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Last Summer
“What…what the fuck is going on?”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
ii wii2h ii had a good an2wer two that que2tiion.

...yeah, Sollux is still confused as hell.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Well if the dumbass president that got Libre killed wasn't trying to distract us, I wouldn't have voted for him. Doesn't matter if he's a slasher or not, dumbassery gets you killed here."
...Says the first person to vote for Libre who laid out a number of points as to why Libre should die. My word, are you attempting to deflect or something? I still think we should vote for the Kingdom of Hawaii, but Lars is acting highly suspicious.
I am the They who says it!
ye2 lar2 you 2eemed two be headiing the accu2atiion2 about liibre the other day, after conveniiently claiimiing two be a patron. diid you 2tate your role that way becau2e youre actually blamele22 or becau2e you ju2t wanted everybody two thiink you are? the pre2iident ii2 very confu2iing but iim not 2ure he2 the 2u2piiciiou2 one here.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Alternatively, both of them could be stalling and trying to confuse us so we don't vote either. Or...and this might be a shocker. Both of them are stupid. Like the Libre kid. And me.

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

tho2e are al2o valiid po22iibiiliitiie2.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Dale stands there, looking deep in thought. One might think he were about to share one of his asinine conspiracy theories, but nope! Instead...

You know, just remembered somethin' yesterday. About Selen(ium), who got crushed to a pulp by that arcade machine.... we all know both Big Ben and Jason are strong enough to lift it up, and they've done it. But you, Lars..... I noticed you didn't even try yesterday. And I also remember those metal specks, as well. Is that a coincidence or are you tryin' to hide somethin' from us? How strong is that metal arm of yours?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Well, that's my mind made up then. People seem oddly opposed to voting for the Kingdom of Hawaii, for whatever reason. Meanwhile, Lars, who goes off and roleclaims early like that, and then tries to deflect responsibility for prior failings onto ME in a manner most suspicious... And what Dale said about the metal particles, I suppose. Yes, my mind is made up, for the time being, unless new evidence should come to light. And as Sollux said, roleclaiming in the same breath as voting out someone is like screaming "do not look at me, for I am not the murder-doer when this all goes wrong and we execute an innocent" at the top of your lungs, which is extremely suspicious. It's like you knew beforehand that Libre was innocent, which you would only know if you were a murderer.

/Vote Lars
I am the They who says it!
It does seem a little air-tight, doesn't it? Somethin's up with Lars. And we gotta do somethin' here. And the President is right. Most of us were just tryin' to find somethin' to possibly clear his name, but you were a little too eager to kill 'im off, weren't ya? So be it....

/vote Lars
I like bananas. They're yellow.
2orry iin advance iif they do turn out two be a patron but the eagerne22 two vote 2o early ii2 pretty 2u2piiciiou2. not two mentiion accu2iing the pre2iident of beiing the one two campaiign agaiin2t liibre when they were the fiir2t one two do 2o.

/vote Lars
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Fine, go ahead then, vote me. You'll be devastated whenever I turn out to be a good guy."
Yes, yes, devastated, I'm sure. Of course "whenever you turn out to be a good guy" is "never because you're probably a murderer" so that devastation may not come.

Big Ben sighs.
I am the They who says it!
"it does seem that something's going on here... Sorry, but...

/vote Lars
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
Okay, holy shit. I do not trust any of you people and you are all insane. I'm voting Lars and I am going to look for soda. Dammit. Why are you people like this. I want to go back to bed.

/vote Lars

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Heh heh, 6 to drop the hammer today. 1 more and Robokid here is done for~

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

". .okay yeah that's fair. For y'all, at least. Sorry pal, no offense, but. ."

/vote Lars
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Ooooooooh shit, son! You're about to be executed!

The Counselor seems... way too gleeful about this one.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

Jason crossed his arms. "You guys better not fuck up twice."
Sharles just stares. They look excited. Either we did good or we really fucked the lightstand on this one.

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Dale crosses his fingers hoping they got a killer this time.

Come on.... come on.... let it be a killer....
I like bananas. They're yellow.
ii hope we havent made a horriible mii2take agaiin...
Stupid doomed timeline...
This was almost certainly the right decision. I don't doubt that Lars is a killer. There is no place for doubt here.
I am the They who says it!
"We. . Can't be too optimistic, but. . Please be a killer."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
"Well in that case, fuck all of you. I was telling the truth about being a patron." 

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