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The weirdest part of my dream, aside from throwing a GoPro into an orbit within Saturn's rings, is that one of my old DeviantArt friends started transitioning to a barefoot lifestyle.
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All I remember from last night is someone getting in a car and saying “im taking France to somewhere else in Europe” and me thinking that was clever for some reason
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I had a dream about a bootleg 2D Mario game. In one level, there were a bunch of enemies that looked like Dry Bones with oversized heads that didn't fit with the level itself. Instead of completely going off when you stomped on them, their eye lights only dimmed so they look smaller. For this level, the player was Toad and the level slowly got darker and darker. There was a reflection of the level in the background that was subject to some nasty interface screw; as the level darkened, the platforms in the reflection got slimmer. There was water at the bottom of the level as well; when the level reached full darkness, you have 5 seconds to get out of the water by swimming to a nearby platform that is sufficiently low before you instantly drowned. You can't jump in water during full darkness, so you just floated on the surface.
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i joined some kind of roller blading team and was attending my first practice
(keep in mind, my coordination and balance is super awful to the point that i basically cannot skate)
went to an upstairs balcony nook thing to put on my skates (they were the side-by-side kind even though the team revolved around the blade kind, apparently for practice reasons?)
i put them on over my regular shoes, which it occurred to me was maybe unusual but they fit fine enough that way so i decided this must be the intended method
apparently i was still having some kind of trouble, cause some guy came up to help me and he said something like "oh looks like you tried to put the tongue in" and i was like "that doesn't make sense" but then he fiddled with the skates and they fit more properly
i think more stuff happened after that but i can't remember it
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Afternoon nap dream seemed to have me be basically being part of the in-universe narrative of an enviromental education show, messed around with catching fish and releasing them (using a single hook and uh...rusty thin metal line) then near the end someone who looks like pete but is a woman tells us to get out of the island or else...where they suddenly explode into goo, then by the end as looking out of the island fucking...melty-ass giant zombie monster things, all basically the narrative of some special episode made by the ones also behind oggy and the cockroaches (i think)?...based by the whatever outro card that is that had a spinning spherical cartoon cat head and the word "VICTORY" on said cat head and at that point i was in a "watching the show" position, saw the clock (which said it's 5:16 pm and was more like looking at the computer taskbar for some reason) then woke up
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
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She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed
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The only things I can remember from last nights dream were that Zanreo made a Roblox game (I don't remember it being particularly glitchy or bootleg-like) and that the handles of my glasses broke off and I lost the screws for them.
Don't worry about my IRL glasses; the main problem is that the left lens was a bit loose, but it's OK as long as you don't apply too much pressure.
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06-23-2021, 11:46:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2021, 11:46:24 AM by awe921.)
had a dream where a roblox character got a tvt page and okami was like "Grrr Shiba Inus Suck"
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
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07-10-2021, 08:57:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-10-2021, 08:58:12 AM by NebulaChimera2211.)
I had a 3-in-1 last night.
The first one predicts that Italy will defeat England 2-1 in tomorrow's Euro 2020 final. Specifically, England will score first, then Italy will equalise during stoppage time (the extra bit tacked on when the main 45 minutes are up) of the second half. Italy will then score during extra time.
(EDIT): I think part of it was set in my high school, which made me realise how glad I was to be away from there.
In the second, I was on a cliff edge with a lion cub. We were looking at the view to a nearby African modern-looking megacity. Then this black and purple pirate lion named Copperdarts appears and gives himself a brief introduction before trying to kill me. At that point, I think lucid dreaming played a part in it and I beat him to death with my bare hands. I think a less malevolent, though still hostile, lioness showed up as well. In retrospect, I think she was Copperdarts' wife, and the lion cub from earlier their child (its gender was never specified). I think I killed her too after she attacked me. And sometimes the lion cub would try to stop me, but I just swatted it away.
In conclusion, I befriended a lion cub before orphaning it in self-defence.
