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Castle of Beasts: An NME Murdergame
/vote Roger Wilco
Stupid doomed timeline...
/vote Roger Wilco

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

/vote Roger Wilco
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
>look for anything around the castle that could have been used to wipe off Klonoa's blood or bodily remains
Nothing of the sort remained.
That's the majority vote for Roger Wilco. The execution will happen shortly.
I hope we made the right choice. But Klonoa... this is for you.

Bossman gets a bit teary-eyed as he gives off one final salute to the fallen Cabbit.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Unless you have something to say for yourself?
[At Big Bossman's words, Skid and Pump raise their arms into the air.] “Yeah! For Klonoa!”
"STAY THE EXECUTION! Just for a minute! I have something very crucial to say."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Boris pulls out a sledgehammer with "SVETLANA" written on the handle, raising it triumphantly.


I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

"Please, this is very important."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
What is it, George?, he says in a slightly irritated tone.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Super Smash Bros. is not a wrestling game. Instead, it's a collection of almost every Nintendo mascot known to man. Pikachu even makes an appearance as an experienced fighter, straight out of Pokémon training. All characters have the same commands for special moves, which utilize taps and tilts on the analog joystick. The game has two big problems. First, you have to reset the game to change characters. Second, you can't change directions in midair. These flaws are significant enough to retract from the game's overall enjoyment."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Oh my god, who caaaaaaaares????????
Stupid doomed timeline...
Bossman unholsters his nightstick and gets ready to club George in the head with it, but he sighs and holsters it back, awaiting Roger's final fate.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Donkey Kong is mostly in grabs, but is too heavy to be fun. Samus has guns, but her voice is annoying."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Against expectations, Doraco lit Roger on fire and watched as his skin, flesh, and bones all melted in agony. Eventually, he was reduced to dust. The King blew the ashes out the balcony, where they scattered.

I let Medic off the hook, and I wanted to do the same for you. But from now on, anyone who confesses their allegiance gets to experience that.

Um, when did he—

You wouldn't understand.
Fuyuhiko blinks in confusion. "So, what, he really is guilty?"
I didn't think we were supposed to find that out, 8ut if we got another one of them that's gr8!
Stupid doomed timeline...
At least we got another one down and avenged Klonoa. But it's not gonna get any easier from here on out. Gotta stay smart here.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"So he is reduced to ashes after all. Such is his fate, similar to the fate of the Infected in our world. Their body will crumble to dust like how his body is reduced to ashes, their identity physically gone from the world, only leaving memories."

"But you may now rest in peace, child." FrostNova refers to Klonoa in that sentence.
"Right..." Fuyuhiko turns and glares at Jessie. "But don't think you're off the hook, asshole. I'm gonna be keepin' my eye on you."
Jessie raises her hands, eyes wide in surprise. Listen, she said to Fuyuhiko. I was at work when I made a wrong turn and ended up here. I'm vegetarian, for Christ sakes. I'm no killer. Right now, we should probably be getting ready for whatever monster the big lizard'll throw at us next.
> buy and drink Ruby Tea, Jade Tea and Snake-Oil Tea
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>buy and drink Ruby Tea, Jade Tea and Snake-Oil Tea

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