07-01-2021, 14:55:55 PM
![[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=7599580]](https://media1.tenor.com/images/cd1d4d2534bf6e1d48bfa986662bec99/tenor.gif?itemid=7599580)
Sandbox Thread
07-01-2021, 15:59:39 PM
godzilla sig. Based
he's pretty awesome and a good father figure.
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
07-03-2021, 12:09:30 PM
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
quote listW H O T U R N E D O N T H E L I G H T S E N D L E S S F U N ENTITY SUCCUMBED; INVALID She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed
Bruh!? "I will find a use for this text. I will." Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
quote listW H O T U R N E D O N T H E L I G H T S E N D L E S S F U N ENTITY SUCCUMBED; INVALID She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed
07-17-2021, 15:04:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2021, 15:04:24 PM by Mr. Lee Hammer.)
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Dark coral Coral Light coral Turquoise Vermillion Lime Violet Purple Indigo Lavender Blue Gold Silver Bronze Sky Sky blue Light blue Dark blue Ochre Magenta Cyan Green Teal Red Yellow Light Green Dark Green Medium violet red Indian red
Click Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
quote listW H O T U R N E D O N T H E L I G H T S E N D L E S S F U N ENTITY SUCCUMBED; INVALID She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed Old Sim Ports (22)
New Sim Exclusives (2)
Endgame Events (3)The Final Boss Endgame Scenario: [Players] are forced to attack and defeat a massive, powerful entity. Surviving Scenario: They survive and manage to defeat the entity. Fatal Scenario: They get killed by the entity in the process. Surviving Chances: 50% "Heaven's Stairway" Incident Endgame Scenario: An oil-like substance rains down upon the Arena, that causes anything it touches to float uncontrollably. Surviving Scenario: [Players] avoid getting doused by the rain. Fatal Scenario: [Players] get doused by the rain, causing them to float uncontrollably until they hit the forcefield. Surviving Chances: 45% No Mercy For The Unjesters Endgame Scenario: All of the remaining tributes are at risk of fading away without warning. Surviving Scenario: [Players] don't fade away. Fatal Scenario: [Players] fade away. Surviving Chances: 25% Arena Events (3)Bonus AE-Z Arena Event: Freak weaponry and phenomena show up all over the Arena. Survived:
The False Cornucopia Arena Event: Is that the Cornucopia? NO! IT'S NOT! IT'S A DECOY AUTOMATON! Survived:
Restroom Deathroom Arena Event: The tributes find themselves stuck in a dilapilated public restroom. Survived:
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
quote listW H O T U R N E D O N T H E L I G H T S E N D L E S S F U N ENTITY SUCCUMBED; INVALID She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed
light mode test
10-19-2021, 00:19:48 AM
titlejust making a folder
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
10-19-2021, 14:19:36 PM
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
10-19-2021, 14:19:56 PM
also huh holy shit the Comically Silly Folder Experiment theme has working quick replies
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
10-19-2021, 14:21:18 PM
dark cube quick reply test
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
(ruby annotation test) bonus: Sentret (ah OOF) Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
quote listW H O T U R N E D O N T H E L I G H T S E N D L E S S F U N ENTITY SUCCUMBED; INVALID She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed
10-27-2021, 21:02:12 PM
11-12-2021, 00:56:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2021, 00:59:26 AM by wingedcatgirl.)
Location: Birghan Peak Date: 26th December, 2021 The helicopter you're in lands in a pretty flat area for someplace as high as Birghan Peak. It's been tough to get there in the first place, given that the altitude of the place inevitably has thin atmosphere, and the constant snow that envelops the peak. Once the engine of the chopper turns off, all twelve of you exit it, rush to the main cabin of the place, and unpack, as the Project's lead shows up to you, introduces himself, and tells you all about The Aurora Project, all to make the ultimate telecommunications transmission hub. But for three of you among the ones who came here...you've been assigned by an unknown party (well, unknown to the others, that is) to enact sabotage upon the Project... GameplayBaseline The Aurora Project is an 8-town, 3-scum, 1-third party mafia game. The town is known as the Survivors, while the scum are known as the Traitors. The town's goal is to eliminate all of the scum, whilst the scum's goal is to equal the non-scum's numbers with theirs. The third party's goal will be described in the Roles folder below. Investigation Every day, there'll be an investigation on figuring out who killed the latest victim. The investigation system will be similar to that of Murder in the Mountains, where there's no RNG, but there'll be reduced evidence that's less likely to lead immediately to any certain targets. Both town and scum can send private actions to the hosts to further their goals. The sole third-party role cannot send private actions during this phase. If the player feels like they've got enough evidence, they can send their vote publicly at anyone they think is scum to get them executed. If no majority is reached, the