The last one was about a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon for the Switch. Scenes shown included a room (most likely a Monster House in retrospect) that was full of Porygon2 and Porygon-Z, Blaziken being a much darker red/brown than in reality and someone trying to revive their partner by standing next to their grave being interrupted by an enemy Slowking.
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07-15-2021, 06:17:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-15-2021, 07:06:16 AM by GoldenCityBird.)
Tonight on "weird-ass dreams", we have had...
Murder in the British Museum: In room 1931 of the British Museum, someone Victorian was murdered. Nobody knows who did it. A bunch of political cartoonists, including one who "threatened a granny", were arrested, though.
Carole & Tuesday: Weird Edition: Basically, it was a scene from a Carole and Tuesday episode, focusing on Angela fighting mentally against the AI version of her that Tau created, who's even worse than usual. They eventually started talking about some toony Pokémon knockoff and that gets Angela motivated somehow?
The Family Guy Wiki: I then found myself on what was probably the Family Guy wiki (the artstyle was more Ducktales, though). I read articles for a couple of canine furry characters; one was a dude who looked kinda like Owen Wilson, and the other was a non-binary person named Jefferessica, who used some strange neopronouns (Gpo7/Awooi, I think).
I likely would've dreamed more, but a very real cow in the very real world mooed and woke me up at 6 o'clock.
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(07-15-2021, 06:17:32 AM)GoldenCityBird Wrote: ...the other was a non-binary person named Jefferessica, who used some strange neopronouns (Gpo7/Awooi, I think).
Why does gpo7 seem like gpo7'd be an actual Family Guy joke? I wish awooi had a better chance.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
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dreamed about being back at the all boys summer camp I attended as a kid
we were having Thanksgiving dinner (in summer somehow??)
and some staff person said a thing about how technicalities of age meant I would become a counselor-in-training one year earlier than the rest
and also that they were planning to have this happen at the all girls partner camp, which made me like :D
though they pointed to the official rules about "fertility" being forbidden, which I took as a euphemism for sex so I was like "yeah lol I know that's a rule"
and in the same document there was a rule about how if five to nine communists are in the same "official" vehicle it doesn't count as "automatic" anymore and I have no clue what the hell that was supposed to mean
there was also a part where i woke up and played minecraft until i was very late for work because when i looked at my clock it randomly shuffled the time and i was like "fuck i don't know which of these numbers is right, i'm going to keep watching it change until it settles on one which will hopefully be not the one where i'm very late for work"
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(07-21-2021, 15:18:19 PM)wingedcatgirl Wrote: there was also a part where i woke up and played minecraft until i was very late for work because when i looked at my clock it randomly shuffled the time and i was like "fuck i don't know which of these numbers is right, i'm going to keep watching it change until it settles on one which will hopefully be not the one where i'm very late for work"
That's actually the 100% proven way to know you're dreaming. If you look at a sign it will just pick random words out of your subconscious and place them on there. By analogy, the same thing will happen with clocks.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
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indeed, i recognized that in retrospect, but not at the time
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Alright, last night's dream...
The only part I really remembered was unboxing some board game. Within the box was a large deck of cards, not wrapped up in the usual thin plastic (maybe it was just second hand, idk). And the cards... well, they represented people in the game. Which included Troubadours. Including myself. Here's roughly how it described me:
The Fragile Flock
(There was a quote here. It was long and rather personal, so you don't get to see it.)
The card design itself resembled a pop-up from Europa Universalis IV, with a shield in the top-left corner showing what the character looked like (for my card, it used my TC avatar). I can't remember much about what else was on the card, or what anyone else's looked like.
In terms of what else happened in the dream, someone tried to help unpack the box, but they just hid a portion of the cards, including a Beast Quest card. Then I saw a different playgroup in the same room playing a Family Guy-themed version (apparently). Why does my subconscious mind love Family Guy? I've never watched it.
