) This whole thing was her idea. She's holding the other Game-Breakers and The Shag hostage and just wants to see everybody die so she can take the energy from their souls. She wants the murderers to kill, because she gets more powerful every time somebody dies, but she can't kill them.

Also, the application is up there, in case you haven't figured it out yet. Also, the “Celebrity Guest” is just saying another Murdergame character or host of yours, who could make a cameo appearance as a guest for the restaurant. If you're new, or don't want to do it, it's optional. I'll roll to see the order of the guests. So sorry if the game ends before you can put one in!

So let's see the cast:

1. Bonald McDonald (Not helping our case that we're not a rip-off.)
2. Ur Mom (UR MOMMA SO- [Gets shot])
3. Pico (Bang bang bang)
4. Dr. Heinz Doofensmirtz (Behold! The Die-Inator!)
5. Seedy Joe Bourbon (His love of roadkill could extend to himself)
6. Google Translate (¡hermanos de armas es lo mejor!)
7. Vivi Elakha (Welcome to the 27 Club. Population: Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Robert Johnson, Richey Edwards, Kurt Cobain, Tim Buckley, Nick Drake, Shannon Hoon, Amy Winehouse, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, and you.  )
8. Linda Belcher (Burger of the Day.
9. Junko Enoshima (Has more fashion sense than common sense.)
10. Stolas (Hoot hoot motherfucker)
11. Patchy The Pirate (Damn Parrots!)
12. Momoe Sawaki (Eg)
13. Banana Waddle Dee (Poked a hole in my juice box)
14. Steamboat 3000 ( The exploding robot.)
15. Frosted Snow (Ah yes, the snow is made of snow.)
16. Psyche ( Remember the last time someone had an umbrella?)
17. Henrik Sturmatem (The Almighty Janitor.)
18.Tommy Coolatta (Sorry but I cant think of a good joke)

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  The Agatha Christie Books
Posted by: artsyGeek - 04-08-2021, 11:50:34 AM - Forum: Media Discussion - Replies (2)

Ah yes. Agatha Christie. One of the most legendary mystery writers out there. Famous for Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and a total of 80 stories - 66 novels and 14 short stories.

Welcome, folks, to the Agatha Christie thread. This is where we talk about Agatha Christie and her literature.

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  Toontown Showdown
Posted by: PointMaid - 04-05-2021, 15:49:12 PM - Forum: Murdergames - Replies (1299)

This game/thread will open at approximately 3pm ET April 5th.

Welcome to Schadenfreude Studios! We're looking for a few good toons to become STARS. But if you want to make it, you've got to show you have the spirit to become the best. Take out the competition, by any means necessary. ...BUT if you're not sneaky enough to keep the rest of them from figuring it out, you're going to get CUT too!

Good luck,

Lotta Schadenfreude (PointMaid)
Beatrix 'Bitta' Schadenfreude (KungFuCutbug)


All Trouble Cube and Murdergames Forum rules apply, please make sure you are familiar with them.

This is a Free-For-All style murdergame – any character may kill. No special roles. There will be Day and Night phases, but keep in mind that kills can still happen in the daytime, it's just that it doesn't give you cover of darkness (During Night Phase, there will be no visibility or interaction unless you're literally in the same location; no player posts in the game thread during Night Phase).

Day Phases and Night Phases will each last approximately 48 hours.

All actions during Night Phase must be PM'd. Please CC both hosts on your PM.

Do not reveal the contents of any PMs from the hosts unless explicitly allowed.

The success of actions will be decided by a D10 roll. A 1 is utter failure; 10 is the action worked far too well.

Make sure to preface actions with >. This calls the hosts' attention to them; actions not prefaced this way may get lost.

As in the Murder U games, if you don't get voted off after two night phases have passed since your kill was revealed, you will be allowed to leave… a STAR! Otherwise, you WILL stay on the studio campus (Consult the Studio Map). Game will go on until three entrants are left not dead.

All forms of animation accepted. If you ABSOLUTELY MUST enter a non animated character, please run it by us (PointMaid and Cutbug) first.  Game will take 16 entrants. Sign-ups will close at 2:00pm ET, Sunday April 4.

Maybe this goes without saying, but… yes, your character can die. Killing characters are encouraged to be appropriate to the genre in the manner of their kills. You want to impress Lotta and Bitta, don't you?


