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Lucky 13
Welcome to Lucky 13, and thank you for tuning in. Now, on with your scheduled programming.


The Mechanics
There is no day, and there is no night. Instead, cycles are divided into two parts. To start, you are allowed to freely explore the map, make alliances, gather materials, and perhaps even kill (More on that later).

After that begins the “Rounds”. A game will be played that will end with the death of one or two of the people. After the game begins the free roam again. (List of all possible rounds will be posted sometime before the game starts).

Rounds include such things as voting out a person, luck-based guessing, and games in which you can directly target those you do not like/those who you think have murdered.

The cycle will repeat until there are two people left, to which a special Finale Round will be played. The loser of that will be killed, and the winner will be sent free - the only survivor of the 13.

Standard murdergame actions and rolling will appear here.

Attacking & Killing

During the free roam, as well as during a special event known as “Battle Royale”, you may attack another person.

To attack, you need a weapon (No, you're not killing someone with your fists, sorry), which you can find scattered around IKEA. Each weapon will have a strength rating from 1 - 10, this will be added to a d10 dice roll. You need at least 20 power to kill someone else.

After you make your attempt at striking, the other person will make an attempt to dodge your attack. They will roll a d20 for dodging, and if the d20 is more than your combined d10 and and strength rating, they will dodge your attack.

If they successfully dodge, they can make an attempt to run. They will roll another d20, and if the d20 is 10 or more, they will successfully escape. If it is more than 15, they will also catch a glimpse of your face.

If they do not escape, you may attempt striking them again, or you can leave if that's what you're like. Remember that you must hit them with at least 20 power to kill them.

But what if you don't want to run from danger like a little bitch? Then you can retaliate if you also have a weapon. If retaliation happens, both parties will be building up attack until either one runs or someone dies.

Also, if you set up a planned kill, such as a fire, explosion, or poison, it's an instakilll, with the challenge being to pull it off.

So why kill? For one, it gets the player count down. For two, if someone attempts to kill you, you will successfully escape the attempt (This only works for the first attempt to kill you). While you may very much become a target in voting and targeting based Rounds, that is only if you are suspected of doing the murder.

Possible Rounds
Election Night: Vote for someone to go out.
Election Night Double Trouble: Vote for someone to go out. The two most voted people are killed.
Please Plead Me: One person is chosen as the executioner. In character, you must DM me a paragraph that pleads to that person not to kill you, which I will send to the executioner. The executioner must choose their least favorite plea and that person is killed. If someone does not give a plea, they will be PUBLICLY SHAMED on the thread.
Hey Man, Nice Shot: Players are locked into a room. A gun loaded with only one bullet is on the table. Everyone chooses a number (1 - however many people are in the game currently). If that number is equal to one randomly chosen by me, you are dead. If you refuse to pick a number, you will be killed.
Hot Potato: The potato will have a set number of passes in it (from 5 - 20), and every player will either say in thread or DM who they pass it to. If you get the last pass, you are killed. There is a 24 hour time limit to pass the potato by. If you do not pass it in that amount of time, you will die.
Save Me: A random person is drawn, and can save one other person in the game. This goes on until there is one person left, to which they are killed.
Audience Says…: Only people not currently in the game (AKA, spectators and previously killed players) can vote for someone to go out. That person is killed.
Rock, Paper, Scissors: Rock Paper Scissors tournament bracket, only occurs with an even number of players. Loser of each match progresses until the final 2 are in a match together, to which the loser of that is killed.
Curse Words: A word is said to not be used in any upcoming posts. The first person to use the word will be killed.
Assassination Game: One person will be given another person they are to kill by the next round. If they do not, the assassin will die instead.
Gunslinger: One person will be given a gun, and must choose someone to kill. They can also sacrifice themselves.
Let Them Cook: Three prompts will be given. Contestants have 48 hours to send their response to it, to which I will post anonymously. Everyone will then vote for their favorite one. The least voted person will die.
Battle Royale: All players engage in battle for a day, roll an R10 for each attack, If you take 20 damage, you die. If nobody dies, someone is randomly chosen to be shot.
Item Drop! - The only round that does not involve someone dying. Weapons and supplies will be distributed.

