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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
Slow and disappointed look to the bawling crab. "It's just money. It doesn't matter." He'd say "in this situation," but in actuality he never really cared about money.
Wait, you have an entire mattress full of money back home? I know where I'm getting a wizard to try to make a planar gate to next. Anyway, is there more evidence you need, or can we get started with the extrajudicial violence?
I am the They who says it!
Again, anyone can feel free to smash that mf meeting button any time, I tell Kellensea.
Wait, I can do this unilaterally? FEAR MY POWER!

>Kellensea dives towards the button and rapidly hits it as many times as possible before it activates.
I am the They who says it!
The button goes off the first time she presses it, and everyone, including me, is summoned to the kitchen.

I quickly psychically lift her into the air, glaring as she dangles helplessly.

If you had taken a second to look at the button, you might have noticed something important on its LED display.

0 meeting(s) remaining for this day.

That was a 1 a moment ago. You get one meeting per day per unsolved murder. You can present your arguments and evidence, and vote for who you think the killer is. If you execute the wrong culprit, the culprit of the oldest unsolved murder gets a free pass out of here. Every second execution you skip also gives a culprit a free pass.

I pause for a moment. Oh, and if there's a tie, I'll execute self-voting murderers first, then failing that I'll ignore the murderer's vote, and failing that I'll just kill everyone involved in the tie. Got all that? Any further questions?
Well, that worked out, I think! Let's get started. I think it's pretty obvious who did it. Let's just get rid of them. I vote we have The Cookie Monster executed.

/Vote Cookie Monster
I am the They who says it!
Ranma has no idea what the hell just happened. It takes him a few seconds until he realized he's in the cafeteria by the table. "Oh boy, back in the room where I got stabbed. Brings back such great memories." As per the usual, he's being sarcastic about it.
Not wanting to jump right into voting without reconsidering everything, not to mention a bit jolted from the whole "now suddenly in the kitchen" thing, Alexis just listens, double-checking and triple-checking her notes. It didn't look good for Cookie Monster, but was it really that easy?
Stupid doomed timeline...
Bakugo is really irritated now, having wanted to know why Decom's disabled, only to now find himself here. What's worse is that Kellesnea seems to have completely ignored him, adding fuel to that fire. "Fucking hell, are you really still pushing for them? There's no evidence, so don't fucking waste it! What a fucking IDIOT you turned out to be."
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Kellensea puts on her best grandmotherly voice:

Oh, shush, child! There's evidence aplenty for all the good boys, girls, and otherwise! Most damningly, the cookie monster fur inside the flushed gloves! Why flush the gloves if not to cover something up? And why cookie monster fur inside if not because cookie monster HANDS were inside?
I am the They who says it!
He can't believe he's agreeing with Bakugo of all people. You know, the dick? But a dick is better than agreeing to Kellensea. "Exactly. We can't rush into this so brash." Ranma felt a small breeze going through his spine. Oh god, he's being the reasonable one. Is this what being like Akane feels like? "Before we blindly vote and send a likely innocent man. . . monster to his death, how about we actually discuss everything."
“So let's recount what happened in the night:”

“Me went for a midnight snack, and then went back to bed. Meanwhile, Kellenese, Kai, and Bow were all in the vents for some reason.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
The martial artist looked over to the gluttonous puppet monster. "When you got that midnight snack, do you remember what you were doing? Were you cutting something and wearing gloves while doing so?"
Oh yes, midnight snack. I was watching the kitchen and adjoining areas from the balcony vent for most of the night. The only people I saw were Kai and that fox thing. Then, chaos, briefly. Ultimately, Kai and uhh... that other one who kicked me? When I was looting antibiotics? That one. Anyway, they came upon me in the medbay, looting the antibiotics. This implies the cookie monster there went into the kitchen AFTER I, Kai, and Bow had left. Else, I would have seen it, or one of the other two would have noted that. Seeing as I have murdered no one yet, and Kai presumably has not, that means it's either Bow or your cookie monster. But... I don't think it's your fox thing, because my advanced self defense skills presumably frightened the murderous creature off. It could also be Kai, I grant you that much. Except we were together until just before the lights came back on. The evidence which IMPLICATES the Cookie monster is plentiful. The evidence of a coverup, of a framing? Scant at best. The fuzz in the gloves? That, as the guild says, binds the contract.
I am the They who says it!
(02-23-2021, 23:24:27 PM)wahoothis Wrote: The martial artist looked over to the gluttonous puppet monster. "When you got that midnight snack, do you remember what you were doing? Were you cutting something and wearing gloves while doing so?"

