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Brothers In Arms
"I'll have to see if she wants to share them. They're mostly romance, I think. With zombies." Linda chuckles. "She really likes zombies for some reason."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Well hey, zombie boyfriends have their appeal."
"I don't get it myself, but I've got my Bobby... it sounds like you and Tina would get along great though!"
Stupid doomed timeline...
> Investigate Ur Mom's room (7)

There's nothing.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
"And remember, even if the ninja did strike, you can vote someone out."
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
"Oh right, voting!"

Linda seemed to have momentarily forgotten the whole "murdergame" thing.
Stupid doomed timeline...
What do y'all think? Should we put Ur Mom to the vote? And I do mean Ur Mom the person, not your actual mamas.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Well, Vivi did vote for Ur Mom, and then she turned up dead..."


...Linda you're too drunk to think straight. Maybe. She didn't really have much else to go on, anyway.
Stupid doomed timeline...
But what if this is all a red herring planted by the killers to make Ur Mom (hehehehehe) look suspicious?

Doof starts pondering to himself.
I don't know.... we do know for sure Psyche isn't completely in the clear. But also, remember Henrik was the Magic Man and he had the abilities to muffle the evidence, but since we voted him off.... I'm guessin' the Ninja kill is somethin' that was done to possibly delay the inevitable that we're startin' to close in on 'em.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"You think whoever it was might've thought Vivi was the detective and didn't want her snooping around?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
"I don't know... I just... what if Ur Mom is innocent? We can't just... kill her..."
"Is Ur Mom even sneaky like a ninja?"

Linda started laughing at herself as soon as she said this.
Stupid doomed timeline...
That's what I've been sayin' all along, Linda.

Seedy Joe sighs as he pulls out his moonshine and chugs down a couple quarts.

Ol' Psyche's right... but what do we do? On one hand, I feel like we need to take some action and try to save more people from bein' killed. But on the other hand, what if we vote someone off that turns out to be innocent? Man, this sure is a hairy pickle.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"What if we chose a random person to kill? I mean, this is just a game of chance at this point."
Well, if we are goin' to vote, I'm still leanin' towards Ur Mom.... that didn't sound right.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
If we want to vote, then we should probably get this over with, and besides, we probably should have more evidence tomorrow if we vote an innocent out. Anyways, time to vote out UR MOM! Eh... that sounded much better in my head.

/vote Ur Mom
Let's get the ball rollin' then.

/vote Ur Mom
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Psyche's still hesitant. She closes her eyes, extends her pointer finger, and turns around for a few seconds. When she stops and opens her eyes, she finds that her finger is pointing towards...

/vote Chongyun
Linda was too busy drunkenly laughing at "hairy pickle" to take much note of this.

"...Okay, randomly voting like that is kinda suspicious, miss missy."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"I know that, but don't you think we should at least try to do something?"
/Vote Ur Mom
"Yeah, but why's she voting at random instead of voting Ur Mom?"

Linda laughs some more.

"Oh god. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But that name though! But seriously, she said we can't just kill Ur Mom if she's innocent, and then voted for somebody else? What if they're innocent too? Why didn't she just skip voting then?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Skipping a vote would be pointless."
"As pointless as voting for someone at random?"

Linda tilts her head to the side.

"Explain yourself, miss missy."
Stupid doomed timeline...
She's got a point there, Psyche. You wouldn't be tryin' to cover up for anyone, would ya? Or were you the one who killed Stolas? Because he was my friend and it really tore me up when he died. And it'd really tear me up if I found out you're one of the scum. Because I thought of you as an honorary granddaughter. Just tell me the truth.... please.
I like bananas. They're yellow.

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