[Image: 5d028b04f3655eb19c77394b7ae0932d.gif]

1. Don't be a dick. No godmodding, puppeting, you know the drill.
2. Don't cheat, because cheating is for losers. And now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
3. Don't share DMs unless I give you permission.
4. Dead players, please don't talk in thread until the game ends.
5. You know who you can play as and who you can't, so don't try and sign up as Adobe Himmler or anyone like that.
6. DMing other players is encouraged. If you want to do so, just DM me, and I'll hook you guys up. Alliances, betrayals, and rivalries are a major part of this game.
7. You can edit your posts in this game. I know, what a novelty.
8. Finally, have fun. Those seen not having fun will be executed at the stake.


1. Vriska Serket - Kennifer (Exploded)
2. Nerva Reisgraf - Florian (Defeated)
3. Lucky - wingedcatgirl
4. Dr. Eight - Point Maid
5. Sigrid Anderson - noodlesnook (Shot)
6.  Sasha Waybright - TalesOfUnder
7. Darryl Meeks - Lee the Hammer (Beaten)
8. P.H. Casinoguide - Zanreo
9. Noelle - Owen
10. Jewel - Knife
11. Sony and Microsoft - Oggy (Crushed)
12. Jacquelyn - MP (Stabbed)
13. Arline - Nebula

You wake up inside of a bedroom...no, a makeup of a bedroom in some sort of department store.
Lucky stretchyawns and hops off the nice big comfy bed he woke up in to >explore the area curiously.
>explore the area curiously (Lucky)

All you see is an endless hallway of furniture and houseware. Some put together in groups, some arranged to resemble scenes or house rooms.
What looks to be a teenaged girl with gray skin, messy hairs, and candy-corn horns wakes up with a rather dramaaaaaaaatic yawn and stretch.

Hey, this 8n't my hive!!!!!!!! Where are my 8roken magic 8 8alls and my Nic Cage posters?
Stupid doomed timeline...
Fascinating. Many permutations.

> Open a drawer. Is there anything in it? What, if so?
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Why the hell would the PGA Tour people send me down to IKEA of all places?! What kind of publicity stunt are they planning?! the tall man with the cap and yellow polo shirt yells angrily.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
A shy female deer wakes up before noticing the location..
"H- Hello? Is anyone here?"
> Open a drawer. Is there anything in it? What, if so? (Eight)

No, you don't see anything in it. You might be lucky if you check other drawers, though.
Yes. There are several people here. My name is Doctor Eight. I am programmed to display several educational mathematical games. As I help you learn, you may call me your teacher.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Lucky walks up to the nearest person and meows demandingly at them.
Still looking a bit confused. the gray-skinned girl smiles a bit. Okay, I gotta say that is a gr8 name! So w8, this is some kind of classroom? It looks more like some drone went rogue and smashed a 8unch of hives together. Or some8ody is really 8ad at decor8ing.

...vriska you've never been in a classroom.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Since we're all doing names, I guess I'm Darryl Meeks, professional golfer. Been doing this for over 15 years, he says before whispering God knows why...
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Oh, um.. Hi! I'm Noelle Holiday, nice to meet you people!"
Thank you. ...I will admit that this does not in fact look like my usual program environment.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
(That last comment was toward Vriska)
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
For a moment the girl considers introducing herself as "Marquise Spinneret Mindfang", but... nah, might as well be honest. My name is Vriska Serket. I'm guessing no8ody here knows each other either? Oh, and whose meow8east is that?
Stupid doomed timeline...
Lucky meows at Vriska.
My database contains no information on said feline, if I understand your question correctly.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
The only animals I deal with are birds. Well, not me personally. I do see other people deal with birds. I'm more about bogies.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Well whoever's meow8east it is, it's kind of adora8le.

Even if cats were more Nepeta's thing and she preferred spiders herself... yeah, it was cute. She had no idea why it was here though, she couldn't even guess because they don't have bodega cats on Alternia.
Stupid doomed timeline...
A woman wearing a casino dealer outfit walks in, looking around. "Furniture store? Sure is a weird theme for gambling, but if that's what they decided... wait, this isn't part of my casino, is it?" She notices the others. "Welcome to - I mean, hi! Just call me P. H. Casinoguide."
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
Oh! Hello. Dr. Eight appeared to think. In fact, it was as if her face went blank and a watch icon was superimposed for a second. ...Are you a program avatar as well?
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Gam8ling? Now we're talking! May8e we can get a craps ta8le set up here or something. I'm gr8 with dice games!!!!!!!!
Stupid doomed timeline...
I suppose that'd be something to do. Surely there's something in this store that can be used as a makeshift gambling table.

> Find something that can be used as a craps table
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Lucky decides to >assist with this search by batting things around to see if they make good dice.

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