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Life's A Beach
Background lore
Sopal Isles. It used to be a beautiful, secluded place full of animals, plants, and life. But a few years back, the “Halint Sopal Resort” was built on there, and suddenly, all the natives not only has less land, but it was constantly interrupted by tourists.

Soon, two political sides emerged, and became enemies. They were The Sharks, the natives and people wanting the wildlife to stay, and The Crows, the technological side, as well as the Halint Family, who built the hotel. Two leaders soon emerged out of the gangs, Jimmy Scott, a popular guy around the locals, and Victoria, the heir and owner of Halint Enterprises.

But still, some people objected against the fight. One of the biggest was Hyancinth, the daughter of Jimmy. She was against it, while her father was for it.

Meanwhile, on the other side, was Eri. A crow who was against the war. After a while, the tourists had all but abandoned the now war zone that was the resort, and the locals were tired and out of supplies. There was no winner.

Years later, the gang leaders of both teams, assembled the old gangs (as well as 2 relatives of past gang mebers by accident) back again, to end the fight once and for all. Eri came back, mainly to see how the war that Hyancinth, wanting to end the fight that left her tribe distract for many years, also came back. Fortunately, most of the past gang members are against the gangs and want them to stop the war, although some still want to kill. Now, the two gangs must fight once and for all for a winner, while the good team members use their skills to stop the fight.

How To Play
So you are on one of three major teams. The Sharks (the naturalist scum team) The Crows (the technologist scum team) or the innocents. Note: A character you put in this game has a very good chance of having committed a crime while in one of the gangs.

Every night, you will either stay in the Haltson Sopal Resort or The Tribe's Grounds (It will revolve, for example, Haltson on Night 1, Tribe on Night 2, etc.)

Every night, both teams have an opportunity to kill. The goal is to both have more scum than innocents, and to kill the rest of the other team. The goal for the town is to execute both teams of scum.

Radio, Radio
This game has another feature most Murdergames don't....radio stations! There is a radio in every Haltson Sopal Resort room. There are multiple stations of different types. Here are the stations you can tune to, and what the offer:

Rave 102.9 - Classic & current Dance Music
Classic Hip Hop; 98.2 - Classic rap & hip hop
The Ranch 88.8 - Country
The Alternative 92.7 - Indie and Alt Rock classics
Totally 80s! (87.5): - Music of all kinds, but only from the 80s.
Modern Hits! 95.4: - 2000s and 2010s hit singles.
Rock 102.7: - Classic rock
Talk Radio 100%: - Talk radio!

Have fun with these! Have characters be amused by certain songs, put songs over your murders & excecutions, or fight over what station is better!

1. No Godmodding.
2. Don't be rude OOC
3. No revealing roles or teams
4. No cheating
5. Don't do things you know will get you banned


Hacker - Knows the role of anybody they investigate. Can only be used two times.

Twitter Mob Leader - Once per game, they may Cancel someone, leaving them dead. This is adjacent to the main kill if used on the same night as The Crows’ kill attempt.


Soul Stealer - May block one person from using their role every night. This only counts for the night.

Ninja - Can disguise during a kill once per game, leaving no evidence.

Shadow - If detected by Hacker, comes up as “Nephew?”

Good Sharks:

Naturalist - May switch any two people during the night. Any action aimed at one of the switched people will hit the other instead.

Ailment Holder - May protect one person from death every night.

Tree Hugger - Can call Stump anytime during the game. Once they do this, they cannot die, but they also cannot vote.

Nephew? - You were never involved in the gangs in the first place, but your uncle was. While that does mean you are completely innocent, it also means you don't have much power. Sorry. :(

Good Crows:

Online Friends: Can talk with one another through a Discord Group, and know the other isn't mafia.

Troubador - May learn the alignment of any person. Can only be used three times.

Grubhub Delivery Guy - Can deliver a burger to someone every night. That person may eat that burger once at the start of any night, protecting them from kills.

Nephew? - You were never involved in the gangs in the first place, but your uncle was. While that does mean you are completely innocent, it also means you don't have much power. Sorry. :(

The Hosts:
Jimmy "Shoehorn" Scott (Played by MatthewLM): Jimmy was on vacation with a woman who was his lover who were both on a cruise, which unfortunately sunk. Jimmy and the woman survived and found their way onto the island where they fell in love with nature. Their love furthered where they both had a baby, Hyancinth. Sadly, the woman died during childbirth, leaving him to raise her on his own. The gang leader of the sharks. Popular with the locals and something of a survivalist and nature lover who wants to protect the wildlife at any cost. Eventually when Victoria came to the island, he despised her for what he sees as carelessness towards nature as well as her materialism and eventually with a few others who despised Victoria, he founded the Sharks and fought back against her.

Eri (Played by “Sylvi” wingedcatgirl): gender hoarder and Crow sympathizer They support technological development and are impulsive enough to get involved when the Sharks start shit but unlike some other Crows, she's not itching for a full-on war of annihilation, cause, like... that'd definitely completely destroy the island.

Hyacinth (Played by TheGeekArtist08): Daughter of Jimmy Scott. A cheerful lass who likes nothing more than to keep things in order. Eventually as she got older, she became disillusioned by her father's philosophy towards violence and turned on him. She's in a similar situation with Eri - She's not the largest fan of the Crows, but.. A full-on war? Really?

Victoria (Played by Dookie): The leader of The Crows and the owner of the hotel that started it all. She is extremely rich, yet always seems to dress in modest clothing. She also seems to despise her parents, Harold & Grace Haltson. She built the hotel at the island for unknown reasons, which made the islanders, Jimmy in particular, mad. They in turned formed the Sharks, while Victoria and some of the hotel staff formed the Crows.

