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"Whoa! Okay, okay, chill out, chill!!"
[He pauses to think.]
". .actually, man who may or may not be yelling, yeah. Mr. Vorhees definitely needs to explain why he'd told us that."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
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"Before I came here, I was a serial killer. I've decided to be up front about this. I won't kill anyone here, to ease your fears."
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ii dont thiink we 2hould jump two conclu2iion2 agaiin. and 2omebody doiing bad thiing2 iin the pa2t doe2 not guarantee they are goiing two do them now. though we 2hould keep an eye on ja2on and make 2ure he doe2 not lap2e back two hii2 old habiit2. but iif iit turn2 out he ha2 a role here that could help u2 then executiing hiim would be a2 unfortunate a2 what happened ye2terday wiith our mediic.
Sollux thought it was kind of like with Vriska, she'd killed so many trolls to feed her lusus, but... okay on second thought she might not be the best example since she was kinda backstabby.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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I know it sounds hard to believe, Benny, but a person's past rep doesn't determine whether they're a murderer in this game.~ Ask anyone.~ We only have the evidence to go off of, nothing more.~
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"I think we should just skip our voting for today. Random voting will only put us in jeopardy."
/vote skip
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we certaiinly dont want two rii2k votiing off another iinnocent power role, but were goiing two have two try two catch the 2la2her2 at 2ome poiint.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Bold decision, Lars, considering that Jason has claimed he's going to kill AGAIN. Past behavior is well and good, I admit it's less likely a factor here, but statement of intent to kill in future? Citrus Fellow, do you not see this? This is most peculiar that none of you acknowledge that this is a threat upon our mutual persons! At the very least, Mr. Voorhees should tell us what he can do that helps us. It isn't like he could lie, someone else would contradict him if he does...
Mx. Owner of this place, could you clarify that every role had someone wielding it at the start?
Big Ben sighs.
Look, I'll join you in
/skip voting
for now, but I don't believe this course is the wisest. If anything comes up, we should really jump on that. We absolutely can afford to make a mistake or two.
I am the They who says it!
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you certaiinly 2eem quiick two briigade agaiin2t ja2on, mr. pre2iident, ii2 there 2omethiing you know that you aren't telliing u2, or ii2 iit ju2t becau2e of hii2 word2 and pa2t deed2?
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Because of his words and past deeds, yes! HE SAID HE WOULD KILL AGAIN! Are you incapable of thought? Again means "In the future", and the future will be our present! Again, I think I speak for the people of the United States of America when I say, I do not want to get murdered! Mr. Sollux, you seem eager to ignore that this person who has said he'd kill again said that he'd kill again, as if that's somehow a point against me for stating what I assumed was OBVIOUS!
Big Ben is plainly shocked at the pushback he's receiving. Surely people aren't this foolish?
Surely it would be best to prevent this person from killing again? What possible reason could you have for ignoring the fact that he has just confessed to committing murder in the past, which could mean the very first murder here for all you know, and claiming that he will kill again in the future?
I am the They who says it!
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for one thiing he could have been a22iigned a role that would be benefiiciial two u2! iif he ii2nt one of the 2la2her2 hiidiing among u2had to do it lol , we 2hould not ju2t bliindly execute hiim wiithout eviidence that he ha2 kiilled here and wiill kiill here agaiin. weve already made a mii2take executiing 2omebody when there wa2 what looked liike eviidence. iif we were two vote for ja2on and he turned out two be an iinve2tiigator or 2ome other 2ort of heroiic role then you'd feel 2tupiider than youre accu2iing me of beiing. 2o iim wonderiing iif you eiither had a way two have iinve2tiigated hiim or you are the kiiller and tryiing two throw 2omebody iin the liine of fiire two 2ave your own hiide. becau2e otherwii2e iit2 ju2t hear2ay ba2ed on hii2 reputatiion and miight not be relevant here. the 2la2her2 are the only one2 who can kiill whiile were trapped here, riight?
