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Poll: (NON-BINDING) Allow non-fatal elimination events? TVT HGS bans them, for reference.
You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
I'll quit if they're allowed.
0 0%
I'd prefer they be forbidden.
6 25.00%
I don't really care.
11 45.83%
I'd prefer they be allowed.
7 29.17%
I'll quit if they're forbidden.
0 0%
Total 24 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Hunger Games Simulator - Trouble Cube Edition
Sawing a doll in half? As long as it's pretend play!
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
"Allllright, everyone in the audience! Welcome to HUNGER GAMES SIMULATOOOOOR, and please, sit at the atomic edge of your seats, as we're about to get into what could be the finale!"
*[cheer cheer cheer!!!]*
"Let's not waste any time, and get right into the final bloodshed!"

Night 6
[Image: unknown.png]
"You could say it's... an ALIEN concept to Dubhe! Hah!"

[Image: unknown.png]
"It seems holding such a powerful title is doing a number to Inferno Cop (Death)'s sanity. Well that, or the Wildfire System are simply able to transform themselves into Inferno Cop (Death), and only decided to show this ability now. Which is more likely?"

"What a quick night! Though days do start pass quicker when nearly everybody else is dead..."

Day 7
[Image: unknown.png]
"Perhaps in an effort to counteract the terror from Wildfire's prank last night, Inferno Cop (Death) decides to start rapping."

[Image: unknown.png]
"This is incredibly effective against the Wildfire System! Or atleast I think so. Either way, they died from trying to escape the Arena. Maybe it's from the sheer power of Inferno Cop (Death)'s hot bars, or something else entirely? Nobody will know, because the one system we could have asked is now dead!"

[Image: unknown.png]
"Seemingly demoralized by the death of Wildfire, Dubhe thinks ahead and digs out a spot for her hopes and dreams."

[Image: unknown.png]
"Meanwhile, Gabby Gabby gets herself into the greatest car accident of all time~! Well, greatest as in the spectacle. Gabby Gabby pretty much died from the gigantic fireball that ensued after she crashed into the barrels, so that's not great for her at all."

"This shapes up to be a rather short update, leaving only-"
*[nudge nudge]*
"Eh? What's up- IT'S AN ARENA EVENT! Vortexes of the 5 classical elements are ravaging the arena! Let's see what our competitors will do to outsmart this unexpected turn of events!"
"Let's see here..."

Arena Event
[Image: unknown.png]
"Inferno Cop (Death) dies in a tornado. Of water, but still. And yes I'm ignoring the fact it's a vortex."


*[sign flip]*
"So, that's Wildfire, Gabby Gabby and Inferno Cop (Death) as our fallen tributes."

"Well... That's everyone except our winner dead! And our lucky winner is..."

And the winner is...
[Image: unknown.png]
"Congratulations to Dubhe, the winner of Season 16! With a single kill to their name, they managed to beat all 25 other contestants to emerge as our victor!"
*[clap clap clap clap]*

"So, that closes this season! But wait, we still have numbers to go through! For instance, our most murderous contestant this season is..."

The most murderous contestant this season was...
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
"1000 Degree Knife/Knite/Kite in 13th place, with 6 kills to their name- no doubt from the epic battle they came out victorious early on."

"With this season of the Hunger Games Simulator over, it's time we bid our farewell as the hosts of this simulated, but still bloody killing game."
*[waving goodbye]*
"But before we go..."
"...patory! Is anticipatory a real word?"
"The autocorrect on this post thing seems to detect it as one, so it's a win on my end! Anyways, that's all! See ya, everybody, and thanks for listening to our commentary!"
*[wave wave wave]*
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
*[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/7...e-Miku.jpg Miku]] 11 years old 

*[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/7...header.png Shinji]] 14 years old
"... wait, what? What do you mean we forgot about the save?"
"Ah, I can't believe we forgot about something so important as the URL to the save! What an embarrassing way to spoil an exit..."
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
Both are non-sapient.
* Wick Sable (male, safe)
* Edna Mode (female, safe)
3rd Place ain't too bad!

