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[Mafia] Close Circle 2
> Attempts to kick dirt on the flames (Lucky)

Some of the smaller fires are out. But not the main source, i.e. the kitchen.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>look for possible weapons in other parts of the house - the ones not currently on fire
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
"So what's everybody think? Somebody whacked her over the head then tried to burn the murder weapon or something? Or started the fire so it'd look like that's how she died or cover up the evidence?"

Mila scowled. The kid had seemed decent, maybe not great at picking out movies but she had a lot of life ahead of her to go out like this.
Stupid doomed timeline...
>look for possible weapons in other parts of the house - the ones not currently on fire (Spamton) Looking in the living room, the other bedroom and in the bathroom, there's nothing there that could have been used as a murder weapon.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
(02-27-2022, 22:25:45 PM)Florien Wrote: ... And only two hundred and fifty dollars? I swear, it's like you don't want us to use your services at all.

>Get out before more burn scars happen.

That was what she had on her person. And besides that, you'll have more opportunities to make money later on with jobs. But the investigation is the focus for right now.
I like bananas. They're yellow.

>fill some buckets or similar with water, try throwing them at the fire
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
> Try to locate the source of the fire. Is it a chip pan?
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
Steve puts on Reina's hat and laughs.

"Wait, I have a <Big Idea.> I think <That Girl> was <Dispatched> with a <Louisville Slugger>. She was a #1 fan of <US Japan's Favorite Sport>, and there's a <Probable Chance> that she bought a <Chiroptera> with her."

> any baseball bats in the house?

>Get out of the burning building by any means necessary
I am the They who says it!
(02-27-2022, 22:33:26 PM)Kennifer Wrote: "So what's everybody think? Somebody whacked her over the head then tried to burn the murder weapon or something? Or started the fire so it'd look like that's how she died or cover up the evidence?"

Mila scowled. The kid had seemed decent, maybe not great at picking out movies but she had a lot of life ahead of her to go out like this.

Could be both, for what I know.

Crepe turns to Steve...

And you do have a point there.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
> Try to locate the source of the fire. Is it a chip pan? (Lucky)

It's too smoky for you to really tell.

> any baseball bats in the house? (Steve)

What is with you people? Now you just walked right into the kitchen fire and set yourself ablaze.

>Get out of the burning building by any means necessary (Lindsey)

Now you're out.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Mila's going to...

> go think outside to lessen the risk of burning or smoke inhalation, at least until the fires are all out
Stupid doomed timeline...
"HOT DIGGITY <BURNED> DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" <WARNING: System Temperatures Critical>

> stop, drop, and roll
"RIGHT! SOMEONE USING HER OWN [Buy Sports Equipment Cheap!] [AGAINST HER AS [Weapons] "
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
> go think outside to lessen the risk of burning or smoke inhalation, at least until the fires are all out (Mila)

You manage to clear the house and head right to the middle of the cul-de-sac, a good distance to be away from the fire and the smoke.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>Jump out of the house using the bedroom windows
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
> Punch the fire extinguisher, then try again.
Thank fuck.

>Investigate for any evidence left not in the burning building.
I am the They who says it!
>throw buckets of water at Steve
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
"Screw this, we have to leave the fire to die on its own before we can figure anything out."

>Attempt escape through the window
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
>fill some buckets or similar with water, try throwing them at the fire (Spamton)

That doesn't work.

> stop, drop, and roll (Steve)

That doesn't work.

>Jump out of the house using the bedroom windows (Strawberry)

You just jump right into a wall.

> Punch the fire extinguisher, then try again. (Tom)

That doesn't work.

>Investigate for any evidence left not in the burning building. (Lindsey)

You break down every single door of each of the houses that are NOT on fire, even yours and made a bit of a mess in each of them all. But in the other houses, you do find some footprints.

>throw buckets of water at Steve (Spamton)

Doesn't work.

>Attempt escape through the window (Lucky)

You escape by jumping out, but you land awkwardly and broke your foot.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Well. Footprints. Exciting. Great. Anyway, going to check those out while everyone else dies in a house fire. I swear.

>Check out those footprints for an idea of how big our suspect is.
I am the They who says it!
... Ow. (now dizzy)

>Try again at the window jumping...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"HOLY <S See These Cool Deals>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

> escape the building and find another way of putting the fire out
"WHAT?WHY IS THIS [Water-type Attack] ALL [Broken]? BETTER [Get Outta Here!]!

>yeet self out of house
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers

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