1. Paddy the Pelican (EeveeGirlChey)
2. Ash Ketchum (wingedcatgirl)
3. Hank Hill (MatthewLM)
4. Rosie (Huney)
5. Prince Stolas of the House of Goetia (Kafkaesque) Eugene Krabs (Billy5545)
6. Wendy Testaburger (Kennifer)
7. Squid Girl (Zanreo)
8. Kai (TenOfSwords13)
9. Scott Kelly (Florien)
10. Dookie (Dookie)
11. Leone (SmilyCube112)
12. Optimus Prime (Weirdguy149)
13. Moona Hoshinova (SomeLibre)
14. Adeline (Oggy123)
15. Strong Bad (TalesofUnder)
16. Western Parotia (TheGeekArtist08)

Reserve: Billy5545

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  GCB's Civ 5 LiveBlog: Caracalla's Revenge
Posted by: GoldenCityBird - 04-05-2021, 15:37:32 PM - Forum: Alive Blogs - Replies (5)

Welcome to my Civilization 5 modded live-blog let's play! Now, I'm a bit new at this, so I'll run you through what I did off-camera:
I am playing as Rome, led by Caracalla. This civ is very war-focused, and, to move myself away from my usual strat of "Turtle and Pray," I have disabled all non-Domination victories. The game ends when someone owns all eighteen capital cities.
I am on the archiapelago map mode. There are a lot of islands, so building up a navy should be everyone's priority. I started here:

[Image: bncmGKC.jpg]
Yep, that is ice. I am in the south pole of the map, stuck between tundra and desert. Hey, at least there's a lot of fish, and the promising chance of gaining oil.
Here are my nearest opponents/allies:
[Image: RWX0HXJ.jpg]
For the keen-eyed Jojo fans among you: Yes, I am going up against Diavolo's Passione. He started off on a landmass with the Shoshone, but somehow managed to found at least five whole cities.
Also present are two city-states: Sidon (see that purple dot on the map? That's their one-tile-island kingdom) and Wittenberg. Wittenberg is a religious city-state, but that ain't my priotiy (ignore the faith output I built a shrine for religion but missed the tundra belief). What IS my priorty, however, is the military, and Sidon can help with that if I ally with them.
In terms of non-civ mods, I have some mods that add to espionage, late-game military, and governments.
I have just converted my government from a lowly tribe to a functioning Democracy. This gives me a few buffs, including a free writer. Everything in my empire's on hold for now due to anarchy, but it'll be fine next turn.

(Insert image of unclaimed island with Old Faithful on it and my embarked Warrior next to it and I definitely succeeded in screenshotting it.)
Diavolo has not discovered boats or Old Faithful. I have discovered boats and Old Faithful. In short: for happiness and science, as well as horses, I want to settle there.
Now, turn 104. I'm just doing some basic stuff: securing a route to the new city, allying Sidon, and starting to research Iron Working to get a Heroic Epic to put my Great Work in. I also met Japan, who are apparently Diavolo's neighbours. I feel kinda bad for Oda right now.
Turn 109: Those ruins near Old Faithful? Gave an extra population to one of my cities. How did they get there so fast?
I was joined on the island by a Shoshone scout. Seems like they know how to embark. Let's hope they don't beat me to the ruins.
I also discovered another island! Ivory, horses, ruins, and some minor XP gain! This place has it all.
Some time has passed. I won't clog everything up with images, so here's the long and short of it: Diavolo took the Monarchy government, Oda took the Poetocracy government, I cleared out the barbarian camp on the smaller island, and I discovered Iron Working. I'm starting to lose grasp of Sidon, though. Maybe I should wait a little while.
Oh, and, turns out there are barbians on Old Faithful Island. Joy...
Now it's turn 119. Vatican City, another religious city-state, has been discovered in the snow. I'm sending a settler to Old Faithful, and it should arrive in a few turns.
Turn 121. I am selling whales to Diavolo, and I have completed the Liberty policy tree. Gained a great artist, getting me some more culture (couldn't pick a scientist for whatever reason), as well as a free settler.
A couple of turns later, I have entered the middle ages. One free spy, sent straight to Sidon to rig elections, has been grabbed. I found the Moors, led by Abd-ar-Rahman III. Like me, they're in a chilly spot.
[Image: Zj1tB7j.jpg]
Pictured here is Cumae, the city near Old Faithful. If needed, I can rename the city, but for now, here's a happier, richer empire.
The small island near it also now has a city: Neapolis. Both cities are important for controlling these seas in the early game. I mean, nobody's got anything that can go into deep ocean yet, so... I'd better use it while it lasts.
I've also met the Iroquois. They're far away.
Sidon sent me a catapault. Thanks, I guess.
[Image: 98jDq2I.jpg]
DIAVOLO YOU F*CKING BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU TAKE AN INNOCENT CITY-STATE? HOW??? Oh, yeah, I almost forgot you were a gangster who deals drugs to kids. Yeah... that's it. Invasion plans are a-go. I'll build up my navies and armies at Cumae, invite Pocatello or Oda to help with the war efforts, and... boom! I swoop in. I'll aim for his capital, Venezia, and, if he still wants war, liberate Valletta. This is all definitely for helping out my friends and allies and not just because I want to control the inevitable world congress. No-sireee...
Anyway, that's it for today. If you have any questions, suggestions, or anything else, don't hesitate to comment.