Hug These Tributes if You Dare: Vulkin (any pronouns) and Experiment 319 (Spike)
*who's designed to inject neurotoxins with his spikes, which reduce the target's intelligence by 99% for 48 hours
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/friday...kuAnim.gif Nikku Morioka (F, presumably safe)

https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/friday...yAnnie.gif Legacy Annie (F, presumably physically 21 just like the actual Annie)
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed

These tributes want to axe you a question:
Edelgard von Hresvelg aka Edelgard (she/her, 17 at youngest)
Vindicator (it, safe)

Star Wars (5)
"(Player1), the time has come. Execute Order 66," (Player2) secretly say(s/s/s/s/2) to (Player1).
(Player1) ha(s/s/s/s/ve1) brought peace, freedom, justice and security to [typeC1] new empire.
(Player1) killed them. [TypeA1] killed them all. And not just (Player2), but (Player3) and (Player4) too. They're like animals, and [typeA1] slaughtered them like animals. [TypeA1] hate(s/s//s/1) them. (1 kills 2, 3 and 4)
After (Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) disarmed by (Player2), (Player3) orders(s/s/s/s/3) the latter to kill [typeB1]. (Player2) tell(s/s/s/s/2) [typeB3] that [typeA2] shouldn't, but (Player3) simply tell(s/s/s/s/3) [typeB2], "do it," which pushes [typeB2] into killing (Player1). (2 kills 1)
This is where (Player1)'s fun begins. (also Bloodbath)

Hyness' Rant (4)
(Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) the maste(r/r/r/r/rs1) of a power driven to the far reaches of the universe, and [typeA1] ha(s/s/ve/s/ve1) but one desire! Can on(e/e/e/e/es2) such as (Player2) possibly fathom how dearly [typeA1] ha(s/s/ve/s/ve1) clung to this dream across the aeons? How could [typeA2]? [TypeA2] couldn't! Never ever ever! [TypeA1] who once faced those who were in such fear of [typeC1] power that they sealed [typeB1] away and banished [typeB1] to the edge of the galaxy! [TypeB1]!
As if the loveliness (Player1) ha(s/s/s/s/ve1) experienced wasn't enough, (Player2) tried to erase [typeC1] very existence from history! Rude! Only through [typeC1] magic w(as/as/ere/as/ere1) [typeA1] able to overcome [typeC2] science and achieve prosperity! [TypeA1] alone w(as/as/ere/as/ere1) responsible for stopping a repulsive nightmare of a galactic crisis, yet this is how [typeA2] repay(s/s//s/2) [typeB1]! This won't stand! It won't be forgiven! It won't be forgotten! Never ever ever!
(Player1) who called (Player2) mad, are you listening? (Player1) left [typeB2] at the edge of the galaxy to be forgotten, then went along [typeC1] merry way, probably living somewhere pretty and peaceful! But know this! [TypeC1] future is a farce! [TypeA1] ha(s/s/ve/s/ve1) none! (Player2), maste(r/r/r/r/rs2) of a matter most dark, vow(s/s/s/s/2) to be restored, as foretold in the book of legend, which everyone thought was just a fairy tale! It wasn't!
(Player1) ha(s/s/ve/s/ve1) already obtained the vessel that contains [typeC1] (Player2), and [typeA2] will soon awaken and shower [typeB1] in compassion! Look! The vessel of (Player2) is filling up even as [typeA1] speak(s/s//s/1)! Now the time for [typeC2] greatness to enter the world has come! Welcome to a new history! A new age! The age of awesome! Happy birthday, (Player2)! Happy birthday! Grace [typeB1], gloriously dark (Player2)!

Memes (3)
(Player1) ask(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2), "are you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go ape shit?"
Oh lawd, (Player1) comin'.
Oi, (Player1)! (Player2) used a superpowered spirit to remove (Player3) from the simulator! Ain't that wacky? (2 kills 3)

Team Fortress 2 (3)
(Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) dead. Not big surprise. (1 dies)
(Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) like (a /a /a /a /1)little bunn(y/y/y/y/ies1), scurrying around, eating up [typeC1] lettuce and berries.
(Player1) almost healed (Player2) to death. (non-fatal)

Among Us (2)
(Player1) kill(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2), then escape(s/s/s/s/1) the crime scene through a conveniently placed vent. (1 kills 2)
(Player1) w(as/as/as/as/ere1) just doing [typeC1] tasks.

