02-18-2021, 18:02:25 PM
The 8ootprints point to either you or Roger, unless some8ody 8orrowed your footwear to frame you. So may8e he 8etter start talking, too.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Castle of Beasts: An NME Murdergame
02-18-2021, 18:02:25 PM
The 8ootprints point to either you or Roger, unless some8ody 8orrowed your footwear to frame you. So may8e he 8etter start talking, too.
Stupid doomed timeline...
02-18-2021, 18:03:42 PM
"Should we put this on hold until the next day? The winner of the next fight can check them and know for sure."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
02-18-2021, 18:04:49 PM
>Check for any footprints, one more time, just for luck.
None besides the ones already discovered. You have to vote today, or else I'll need to do it for you.
02-18-2021, 18:10:59 PM
We need to be smart about this before we make our choice. Let me look at one more thing.
> check Jessie's and Roger's boots for blood
I like bananas. They're yellow.
02-18-2021, 18:12:02 PM
>check Jessie's and Roger's boots for blood
Not a drop of blood on any of these soles.
02-18-2021, 20:57:37 PM
I'm w8ing to hear Roger's side of things 8efore I vote.
Stupid doomed timeline...
02-18-2021, 21:16:28 PM
[The kids have been waiting patiently for either Roger or Jessie to call heads or tails for a while now, but they've decided to hold off on the coin flip until Roger defends himself.]
02-18-2021, 21:25:28 PM
Roger, you haven't said much. Got anything to say for yourself?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
02-19-2021, 00:01:58 AM
Wow, using a coin flip to decide whoever lives or dies? That's a pretty shitty thing to do. What if I'm innocent and land on heads? Then you're down one more innocent, for no fuckin’ reason!
02-19-2021, 00:05:16 AM
“You were both equally suspicious!”
“It was the best idea we had!” “Although...” “Now that you mention it...” “Are you innocent?” “The others are asking you to defend yourself!” SYMPTOMATIC
02-19-2021, 00:08:00 AM
I was blacked out for two days. Why would I just get up in the middle of the night and decide to kill someone? You don't even have decisive proof.
02-19-2021, 00:11:55 AM
All we know is these footprints we found fit you and Jessie and we can't really find anything else.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
02-19-2021, 00:18:41 AM
"This is the first time I'm seein' you, right? As far as I'm concerned, anything coulda happened during that time you were "blacked out." You sure as hell don't sound convincing to me, fuckface."
02-19-2021, 00:24:37 AM
> look for anything around the castle that could have been used to wipe off Klonoa's blood or bodily remains
I like bananas. They're yellow.
02-19-2021, 00:25:00 AM
Yeah........ okay, you 8oth claim to have ali8is, 8ut we've got to vote for some8ody or the dragon guy will. So, you 8etter 8e convincing.
Vriska wasn't as excited about the coin flip idea, it sounded too much like Terezi's way of solving things.
Stupid doomed timeline...
02-19-2021, 00:39:15 AM
Jessie by this point was steaming. Did Vriska not remember anything from last night? Probably not she was a child drinking alcohol for the first time, but everyone watched her put the kid to bed. If she was the killer, why go out of her way to kill someone else she liked?
I don't want to put my life to chance, I have a job to get back to for Chrissakes. But if no one will come to a decision, I guess I'll do it.
02-19-2021, 00:42:10 AM
Okay, fine. I'll take the coin toss if I have to. Heads, she dies. Tails, I die.
02-19-2021, 00:46:23 AM
Hang on, I have a gr8 idea!!!!!!!! Since Roger's ali8i is weaker, why don't we vote him off today, and then whoever wins the challenge can ask a8out Jessie's alignment so we'll know that tomorrow?
Vriska looked pretty proud of herself, even if this really wasn't a "gr8" idea.
Stupid doomed timeline...
02-19-2021, 00:49:57 AM
"Sounds better than a fuckin' coin toss, at least."
02-19-2021, 00:51:01 AM
I refuse to be polite or heterosexual
02-19-2021, 00:52:37 AM
Don't wanna vote anyone off unless we have concrete evidence... but I guess we don't have a choice. I just hope we end up doin' the right thing in the end.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
02-19-2021, 00:55:54 AM
[Skid and Pump turn to Vriska, slightly awestruck. Then, Pump hastily puts the coin back into his pocket, and...]
/vote Roger Wilco SYMPTOMATIC
02-19-2021, 00:59:10 AM
/vote Roger Wilco
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