Here are our characters:

1. Reina Schultz (PointMaid)
2. Tony Spiders (Huney)
3. Sandy Cheeks (Billy5545)
4. Paruko (Zanreo)
5. Dan D.B. Cooper (MadameButterflyKnife)
6. Gundham Tanaka (TalesOfUnder)
7. Amanda (Kennifer)
8. Dennis Rainbird (GoldenCityBird)
9. Peanut (KungFuCutBug)
10. Sgt. Keroro (CustardAndPie)
11. Lief (ElliotTheUnknown)
12. Peanut Butter Sandwich (TenOfSwords13)
13. Sethu Arjuna "Seth" Saras (Kafka)
14. Kirby & Ribbon (Oggy)

And with that out of the way, let's begin!

You are currently on a boat with the other past gang members (Including some mistakes!). The only person not a past gang member (Or a mistake) is the person sailing the boat.

The boat is very high class, with a bar, a pool, and cabanas. But you wont be needing those....you're less than an hour away from your destination!
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
[A short, pink squirrel in a striped maxi dress is currently looking out over the sea beneath the boat, eyeing the horizon with a sparkle of eagerness in her eyes and... muttering to herself about becoming a musical internet celebrity under her breath. Typical, don't mind her.]
At the bar sits an older man. He is tan, dressed to the nines, and is holding onto a large bag next to him. He smiles to the bartender; "I'll take a bourbon and 7-Up, please."

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

By the pool, a small, frog-like alien is immersed in a manga magazine while lounging in a poolside chair.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

A petite but athletic teenage girl stands at the front of the boat. She holds on to her hat tight so she doesn't lose it.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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A twenty-something woman who (at least for now) has long straight mostly-bright-magenta hair (aside from a couple streaks of a very vivid red) is sitting somewhere away from anything she could accidentally injure herself with. She looks nervous, yet excited.
Stupid doomed timeline...
By the end of the radio, a small moth lies, looking at his hands (for lack of a better term) and waves a cold flash of light blue energy in one of them.  He knows not where he is, he is only concerned about his wellbeing and that of the family he has left behind.  His wings fluttered and took him off the radio, but unfortunately he couldn't keep it up for more than a few seconds.  Falling on top of the radio, out of shape, he sat atop it with his legs dangling above the edge.
And here comes a man with a checkered jacket and a fedora with a big T on the front. He's standing around like he doesn't have a face like Waluigi, like he's worth a damn. Like he's hot shit!

"Arrighty. Let's getta work here."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Standing near the edge, looking out over the sea, is a man. Formally dressed, giving off the air of an undertaker. He smiles awkwardly, uneasily, as he observes his comrades. "I've never been to a place this warm. If only mother was here with me; she would've loved it."
Lounging on a deck chair is a light brown Canadian Pointer mix, with a DS with no charge left in it on a nearby table. Peanut Butter Sandwich is exhausted from the very long journey, but still can't wait to reach dry land again.
hey who turned out the lights?
"Ya know, call me a real dickrail, but I'm realizin' I never introduced myself."

The man takes a seat, kicking his legs out.

"Name's Tony Spiders, memba a da Capone family. How 'bout da rest'a ya?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Pleasure to meet you, Tony." The man hands him a business card. "I'm Dennis Rainbird."
The teenager nods to Tony Spiders and the man in the formal suit. She sits on top of one of the railings, still clutching her hat.

Reina Schultz, she says. But some people call me Queenie, or, she laughs, Imp.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
"Nice to meet you both. My name's Amanda."

The magenta-haired woman smiles a bit and waves.
Stupid doomed timeline...
[By the man in the formal suit, I meant Dennis Rainbird. But I was ninja'd and he introduced himself before I posted, LOL]
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
The suited man at the bar looks over at Tony. "Well, it's pleasant to meet you, Mr. Spiders. Call me Dan Cooper."

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Sitting in a corner to himself is a young man, very tall and angular, with a scruffy, just-fell-out-of-bed air to him. He adjusts the frames of his glasses as he stares into a handheld mirror, murmuring to himself the whole time.

"Right... gang war, violence, drama, all that stuff, all a lot of nonsense, really... I just wanted a holiday on a nice resort, for God's sake. Fun in the sun, no murderous grudges to worry about. Is that too much to ask? Does this all really need to be Ned Ludd versus Mark Zuckerberg?"

He tweaks the glasses a little again.

"Mmmm, nah, little too jaunty. They'll fall off. I don't want to get all Velma Dinkley when there's gangsters pumping the air full of lead, that'd be very bad..."
ExCUSE ME, PointMaid's editorial text, checkered suits are VERY formal.

"Nice ta metchall. You all seem like decent folk, I can trust ya."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
That's a lot of decision to make just seeing a person. Not that you all don't seem fine.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
"So far so good, anyway. Not that I've always been the best judge of character..."
Stupid doomed timeline...
In another deck chair, kind of just relaxing and vibing, is an anemone girl.

"Oh hey... I'm Paruko" she says.
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
"You all appear to be splendid individuals," Dennis remarked. "Although... I do believe I have heard the name "Dan Cooper" before..." he shrugged. "It's a common name. I must've heard it at work or something."
"Well 'scuse, is it such a crime ta be polite?"


"Changed my mind, everyone here seems cool but you."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Oooh! We're doing introductions now, right? I'm Peanut, you all seem very nice!
hey who turned out the lights?
'Course it isn't a crime to be polite, but you know, people sometimes try to take advantage of a girl. Guess I just spoke what was coming to mind without thinkin'. Sorry, ok?

Reina holds out her hand in a gesture of friendly conciliation that clearly doesn't come easily. The conciliation part, not the being friendly part.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.

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