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Castle of Beasts: An NME Murdergame
"It would be, however, exceptionally easy to frame the Medic by knowing how to cut cleanly. It's not that I think it's impossible that's it's Medic, but we need more."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"...Did I do it? No. But I don't sink I'm ze only one with access to knives here. Sure, I have bonesaws, but... Ve do have knives here, right?"

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

[Skid and Pump's heads jerk in Big Bossman's direction.]

“You knew the Medic was a murderer!?”
“And you didn't tell us until now?”
“Why not?”
Well, if he's 8een confirmed as one of the killers, even if he didn't kill Sylvie he might kill some8ody else l8r, right?
Stupid doomed timeline...
I was a little hesitant to say anything because of how he helped me and I was afraid you wouldn't believe me.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Klonoa looked over at BBM and nodded. "But could anyone of us confidently say we could cut up a body professionally with knives? I know I sure can't. Medic has all the knowledge and skill to properly cut up a body with his bonesaw. I wouldn't even be surprised if he could do the same with knives. They're just like bigger versions of scalpels. And BBM said he talked with the dragon and asked about Medic."
"Look, I don't sink ve can trust Bossman's assessment. I saw someone to pocket. I pocketed him. Look, he's big and muscly! I heal him, he protects me."
>reluctantly peek into the broken toilet to see if a weapon was flushed down there
Look, whoever wins the next battle and if you want to check me out, that's fine. I got nothin' to hide. But I know for sure Medic is scum.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"I'll have to hold you to that, Big Bossman. Otherwise, I have no complaints. King, how do we vote?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Someone with a weapon should buddy up with the medic and the Big Bossman, Jessie said. Until a vote is made.
"Yeah, I'm starting to think that the Medic may be the one too. I mean, surgeons tend to make precise cuts and all that. Who else would be able to make such clean cuts?"
"I believe you Bossman. . ." Klonoa said with a light sigh. He's been helpful and nice this entire time, Klonoa has no reason to not trust him. "Medic, please. . . Just confess. We don't want to fight you. So please, just admit it. . ." Klonoa said with genuine sadness. He believed honestly everyone here was good people. That no one would dare hurt each other, let alone murder. Yet here they were, investigating the bloody bathroom after supposedly Medic butchered Slyvie's body.
"I'll say though, that it goes both ways. Big Bossman. Before we vote, are you absolutely certain about what the king told you? If we're wrong, that's an admittance that you're a killer. There's no maybes in this scenario."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
George, I promise you, I'm not sayin' anything like this to throw anyone under the bus. I didn't want to believe it myself but when I talked to the dragon, he confirmed it.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Simply say /vote followed by the name of the one you want to vote for.
/vote Medic
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
/vote Medic
/vote Medic
You 8etter 8e right a8out this, 8ig 8ossman.

/vote Medic
Stupid doomed timeline...
/vote Medic
Trust me, I'm not looking to knock anyone off unless I'm sure.

/vote Medic
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>reluctantly peek into the broken toilet to see if a weapon was flushed down there
A weapon had not been flushed down there.
/vote Medic

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

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