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Castle of Beasts: An NME Murdergame
What the hell...

>investigates tongue
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> Scream
Klonoa wipes his forehead. "I think. . . This was cut with a knife or something first, before being flushed. . ." He's gonna take a guess that being flushed down the toilet requires a lot of pressure. Least that's the theory he's going with.

>Klonoa's gonna, well first he's going to throw up. Next he's going to look at the tongue. Same question as the skin: Cut, pulled, etc.
Despite seeing a lot of unpleasant things back on Alternia, Vriska looked completely nauseated at what was being revealed.
Stupid doomed timeline...
>Regain composure and continue plunging for body parts
Boris managed to dig up a rather large chunk of hair.

>investigates tongue
It was very bloody, of course. The cut looked . . . neat, somehow.
"Whoever killed this person may have butchered them up into little bits like they were meat before flushing it all down..."
"Sylvester? Are you alive in there?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Boris just... leaves the room so nobody has to see him do a face reveal to puke.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

This keeps gettin' worse and worse.... gotta keep diggin' around....

>Keep searching for more remains
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Robinette looked at all the puke in the castle.

I am not cleaning that up.
Klonoa takes note of how neatly it was cut. "Someone. . . Someone's done this before. . ." His eyes widen as his face falter. "'It looks too neatly cut, like the person knew what they were doing. . . But. . ."
>Keep searching for more remains
Unfortunately, BBM was unsuccessful in finding more remains in the sea of bloody water.
What do you think, cat boy? You onto somethin'?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Boris returns, balaclava back up.


I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

If any8ody's got any ideas it might 8e a good idea to tell us.
Stupid doomed timeline...
In the commotion, Jessie has opted to take a blue bandana out of her jacket pocket and tie it around her nose and mouth. The smell overwhelmed her, but she didn't vomit.
"... if they're clean cuts like this, it has to be Medic, right?" George says, suddenly sounding kind of competent.

"But is that enough? Anyone with thumbs can cut clean with the right tools."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Klonoa adjusted his cap, scratching his head. "Think about it. Sylvester's body was flushed down the toilet. It's not very big, so I think the killer had to do something to make it fit. . ." He nearly gagged at what he said. "They had to cut him up. . . To make him fit. . . Looking at the tongue, I don't think it was someone's first time cutting a body. Or at the least, they know how to cut a body professionally. . ." Gripping his fists, he closed his eyes. "Like they've had knowledge of how bodies work, and how to operate a body. Medically. . ."
[After disappearing from the scene for like five minutes, the Spookeez slowly re-enter, trembling like leaves.]

“Is Sylvie okay?!”
“There goes the chance of the killers being nice and not killing us...”
“These killers are mean!”
“We're gonna have to find them soon!”

“This isn't spooky anymore! This is scary!” [they cry out in unison, clearly distressed.]
Boris squats down to the Spookeez.


I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

> Go over to the Spookez to console them.
What are you tryin' to say? Who do you think it was?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Even Klonoa had an inkling who it could be. ". . . Medic. Was it you?" He says half confidently, half unsure. Though that confidence was slightly backed up when he heard George talk about it.
Jesse moved to block the bathroom exit with her body. If he tried to make a run for it, she'd stop him.
I'm glad you said that, cat. Because I did noticed on our first day, he seemed to get a little too friendly with me. And I got this vibe off him too. And I'm glad I won the battle yesterday because I asked the dragon about him and he confirmed that he is one of the killers. So he very well could have killed Sylvie.
I like bananas. They're yellow.

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