Non-Standard Game Overs (2)
With (Player1)'s deat(h/h/h/h/hs1), the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created. (1 dies)

Over/Underflow (2)
(Player1) damage(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) so much [typeC2] health underflows to a positive value, sparing [typeB2]. (non-fatal)
(Player1) heal(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) so much [typeC2] health overflows to a nonpositive value, killing [typeB2]. (1 kills 2)

Seen it All (2)
(Player1) witnesses the next event and think(s/s/s/s/1), "now (I/I/I/I/we1)'ve seen everything".
(Player1) witnesses the previous event and think(s/s/s/s/1), "now (I/I/I/I/we1)'ve seen everything".

Other (7)
(Player1) arrive(s/s/s/s/1) at (Player2)'s house and asks, "little (Player2), little (Player2), let me come in." (Player2) respond(s/s/s/s/2), "not on the hair on (my/my/my/my/our2) chinny chin chi(n/n/n/n/ns2)", so (Player1) promise(s/s/s/s/1) that [typeA1]'ll huff, and [typeA1]'ll puff, and [typeA1]'ll blow (Player2)'s house in.
(Player1) defeat(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2), causing the latter to split into a number of smaller identical clones of [typeD2]. (non-fatal)
(Player1) go(es/es/es/es/1) to jail. [TypeA1] go(es/es//es/1) directly to jail. [TypeA1] do(es/es//es/1) not pass go. [TypeA1] doe(es/es//es/1) not collect 200 of [typeC1] currency.
(Player1) grind(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2)'s bones to make [typeC1] bread. (1 kills 2, also Bloodbath and Feast)
(Player1) plant(s/s/s/s/1) a time bomb somewhere, then return(s/s/s/s/1) later to find it hasn't detonated yet. When [typeA1] inspect(s/s//s/1) it, it's one second away from detonation. (1 dies)
(Player1) respond(s/s/s/s/1) to (Player2)'s remark in a way that proves it to be accurate.
On this day, (Player1) received a grim reminder. [TypeA1] lived in fear of (Player2), and w(as/as/ere/as/ere1) disgraced to live in [typeC1] cage [typeA1] called walls.
On this night, (Player1) received a grim reminder. [TypeA1] lived in fear of (Player2), and w(as/as/ere/as/ere1) disgraced to live in [typeC1] cage [typeA1] called walls.

What else needs saying?
That's what you are.
ocs, one of whom I have had a while and just haven't yeeted here yet and one who I haven't used in anything yet lol

Julia the marine biologist (female, safe)

Inez Cortana, one of Alexis's theater buddies (and fellow virtual assistant confuser) (female, safe)

Julia appeared in Life's a Beach 2. Inez is just a general oc who has yet to appear in anything (...besides this now).
Stupid doomed timeline...
The Man with No Name

Angel Eyes - Death Photo

Both male and safe
I like bananas. They're yellow.
* The Rabbit Agender (they/them, memes I guess,
safeNormally we'd flag a rabbit as a nonsapient animal, but this one has a gender identity, so they must be sapient, and they appear to be an adult rabbit
* a contrived example of bad kerning (it/its, Descent kinda, inanimate)
That was some awesomely entertaining hosting lol. And Jugglenaut meets his end to a sword again. Well, he didn't die in his source material, a lightning sword attack just fried Nosebot off of his face and revealed him to be just some bratty half-pint.

But anyway, onto nominating, I bring two different (maybe) characters from Little Nightmares II.
* Mono (Male, child)
* The Thin Man (Male, elderly appearing)
Not great nor grave. Just grey.

Katsuki Bakugou and Eijirou Kirishima. Both male, both teens.
Watermemon (any pronouns, presumably safe and sapient like most game Mooks)