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  The Wikipedia Band Game
Posted by: Dookie - 04-04-2021, 15:52:36 PM - Forum: Forum games - Replies (12)

This is a forum game. Go on Wikipedia, hit random article, and see what you get.

The first thing you get, no matter what, is the band name. The next people you get will be the lineup, until the full lineup (of four people) is done. The person-to-instrument in that order is Vocals, Guitar, a bass, and Drums.

The first non-person you get will be the album title. The ten next things you get will be the songs on the album. Feel free to rearrange the songs however you like.

You may add song lengths, what the hits off the album were, whatever you find necessary. Heck, you can even make a double song with two articles! In the end, you should have something like this:

Band: Toby Lightman

Lineup: Daniel Rupf, Ed La Forge, Hernán Galíndez, Zuzana Martináková

Album: Koshish


1. North Washington, Colorado (2.59)

2. Alti (6.39)

3. Madrid Royal Conservatory (3.09)

4. Dudley De Groot (2.47)

5. Quasi-Star (5.00)

6. Cary Family (3.49)

7. Simeon Berry (4.01)

8. WTAO-FM (3.09)

9. We Shaozu/Grotto of the Repuplic (6.45)

10. Saiki Staition (4.44)

I'm thinking this would make a good progressive rock band.

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  The Edit Your Post Game
Posted by: Dookie - 04-04-2021, 15:49:31 PM - Forum: Forum games - Replies (31)

To play this game, player one asks a question. Player two then responds to it. Then, player one changes their question to make the answer seem weird, rude or funny.


Player 1: What is the saddest moment in your life? Player 2: My grandma's funeral.

And then, player one changes his to something else.

Player 1: What is something you find funny that nobody else does?

Then player 2 asks a question, player three answers, and so on and so on!

(Please put the original question in spoiler text.)

Have fun! I hope this hasn't already been done.

Favorite guily pleasure song?

What do you have to say for yourself for stealing the Never Gonna Give You Up master tapes?

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  Ctrl + V + with cheese, Mr. Squidward, with cheese
Posted by: Cassie - 04-04-2021, 13:55:51 PM - Forum: Forum games - Replies (6)

reexperience with cheese, Mr. Squidward, with cheese

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  Toontown Showdown Sign-Up Thread
Posted by: PointMaid - 04-02-2021, 19:04:09 PM - Forum: Signups - Replies (21)

Welcome to Schadenfreude Studios! We're looking for a few good toons to become STARS. But if you want to make it, you've got to show you have the spirit to become the best. Take out the competition, by any means necessary. ...BUT if you're not sneaky enough to keep the rest of them from figuring it out, you're going to get CUT too!

Good luck,

Lotta Schadenfreude (PointMaid)
Beatrix 'Bitta' Schadenfreude (KungFuCutbug)


All Trouble Cube and Murdergames Forum rules apply, please make sure you are familiar with them.
This is a Free-For-All style murdergame. No special roles. There will be Day and Night phases, but keep in mind that kills can still happen in the daytime, it's just that it doesn't give you cover of darkness (No visibility or interaction unless you're literally in the same location; no player posts in the game thread during Night Phase).

Day Phases and Night Phases will each last approximately 48 hours.

As in the Murder U games, if you don't get voted off after two night phases have passed since your kill was revealed, you will be allowed to leave… a STAR! Otherwise, you WILL stay on the studio campus (Consult the Studio Map). Game will go on until three entrants are left not dead.

All forms of animation accepted. If you ABSOLUTELY MUST enter a non animated character, please run it by us (PointMaid and Cutbug) first.  Game will take 16 entrants. Sign-ups will close at 2:00pm ET, Sunday April 4.

Maybe this goes without saying, but… yes, your character can die. Killing characters are encouraged to be appropriate to the genre in the manner of their kills. You want to impress Lotta and Bitta, don't you?


Source Media:

1. Paddy the Pelican (EeveeGirlChey)
2. Ash Ketchum (wingedcatgirl)
3. Hank Hill (MatthewLM)
4. Rosie (Huney)
5. Prince Stolas of the House of Goetia (Kafkaesque)
6. Wendy Testaburger (Kennifer)
7. Squid Girl (Zanreo)
8. Kai (TenOfSwords13)
9. Scott Kelly (Florien)
10. Dookie (Dookie)
11. Leone (SmilyCube112)
12. Optimus Prime (Weirdguy149)
13. Moona Hoshinova (SomeLibre)
14. Adeline (Oggy123)
15. Strong Bad (TalesofUnder)
16. Western Parotia (TheGeekArtist08)

Reserve: Billy5545

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