Sollux looks... pretty worn out after all this talk. Yes, the giant Earth president guy had a point that Jason had killed in the past, but that didn't mean he'd be allowed to do so here unless one of those weird hosts said he could, right?
Stupid doomed timeline...
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YES! He could have been assigned a "beneficial role" as you put it! But think of the consequences if he wasn't! That's why I DEMAND he tells us what role he's here to play in our captor's game! I need reassurance that he has no ability to kill me or another here, after announcing that he has the intent to kill me and others here! Quite aside from that, what evidence do you seek beyond Mr. Voorhees's own words regarding his intent? Physical evidence? We lost all physical evidence of the first crime scene, for all we know that implicated him!
I am the They who says it!
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”Yeah I'm just gonna…./skip voting.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
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(08-11-2021, 21:35:08 PM)Florien Wrote: YES! He could have been assigned a "beneficial role" as you put it! But think of the consequences if he wasn't! That's why I DEMAND he tells us what role he's here to play in our captor's game! I need reassurance that he has no ability to kill me or another here, after announcing that he has the intent to kill me and others here! Quite aside from that, what evidence do you seek beyond Mr. Voorhees's own words regarding his intent? Physical evidence? We lost all physical evidence of the first crime scene, for all we know that implicated him!
"Dude if you don't just shut the fuck up about Jason, I'll vote you myself."
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you thiink he wouldnt liie about hii2 role iif he diid turn out two be a 2la2her? and iif he2 not he ii2nt goiing two kiill you. iif he doe2 turn out two have kiilled 2omeone here or iif he doe2 2o on a future niight then he can be executed. but iif he2 not a 2la2her he ha2 two 2tiick two the rule2 of the game. 2ame a2 you do, 2ame a2 ii do, 2ame a2 everybody here doe2.
Not having enough evidence from today's crime, and the destroyed evidence from the prior day not even having anything to DO with the crimes, for now Sollux is also going to
/skip voting
Stupid doomed timeline...
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I think we both need to calm down here. We don't have anything that pointa to either. And people are right. Qhat if we get another Libre? Not gonna happen again!
/ vote no one Is 6 coats in a trenchcoat
I like bananas. They're yellow.
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*points to either and what if we get another Libre, because doing this on mobile is a pain in the ass
I like bananas. They're yellow.
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"Guess I'll just..."
/skip vote
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6 skip votes? What a shame, guess nobody else gets to go crunchy-crunchy like Ms. Salsa over there today~ Oh well, can't have everything, that's just the way life goes!
I refuse to be polite or heterosexual
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“Y-yeah. We can only assume who it is, and I don't want to pick a fight with anyone, especially not any killers.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
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ii have 2ome 2u2piiciion2 and a couple of people ii thiink we need two watch but 2iince iim not 2ure of any of them yet ii deciided not two vote, 2o a2 not two make the 2ame mii2take2 a2 ye2terday.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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The Counselor looks at their watch that they totally didn't just manifest onto their wrist right now.
Well, look at the time! It's time for today's challenge!
They pause for a moment, seemingly thinking.
Hmmmm.... what to do, what to do.... oh, I know!
With a snap of their fingers, everyone gets a Game & Watch in their hands.
I just want to see who can get the highest score in "Manhole". See, nothing sinister! You guys deserve a break after these past couple of days! they smirk, the lenses of their glasses suddenly glowing brighter than before.
I refuse to be polite or heterosexual
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Big Ben presses a single button once, and then just sort of stares at the console.
Have I won yet?
I am the They who says it!
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Sollux is going to give this game his best shot.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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“I do not trust you. This is probably something that'll turn me into a snail or something weird.”
He plays it anyway, knowing he cannot escape.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
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Dale briefly puts the Game-And-Watch down to crack his knuckles before picking it up.
I am ready for this. Sha-sha-shaaaaaa!
I like bananas. They're yellow.