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09-13-2021, 14:09:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2021, 14:25:43 PM by Whistle.)
Had a dream about college and music school. All I remember is that I was eating dinner with my classmates from both college and music school when my film teacher came in. I absentmindedly slipped off my moccasins and he told me that my feet were stinking up the whole place. I then realized that I was missing an appointment and had to run right to my car to drive over to the next hall. I got into the hall but had to pick up my sandals which were randomly in the middle of the hallway for some reason. I then got to see my counselor and some other lady, told her the time, and she said that she didn't even recognize me.
It almost felt a bit labyrinthian, the college, anyway. I couldn't tell what was what. But at least my mom wasn't in it.
Oh also, the went any men's and women's bathrooms: only left and right.
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This dream was very convincing to me, just because it was so mundane. I don't remember the whole thing, but I do remember the TVT HGS spots being open and trying to think of tributes for the season (the fire and ice season). The first tribute I thought of was a snowman from Yu-Gi-Oh!, but Bale took that one, so I just chose a different ice monster from that game.
The second tribute I thought of was entirely made up. While looking for tributes, I opened up my account, and found a soundtrack album (in the genre of Future Bass) for some game that described itself as a Souls-like, but with a completely different aesthetic. Apparently the main character used fire/heat powers that were related to spices, but he couldn't cook at all.
Also in my dream I burnt my wrist while making a toasted sandwich. I'm not sure how that didn't make me up immediately, but hey, it's a dream, nothing makes sense.
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I dreamed I was visiting some friend who my brain made up for the dream, we talked about some friend of hers who was a nurse or something (I think she wanted to set me up with nurse lady?), then we ate pot gummies that looked like aloe vera leaves for some reason and started singing commercial jingles and laughing our asses off.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Had a dream that had something to do with weight loss.
Can't remember anythign else about it other than that. Was it me or someone else? Was it healthy or unhealthy? Was it working or not working? Was it actually happening or were we just thinking/talking about it in the abstract? Did it make any kind of sense? Couldn't tell ya.
I mean it probably didn't make sense, this is dreams we're talking about. But we can't confirm that for sure!
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Come to think of it, maybe I should try losing some more weight...
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I had a very... disturbing dream about weight loss once like... a decade ago.
I dreamed I needed to lose 5 pounds so I went on a diet... a pretty normal diet, but the scale didn't change so I kept getting stricter and more extreme with my diet and it still didn't change and by then everyone was really worried about me and took me to the doctor and it turned out I was dangerously underweight so I mentioned to my mom that the scale hadn't changed so I thought I was fine and she told me that scale had been broken for months.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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New dream just dropped, and I REALLY wish I remembered more of it right now. Somewhere near the start, I was watching videos on YouTube, when I went to check out Griffin Puatu's music. I saw what seemed to be a Beastars album cover, which I obviously clicked on. And, well, instead of Griffin's usual music, I was greeted with a rap in the style of The Stupendium. The lyrics were... questionable and horny, to say the least, but the beat was just awesome (when I woke up, I really wanted to remember it so I could make it IRL later).
The dream moved on, though. I checked on the Supercell webcomic (updates or something), and I guess this non-canon part showed up. Basically, the character Ragtamet was disussing Magic: the Gathering with a lynx character.
I can't remember the rest of the dream, but I'm sure there was a lot more.
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Weird-ass dream in which Elmo-from-sesame-street's Puppeteer turned out to be a major criminal who'd killed like thirty people over several years, (no reason was given beyond that he had. I assume it was out of spite.) and it was all over the news, and they were looking for his partner in crime who hadn't been caught yet who was hiding the bodies in his basement. (Quite poorly, as it turns out, burying the bodies in asphalt in a concrete floor), and then when people dug up the floor, it turned out there were over a hundred bodies somehow in that tiny-ass basement.
And then I stopped being a passive observer-type thing and got mauled by a dog, so there was that.