plurality will be executed. If there's a tie, one will be selected at random. Challenges Once the hammered player is executed, the game shifts to the Challenge phase, where players will be given a series of tasks to complete for a chance to gain immunity from being killed by gaining the highest amount of points. The success of these tasks will be first determined by 1-10 RNG, then once the RNG results are collected, a -5 to +5 point modifier system will affect the collected score, based on what kind of actions were performed to complete the tasks (i.e. between "pepperspray the bears" and "punch the bears" to deter them, the latter is more likely to give a point penalty; between "use an axe" and "use a chainsaw" to chop down trees, the latter is more likely to give a point bonus). Whoever has the highest amount of points will be determined after everyone has performed their tasks, the successes are rolled, and the modifiers have been added. Night Phase Night phase hits after the challenges are over. Everyone with a power role must confirm via PMing the hosts (currently me and Magolor) on whether or not they want to do their actions, otherwise it'll be automatically assumed that the player did not perform an action. The scum must also send their kill action at this phase. Rules1: Godmodding and puppeteering are not allowed. 2: Edits are only allowed if it's to fix formatting mistakes. Double-post to fix any grammar or wording mistakes. 3: IC jerkassery will be tolerated, OOC jerkassery will not. Be cool and respectful with others. 4: Please make sure you'll be able to participate in this game before signing up. And if you need to leave mid-game, tell the hosts so that we can find a replacement. 5: Turbolurking is not allowed. Don't post just for the sake of posting. Give actual substance or meaningful impact to the posts you give. 6: Do not reveal your roles under any circumstances. This also includes claiming that you're not a specific role. The only way roles can be revealed is if you get murdered or executed. 7: No stalling from both sides. The scum are expected to send a kill action every night (or else someone will randomly die, with both scum and town at risk), and the town are expected to vote someone out each day, and are not allowed to no-lim. 8: Whilst jerkassery and the occasional off-color comment is okay, NSFW, inappropriate, or outright disruptive stuff (such as Bill's Brother, or Steambot 3000 self-executing itself without giving the GM any OOC leeway to determine if its allowed or not) are absolutely not okay. 9: All private messages sent must be sent to all of the hosts (currently me and Magolor). 10: Remain in-character in the thread, and have fun! RolesSURVIVORS Volunteer: Has no special abilities. Necromancer: Twice per game, you can speak to the dead by asking the hosts a question of 20 words or less. The dead player will then respond in 20 words or less, and you will be told their reply. Detective: Gets 3 chances per game to get clues on the role of anyone they choose to investigate. Each investigative PM upon someone contains 4-5 roles, one of which is the investigated player's correct role. Medic: Every night, you can choose to protect someone from getting killed. Defector: Has a 2-time use ability to learn anyone's alignment. The results that'll show up are "Traitor" for Traitors, and "Not A Traitor" for anyone who isn't a Traitor. Hacker: Once per night, protect a named location in the map from getting attacked by the Cracker. If the Cracker attacks the location in question, the attack fails and any action that involves the location in the challenge phase gets a +1 RNG modifier. Hunter: Once per game, you may choose to kill someone. If they're a Traitor, they die, If they're not a Traitor, you die. TRAITORS Mad Doctor: Can block someone's role 3 times per game. Mad Scientist: Can perform a single ninjakill once per game, that will leave the kill result exactly as the Traitor intends in their kill PM, without leaving any other possible evidence. Cracker: They have 3 times to perform an action per game, which is one of the two following actions:
THIRD PARTY Yeti: If you get voted out, you can vote someone else to be executed in your stead, whilst you'll leave the game instead. The Yeti is not allowed to send private actions during the day. Signup TemplateName: Appearance: Age: Gender/Pronouns: Height, Weight and Size: Abilities: Other: Cast list: 1. TheGeekArtist08 - Dr. Rodney(?) Gerald ...well, if the smooth helicopter ride to here is any proof... 2. Oggy123 - Nintendo Winter Direct, much? 3. Kennifer - Holly Done with your shit, and apparently, done with the cold. 4. PointMaid - Ruby Ramirez Did you heard the news of a group's disbandment and another oven bomb? 5. Despair's Archon of Memes - Reisen Udongein Inaba Time Cop's on a non-temporal assignment? Intriguing... 6. Zanreo - KMIY Sorry folks, no arson allowed here. 7. Dookie - June Got stuck in the past once? Wonder if the Time Cop here had any involvement in the matter... 8. KungFuCutBug - Sherry Jeréz You've got NO reason to steal people's pockets here! 9. awe921 - Russell Seager Eh, you look more "cold-hearted" than "heartless" to me. 10. Goose - Bow Charming! 11. wingedcatgirl - Dubhe Unfortunately, timelines are out of my expertise. 12. MadameButterflyKnife - Voi A fine taste of jobs too! On-deck replacements: 1.
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