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what i remembered of yesterday's afternoon nap was that it ended with me getting into a position so that i can get a (presumably vaccine) shot on my left butt
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
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She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed
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07-31-2021, 04:46:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-31-2021, 04:47:48 AM by Zanreo.)
Various dreams from recently:
* I was playing this... well, apparently it was a Spider-Man game, but aside from the protag looking somewhat like Spider-Man it didn't seem much like one. The parts I remember was getting a "Confused" status effect from an enemy attack, and saving after the fight but then regretting it because walking around would gradually drain my HP (just like Poisoned in past Pokemon games) and since I didn't have much left I'd be stuck with getting a game over before I could really get anywhere. (Also this part, and several other parts of the game, were in a 2D pixel overworld style) So to get out of this I went somewhere else (which didn't make me lose all my HP, somehow), outside a hospital or something, then I put up what looked like an old phone wire and tried sending something up through it (and at this part it had switched to more realistic 3D, where I was suddenly seeing things from the perspective of the main character insteas of just playing)
Also, when I met a rare enemy later on (having been healed at this point) the battle music sounded like a mix of Yakuza: Like a Dragon's Substory Battle Theme and some of the legendary Pokemon encounter themes
* I was gonna play a board game (I think a board game version of Cards Against Humanity or something?) with some other TC people/tropers, and for whatever reason I kept a bunch of pieces from this game inside my shirt.
Then later it switched to some kind of school-but-not-really-setting, because I was back in college apparently, and Akiyama from Yakuza was the college professor and showing a video about various old classic memes, including (of course) All Your Base. Oh, and all of this took place in a building closely resembling a nearby supermarket, just without all the stuff to buy and "being a shop" part
* I got invited to this event/presentation held at an arcade with various games. The games were played by inserting special tickets, which you'd get from a machine in the arcade in exchange for money, and I put in a 25 dollar bill (which was a thing in the dream, and apparently this happened somewhere in the US instead of Norway where I live) and got a bunch of tickets, shortly after I thought this might have been a bit much
Anyway, first thing I tried was this rhythm game where the cabinet said "pop"n music 7" despite it being nothing like pop'n music. It was a touchscreen-based game with the notes going in 6 directions (the corners, and the vertical sides), however the timing seemed very off and didn't always registrer my input, so needless to say I got bad scores. The difficulties also had some weird names I don't remember.
There was also another game that looked like a rhythm game at first, but turned out to be some kind of weird quiz game where you would see a picture, short video ect. and having to answer questions.
As for the actual presentation? I just remember some videos of various wild animals and also some FNF mods
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My most recent dream had me at the very top of an unusually grassy mountain with a flag on my back, and I saw that there was already someone there............
But then, without any thought on my end at all, I then took the flag and impaled the poor soul with it. Right in the heart.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
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I had a dream some nights ago in which I caught a shiny Kyogre... while having a Meditite at the front of my party.
Last night, I had a dream about a weird Steel-type gym. I remember fighting it with a Luxray (holding a Choice ScarfBoosts the users Speed, but locks it into the first move it uses ), Torterra, Krookodile and Flareon in my party. Luxrays movepool included Spark, Crunch and Volt Switch. At one point, there was a duo that had big chains that when put together, looked like an anchor.
Bea was changed to be a Steel/Fairy specialist. Her team included a Jigglypuff and a Steel/Fairy fakemon shaped like a cross between a caltrop and either an origami bird or the Liver Bird. Team Rocket's Jessie was a Poison gym leader, but she came in on an out-of control parachute and the gym seemed to be a Flying one.
This next bit is the weirdest part. In the Steel gym, there's a bonus boss in the form of a young boy. He only had a party of two Pokemon, a Luxray with Guts (whose level I think was on par with the other members of the gym) and a level 95 Regigigas. Both of them were holding Toxic OrbsItem that badly poisons the holder . This Regigigas had a special move. I think its name was "Divine Revelation" or something similar; it definitely had "Divine" in the name. It cures the users status and raises two random stats, but suppresses the users ability.
