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The Mockingbird Watches
Action Rolls

Go to the Cornucopia and scavenge supplies (Amiya) (5)

In the Cornucopia, Amiya finds some medications that seem to be tailor-made to slow her Oripathy, as well as a sword that looks similar to the one she has. It seems to be a pretty powerful weapon. Also of course, she manages to grab enough food and drink to last at least two days.

Immediately runs to the Cornocopia (Kenny) (1)

Kenny tries to run, but the boy ends up stumbling along the way, dislocating one of his shoulders in the impact.

Get supplies from the Cornucopia (Kennifer) (1)

Kennifer is also unlucky, as she tries to grab some supplies, only to be attacked by a muttation, which has characteristics vaguely similar to a certain missing tribute. The mutt leaves her with a large bite on one of her arms before leaving.

Run to the Cornucopia and scavenge supplies (Melody) (2)

Melody reaches the Cornucopia, but unfortunately, she fails to find any significant supplies aside in the initial scavenging.

Gather as much stuff as he can from the Cornucopia (Henry) (4)

Henry grabs enough food and drink to last him a day, as well as yet another weaponized gadget to his collection. This one can fire a beam that disorient enemies for few seconds when successfully shot at them, though he will need two consecutive shots to make the effect work.

Grab the closest and safest supplies, then sneakily escape (Centipede!Wally) (6)

Wally manages to grab the supplies quickly. It seems to go well for him, but he gets too arrogant with his ability to navigate the environment to the point that he trips over a rock, causing him to fall loudly while scattering his supplies near him. Now the other tributes can notice this.

Run to the Cornucopia and look for supplies (preferrably including a bow or sword-like blade, the weapons they trained with) (Jindra) (5)

Jindra scavenges for supplies, and find the same amount of food and drink as Amiya did. In addition, they also manage to find both a replica of the legendary bow, as well as a blade, which is light enough to be wieldable even with their weakened arm.

Grabs the close, safe supplies (Giuseppe) (5)

Giuseppe manages to quickly make his run to get useful supplies as well. Aside from what Amiya and Jindra got for the basic needs, Giuseppe receives another revolver, as well as a lot of powerful ammunition for both. The a munitions will last him a while.

Grab as much supplies as I can (Canderous) (5)

Canderous gets the same amount of basic needs stuffs as Amiya, Jindra, and Giuseppe. He also manages to grab a far superior blaster compared his old one, as well as some syringes to improve his stamina when injected.

runs to the Cornucopia and scavenge for supplies (Pokémon!Wally) (4)

The other Wally manages to scavenge a day's worth of basic needs, as well as a blaster-shaped weapon that can attack by using attacks similar to the moves of Wally's Pokémons.

Battle Rolls

Takes aim and fires on Thawn (Giuseppe) (2+1)

Giuseppe then performs the first strike, to the excitement of the crowd. However, even with his expertise in shooting and second revolver, he gets distracted by his gallbladder pain, causing him to misaim and making his bullet just graze Thawn, causing a minor damage to his armor.

Shoot at the shooter (Thawn) (5+1)

However, Giuseppe's opponent doesn't fare better either. Using his speed and firepower, Thawn fires multiple ki blasts at Giuseppe. Unfortunately, he quickly burns through his reserves, while Giuseppe is somehow only shaken by the blasts. In the end, Thawn is unable to continue firing and thus has to wait few minutes before he can reuse the same technique, while Giuseppe only has his clothing slightly damaged.
"Alright," Jindra says. "If anyone wants to team up, I've managed to get exactly what I need." They look around at the calamity around them, feeling sorry for those who have already been injured.
Kennifer tries not to show her pain, but can't help wincing. She will...

>Attempt to clean and dress the bite wound before the situation becomes worse.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Perfect, Canderous says as he holds his much superior blaster and holsters the syringes on his belt. Feeling confident after getting ready, Canderous looks around to go after someone.

He seems like a good match for me...

> Fire at Centipede!Wally
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Oh no you don't!" Jindra readies their sword (in their right hand, obviously), and decides to

>Defend Centipede!Wally
"Yikes!" Wally G scrambles to retrieve his dropped goods without getting shot.
“Goddamit! Why was there a rock right fuckin’ there?”

>Get some stuff from the cornocopia. walk this time.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Melody sighed in disappointment. Figures.

>Look around for some weapons at the very least.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Viva Italia! Now get KILLED!

