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The Void
That fire elemental otter and the hair change ability were a bit unique. Even the relatively normal Temple can't stack up to that in his opinion. Temple only had his mind and skills as his only advantages.

However, Maki's irritation with Temple caused him to be on edge. But why would she hate him? It's a shame Temple couldn't figure out that his ego was to blame for that. An incredible mind, unable to realize that? How ironic.

Temple seemed interested in the sculpting ability, though. As impressive as it is, there must be a downside to that, right? As a result, he asked, "It's a nice ability, but does it come with any limitations? Surely, as an expert, you must know, correct?"
Nephrite decides to go back to gambling, only to see Amethyst's shapeshifted into a gambling chip. She was not amused by this.

"Yes, Neppy?"
"What are you doing?"
"Being a bet?"
"I'm not doing it. There's no way I'm gonna bet anyone's life, no matter who they happen to be." Amethyst then shifts back to her normal look after that. "You ruin all the fun, y'know?"
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Maki smiles as the conversation turns to her. There really isn't a downside, actually! Although the way you say "ability" makes it seem as if it was magic! It's not, unfortunately! I'm just really good at it; I've been doing it since I was a kid! Hell, I believe my first open gallery was when I was 8? Anyways, I hope I don't need to explain what ceramics is! I'd hope you understand what the concept of molding clay with your hands is!

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

"How fascinating. If it's possible, perhaps you can teach me in the future."
Oh! Why, of course! I'd love to, actually! I mean, you will stay committed, right? It would really suck if you decided to leave me halfway after I offered this, you know? Sorry to bother you. I mean...

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Confident in his ability to learn, Temple just replies, "Of course. I have a sharp mind, you know."
Maki pulls the machine. Three matching 7's pop up, one by one. Then, she gives Temple a smile. Well then! I'd hope you'd join me, then. Everyone else here should be hanging out in my room, you know! At least, that's what they said. I'd hope they didn't change their minds..

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Amethyst and Nephrite have since stopped gambling and can now be seen getting their chips converted to real cash.

"Well, now we have plenty of money to use. Any ideas, which does NOT include wrestling?"
"I was going to suggest something, but now I have no ideas to suggest."
"Seriously? I just hope Void money is useable in the real world."
"I hope so too."

With that, the two of them walk away, and went to find a room to themselves.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
"I wonder, are these things rigged so everybody wins, or is my luck actually better now?"

Amanda's counting her winnings.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"I'd love to join you," replied Temple to Maki. "As much I love winning, it can get repetitive after a while."
Jake decides try his hand at gambling..he loses.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Loren, still vibing on Amanda's shoulder, stretchyawns in a cute otterish manner.
Amanda smiles a bit; apparently winning some money has put her in a good mood. Especially considering it's the first time something like that happened to her.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Your luck's turning up for once, huh?" Loren says sleepily.
Temple glances over at Jake. Concerned for the poor boy and his rotten luck, Temple simply asks, "Are you okay over there?"
"It sure looks that way. And since that's why I'm here in the first place... if this isn't a fluke and my luck really has changed I wonder if I'll be able to leave..."

A pause.

"...in the good way, not like... some of the others did."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Maybe. That'd be good news." Loren's ears twitch as she seems to be deep in thought about something.
"It would, yeah." Amanda smiles. "...Got something on your mind?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
"A few things. But at the top of my mind right now..." She pauses for thought. "Did I ever tell you about how dragon names work?"
(11-09-2021, 03:47:28 AM)josh6243 Wrote: Temple glances over at Jake. Concerned for the poor boy and his rotten luck, Temple simply asks, "Are you okay over there?"


Jake was pretty fine, if lost and confused.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
"I think you might have, but I could use a refresher on the details..."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"It's alright," noted the time-efficient comic book villain to Jake. "We all have rotten luck from time to time. Maybe you should try something else?"
Maki walks up to the boy. Or, I can help you! There's always an element of luck and skill, you know? How about I help you out with that, kid?

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

"So, traditionally about a month after we hatch, we're given our personal name - that's the first two syllables, 'Loren' for me - and, traditionally at the same time, our line name, but," Loren waves her hand vaguely instead of explaining. "I don't have that one. And after that, we can get more syllables, from - technically anyone, but normally family and close friends, since having a bad memory in your name is obviously not ideal."
"And how does the syllable thing work? It gets added on to your name? That sounds like it could make your name quite long if you had a lot of friends and family. Still, that sounds pretty cool though."
Stupid doomed timeline...

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