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[Mafia] Codename: MAFIA - Round1 Over, Good Wins by Trickery
(07-28-2022, 20:14:17 PM)Kennifer Wrote: Wait I thought Florien and Whistle voted for each other or did that get undone?

iirc Florien's vote has been on Matthew for a while now, and afaik Whistle's last vote was a no-vote.
hey who turned out the lights?
ahh okay I missed Florien switching their vote back yet again. Did Whistle unvote yet again or was the "suspicion finger" thing about not switching the vote away from Florien?

I mean at this point it probably doesn't matter but I do like to look at these sorts of patterns.
Stupid doomed timeline...
I didn't unvote; my vote's still on Florien, but the finger of suspicion is still on Matthew.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
(07-28-2022, 20:25:36 PM)Whistle Wrote: I didn't unvote; my vote's still on Florien, but the finger of suspicion is still on Matthew.

Ah, missed that, sorry. My brain doesn't work today.
hey who turned out the lights?
Well you should probably switch that then because we're killing Matthew first.
I am the They who says it!
Don't act like you speak for everyone. You don't dictate who kills who first. I've had good reasons for people to kill me, and so do you.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
I agree with Matthew.

I, and I alone, cast my vote... why rig these executions?
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
You can't goad me into taking no responsibility for my own vote. I fully expect you to flip scum.

But Nebula also agrees. So it's not just me doing this. Pretty clearly, you're first in line.
I am the They who says it!
Hey wait, right, forgot this was a game of deception for a bit. My bad.

Point still stands!
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
Okay, this kind of total agreement is why I think both of you are scum.

Just go along with it. One of you has to die, and I think Matthew is the best choice. It's not this "I and I alone" stuff, it's Mafia.

We need to execute someone, and Matthew is the best bet, followed by you, Whistle, and then me presumably. (Obviously I'm not on my own list but you get where I'm going with this.)
I am the They who says it!
Good for Nebula. Not everyone will agree though.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
But let me ask you, Florien. Why is it I'm the best bet? Why can't it just be you or even Whistle first? What makes one more higher priority than the other?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Lavender also, though. And Smily is threatening to vote for you too.

That's a solid plurality. You can't pretend this is just a minor and abortive attempt by scum to defame you, when it pretty clearly has momentum.
I am the They who says it!
You claimed Miller. So not only do we all have high scumread warnings on us, but you in particular have an ACTUAL REASON to be voted off. So you're higher priority.
I am the They who says it!
You say that as if momentum can't change. Don't forget there have been games where people nearly get voted off and change their minds and go after the other person. Don't get too cocky. Whistle can easily decide to vote for me instead, but do keep in mind you're not totally safe either. Sure Nebula and Lavender have their sights set on me, while Smily thinks about it. But that can easily change too, you know. You think you'll come out on top just because you think that I'm worth dying for right now? People do change their minds you know...
I like bananas. They're yellow.
And wouldn't you think someone like Miller would be at least kept on a watchlist? Give them benefit of the doubt, but not off them unless there are no better options? I know my roleclaim will get all eyes on me and I accept that. But again like in Witch Trip, you didn't push people to kill PointMaid when she made that claim right away. So I find it fishy why you'd to the same to me. And don't give me that gumbo over how it's an "IC decision". You were just playing it smart as town. Sure you gave off people who should die, but at least you gave her a chance. Something that you're clearly not doing right away. I'm not saying you shouldn't keep your eyes on me, but I find it really interesting how I'm the highest priority.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
That's not an argument for WHY people shouldn't pick you, that's just saying "but I won't die maybe if I hope hard enough magic will save me"

You are CLEARLY, UNAMBIGOUSLY the choice for first elimination. To do otherwise would be wrong, whether you're town or scum. You have a high scum read, and you claimed a passively detrimental role. Now, some people have high scum readings.

But you have a high scum reading and a passively detrimental role. There is LESS of a downside if we're wrong on you than with anyone else.
I am the They who says it!
I'm not fully agreeing with Matthew—his arguments just seem a bit more convincing, especially considering how gung-ho Florien has been with trying to eliminate a suspect, and then immediately turning on someone the minute they vote for it.

I might have been a sheep earlier on, but now I'm starting to get a bit more confident in my choice.

I could easily vote for you, Matthew, if you're at the threshold, but right now I'm just gonna be a Florien-out. The Benefit of the Doubt is an extremely interesting thing to handle.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
Also, in Witch Trip, we KNEW there was a miller. There HAD to be a miller, and there was NOT more than one miller. Anyone claiming miller falsely would have been immediately contradicted by the actual miller, then we kill one and the other. Trading one town for one scum benefits the town.

Here, we don't know anything, so your claim is WAY more obviously "we should kill this person."
I am the They who says it!
Well, if it's between the nobody and the famous actor, I'd say that since it's the actor's job to act, it might be better to get rid of the actor first, then the nobody.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
Okay the "name as alignment" idea is really weird.

I mean especially considering "Godmother" sounds like a scum-side role. The argument applies to you much better. And an actor STANDS OUT from the pack. That's not helpful for the mafia. Blending in would be better, under the "role is alignment" logic.

Which again, it's not. Role-name and alignment aren't correlated.
I am the They who says it!
*PMed Matthew.
Whistle: At least you get my point. Like I said, you have your eyes set on me, I accept that. I can say the same for you too. I have my sights on you as well, but Florien is number one on my list as of now.

Florien: Exactly, we don't know anything. But do keep in mind in Witch Trip, Point could have been lying just as easily to save her ass. Yes, you all knew the game had a Miller, but keep in mind people could have just as easily been lying to cover themselves in that massive role-claim. Let's say theoretically Point did lie and she turned out to be a killer. Congrats, you all made the right choice. But on the other hand, let's say you pushed for her death and she turned out to be telling the truth. Then you'd have a little bit of egg on your face. It doesn't matter what roles there are or not. It's still the same principle. It's not any different than the regular murdergames.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
I wouldn't have pushed for her death unless someone else ALSO claimed miller. No one else did, so she was clear, because no town miller would be stupid enough to NOT contradict the false claim and do the one useful thing their role can do, and no scum would be stupid enough to claim miller also when we knew there was but one miller.

For someone who wants me to explain things, you're sure interpreting what I say really weirdly, as if you're trying to direct attention onto me.

In this case, we don't know anything. It's very different, we're effectively going in with zero information, because there's no role list and roles aren't confined to normal mafia roles. So my point stands. Everyone could be a miller, or no one. Your claim is HIGHLY suspicious.
I am the They who says it!
Well, Florien, if you've ever watched Hot Fuzz, you'd know some things that might work that way.

For all I know, yes, you could be Mafia, but you could also be the bait, the one designed to draw attention away from the actual Mafia.

Matthew could very well be the one doing the dirty work, but I'm still yet to do anything along that route.

If I'm the swing vote, then fuck yes I'm going for Matthew, but for now, just to keep things a teensy bit less one-sided, I'm casting the ballot on you.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.

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