Koro-nyan (male, safe)
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
Sagittarius A* ("Sgr A*"; it/its, safe)
Venus (it/its, safe)
  1. (Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) going to be spiders. [TypeA1] just (is/is/are/is/are1).
  2. (Player1) can be defined in a single word... Azaffuttimasffuhfutwh.
  3. (Player1) beat(s/s/s/s/1) a (Player2) dead. (P1k2)
  4. (Player1) beat(s/s/s/s/1) a dead (Player2). (P2 died naturally)
  5. (Player1) tear(s/s/s/s/1) off (Player2)'s limbs because [typeA2] (accidentally) stabbed [typeC1] lookalike speaker box.
  6. (Player1) the (Player2) in elephant is similar.
  7. Nobody expects the (Player1)ish Inquisition!
  8. Oh boy! (Player1)'(s/s/s/s/re1) so hungry, [typeA1] could eat an Octorock! (Also Feast)
  9. Oh boy! (Player1)'(s/s/s/s/re1) so hungry, [typeA1] could eat (Player2)! (Also Feast)
  10. (Player1) show(s/s/s/s/1) up to a Silly Hats Only event with a normal hat, so (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4) beat [typeB1] with bats. (P234k1)
  11. When (Player1) land(s/s/s/s/1) frozen on the ground, the ghost of a dead tribute throws confetti on [typeB1]. (P1 dead)
  12. When (Player1) wake(s/s//s/1) up from seemingly dying, the ghost of a dead tribute says, "Dead, I am. Dead, I would like you to be as well."
  13. Shall (Player1) compare (Player2) to a summer's day? [TypeA1] (is/is/are/is/are1) more lovely and more temperate. (BLACKLISTED)
  14. But now (Player1) must go. [TypeC1] planet needs [typeB1]. (Fatal)
  15. (Player1), (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4) all have a fancy dinner, wondering where (Player5) went. (Player1), [typeC5] killer, yank(s/s/s/s/1) off the tablecloth to reveal that they're eating (Player5)'s corps(e/e/e/e/es5). (Rocky Horror Picture Show, P1k5, also feast)
  16. (Player1) come(s/s/s/s/1) over, ready for a fight with (Player2), and die(s/s/s/s/1) in a tornado. (history of japan, P1 dies naturally)
  17. (Player1) tr(ies/ies/ies/ies/y1) to break... (Player2)'s balls. (The Wall)
  18. (Player1) wipe(s/s/s/s/1) [typeC1] tears away with (a /a /a /a /1)lea(f/f/f/f/ves1). (Player2) tell(s/s/s/s/2) [typeB1] it's poison oak, and (Player1) say(s/s/s/s/1) "Of course it is." (Malcolm in the Middle)
  19. (Player1) come(s/s/s/s/1) upstairs and start(s/s/s/s/1) meowing for food.
  20. (Player1)'s phone's off the hook, but [typeA1]'(s/s/re/s/re1) not! (X)
  21. (Player1) bless(es/es/es/es/1) the rains down in Africa. (Toto, with next event)
  22. (Player1) left [typeC1] brains down in Africa. (misheard lyric, fatal)
  23. Th(is/is/is/is/ese1) (is/is/is/is/are1) (Player1)'s brai(n/n/n/n/ns1) coming online as [typeA1] thought about something bad, and [typeA1] knew it was wrong. (Bitcoin Explained by A.I., with next event)
  24. (Player1) use(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) to get counterfeit coffee. (Also Feast)
  25. (Player1) look(s/s/s/s/1) at the last nonfatal event and gets an idea for a fatal event.
  26. (Player1) get(s/s/s/s/1) turned into a newt. (Monty Python and the Holy Grail, with next two events)
  27. (Player1) get(s/s/s/s/1) turned into a newt, and (Player2) squish(es/es/es/es/2) [typeB1].
  28. (Player1) get(s/s/s/s/1) turned into a newt, but gets better.
  29. (Player1) enter(s/s/s/s/1) the Trouble Cube.

You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
Backlog of 14 (including 2 AEs) + 16 new events of the work my tributes this season are from.

2 Arena Events
This arena event was inspired by Mr. Hopp's Playhouse and Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2.
Description: The tributes are in a manor haunted by monstrous life-sized plush toys.
* Surviving: (Player1) escape(s/s/s/s/1).
* Fatal 1: (Player1) get(s/s/s/s/1) crushed under a rolling toy panda.
* Fatal 2: A one-eyed plush tiger mauls (Player1).
* Fatal 3: (Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) dragged off to hell by a humanoid toy rabbit.
* Fatal 4: (Player1)'s reanimated corps(e/e/e/e/es1) (is/is/is/is/are1) used to lure (Player2). The latter escape(s/s/s/s/1) the trap.
* Fatal 5: (Player1)'s reanimated corps(e/e/e/e/es1) (is/is/is/is/are1) used to lure (Player2). The latter (is/is/is/is/are1) subsequently killed as well.

