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Escape From Zombie Park Island 2
Tina: tries to scramble out of the hole. [Try to remember the > :) ]
She has a little trouble climbing out on the hurt ankle, but she does it.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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“”Look everybody! I've got a little hole I made with my hands!”

Laurel is very proud of herself.

Yanny decides that rusty shovel is better than no shovel.

> Use the rusty shovel on the ground.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Tina tries to think what she could easily do until her ankle stops hurting, maybe...

> do a bit of legal research, since a lot of them seem to be on the same page about the environmental laws/protection thing?
Stupid doomed timeline...
> Check how stable the wall is
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Yanny: > Use the rusty shovel on the ground.
...You're only able to make a hole or two. It's hard work.

Tina: > do a bit of legal research, since a lot of them seem to be on the same page about the environmental laws/protection thing?
Nice! You find some international legal reference books with some mentions of environmental law.

Dr. Iceberg: > Check how stable the wall is
...It's okay. Maybe not the most robust but it's not going to immediately topple over.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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>try digging more holes
>rapidly dig big holes
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed

"Well, we got some!"

"I'll help them dig holes!"

>Help dig the holes.
Hitomi takes advantage of her cleaned-out inventory and >starts bringing the materials back to base camp, making multiple trips if necessary.
> Try to find another digging equipment elsewhere
Tina will

> Go through the law books she found and try to find the most compelling points for their situation... damn, this feels like homework.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Sayaka: >try digging more holes
...You're able to dig a few more holes.

Stuart and Bob: >rapidly dig big holes
...You are able to dig one hole. You may have overestimated your ability on that one.

Kirby and Ribbon: >Help dig the holes.
Ouch. You keep filling in the holes you make, and... ooh, end up at the bottom of one.

Hitomi: >starts bringing the materials back to base camp, making multiple trips if necessary.
Success! You've brought back the materials you wanted to base camp.

Eyja: > Try to find another digging equipment elsewhere
Nice! You find a post-hole digger.

Tina: > Go through the law books she found and try to find the most compelling points for their situation... damn, this feels like homework.
You find a ton of great points! ...But there are so many your eyes glaze over and you can't seem to focus to write them down.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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>Maybe you'll have more luck with the law books.
For my next trick, how about I kick your ass?
Herlock Sholmes: >Maybe you'll have more luck with the law books.
Okay, you find a single argument about a treaty to protect migratory birds. Right. ...Does that apply?
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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Hitomi >inspects the gathered materials. Is this enough to build the wall?

If so, she >begins building the wall. If not, she >heads out to gather more.
Tina will

>Try to focus again, and maybe help with some wall building instead.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Hitomi: >inspects the gathered materials. Is this enough to build the wall?
It's absolutely enough!

>begins building the wall
She builds some wall.

Tina: >Try to focus again
Oh, hey! That's good. She finds some very good arguments. Yeah, migratory bird treaties!

> and maybe help with some wall building instead.
...She's able to build a little bit of wall.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
The Clonelands, slightly disappointed that their idea to modernize the island's military was seen as too dangerous, go ahead with the one step of their plan that wasn't too dangerous and

>make the island a national park with the power of being president.
then, they
>set up a toll booth at the entrance and post signs everywhere labeling the place as a national park.
I am the They who says it!
The Clonelands:

>make the island a national park with the power of being president.
Hey, it's a National Park! Even though this Island is purposefully not under the control of any country so Frankie can do her experiments without regulatory compliance... Well done. Well, at least it's designated as one. I think funding still has to go through Congress, and the National Park Service hasn't had time to make itself a presence...

>set up a toll booth at the entrance and post signs everywhere labeling the place as a national park.
Okay, you're able to cobble together some old boards and find some paint for a makeshift toll booth and a sign.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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>work on the animal pens
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
While Hitomi obviously approves of Tina's wall-building plan, she thinks it still needs the towers from her version of the plan, and so she >begins constructing a tower on the base camp wall.
>Study the book some more to see if you can find more arguments.
For my next trick, how about I kick your ass?
Rom and Ram: >work on the animal pens
Good work! The pens are made and secure.

Hitomi: >begins constructing a tower on the base camp wall.
Uh oh. She tries constructing a tower but part of it falls down around her.

Herlock Sholmes: >Study the book some more to see if you can find more arguments.
Yeah! You find some more arguments, plenty to tie them up for quite a while.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Progress on objectives:

1. Fortify our base camp! They are an army. And if I know my cousin, she's not above physical attacks.
Some progress!

2. Protect the animals! Who knows what they're willing to do to them.

3. Stop their march across the island.
Not tackled yet

4. Find me a legal reason to stall for time!
Reasons found!
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
"Oh, yikes," Hitomi mutters. "That could've gone better..." She >cleans up her mess and tries again. "We gotta have at least one tower, otherwise where are the ranged fighters gonna stand?"

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