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The Turned Tables
>try and look for any charred bodies. or any evidence fire was involved in the murder attacks themselves (Maria)

You can't find any bodies downstairs.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Zecro, after having his latte, only now realises that the place is on fire. So what does he do? He gets ANOTHER strawberry iced frappe.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
> look for something to put out the fire ASAP
> look for something to put out the fire ASAP (Goose)

You find a fire extinguisher.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Zecro just decides to stay in the kitchen for the time being, and decides to have some flame-roasted sausages for breakfast.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Oooh, where could the fire have started? This is really clever on the part of the arsonist!

> before putting out the fire look for where it might have started
"was dis a acsudent or somewon reely tryn tu kil us all?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
> before putting out the fire look for where it might have started (Host2)

The flames are too high for you to see.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
> go ahead and extinguish the fire, and then check for any evidence hidden by the flames
> go ahead and extinguish the fire, and then check for any evidence hidden by the flames (Host2)

Hmm…you can't seem to find anything.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
The killer clearly intended for the fire to destroy the evidence, but we still can smell, right? I have an idea.

host2 lets out a devilish smile, before deciding to violate everyone's personal space.

> smell everyone to see which person has the strongest scent of smoke
> smell everyone to see which person has the strongest scent of smoke (Host2)

It's actually Zecro.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Oh... Zecro! Did you start this fire?
"hay duns mel me das rood"

Helena giggles a bit anyway. How inappropriate. Someone get her some booze already.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"No, wasn't me. I didn't even realise this place was on fire until after I got my latte. I'd say it was someone else."
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
host2 glances frustratingly at Zecro.

Why do you smell strongly of smoke, then? There has to be a reason why you smell like smoke more then the other players.
"Maybe I should point out the obvious fact that I've had to literally WALK through it in order to get my latte. Seriously, I did. I spent all night asleep in my room thanks to a caffeine crash, and then I walked all the way to the kitchen, not having realised that the place was on fire yet, to GET MY LATTE." Zecro said, with noticeable annoyance.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.

> search for anything that might have been used to start the fire
>Search for anything that might have been used to start the fire. (Host2)

The burn marks seem to be starting from the fireplace located in the ballroom.

Jenkins, meanwhile, was cursing up a storm under his breath as he was fixing up some drinks in the bar area.
"hu mad firplays go brrrr?"

> yeah check for evidence by the fireplace even though sober and stupid
Stupid doomed timeline...
Uhh....should I help her???? Considering she's stupid right now and!!!!!

>also investigate the fireplace

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

> also help with the investigation
>Investigate the fireplace. (Helena, Maria, and Host2)

The fireplace is completely covered in logs, to the point that none of you can see the fireplace itself.
That's a strange amount of logs for just a single fireplace. Unless you where planning to start an arson, that is... wait, that's it!

> where could the logs have come from?
>Where could the logs have come from? (Host2)

Quite simple, actually. There are a few more logs of firewood in the corner of the room that match the wood in the fireplace.

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