This second arena event is inspired from an episode of BoBoiBoy.
Description: All the tributes are stuck on pieces of a giant game of Checkers.
* Surviving: (Player1) make(s/s/s/s/1) it to the end of the game.
* Fatal 1: (Player1)'s piece eats (Player2)'s piece, eliminating the latter.
* Fatal 2: (Player1)'s piece eats (Player2) and (Player3)'s pieces in one move.
* Fatal 3: (Player1)'s piece gets kinged so [typeA1] revive(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2)'s piece. They both eat (Player3).
* Fatal 4: (Player1)'s piece gets kinged, but [typeA1] get(s/s//s/1) eaten by (Player2) anyway.
* Fatal 5: (Player1) mistake(s/s/s/s/1) the game as one to get out of early to win, and (is/is/is/is/are1) eliminated on [typeC1] own accord.

12 more from the backlog
A few Ejen/Agent Ali inspired events:
* (Player1), (Player2), (Player3) and (Player4) dance to entertain restaurant patrons.
* (Player1) find(s/s/s/s/1) (a/a/a/a/1) pai(r/r/r/r/rs1) of goggles which warn [typeB1] of impending danger.
* (Player1) weaponis(es/es/es/es/e1) [typeC1] yoyo.
* (Player1) synchronis(es/es/es/es/e1) with a mech and kill(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) and (Player3) with it.

Upin & Ipin: Lone Gibbon Keris events:
* (Player1)'s tears empower [typeC1] magical kris.
* (Player1)'s magical kris is empowered by (Player2)'s tears.
* (Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) impaled by flying swordfish. (Fatal)
* (Player1)'s magical kris transforms [typeB1] into (a/a/a/a/1) gibbo(n/n/n/n/ns1) that kill(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2).
* Even in the Arena, a chicken steals (Player1)'s sho(e/e/e/e/es1). (Also Bloodbath)
* (Player1) take(s/s/s/s/1) all the banana fritters for [typeD1]. (Feast)

And two random ones (both fatal btw):
* (Player1) literally burn(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2)'s heart.
* (Player1) stare(s/s/s/s/1) daggers at (Player2). That is, daggers shoot out of the former's eyes and kill (Player2).

Little Nightmares 2 inspired events (16)
"Inspired" doesn't necessarily mean these happen in the source, although they're based off it. Just reclarifying this here because the game lacks any narrative so what actually happens can only be interpreted from visuals. But anyway.

Non-fatal (8):
* (Player1) gain(s/s/s/s/1) the ability to use television screens as portals.
* (Player1) gain(s/s/s/s/1) superpowers after travelling through a dimension between TV screens.
* (Player1) wear(s/s/s/s/1) (a/a/a/a/1) paper ba(g/g/g/g/gs1) over [typeC1] hea(d/d/d/d/ds1).
* (Player1) escape(s/s/s/s/1) a hospital of living mannequins by flashing [typeC1] flashlight on them.
* (Player1) catch(es/es/es/es/1) (Player2) at the edge of a large gap the latter (is/is/is/is/are2) jumping over and pull(s/s/s/s/1) [typeB2] up to safety.
* (Player1) catch(es/es/es/es/1) (Player2) at the edge of a large gap, but [typeA1] let(s/s/s/s/1) [typeB2]. (Player2) survive(s/s/s/s/2) the fall and silently plot(s/s/s/s/2) revenge.
* (Player1) walk(s/s/s/s/1) into a TV screen and open(s/s/s/s/1) a door at the end of a hallway. Behind it is (Player2) sitting on a chair.
* (Player1) find(s/s/s/s/1) a glitching remain of the last fallen tribute. Touching it causes the apparition to disappear, with a TV-static like sensation coursing through [typeB1].

