The Future of Obychinzk:
Part One: The Expansion.
The Government after the Civil war ended united fairly quickly under President Alexandria, not that there was much choice. The army rebuilt and prepared to get on a war footing again. A war economy may not be particularly sustainable, but it worked in the past for rapid expansion. The trick would be holding onto the territorial gains.
Two years after Obychinzk was properly secured together, several modern cavalry units crossed the border into Alatania. The war was short and brutal, Obychinzk's military had previously not been nearly as built up as it was at this point, and Alatania's comparatively large size did little to protect it. Mali-Akania objected, but the prevailing attitude at the time was that you needed international support to justify any action, and Alatania was annexed completely by the time that anything had been brought forth.
From there, Obychinzk swiftly set about conquering the entire Caspian region, from the Caucasus Mountains to the Karakum Desert, and even successfully attacked Persia as Alexander once did, taking large portions of the Northern Iranian Plateau. Outside observers looked at it mostly with bemusement. There hadn't been a real world power in the region for a very long time, and the region had been at war so long that no one really questioned as Obychinzk took ever more territory. But times had changed since the days of Alexander. There was much more technology disparity between regions. While The Apostolic Kingdom of Armenia, The Holy Republic of Azerbaijan, The People's Democratic Republic of Syria and Jordan, and even the Republic of Anatolia fell in the attempt to expand Obychinzk's borders to reach Macedonia, they could not defeat the mightiest enemy in the way.
The Eastern Roman Empire, battered over the past two millennia but still ruling the Bosporus from Second Rome, held, with no small amount of assistance from the increasingly worried nations of Egypt and the various Indian Republics and Principalities who feared they would be next in the attempts to reestablish the borders of the Old Macedonian Empire.
Obychinzk however, did not fall when its expansion stopped, as had been predicted by many a pundit. It did not disintegrate. Alexandria's system of puppet governments, mimicking the satrapy system of the various Persian Empires of old, held for the time. But everyone knows how the story of Alexander went. In time, Alexandria had killed most of her older allies, who were planning to betray her. Titus still lived, of course, but as the years went by, Obychinzk gradually faded from the public consciousness. The war economy finally broke down, and Obychinzk was forced to actually rebuild that which it had been conquering. The Entire Caspian region was seen as an up-and-coming economy throughout the 2000s, apart from the occasional incursions into neighboring countries. But in the late 2010s, Alexandria died after a long illness, having achieved what Alexander never could. That is, she lived past forty. Some say she was assassinated by way of poison, but most agree it was natural causes. No one ever claimed responsibility.
Soon after, Obychinzk Macedonia disintegrated, as did the Macedonian Empire before it, and Obychinzk shrank back again. But one key change took place. Obychinzk had been founded over a century earlier, a piece of land ceded to Alatania that had refused to be ceded. But Alatania, in the last days of the brief civil war between the Alexandrian successor states to determine succession, ended up being ceded to Obychinzk from another neighboring nation.
As a quirk of history, and the Obychinzk Macedonian Empire's Satrapy system, for a brief moment, Azerbaijan is ruled by a Dutch President. The religious landscape shifts slightly, and Lyazism syncretizes with a few forms of Zoroastrianism and Armenian Christianity. Those sects never grow particularly large, but they remain present for centuries to come. Obychinzk will go down in history as the Last Great Empire, at least until another happens, which will not be for many years.
Part Two: The Nation.
The successful destruction of the separatist movement effectively doomed Alatania's ambitions on capturing Obychinzk Mynedd, and the swift annexation of Alatania thereafter doomed the ambitions of a century earlier to rule Obychinzk. Obychinzk was not beset with aggressive separatism from that region any longer, though sectarian violence continued for the next several decades.
The fall of Autarkia and the dispersal of the Driesslers largely reunited the Southlands. Autarkian independence movements were gradually squashed, and the region's tendencies eventually cooled down as the new problem region for Obychinzk became one of the outer Alatanian territories.
Freedale briefly attempted to join Siberia, but Siberia was uninterested in protecting a tiny island in the middle of nowhere, distant from them, with nothing on it. The mercenaries eventually lost interest, and Freedale was reabsorbed into Obychinzk.