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I had a dream there was a photo booth that put you in different scenes from movies. And this time I was female and people accepted me. I was chatting with Okami on Discord about something new and actually got somehow involved with meeting them in person.
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Had a dream about KSP and Lucy.
Apparently, the Lucy mission flew by its first Jupiter trojan and it imaged an unusually bright spot on its teeny little moon. So then I thought I would add that little detail to the map for the moon I'm currently making right now (in-dream), and I also celebrated by doing a little jig. And somehow I got dirty. In space.
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the one from last night that I remember:
My mom was alive again and she and I were working but somehow the shop was in a different location, this becomes important later. Anyway I had forgotten earrings somehow and she was trying to sell me some for $50, then for $30. I wanted cheaper earrings so we closed for lunch, met up with... my grandmother who was also somehow magically alive again and a couple other people (NO idea where my dad was in all this, I guess it was his day off). We were at a dollar store across the street to... look for earrings. But they had all these clothes for some reason so I picked out a pair of jeans and some blouses and then I noticed they had yarn so I picked out some yarn too. (the ball of yarn I picked out was made from hemp fiber and I was going to send it to someone in a gift exchange.) Anyway my mom had picked out a couple more blouses and threw them on my pile. One was pink and oversized and she said it was to "replace the old one" that apparently she'd gotten stains on when she borrowed or something. So then I finally realize I was gonna look for earrings. When I finally found some I liked we went to check out. But the yarn was gone. The blouses and jeans and a couple other random things were there, and so was a child's fortune teller Halloween costume. Which was too small for me and too big for Dusty so I went to put it back while the clerk bagged my items. When I got back I had entirely different clothes in my bag. So we decided to go to Target to get a pink blouse but I was working on a lie to tell the clerk because apparently they no longer let you buy clothes there that were too big for you. When we got out in the parking lot to look at what I'd actually ended up buying all the clothes were gone and a Doberman puppy jumped out of the bag instead.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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So I dreamt I worked at this place called "b55" (though sometimes it was called "a55" or "b5")? My work was mostly just typing stuff down at a computer iirc, and Shin Amon was also working there
Anyway, I was walking around the office, and looking through some files I learned that this company had been involved with and working on various stuff including Neopets and the Lorax movie... and more interestingly/concerningly, had done some Weird Cult Stuff in the past. When bringing the latter up to the higher-ups, they kinda just casually went all "oh shit yeah you got us lol, we did in fact do that"
Also the word "b55" was related to pipis somehow?
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I dreamed that my mother was looking for something to help fill the inevitable void that I would leave when I was gone, so she adopted four 17-year-old boys from around the world to be my brothers.
Is it odd that I could legit see her trying to do that?
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At one point in one of last night's dreams I said "Remember when I accidentally became Satan?" and I'm not sure I want to know.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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I had this weird storage thing on my ceiling and I was taking things out of it, including:
* big rolls of ribbon in black and gold
* a roll of black velcro
* cat toys
* scarves
* and several old notebooks and sketchbooks I hadn't looked at in like 5 years
also I had to take off a panel and the door to get everything out so it was not a very well designed storage thing (even disregarding it being on the ceiling).
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Was in an apartment or something, several stories up, in a room that my brain says was my mom's but didn't contain my mom or look like any room she'd ever lived in. Needed to make some calls for some reason so we unplugged the landline that was there and took it into a... hallway window corner nook thing? Don't know how to describe this.
Somehow the first call went through enough to reach an answering machine before we realized "oh wait it's probably not working because this is a landline that we've unplugged and that's not how phones work".
This room was also an office in an office building and a coworker (ours or hers? unknown) came by asking for some candy but lamenting that she knew the person whose office it was (different from my mom somehow) didn't have his candy stash anymore, which confused us because it was right there and we pulled it out to show her.
Something about some product (facemasks maybe?) with a bunch of little story summaries printed on the back, and one of them we wanted to read the full story but of course the product did not contain the story because that's not what it was.
