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Brothers In Arms
"Come on ... Trash? Are you still alive" (Wait... Junko? She's still alive?) Google Translate says, surprised and shocked.
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
Bandana Waddle Dee seems disgusted and shocked.
"Oh, she's alive!?"
Linda just looks like she's trying not to throw up.
Stupid doomed timeline...
The pain... It hurts...

At this point, Junko's survival instinct has kicked in, and she can't even cherish the despair of the situation.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"Huh," Mark says. "That's weird."
(05-27-2021, 15:46:33 PM)Despair's Archon of Memes Wrote: Junko wakes up again... Still completely ripped from her execution.

... Ugh... My head... ... Why am I here again?... WHATDIDYOUDOTOMEANDWHATAREYOUGOINGTODOTOME?!???!?!?!

“None sense! Just showing everybody their final challenge.”

“No....Audley don't do this.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
You have some nerve showing your face around here again. Though... I will commend you for killing that robot.
For my next trick, how about I kick your ass?
“Yeah, the robot's not the only causality here. And I thought, “Oh, Junko was scum, people can cook her! Alive!”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Linda turns to Audley.

"Now listen, miss missy, just because she's a killer doesn't mean we want to cook her alive! Oh, that's so barbaric... I'm gonna barf..."

>Can she make it to the bathroom before she barfs?
Stupid doomed timeline...
Mark is sipping a coconut drink, completely unfazed.
> Can she make it to the bathroom before she barfs? (9)

You've gotten used to barfing, so you make it early.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
No! No more of that! I am tired of all this! NO! MORE! CANNIBALISM!

Seedy Joe breaks a jug of his moonshine and points the pointed bottle right at Audley's face.

Take that back... now.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
[Momoes looks. .so confused. I. .isn't Junko. .dead? How is she. .?]

". .what's. .our next challenge gonna be. .?"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
(05-27-2021, 23:03:01 PM)MatthewLM Wrote: No! No more of that! I am tired of all this! NO! MORE! CANNIBALISM!

Seedy Joe breaks a jug of his moonshine and points the pointed bottle right at Audley's face.

Take that back... now.


She takes the bottle out of his hands.

Oh, and because of a lawsuit regarding suffocation hazards from a Chongyun action figure from our BIA line, we have replaced him in this house.

She hands out action figures from her hand, each resembling one of the guests.

“I hope you like playing with yourself.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
"Hey, that's not a good thing to say, Miss Missy, you watch your mouth."

Linda looks at the action figure.

"Aw, lookit that, a little me!"

She figures she should probably be really careful with it, knowing Audley it's probably got voodoo magic or something fucked up going on with it.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Bandana Dee picks up an action figutr.
"What is this...?"
Well I will admit little Seedy Joe is cute, but there's gotta be a catch to all this...
I like bananas. They're yellow.
“No, there isn't. Just marketable action figures with your likeness on them.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Speaking of action figures, there seems to be a lifesized one sitting in the corner of the room. It seems to be an older man chained up on a wheeled carrier standing perfectly still.
Adam takes a look at an action figure...of him.

He's still unsettled by all this, evident when his hands holding camera he's using to record stuff remains shaky.

"...look...kid, just because I regularly use white wine in my cooking, doesn't mean it's absolutely mandatory for the audience...as well."

Okay, okay, maybe just stay silent, Adam, the show's frazzled you badly in less than a single day.
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed

Google Translate looks at the figure of herself. "Um ... when did this happen?" (Huh... when did this get made?)
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
“Today! So you can have one last present before you perish.”

Red Load:

Blue Load:

2 Junko Pieces
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
> Junko Piece
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>cook a Junko piece oh my god why
Stupid doomed timeline...
"In the past ... have we been polluted? Hello what do you mean?" (Before... we perish? Hey, what's that supposed to mean?)

>special dish
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers

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