Fatal (8):
* (Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) beaten to death by living hospital mannequins.
* (Player1) travel(s/s/s/s/1) through a TV screen, only to fall to [typeC1] deat(h/h/h/h/hs1) as the screen on the other end is over a pit.
* (Player1) fall(s/s/s/s/1) into a pit and (is/is/is/is/are1) eaten alive by rats.
* (Player1) become(s/s/s/s/1) so glued to TV that when (Player2) turn(s/s/s/s/2) off [typeC1] screen, [typeA1] beat(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) to death.
* (Player1) watch(es/es/es/es/1) TV on a rooftop. (Player2) turn(s/s/s/s/2) off [typeC1] screen and activate(s/s/s/s/2) another on an opposite building's roof, and (Player1) rush(es/es/es/es/1) toward(s/s/s/s/1) it before falling to [typeC1] deat(h/h/h/h/hs1).
* (Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) roasted alive in an oven by (Player2). (Player3) warm(s/s/s/s/3) [typeD3] by the oven's heat.
* (Player1) catch(es/es/es/es/1) (Player2) at the edge of a large gap the latter (is/is/is/is/are2) jumping over. However, (Player1) let(s/s/s/s/1) go of [typeB2] and [typeA2] fall to [typeC2] deat(h/h/h/h/hs1).
* (Player1) gain(s/s/s/s/1) reality-bending powers with which [typeA1] us(es/es/e/es/e1) to fight and vaporise (Player2).

Not great nor grave. Just grey.

Hello, since I just joined TC, I wanna try their own HGS. Are nominations still ongoing?

EDIT: Oof, just been told that Nominations are over on the Murderverse Discord. Oh well, I would like to be informed when the next season starts so I can nominate for that.
TVT OG Events (15)
* (Player1), (Player2), (Player3), (Player4), and (Player5) play hide and seek, with (Player1) as the "it". [TypeA1] (finds/finds/find/finds/find1) them all.
* (Player1), (Player2), (Player3), (Player4), and (Player5) play hide and seek, with (Player1) as the "it". [TypeA1] (fails/fails/fail/fails/fail1) to find them all.
* (Player1), (Player2), (Player3), (Player4), and (Player5) play hide and seek, with (Player1) as the "it". [TypeA1] (finds/finds/find/finds/find1) them all except for (Player5), who (wins/wins/wins/wins/win5).
* (Player1), (Player2), (Player3), (Player4), and (Player5) play Sardines, with (Player1) being the first one to hide. (Player5) (fails/fails/fails/fails/fail5) to hide with the rest and (loses/loses/loses/loses/lose5).
* (Player1) (carves/carves/carves/carves/carve1) [typeC1] and (Player2)'s initials onto a tree for (Player2). (blacklisted)
* (Player1) (sticks/sticks/sticks/sticks/stick1) (a "kick me" sign/a "kick me" sign/a "kick me" sign/a "kick me" sign/"kick me" signs2) on (Player2)'s (back/back/back/back/backs2). (Player3) and (Player4) follow it.
* (Player1) (crushes/crushes/crushes/crushes/crush1) (Player2)'s (skull/skull/skull/skull/skulls2) like (a sparrow's egg/a sparrow's egg/a sparrow's egg/a sparrow's egg/sparrow eggs2) between [typeC1] thighs. (Street Fighter)
* (Player1) and (Player2) do yoga.
* (Player1) and (Player2) do yoga, but (Player1) accidentally (ties/ties/ties/ties/ties1) [typeD1] into a knot and suffocates.
* (Player1) used to be (a hero/a hero/a hero/a hero/heroes1) like (Player2), until [typeA1] fatally took (an arrow/an arrow/an arrow/an arrow/arrows1) to the (knee/knee/knee/knee/knee each1) (Skyrim)
* (Player1) and (Player2) watch the sunrise together. (Day-only)
* (Player1) (dresses/dresses/dresses/dresses/dress1) up as (a moose/a moose/a moose/a moose/moose1) for hunting season and (is/is/is/is/are1) promptly shot by a hunter. (Dumb Ways to Die)
* (Player1) (faints/faints/faints/faints/faint) at the sight of (Player2).
* (Player1) (faints/faints/faints/faints/faint) at the sight of (Player2) killing (Player3).