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I dreamed a big bus full of old people came to my shop from a retirement home and I somehow had myself convinced that each one was going to buy one individual doily. Also the layout of the shop was all different and had some random side entrance that the old people decided to come through instead of the front door.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Why yes, dream me, the reaction to finding out a shitpost you made over a decade ago has become a real thing is in fact to dance around a furniture store singing songs from the musical Camelot that have absolutely nothing to do with the shitpost.
(My other dream was about trying to adjust a couple of crooked teeth by yanking them out and trying to glue them in again before new ones grew in, which... made just about as much sense as "the shitpost is true so let's sing and dance" looking back on it)
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Alright, so tonight's dream was yet another weird one. The first thing I remember from it was the Top Gear crew trying to take credit for some song, before seugueing into an advert for a really long laptop. Said laptop included an "Office Mode" to quickly open up the document your boss thinks you're working on. And then that became a top-down sprite-based RPG set in an office where Spamton was trying to enslave the employees, including, for some reason, WingedCatGirl herself. It ended with his sprite becoming the sole 3D one before I woke up.
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There was an SSBU battle between 8 CPUs on a stage similar to Golden Plains, but constantly autoscrolling right like Mushroomy Kingdom. It seemed to be one in which fighters had a single stock.
The only fighters I remember were "Mr. Game & Watch" (actually a new fighter called Mii Grappler that had a costume that looks exactly like him) in the P4 slot, Pac-Man in the P5 slot and King K. Rool in the P7 slot.
I only remember the later parts. Specifically, King K. Rool turning golden, picking up a hammer (whose head fell off), and reaching around 740% before being KO'd and securing third place. (I've heard that it's not uncommon for him to survive to 200%, but this is ridiculous.) The battle ended when G&W threw a Beetle at Pac-Man, the latter of which was at just over 100% and got blast KO'd (not screen KO'd as usual), winning G&W the match.
The Mii Grappler has a grappling hook they use as a weapon, hence the name. One of their victory animations has them far away in the distance, firing their grappling hook at the bottom center of the screen, then letting it pull them towards the screen. Mii Fighters could now replicate the appearance, series symbols and victory themes of other playable characters.
What else needs saying?
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I've shared this other places but I had this weird moodboard appear in a dream:
if this isn't proof my dreambrain is just a shitposter I don't know what is
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I dreamed I was meeting up with Cutbug, Knife, and/or Guma at Woodstock for some reason on my 21st birthday (since geographically, they seem closest to me). It always ended differently every time I tried to repeat it, sometimes with open arms, sometimes with animosity. But it always felt like a somewhat interesting meetup, even though none of them have seen my face.
Oddly enough, it's one of the first times I've ever presented completely femme in my dreams, with long flowing locks, a fuller chest, and a far slimmer figure. It felt... good. I felt comfortable there, even if I didn't know how to do everything.
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I dreamed that my brother and sister-in-law were coming over for a holiday celebration but they were running late. And somehow this meant that Elon Musk got to come over and open my Christmas presents so that I wouldn't lose them. All of them were in some bottomless box. Some of the gifts I got made sense as a thing for me to get (like self-striping yarn) but for some reason there was also a Dilbert plushie and some weird wall hanging things featuring owls. And a bunch of other random (mostly decorative) stuff. And I was trying to stuff everything back into the box (which it no longer fit into) and Elon was estimating the value of everything at $501.00.
why the fuck Elon Musk of all people I do not know.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Sephiroth sent me a message warning me about the end of the world.
Also Dancing Mad was a song that was available in SSBU, along with other final boss themes from the Final Fantasy franchise (which I admittedly don't know so it probably made up). It was seen being played on Final Destination.
I don't remember anything else.
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Oh yeah, "Dancing Mad" would be a great song for SSBU. I wonder what sort of remixes would be available for that!
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