>Fire at Thrawn again

then, regardless of whether the shot hits or not, 

>run off into the wilderness.
I am the They who says it!
"Whoa! I should try this out first."

Wally proceeds to > test the blaster weapon on a rock of some sort.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
> Go into the cornucopia and get supplies
"You'll never harm him, Canderous!" Amiya says with fury as she comes to Jindra's aid in defending Centipede!Wally. While she is reluctant in potentially killing Canderous, she has to prevent someone from taking away an innocent life.

>  Defend Centipede!Wally

Action Rolls

Attempt to clean and dress the bite wound before the situation becomes worse (Kennifer) (5)

Kennifer successfully cleans and dresses the bite wound after finding a nearby first aid kit. She manages to stop the bleeding and disinfect her wound completely, as well as get the contents of the kit, as well as some painkillers.

Get some stuff from the cornocopia. walk this time (Kenny) (6)

This time, Kenny walks and manages to get some valuable goods, including a powerful-looking gun. However, he stumbles upon another rock. While he only receives minor scrapes this time, the gun slides into a nearby quicksand, causing it to sink and be lost.

Look around for some weapons at the very least (Melody) (3)

Melody finds crude-looking fisticuffs. While it does not seem to be very durable or comfortable to wear, at least it's better than nothing.

Test the blaster weapon on a rock of some sort (Pokémon!Wally) (3)

Wally adjusts the selector on the blaster, which then produces sonic waves similar to the move Growl. However, the rock does not seem to be affected much.

Go into the cornucopia and get supplies (Waddle Dee) (4)

Waddle Dee gets a day's worth of supplies, as well as finding a new, longer spear that can give Waddle Dee advantage with its range, though it's also balanced by it being heavier than his usual spear.

Battle Rolls

Fire at Centipede!Wally (Canderous) (6)

It seems that Canderous is going to successfully shot down Centipede!Wally. However, his original blaster breaks down after few shots at Wally, who is able to escape injury.

Defend Centipede!Wally (Jindra) (1+1)

Jindra uses their sword to try defend Wally from Canderous. However, they miss their swing at Canderous.

Retrieve his goods while dodging the shots (Centipede!Wally) (2)

Wally fails to grab his goods quickly. However, at least he is fortunate that he doesn't receive any blaster burns, other than his clothing getting slightly damaged from a graze.

Fire at Thrawn again (Giuseppe) (2+1)

Using the distraction from Thawn running out of energy, Giuseppe fires again. However, once again he misses his accurate mark due to another bout of pain, causing another minor damage to Thawn's armor.

Run off into the wilderness (Giuseppe) (2+1)

Then with his speed and stature, he uses them to his advantage to escape away from the battle and go deeper into the jungle. However, he makes some noises, which other tributes can hear, during his run.

Defend Centipede!Wally (Amiya) (2)

Amiya also tries to fire her Arts from her fingers at Canderous. However, the black blast of magic also misses the former Mandalorian. Amiya thinks, "I'm going to keep this attack again if Canderous tries to counter."
"Okay, that's better. Shouldn't get infected or anything now, I hope. Now, where was I?"

Kennifer will

>Once again try to get some supplies from the Cornucopia.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Goddamit! Why are there so many fuckin' rocks?"

>Find a weapon and some food in the cornocopia, AND DON'T TRIP ON A ROCK
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
> Search for some food and supplies once more.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
>Scavenge for any armor or other protection in the Cornucopia
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Victory approaches! I will fight all!

>Use EPIC BRICKLAYING SKILLS to build a fortress in the wilderness out of rocks lying around
I am the They who says it!
Canderous fires at Wally and is just about to kill him when his old blaster gives out. He throws it out and pulls out the new one. He notices Jindra and Amiya defending Wally. Ha ha ha ha ha! Now this is my kind of party!

>Fire at Jindra and Amiya then take cover
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Good, this works for now.

>Run like hell into the wilderness.
> Teleport away, punch an electrical box, and convert its energy into Ki.
"Alright, you wanna fight? Then let's fight!"

>Using my sword, attack Canderous with intent to kill.
"This doesn't look bad."

> Explore the place
"OH WAIT! I'M L-L-ATE!" *Max runs into the cornucopia, grabbing everything he could get his hands on*
Q, also rather late, >loots the Cornucopia and dips with their findings as fast as possible.
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