07-28-2021, 04:44:48 AM
Maria dramatically rolls her eyes, and continues searching through the kitchen.
>anything else out of place in the kitchen?
>anything else out of place in the kitchen?
The Turned Tables
07-28-2021, 04:44:48 AM
Maria dramatically rolls her eyes, and continues searching through the kitchen.
>anything else out of place in the kitchen?
07-28-2021, 13:28:33 PM
"Can we still vote out V's killer, or just whoever killed last night, whether they're the same person or not?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
07-28-2021, 13:43:02 PM
>anything else out of place in the kitchen? (Maria)
All of the curtains and windows are closed, for some strange reason.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
07-28-2021, 15:41:21 PM
I mean, Helena, we technically can vote out anyone!!!!! So we could vote for either, if they're even different people!!!!! I think we only get one execution today though!!!!!!!
07-28-2021, 15:44:51 PM
"Well, if V's killer doesn't get executed today they go free, so I'd say that should probably be our priority, right?"
Helena takes another sip of rum. It tastes... quite a bit better the more of it she drinks.
Stupid doomed timeline...
07-28-2021, 16:08:34 PM
As long as we get to get a cool execution!!!!!!!!! Because I'm getting bored!!!!! I've started passing the time drawing up executions of my own!!!!
Maria shows off a very well-done, at least in terms of technical skill, drawing of Helena getting waterboarded in whiskey. She begins showing off more of these (again, very detailed and surprisingly good) drawings with other such hosts. Zecro getting crushed into a Keurig cup. DeeDee being forced to dance to death in a music video for an Among Us fan song. For some reason, she even drew up a possible execution for Audley; her slowly being unraveled, string by string, memory by memory, as everyone slowly forgets her. By the end, even she herself cannot recall her name as she finally fades away. Cool, right???!!!! Anyways, back to what's going on. We'd be on a one day delay in terms of conviction, yes, but there's only five of us left!!!! The game will end soon anyway!!! So maybe you have a point, Helena!!!!! Hey, while you're smart: why do you think the windows are closed????? These could be red herrings.....but also, host2 saw that the smoke killed them!!! Maybe they're related??????
07-28-2021, 16:12:40 PM
"I'd think the windows were closed to keep the smoke in and the fire going. Whoever did it might have wanted to kill everybody with the smoke inhalation, or make us burn up."
Helena takes a couple steps away, yes because of the drawings.
Stupid doomed timeline...
07-28-2021, 16:16:45 PM
That would make sense!!! But then what're the utensils for??? Did the killer eat or something????
07-28-2021, 16:32:09 PM
"Maybe two people were plotting kills, and one of them was planning to use the utensils but then the fire happened. Or they were there in case the fire didn't end up killing anybody after all and the killer wanted to finish the job."
Stupid doomed timeline...
07-28-2021, 17:15:35 PM
> do the utensils look like they been damaged in any form?
07-28-2021, 19:03:30 PM
> do the utensils look like they been damaged in any form? (Host2)
Not really.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
07-28-2021, 20:08:44 PM
If they're not damaged......maybe Helena's right about them being a backup!!!! Or one person planning it before the fire started!!!! But that doesn't get us closer to who did it!!!!!! We need to keep looking!!!
>search for anything in the kitchen that could have started a fire
07-28-2021, 20:21:22 PM
"We could vote for the guy I suspect killed V. Unless you've got reason to believe that was someone else, or you're hiding something or trying to stall... in which case I suggest you speak up."
Helena punctuated this statement with a swig of rum.
Stupid doomed timeline...
07-28-2021, 20:25:27 PM
...I think you got a good point, Helena!!!! We...we need to deal with the more immediate thing: V's killer!!!!!! And after that, we can unfuck up this current mess!!!!
07-28-2021, 20:28:20 PM
"Exactly, because if we get to night without V's killer being caught, they get to go free. Now... I said what I thought happened, and I did talk to the glowy guy the other night and he mentioned wanting to stop V... Is there something else I'm missing? I got sober the other night so I probably get all the information I could have."
Stupid doomed timeline...
07-28-2021, 20:31:08 PM
Nope!!!! I don't think you missed anything!!!! At least, nothing that I remember!!!!!!! So, do we have a plan?????
07-28-2021, 20:32:56 PM
"So, vote the glowy guy out today, then solve the other mystery before whoever tried to burn the house down kills anybody else?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
07-28-2021, 20:36:30 PM
I like it!!!! Bring about some cool executions!!!!!!!!
07-28-2021, 20:50:36 PM
Maria watches Helena, and...
/vote host2
07-28-2021, 20:58:27 PM
/vote Host2.
I'm going to savor this... I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
07-28-2021, 21:13:30 PM
“Welp, simpboy, your time's over. Before you die, would you like to tell everybody why you killed V?”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
host2 goes dead silent for quite a while, before making up for it with a deranged motive rant. Yes, I killed V, but it was only because she was being stubborn! I was just trying to help her out, but she kept turning down my suggestions just because she's worried about her death, even though she has an entire failsafe designed to keep her domain running in case she dies. I knew exactly what that failsafe would do, so out of rage, I killed V. I regret doing so... somewhat, but I was trying to set the denizens of the Murder-Free Hotel free to explore other dimensions so I could gather Ideaverse power quicker then ever before! The more Ideaverse power I gain, the quicker it take for TM Awe will fall! Isn't that a wonderful idea? But then... but then... you had to go ahead and ruin my plans to continue her fight against TM Awe by voting ME out instead of last night's killer! Does this mean you guys think I'm a mere mistake? Because I... ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO BE KNOWN AS THE HOST THAT FAILED!!!!!!!
07-29-2021, 01:04:53 AM
"You were going to get away scot-free if you weren't voted out, and... well, you're a killer! Hey maybe you shouldn't have confided in me because you thought I was a fellow mistake, huh?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
07-29-2021, 01:20:15 AM
You can clearly tell that host2 has went into the deep end. |
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