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Last Summer
> Where's the headless body?

After following a trail of blood, whaddya know, it's slumped up against the Polybius machine in the corner.

> Hand marks, footprints, etc.

No hand marks to be found. As for footprints.... there's some bloody marks on the ground amidst the rest of the blood, but they're hard to distinguish and may not even be footprints at all, honestly.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual


>welp let's try a weapon hunt then
Stupid doomed timeline...
> Also join in on weapon hunt
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> Weapon Hunt!

It leads you back to the claw machine again. After some digging, a bloody knife can be found underneath a pile of plushies.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

>examine knife
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
>could the knife be from the snack bar?
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Wait, the lemon died too? I guess the killers must've been disappointed when they found out they couldn't make lemonade out of this sorry guy's corpse."
>Any marks on the knife?
> Knife hidden in the bathroom?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> Examine knife

It's... bloody. That's it. No fingerprints even, just Monster's blood.

> Where did it come from?

There is a set of knives similar to the murder weapon at the snack bar.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

>other clues in the snacc bar?
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
> Other clues in the snacc bar?

Nope, nada. Only info you can glean from it is the missing knife.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

[Gumball kinda just. . Stared at the carnage, before > searching the entire arcade for clues.]
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Ah, going with the "find all physical evidence" route, confectionary one? Bold. Now, seeing as all physical evidence is about to be found, I think we should consider the circumstances. Obviously, the solution is to make more states, but aside from that, we should think about who among us might be a murderer out to kill us all.

Big Ben >Thinks on that matter
I am the They who says it!
Quinn wakes up, and after finding the body and the knife by just following everyone else, he decides to

> Look to see if there is any evidence in storage.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Sharles also wakes up, falling comedically from the ceiling. They also decide to...

>search storage

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

2o the kiiller probably wore glove2, becau2e iif they wiiped off the weapon there wouldnt be blood, riight?

>look specifically for discarded gloves
Stupid doomed timeline...
> Search entire arcade for clues

Nothing else out of the ordinary... except for the toilet. There's shit in it and whoever made it didn't flush it.

Y'all are fucking nasty, man. Didn't even use a poop knife.

> Think on that matter

Ben thinks. And thinks. And thinks. Ad nauseum. Big philosophical motherfucker.

> Look to see if there is any evidence in storage

There is a hairnet and a pair of gloves in storage. It is unknown whether they have been used or not.

> Look for discarded gloves

They're in storage. They look clean though.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

Ugh. Can I just go back to bed? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want to rejoin the outside world again.

>are the gloves wet? do they seem to have been washed?

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do


> . .flush it.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
> Are the gloves wet?

They are dry.

> Flush the toilet

It indeed flushes. Thank fucking god.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

well, eiither the2e glove2 werent u2ed or our kiiller ii2 good at coveriing theiir track2 and cleaned them really well after...

they could al2o have brought theiir own glove2 and were 2mart enough not two de2troy them thiinkiing they could be u2ed iin a framiing attempt.

>...does anybody already have gloves?
Stupid doomed timeline...
Or maybe, perhaps, we don't have the advanced technology that would be required to observe fingerprints. It's quite possible! It is quite advanced equipment.

Big Ben's Big Philosophy Thoughts out of the way, and that statement similarly through, he inspects the neck wound on the monster.

>are there wounds other than the decapitation on the body?
I am the They who says it!
> Does anybody already have gloves?

Jason does.

> Any other wounds other than decapitation?

Judging by the broken exposed spinal column in the former Monster's neck, it seems like the head was twisted off, not just cut off.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

"Okay, so I think it's pretty clear by now that whoever keeps killing folks really wants everyone to think it's me. I still haven't moved from this corner all night."
Oh yes, we should trust the word of the confessed murderer who says he Will Kill Again. But yes, this head appears to have been physically torn off. Impressive show of head-tearing skills.
I am the They who says it!

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