Late into the fight, it got messed up. The UI was messed up as it showed glitched stat changes on the Regigigas. Regigigas stared taking damage at the ends of turns as though it was poisoned, even though it wasn't. I managed to finish the fight with a Quick Attack from Flareon, which KO'd it from 5% health despite me being severely underleveled for that fight.
Finally, he had an ominous battle theme that persisted throughout the gym.
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08-01-2021, 08:58:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2021, 10:47:07 AM by GoldenCityBird.)
Last night's weird-ass dream was... something, to say the least. It was mostly Beastars-themed, but with a load of other stuff, too. Highlights include:
* Me following Louis, Legoshi, and Dom to the dorm rooms... down a road I live near. Someone got caught in a car crash, and I was nearly trapped in a garage. Good thing I escaped.
* Legoshi's an artist. While dining with Haru, he showed her some art of him and her, and some other characters. He admitted to tracing some of it (something about not being able to do matted fur right), though. I tried to look for the canine dorm after that (after maybe becoming Legoshi), but got horribly lost.
* I was at home in my kitchen. There was a pink folding chair, which I stole and put in my room because... why?
* Beastars got some sort of tie-in, I guess. It was completely different from the original show, focusing on live-action humans who used robots to train dinosaurs, but it apparently took place near Cherryton. One of the dino tamers got punched by a robot, which was quickly followed by a montage of his memories, I guess, before he was announced dead.
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This was a couple years ago but I remembered this the other day so I had to share because I thought it was funny:
I had a dream where I was in some fast-food place (I can't remember which one but I think it was either supposed to be an Arby's or it was some restaurant that my brain invented for the dream) and some woman wearing a pillowcase as a dress and lurid LuLaRoe looking leggings came over to me and started yelling at me for... wearing long pants. (Yeah, lady, you're wearing a pillowcase I'm not taking fashion advice from you.)
I think my dreambrain probably got the pillowcase thing from an old episode of What Not To Wear.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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The only bit I fully remember from last night's dream was I was interviewing some really tall woman (I forgot what the actual interview was about) and she went off on some tangent about racism because she'd found a bottle of pale-toned foundation makeup with pipe cleaner arms and googly eyes attached to it and she said that the pipe cleaner and googly eye combination was invented by a Black person and it offended her to see it on white person cosmetics.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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I dreamt about gargoyles about two nights ago for some reason I have no idea why I've never watched the show aside from clips and I haven't been reading anything about it maybe this is something prophetic like I'm destined to finally watch it
idk it was interesting
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
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I had a dream in which I was going down a water slide in an indoor water park. It was one of those enclosed ones where you can't see outside of it. It got thinner and thinner near the end and it was apparently a kids slide. I got stuck at some point, but then started rapidly growing and phased out of it, ending up in the main pool.
I was fully clothed and could comfortably stand on the bottom of the pool, even though it was very deep, but there was still loads of room in the pool itself. I don't remember my exact size; I think I shrank back down over time. In the pool itself, I was big enough to hold someone in one hand, but when I later got out, I was only about 5 times my regular height (which'd be a bit over 30 feet tall).
I don't remember anything else about the dream, but later realised how scary and dangerous it'd be to get trapped in one of those slides. I hope they have procedures for what to do if that happens.
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I was in some heaven-like place. There were hostile angels with bows and arrows scattered everywhere, waiting for us to pop out of a small safe haven. Then Hercules (yes, the Hercules, but not the animated version) pops out of nowhere with a sword to challenge the angels to a fight. This stunned everyone, including the angels, into complete dumbfounded silence. I whisper something to my self under my breath, but Hercules hears me and whispers back "is that an apology", to which I reply "no".
I can't tell if this bit was lucid: people sentenced to the equivalent of hell have to hold up heaven with a really long, thin pole. They're also consumed with guilt.
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I wish I could remember my dream better from last night because in part of it I was roleplaying as Terezi Pyrope in law school. I think there was also some kind of reunion in a diner.
Stupid doomed timeline...