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Castle of Beasts: An NME Murdergame
You both calm down!

He points his nightstick at George and Boris.

I'm not gonna let you beat up on innocent people! I'm here to serve and protect and to enforce law and order around here, punks!
I like bananas. They're yellow.

Uhhhhh Matt, I think you mean Boris, not Isaac

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

"..yeah, I'm avoiding everyone except that pumpkin guy, skeleton guy and you." Sylvie said at Klonoa.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
I dou8t I'd get any kinda loot for 8eating up on them, so I'm gonna w8 for an actual 8attle. Even though I could pro8a8ly 8eat you easy. 8ut that wouldn't 8e much of a game, would it?
Stupid doomed timeline...
Klonoa looked over at Sylvie. "Are you sure? Everyone here seems nice." Sans Fuyuhiko of course, but Klonoa thinks he's just got the case of the edge. He'd know that case anywhere. He hangs around Guntz a lot after all.
Sorry, Custard. I'm not quite used to balancing two games

Robinette just runs an honest business. What are you all, savages?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Bossman's right. Beating up random people is quite rude, don't you guys think? Plus she gave us tea!" Klonoa says agreeing with the wrestler.
DAMN, TROLL HAS POINT, Boris says as he lowers his Kalashnikov, SHE OWNS SHOP, WE NEED SHOP.

He pulls out a bottle of tarhun and pours himself a glass.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

It is at that moment when the people in the area will start to feel the air lowering in temperature. They will then see a rabbit woman. During the whole situation, FrostNova has been observing what the owner of the kingdom said, as well as what the others are doing. However, she hasn't properly introduced herself yet.

But being distant with strangers, she just waits for them to notice her while staying silent.
Doraco blew a puff of fire to cancel it out.

I trusted you all to wake up at the earliest possible time. Well, this is why I never trust people.
Well FrostNova, be prepared to be notice by the fellow rabbit-looking captive here. "Hey there! Wow, there's a lot of people here, huh?" That dragon guy did say 12 of them were here, with 4 traitors. So that would make 16 people here in total?
“Apologies, my liege,” comes a voice from behind FrostNova, “but someone as dashing as me needs his beauty sleep, don't you think?” (Riiight, that doesn't exactly sound like much coming from the guy who looks like an anthropomorphised shooting range target— ah. Alwyn's taken off the mask with a winning smile.)

...He isn't not good-looking per se, but good lord does he look pretentious as he is handsome. Sounds like a real fun guy to be around at parties.
[Image: bb0ecb42111c57f72c68ae22416ffcb828b3ff47.gif]
You'd need your beauty sleep even if you weren't so “dashing”. If I had known you qould wake up this late . . . you would all be dead right now.

And there's another person! They're just coming in one out of the other. Klonoa looked at the bunny woman and the guy who could give Joka a run for his money on neat looking masks. "Nice to meet you two. I'm Klonoa!" He said with a friendly and welcoming smile.
"Ah, new people! And they seem actually competent! Heya!" Sylvie said as he waves at FrostNova and Alwyn.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
to be* cuz i made a grammar mistake 
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Medic scribbles down the names and a description of everyone in the room.

"Ve have... ein, zwein, drei... Sixteen people in total... four of zem are killers, vhich means one fourth, zen ze odds of anyone being a killer are one in four. Zis chance vill get reduced as time goes on, so ve should account for every possibility...Ze clock is already ticking. At most, ve can live here for fourteen days, if ze killers strike every night. If not, zen give or take, ze maximum should be around sixteen or seventeen at most."
Henry, after drinking his tea, goes to where the commotion is at.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Henry drank his Ruby Tea and Jade Tea. He now had 2 ATK and 2 SPD.
8n't it less than that though? I mean, we've got to get rid of the killers 8y voting or whatever too, right? So some8ody's gotta die during the days too. We just have to 8e sure we get rid of the 8ad guys 8efore they get all the good ones. I think.

Vriska thought this sounded more like something Terezi would be into, trials and executions and the like. Especially the executions.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"..Vait, I'm incorrect. If some killers vere voted off and one vas remaining, zen ze time ve have is extended... but for now, ve have four left, so... I give us sixteen days."
Well, we need to be sure we investigate any murder thoroughly. Make sure we get the right guy and serve HARD JUSTICE!
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Yes! I wholeheartedly agree, um... Could you alert me to your name?"
I'm the Big Bossman! What's your name, funny-talkin' guy?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"My name is Medic! Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

Medic puts his hand out to shake Big Bossman's hand. "I look forvard to vorking vith you."

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