“No. Me didn't find anything, and me did not wear gloves. Me feel asleep hungry.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Ranma takes a deep breath. Do not throw a locker at her yet Saotome. "Interesting how you don't mention Kai as part of the suspects aside from "Sure, he could've done it." Then again, that makes sense if you're covering for him." He said, hands in his gi as he heard CM's response. "I severely doubt this blue rag could actually take on the dead guy. Sure, the gloves fit, but could the fuzz have really come from him wearing them? It's awfully convenient how you found most of the "incriminating evidence" against him. The girl who's been quick from the get-go about him being the murderer."
Kellensea picks her words carefully, selecting the best possible ones for the situation, and carefully making her voice tone into the cheeriest possible one she can produce.

Maybe I found all that evidence first because I'm just smarter than you!

The BEST decision in word choice made, Kellensea leans back against a wall, and waits for the adulation of others to flow in. Surely they'll love her for insulting someone to their face.
I am the They who says it!
I'm not supposed to interfere with the trials, but I can't help but snicker at that one.
Hey um, to the host, a quick apologies. Because Ranma's bending a small piece of the table or stand or wherever he's standing at. If there's one thing Ranma hates being attacked that isn't his body or his manhood, it's his ego. Sure, he's not smart academically, because who needs math and science and all that when you have martial arts. But he's not dumber than a doorknob! "And yet earlier you claimed that the fox thing attacked you and could've "break someone's neck luckily". The "Ultimate Adventurer" doesn't exactly sound like someone who'd run from a "dangerous predator." She's not even that big. You could grab her from the back of her neck, or what someone with common sense would do, kick her." Least, that's what he would've done. Violence solves all problems, right? "Even if she was attacking you and Kai, why would she stop all of a sudden? And I swear to god if you say something along the lines of getting tired, I'm throwing a fridge at you." Brushing some of his hair out of his eye, he held up his fist and glared at Kellensea. "Just drop the act already, and admit that you and Kai had a hand in this."
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
So, you want me to admit something that is patently untrue? I cannot speak for Kai for certain, but he did arrive very quickly after I started looting antibiotics from the medbay. Long enough to kill someone? I simply don't think so. However, as to myself, I have not, as far as I am aware, killed anyone who has been in this complex yet. So no, I will not admit wrongdoing. My vote, it stands. The Cookie Monster did this, and on the VERY SLIGHT OFF-CHANCE it didn't, it certainly wasn't me who did, and almost certainly was not Kai. Now, cooperate and let us resolve this. Join with me, allow this to end, and we can move on with our lives until the next body turns up. Let it be known there is no penalty for executing the wrong person anyway.
I am the They who says it!
"Personally, I'd like to hear Kai's side of things. Because we've got some conflicting stories here and it'd be nice to know who to believe. And no, I won't just blindly believe you because you're telling me how smart you are."

Alexis taps her pen on the side of her notepad, which has... Lots and lots of notes about Kellensea at this point, let's just say.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"No, but we'll potentially send an innocent person to their death. And if I do that, then what kind of a man am I for letting someone else innocent die." Ranma shot daggers to her. "Besides, we don't need your vote anyway. From how quick you are to disprove Kai as potentially being to murderer, you're only sinking yourself deeper into that hole." He says, before letting out a loud sigh of relief from hearing Alexis. "Thank you. . ." Ranma mumbled, glad someone with a brain was willing to talk this out.
Well, no penalty other than the guilt of killing an innocent. I shrug. That's something most people care about.

I nod to Ranma. People such as him.
Ranma just rolled his eyes, feeling like he just watched a puppy get kicked in front of him. Hearing the host agreeing and mentioning him made him almost cringe. As you can probably tell, he's still pissed about the knives incident.

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