TVT Reboot Events (15)
* (Player1) (auditions/auditions/auditions/auditions/audition1) for The Voice. [TypeA1] (gets/gets/get/gets/get1) four chair-turners.
* (Player1) (auditions/auditions/auditions/auditions/audition1) for The Voice. [TypeA1] (gets/gets/get/gets/get1) one chair-turner.
* (Player1) (auditions/auditions/auditions/auditions/audition1) for The Voice. [TypeA1] (doesn't/doesn't/don't/doesn't/don't1) get any chair-turner.
* (Player1) (is/is/is/is/are1) so impressed by (Player2)'s (accent/accent/accent/accent/accents2) that [typeA1] (asks/asks/ask/asks/ask1) [typeB2] to repeat what [typeA2] said. (Dexter's Lab)
* (Player1) (binges/binges/binges/binges/binge1) on sugar and (kills/kills/kills/kills/kill1) (Player2), (Player3), and (Player4) in a sugar rush. (also Feast)
* (Player1) (levitates/levitates/levitates/levitates/levitate1) some stones above (Player2), and then (drops/drops/drops/drops/drop1) them on [typeB2], burying [typeB2].
* (Player1) (liquefies/liquefies/liquefies/liquefies/liquefy1) the ground under (Player2), sinking [typeB2].
* (Player1) (points/points/points/points/point1) [typeC1] (finger/finger/finger/finger/fingers1) at (Player2) and (forms/forms/forms/forms/form1) (a black hole/a black hole/a black hole/a black hole/black holes1) from (its/its/its/its/their1) (tip/tip/tip/tip/tips1), sucking (Player2) in and turning [typeB1] into dust. (this and the below three are My Hero Academia refs)
* (Player1) (writes/writes/writes/writes/write1) an apology letter to (Player2) for punching [typeB2] in the (groin/groin/groin/groin/groins2).
* (Player1) (wounds/wounds/wounds/wounds/wound1) (Player2) and (licks/licks/licks/licks/lick1) the blood off [typeC1] (sword/sword/sword/sword/swords1), paralyzing (Player2) for a while.
* (Player1) (shares/shares/shares/shares/share1) (half/half/half/half/half each1) of [typeC1] BFF (locket/locket/locket/locket/lockets1) with (Player2).
* (Player1) (overhears/overhears/overhears/overhears/overhear1) (Player2) saying something bad about (Player3) and (runs/runs/runs/runs/run1) away crying.
* (Player1) (overhears/overhears/overhears/overhears/overhear1) (Player2) saying something bad about (Player3) and (kills/kills/kills/kills/kill1) [typeB2] for it.
* (Player1) (overhears/overhears/overhears/overhears/overhear1) (Player2) saying something bad about (Player3) and (agrees/agrees/agrees/agrees/agree1) with [typeB2].
* (Player1) (attempts/attempts/attempts/attempts/attempt1) suicide, but (stops/stops/stops/stops/stop1) at the last moment.

Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.



[A young Glaceon (WHISTLE) opens the door, looking mildly frazzled. She stumbles onto the set, barely catching herself on her desk.]

Phew boy, it's been quite a while since I've taken up this mantle. Heh... my office right now looks just like it did before, doesn't it? I know the length of seasons seems to be growing right now, but I'm pretty sure there will soon be time, considering birthdays and summers and all that. I hope it all comes down to this... our lucky 17th season.

Ah, our little show is on the brink of adulthood! Needs a driver's license soon. (Frankly, so do I.)

[After a brief silence, Whistle slinks into her fancy chair.]

Personal matters aside, let's get on with the show!

[Whistle presses a button.]

INTRO MUSIC: "Seek and Destroy" - Metallica

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Our Unlucky Tributes
[Image: 01_TC_HGS_S17_Reaping.png]
So here we've got some new people on the roster, huh? I must have nominated another planet back there... and a black hole?! And here we've also got Oggy's little birds; a cassowary and a loggerhead shrike. CityBird's thrown Edna Mode into the ring, and Sylvi& Tempest have added the notorious Rabbit Agender to their ring.

Place your bets, everyone, on minglegingle.tom. We will be waiting.

Well well well well well! I guess now is the time, that we must begin our sacrifices.

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Raining Blood
[Image: 2022-05-30_10_50_41_brantsteele_com_0795c4806ffe.png]
When you got a name like that, whatcha expect from there?

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_50_50_brantsteele_com_8bdf37f05d0b.png]
Hey look, Kerning's already got the Hunger Games Spirit, doesn't it?

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_50_58_brantsteele_com_7844776897c8.png]
FIRST BLOOD!! Miku does a big little dupe against the Rabbit Agender, convincing them not to kill her before striking herself!!
...Looks like meat's back on the menu, everyone!

