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Step 1
Step 3: Continue resurrecting dead forum threads until there is nothing left in the forum but zombies. Braaaaaains.
Step 4: Buy some weaponry so you can be better prepared for the zombie apocalypse.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Step 5: Realize the CVS (Czombie Vapocalypseweaponry Store) has closed down since this thread got resurrected, so you start up an arms-dealing business as a front to arm yourself.
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
Step Six: Use this arms dealing business to finance and coordinate an effort to reestablish the state, exporting violence into neighboring communities of survivors so as to ultimately secure state capacity, which will be a practical tool against the unarmed and weak zombies.
I am the They who says it!
Step 7: Accidentally trip and fall and break your neck, thereby dying and becoming a zombie yourself.

WARNING: The trip must be accidental! Intentional tripping will cause errors in a later step!
Step 8: Take a bath in holy water to undo your zombification.

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