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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
Krabs scratches his head.

"So... what yer sayin' is, ye think Kai and Kellensea are the bastards who did this." His eyes narrow.

"Those two got some explainin' to do."
“See? Me didn't do it! Me though about going for a midnight snack, but me fell asleep.”

He thought about it for a second...why would someone hurt another person in the vents? And why would they be camping in there? There's really no reason to do it...unless of course, the obvious.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
"More of a blue herring in this case. But I digress. One of them are the ones who most likely killed Doug. But we have to figure out which one of them actually did it." Brushing his ponytail, Ranma started. . .

>Searching the vents for evidence.
Bow decides to partake in the investigation herself, starting with investigating Cookie Monster's room.

>investigate Cookie Monster's room for any evidence
"Hmm.. You've got a point there. They do seem to be together a lot."

Haruka decides to > investigate both Kai's and Kellensea's room.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Krabs > pokes around looking for loose cha... I mean, "evidence"
> Investigate my room, too.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
>Loot the body [Kellensea]
While her attempts to actually take anything were thwarted, she at least did succeed at making her mental itemized list.

>Is there anything he can find under Doug's body? [Ranma, 8]
Ranma easily lifts the body off the bed and moves it aside. However, there doesn't appear to be anything underneath it.

>Search for any unusual or out-of-place footprints [Monika, 3]
Monika examines the floor, but the only footprints she can find are the ones made during the investigation.

>search for a fingerprint dusting thingy [Haruka, 1]
Haruka heads off to medbay to search for fingerprint dusting powder (that makes sense, right?) and somehow gets stuck in the scanning machine. After a few minutes she finally breaks free and frustratedly returns to Doug's room.

>Compare each and every student's clothing to the blue cloth [Haruka, 4]
She can't find a match.

>Let Haruka examine Rosa's clothing to match the blue fiber. [Rosa]
Rosa assists Haruka in confirming that her clothes don't contain those blue fibers.

>She gives herself for examining too. [Komaru]
Komaru also assists Haruka, and also confirms her clothes don't match the fiber.

>Examine the blue fiber. Is there anything about it, like if it was cut or torn? [Ranma, 4]
It seems frayed at one end?

> look in the Storage Room for anything of interest [Bakugo, 9]
Bakugo travels to the storage room and looks around aimlessly.

He manages to find a flashlight and some fine white powder that might or might not have been intended for fingerprint dusting but would definitely work for the job.

>Check for footprints [Cookie Monster, 5]
Cookie Monster searches Doug's room, but he doesn't find any footprints either.

>Look under the bed. [Alexis, 9]
There's lots of dust under the bed. It looks like it hasn't had anything there for a long time other than the shoes Kai found.

> Check for cookies [Cookie Monster, 5]
... Really. No. Cookie Monster finds no cookies in Doug Grugg's room.

>Search the vents for evidence. [Ranma, 8]
Ranma pops into the nearest vent, the one in the hallway. The first thing he sees is some brown animal hair.

>investigate Cookie Monster's room for any evidence [Bow, 6]
Bow searches Cookie Monster's room, but doesn't find anything of obvious interest. It's the same spartan bed-desk-dresser setup as everyone else. There's a toolkit in the desk drawer, but it looks untouched.

>investigate both Kai's and Kellensea's room. [Haruka, 10]
Kai's room hasn't got a single goddamned thing in it, other than the stuff every room has. Apparently the only thing he's done with it is sleep.

Nor does Kellensea's, which Karuka belatedly realizes is because Kellensea has been holed up in the office.

>poke around looking for loose cha... I mean, "evidence" [Krabs, 10]
Krabs arbitrarily decides to search the bathroom (yes, there's totally one of those, two actually because each bedroom wing has one) and notices a sharp kitchen knife in the trash can. "Notice" here meaning "accidentally cut himself on".

>Investigate my room, too. [Cookie Monster]
Cookie Monster searches his own room and finds the same thing as Bow - nothing.
Alexis comes out from under the bed, coughing from the dust.

"Well, that... probably wasn't too useful, aside from figuring no one had probably been hiding under there lying in wait or something?"

She brushes herself off and writes something down on her notepad.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Ranma keeps the frayed fabric in the back of his mind as he picks up and picked up the brown animal fur. It checks out with Bow's account. He'll pocket the fur and. . .

>Continue investigating for anymore clues, be it in the vents or rooms.
>Continue investigating [Ranma, 7]
A quick search of the vents suggests that most of the action last night took place between the hallway vent and the balcony vent.
Nothing here. Hmmmmm...

>compare blue fiber to Cookie Monster
>compare blue fiber to Cookie Monster [Bow, 6]
Looks about right.
I'm pretty sure Bakugo went looking in Storage. Y'know, the storage room only accessible via cafeteria?
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Ranma's probably gonna check with Bow her story again later. But for now

>Investigate the balcony
Bow ponders to herself for a bit.

So this is a framing attempt against that cookie-eating monster. Why would you frame him out of every single person here?

She then decides to...

>investigate to see how the killer could have gotten the blue fiber from Cookie Monster
(02-22-2021, 19:39:22 PM)SmilyCube112 Wrote: I'm pretty sure Bakugo went looking in Storage. Y'know, the storage room only accessible via cafeteria?

(02-22-2021, 19:24:36 PM)wingedcatgirl Wrote: > look in the Storage Room for anything of interest [Bakugo, 9]
Bakugo travels to the storage room and looks around aimlessly.

He manages to find a flashlight and some fine white powder that might or might not have been intended for fingerprint dusting but would definitely work for the job.

>Investigate the balcony [Ranma, 3]
Ranma investigates the balcony, but nothing springs out as immediately interesting.

>investigate to see how the killer could have gotten the blue fiber from Cookie Monster [Bow, 1]
Bow examines the fiber and Cookie Monster himself closely, but can't think of any method that the blue fiber might have been removed from his body.
"Here, let me help with that..."

Alexis will...

>Try to get a better look at the fiber and how it could've been removed. Was it cut? Shed?
Stupid doomed timeline...
Ranma took a deep breath. Of course. If something was here, the culprit could've just thrown it over the balcony. He walks back to where Bow is and pulled out the brown fur. "Found this by the hallway vent. Seems like your story checks out. Anything else you can tell me?"
Bakugo takes the torch, but the powder seemed off to him. Nevertheless, he takes it too, and walks out of the storage room to see Ranma walking past, and, curious about where everyone seems to be, follows him, and after getting to the group, says to them: "Ok, what the fuck is going on?"
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
He does a small turn to Bakugou. "Someone murdered the man in the trench coat. We're investigating."
Bow briefly reminiscences about what else happened last night before replying to Ranma. I tried to locate Kai after Kellensea tried attacking me, but I didn't find him Then I decided to go to sleep after that, and that's all that I can remember.
Ok, he was not liking this one bit. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Why the hell would they do that? Arrogance?
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
"... To get out of here, probably."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"They probably thought they could get away with it and escape. Whoever it was, they were willing to take that risk, and didn't think they'd be caught. So arrogance probably factored in somewhere."
Stupid doomed timeline...

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