The death of Ralphael Markham led to a massive ongoing crime problem in the Southlands. Unity among the criminal organizations was not restored for a long time, and Alexandria was more interested in conquest than securing the region. Titus was more interested in getting his cut from the various organizations than shutting it down, not that police action was going to be the thing to stop the crime. The region has never fully recovered.
The Foresters are hated less now, but still suffer much discrimination. The same is true of the Oasians, though in the early 2020s, an increasingly violent social movement successfully wins them some rights they'd previously not enjoyed, much to the irritation of people who don't understand protest's actual purpose.
The Capital remained in Arzutzk. It simply wasn't worth the effort to move all the government buildings, especially when a relatively amicable agreement had been reached and the city still stood mostly intact. Alexandria even stayed in the presidential palace, in between campaigns.
Prison Slavery remained a major industry in Obychinzk. This held back industrialization in several resource extraction sectors, and regularly got them stern letters from human rights organizations. But it endured, as it always did.
Obychinzk got an actual air force, and still has it today.
Democracy was not reestablished for years, even after Alexandria's death. It would eventually be tentatively reestablished in 2024, though it would be a rough road to recovery. Corruption runs rampant in Obychinzk due to decades of dictatorship.
Part Three: The Others.
The various other contributors to the war all met their own fates. The separatist leader, for example, was killed by a car bomb shortly after attempting to escape to Alatania. But the newspaper staffs all had their own things happen.
The Obychinzk Truth Staff:
LR back row, Elatian Duopolin, Alanie Orvander, Myrchek Lysand, Thurston Frost, Dr. Cowry Ravyndottor, Verekon Tynlander
LR Bottom two, Martopolous Westwell and Venadia Dorstoyov.
Background Picture: General Tyler Wendemire.
Elatian Duopolin lived for a good while longer, never fully giving up their claim to be President of Obychinzk. They ultimately died in the penthouse suite of a hotel in Brussels, and the Government-In-Exile of Obychinzk died with them.
Alanie Orvander managed to survive the entire war, but she was never really the same after it. She retired when the invasion of Alatania began and spent the rest of her life with her two cats, named Beige Dog and Onion Ring.
Myrchek Lysand continued to work as the de facto head editor of the Obychinzk Truth. Growing up in a dictatorship, and continuing to live in one, he learned to keep his political cards so close to his chest that no one actually knew what he believed. When asked, he said that he believed in not dying.
Thurston Frost found that there was not much appeal in weather reporting during wartime, and resigned from his position before the war even concluded to join the army. He died in the Macedonian War of Reclamation against the Eastern Roman Empire.
Dr. Ravyndottor is still alive and doing archeology today. While she's never returned to Caspia, she's widely respected in her field and most recently was involved in excavations in the Great Plains of North America.
Verekon Tynlander escaped the country during Elatian's evacuations. He now travels the world as a sort of freelance reporter. He claims to be on the trail of something big, but he's grown increasingly paranoid that he may be killed for what he knows. He might be right.
Martopolous Westwell was ultimately arrested for treason for being caught writing articles in favor of deposing Alexandria and reestablishing a democratic system of government, and died in a prison work camp. Today, there's a statue of him in a major square in Arzutzk, but he'd probably have preferred to be alive.
Venadia Dorstoyov managed to get assigned to do reporting abroad. The moment her plane landed in Gran Columbia, she claimed asylum, and now writes articles extremely critical of the Obychinzk government. She has not yet moved back, thinking that the democracy now established will be short-lived. She may never move back.
General Wendemire was dead before the war ended. His attempt to be declared president had been short-lived and unsuccessful. He never saw the inside of a prison though, he was old already.
The Grychak Witness Staff:
L-R Mixolydian Eldegard, Marvyn Alodious, The Editorial Staff (No Name Given), Sevi Saravane, Vick Maglodion.
Mixolydian Eldegard survived the war, and then disappeared into anonymity for a few years. They then suddenly resurfaced in the US, as an early "Angry Reviewer of Media" of all things. They ended up defining the genre, had a brief, unsuccessful attempt to break into filmmaking, and then went back to doing the angry reviewer thing. They still do it today.
Marvyn Alodious, one of Alexandria's earliest supporters, managed to work his way up into her inner circle before being shot during an argument with another member of the circle, possibly by Alexandria.
