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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
"Make somethin' out of the stuff we already have, and go off from there! I ain't payin' you all to slack off!"
Alexis chuckles and raises an eyebrow at Krabs, although this might be hard to tell with her hair falling over that eye.

"I wasn't aware you were paying us at all."

She then pushes her hair back out of her face and tucks it behind her ear.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Would you like to be paid, Alexis? Because I can pay you."
"As enticing as the offer is, I don't want to give her--" She jerks her head towards Kellensea. "-- any more motivation to loot my corpse if I turn up dead."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Well too bad, you're fired anyway."
"I'm pretty sure we have different currency anyway." Ranma said, before shaking his head. "But that's beside the point, we're getting distracted."
"But you never hired me... Okay, back to more pressing matters, like solving the murder."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Right... that stuff. Argh, this is makin' me sick."
"From comparing the handprints, we can eliminate several people. Unfortunately, most of them weren't suspicious to begin with so I'm not sure how much help that it. So far it looks like the marks line up best with Cookie Monster, Ranma, and Kai. Possibly Haruka, but it's hard to tell. The other evidence, namely the blue fluff, would seem to point to Cookie Monster, but is it really going to be that obvious?"

Alexis is mostly musing to herself as she goes through her notes, adding a few comments here and there.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Bakugo, after hearing that skipping was a possibility, decides it's the most logical one for the time being and casts his vote to >Skip.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
"Alexis is correct. The evidence points to Cookie Monster too well. Suspiciously well. Given the aforementioned fact that the crime scene has been cleaned spotless except for a clear piece of evidence of Cookie Monster's well being there, it's pretty possible that the blue fuzz were to frame Cookie." Ranma said, scratching his chin.
"Does the lad even shed that much? I'm not sure I've seen him lose a lick of hair since we got here."
"I mean, it's not impossible that Cookie Monster just got sloppy with a bit of evidence, but given the stakes of this 'game' we're all trapped in, I would expect a killer to be more careful, and to throw suspicion onto someone else so that they can escape."
Stupid doomed timeline...
" That's what I believed. Hair can fall out on their own from time to time, including fabric hairs. So it's possible the killer could've picked up some of his fluff laying around, and put it in the right spot to frame Cookie. There's another thing I find odd about the fluff: There isn't any on the body. Think about it: if Cookie lost a lot of his fuzz, wouldn't we have seen it on or around the body? I don't recall seeing any by him. Yet there's bits of his fuzz away from the body? It doesn't make sense."
"Why don't we stop focusin' on what we do know, and instead focus on what we don't know."
"Like the time of death and alibis, correct?"
The martial artist stroke his chin. " Well, we know it took place some time at night time. But I don't think we have any clocks here to check the time. So that's up for debate. From what I could gather, it was either before or after Cookie Monster went to the kitchen with Kai and Kellensea and Bow also out."
"Okay, alibis. We should get those from everyone who hasn't been eliminated as a suspect based on the evidence we have. Namely, the people who were in the halls last night whose hands fit the marks on Doug's neck."

She flips through her notes.

"...which looks like Kai, Ranma, and maybe Haruka, of those who've tried on the gloves so far."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Votes (7 to convict or skip)
Cookie Monster - Kellensea, Kai
Skip - Bakugo
"Kai was so quick to vote for the lad, wasn't he...?"
Ranma nodded his head. "I was in my room all night, training. I know that doesn't account for much, but it's the truth. I can show you the locker if needed." He says seriously, removing his hands from his pockets. "And Krabs has a point. The two of them were quick to vote Cookie, and since Kellensea's been proven to not be able to wear the gloves. . ."
The big question remaining is how the killer would have gotten the fur needed to frame Cookie Monster. Hmmmm...

>investigate Cookie Monster's fur again. Do Sesame Street monsters naturally shed?
Bakugo just rolls his eyes at this, and is now just waiting for this to end.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
An idea suddenly hits Ranma. "What if they got it from the kitchen? Cookie Monster confirmed he went there to get a snack. What if some of his fluff fell off during that time, and the killer or whoever grabbed it to frame him. It's just an idea, but it could explain the blue fuzz there."

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