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Castle of Beasts: An NME Murdergame
The lights shot on. Every bed was full once again, except for Vriska's.

An empty bed? Now this could mean one of two things . . . either one of you disgusting simians was killed again, or she just decided to take a midnight walk.
> search Castle for Vriska
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>search Castle for Vriska
She was lying down in the Arena. Clear footprints led up to her.
"Good morning, everyone... What happened?"
> Examine the footprints
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> Examine the footprints
They looked an awful lot like Vriska's own.
Boris just mutters something in Russian.

> Follow the footprints

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

>Follow the footprints
They led right up to where Vriska was.
> Examine Vriska's body
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>Examine Vriska's body
Her eyes were closed. On the surface, nothing looked out of the ordinary.
> Examine her neck

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

>Examine her neck
It also looked normal. When you felt her neck, however, there was no pulse.
> Search for anything that could have been used to kill her
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> Join the others.

"Oh, no... What happened to her?"

> Examine the body for any suspicious marks.
>Examine the body for any suspicious marks.
Nothing of . . . that sort, surprisingly.

>Search for anything that could have been used to kill her
Nothing immediately struck out to you. If you could figure out how she was killed . . . .
> search for poision
I like bananas. They're yellow.
(I meant poison)
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> Open her mouth to examine the inside of her throat and mouth

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

>search for poision
No poison in the castle.

>Open her mouth to examine the inside of her throat and mouth
They looked normal.
>Examine barracks for clues
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> Check her eyes to see if she suffocated

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

[Pump makes his way to the others, strangely without Skid in tow.] “Sorry, guys. Skid's... still not really over Klonoa. He's gonna be staying in the barracks for a while, so... I guess you're stuck with me!”

[He sees Vriska and gasps.] “Is she okay?”
>Examine barracks for clues
Nothing in the barracks that could be incriminating.

>Check her eyes to see if she suffocated
You oprened her eyes; they looked suffocated.
"No... She's been killed."

>Search the throne room for clues
[Pump takes a HUGE step back when he catches a glimpse of Vriska's eyes.] “Jeez! Well, that answers that!”

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