The Editorial Staff of the Grychak Witness was always an obscure figure. As far as anyone could tell, the editorial staff was multiple people, but no one had ever seen more than one of them, and they always covered their face. Rumors of plurality, a secret society, a legacy title held by a long line of anonymous writers, and more abounded. All that is known about who they were is that their hat worn in their few public appearances indicated they were once part of the Sunrise Front, a paramilitary organization based in the desert region that was destroyed during the prewar dictatorships, but that could have been borrowed. The editorial staff never dismissed any of the rumors and to this day remain an enigmatic figure.
Sevi Saravane ultimately was arrested for attempted murder. She'd stabbed one of Titus's police officers after they broke into her house without a warrant. She was shot seven times, but survived, only to die in a prison camp.
Vick Maglodion moved out to the Iranian Plateau, and when the Obychinzk Empire collapsed, he found himself outside of Obychinzk's borders. He took the opportunity to become a celebrity chef, and somehow succeeded against all odds. He has a TV show now that's extremely popular in the Central Asian region.
The Staff of the Autarkia Independent:
L-R: Lewis Driessler, Morton Driessler, Dawn Driessler, Leamond Attsea, Vincent Overdale, Hortense Freiz
Lewis Driessler ultimately fled the country when the first tank crossed into Autarkia. He lives in Ravenna, in Western Rome, but doesn't really speak enough of the language to get around. He rarely leaves his house.
Morton Driessler, former member of the Shadow Cabinet, found himself in an awkward position when he didn't flee the country like the others. He was widely despised outside of Autarkia, and not entirely trusted in it. As the tanks rolled into town, he locked himself in a bunker with several years supply of food and water, and never came back out. His body wasn't found until the bunker was demolished to make way for a subway station years later.
Dawn Driessler died during the shelling of Abarwaty, a small village near the Autarkian Border. She was probably the only one of the Driesslers to follow absolutely through on the message they sent out.
Leamond Attsea, the oldest member of the newspaper's staff, actually survived the war and the arrests of the Autarkian Independent staff because "he's too old anyway he'll die soon" and continued to survive well into his 90s, when his house was burned down during the anti-racism protests. He died of smoke inhalation, and most people decided it was for the best, as he'd been a major player in attempting to revive Gladwellist Fascism in Obychinzk.
Vincent Overdale left Autarkia shortly before the invasion, on the pretense of going out fishing. He sailed up the Volga river, stole multiple boats, and just kept going, right into the Novgorod-Kalmar war. He was ultimately nearly shot by the border guards before being deported back to Obychinzk, where he was arrested. He died in a prison camp.
Hortense Friez didn't actually write the last column attributed to him. He'd been in the country on a visa, and he'd managed to get on a plane out. He moved back to Bavaria, where he resumed being a genuinely terrible economist with some popularity among Goldbugs. He later endorsed cryptocurrency, and makes a few hundred thousand dollars a year running the lecture circuit.
Part Four: The Shadow Cabinet (Or the remaining four members aside from Morton, covered above.)
Harold Redford moved to the US with his vast amounts of stolen wealth, and started an antiques shop to try to launder some of it. However, he abruptly sold the shop for unclear reasons and now is a general manager at the Serenissima Casino in the US. The vast majority of the stolen gold has never been recovered, and there's no evidence he's tried to launder it since.
Yaw Sangui was exiled from Mali-Akania in disgrace after his failed coup, and was removed from Green Star Oil. Like the other three members of the Cabinet who got out of the country, he left to the US, where he bought a hotel and spent the rest of his life as a recluse.
Emma Pryndor-Evans was on maternity leave when the war broke out, and she simply didn't go back to Obychinzk. She then disappeared, apparently out of fear that whoever won the war would come for her. No one actually knows what happened to her afterwards, but most likely she lived anonymously somewhere in the Southern US. If she's not dead, she's probably still there, sitting on an enormous amount of money that she's generally avoided using.
Alvin Strickland left the country as soon as he could, but there was too much evidence tying him to what happened. He was forced off the Strickland Semiconductors board by a close relative after the Obychinzk scandal broke, and then the relative in turn was forced out themselves. He eventually got really into crystal healing and died of lung cancer in the early 2010s after refusing treatment.