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_51_09_brantsteele_com_35ee891efc55.png]
What's that? An empty sack? You could do a lot with a sack like that!

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_51_20_brantsteele_com_698e1f5aebde.png]
[The Shining music plays]

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_51_34_brantsteele_com_3acdf9081c14.png]
We call her The Riddler for this exact reason, although, this just in, Paul Dano and Jim Carrey have filed lawsuits against us.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_51_47_brantsteele_com_5f032c861aa3.png]
Katsuki, major badass. 

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_51_57_brantsteele_com_9c9c9141a3aa.png]
I mean, when the one you're struggling with weighs, like, an octadecillion times more than you do, it's easy to give up.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_52_06_brantsteele_com_ea6d9dd8742a.png]
SELF DESTRUCT!! Shinji incorrectly decides that it's better to die than be killed.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_52_15_brantsteele_com_91466b8bc8f7.png]
DEJA VU!! Vulkin plays the same trick Miku did on Loggerhead Shrike. Now we've got... slightly more meat on the menu.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_53_52_brantsteele_com_aa617ce2ebfd.png]
I've tasted noses before and I still don't get the appeal.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_54_02_brantsteele_com_27477a5d4b1d.png]
Edna does the smart thing.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_54_10_brantsteele_com_8c26d1ab66c0.png]
NICE SHOT!! Vindicator wastes no time with Koro-Nyan, ending a knife fight like Indiana Jones.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_54_22_brantsteele_com_6366cb6ca6f5.png]
How boring is that!

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_54_34_brantsteele_com_f8e6b65a7133.png]
A cowboy with space-time warp powers? Woooowwwwww!!

Meanwhile, Eijirou, Edelgard, Inez, Edna, Angel Eyes, and Mono simply run away from the Cornucopia.

With the bloodbath finished, it's high time we take on some actual things, see who dies and when.


On Our Way, Hiding
[Image: 2022-05-30_10_54_48_brantsteele_com_212795af15b8.png]
For all of Miku's game-development abilities, she is not that great of an artist.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_54_59_brantsteele_com_45b20cdc72da.png]
Probably watching Cassowary somehow...

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_55_15_brantsteele_com_01fa583ae0ae.png]
BET!! Eijirou and Katsuki try to kill Kerning, but fail. So... Eijirou's gotten Loggerhead Shrike for tonight!

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_55_35_brantsteele_com_9bc24026d185.png]
Are you comfortable being a cannibal, Edna? Or, for that matter, you, Mono?

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_55_48_brantsteele_com_84f294a769d3.png]

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_56_00_brantsteele_com_854f5bb1fecd.png]
As Julia watches on with envy.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_56_11_brantsteele_com_ba22865c13b8.png]
Ice cream!! Frozen!! Regenerateddddd!!

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_56_21_brantsteele_com_40200698ebf9.png]
watermemon don't fuck around


[Image: 2022-05-30_10_56_32_brantsteele_com_4f0b6e7d55ef.png]
Vindicator is now... VEGGIECATOR

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_56_43_brantsteele_com_a0ea6d6fadad.png]
Angel Eyes is getting bored with life, so he's deciding to torment others for his own amusement.

[Image: 2022-05-30_10_56_51_brantsteele_com_9554bbfb3130.png]
Thin Man can't phone home now. Goodbye.

Well... so far this has been a pretty nice season, I think. How y'all doing out there, cannon fodder?

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4 deaths: The Rabbit Agender, Shinji, Loggerhead Shrike, Koro-Nyan

22 tributes remain.

Well, that does it for today's update. If y'all are interested in hearing more, let's make sure to get this all taken care of. I'll see y'all around nightfall.

Next time... MARSHMALLOWS.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
REJOICE, PSYCHE, for your OTP has directly interacted on the first day!

As for my tributes, it's burn, birdy, burn from Vulkin!
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
Interesting, Mono was friends with Six presumably before she became a cannibal. Hmm.

Thin Man can't get through inventory through the TVs? Lame Tongue

Does Watermemon wash a black hole's mouth by yeeting soap into it? Lol
Not great nor grave. Just grey.

Oof, RIP dice kity
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers

Weird tribute you were trying(?) to nurse back to health though, fellas.
oof bun die lmao

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