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Brothers In Arms
Google Translate has been listening to the conversation around her... and instantly starts worrying. "What... "Killing Game"? This is another zombie-like game I played. I thought it was just a cooking show..." (What... "murdergame"? Is this another game like the zombie one I was in... and died in? And here I thought this would just be a cooking show...)
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
The old man takes a look around the kitchen.

Now this sure is fancy. Lot bigger than the one I have in my trailer home. I could do all kinds of things here with all the meat I have in this here cooler. I'm in heaven right now. I sure am giddy! Yee-haw!
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Linda takes the rule book and starts reading through it.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"You guys do know that any of us, and probably most of us will die here. And it all depends on how well we can cook there are so many meals I suck at making that I think I might weigh my team down." The Steambot said in concern and emotion despite the emotion core having less power.
“Ok, so here are the teams. I could do this the quick way or the short way. So let's do the short way.

”Google Translate, Seedy Joe, Vivi, Stolas, Doofensmirtz, Bonald, and the on-timers Hendrix, Bandana, and Momoe, you're all red.”

“Everyone else is blue.”

The Shag walks out.

“So anyway, please excuse me as I get everyone else.”

He goes back in the bus.

The man straightens his glasses.

”So anyway, it should be-”

He suddenly stops speaking.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
"well so long as nobody kills this could be fun!"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
As he browses the manual, Stolas nods to indicate that he's fine with this arrangement.
I just plumb forgot to introduce myself. I'm Seedy Joe Bourbon and you all seem like good people here. I sure do hope none of you wanna kill here. Why not just have a drink and talk it out? We can work it out. Just like me and my brother did once when he stole my pig.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Steambot restored the missing power to the emotion section and said "I am not good at making burgers so I am glad I have Linda on my team."
Bonald rushes up to his team members.

I hope we will work together well.
"drink?" Tommy looks to Joe. "how about a soda?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Doof turns to his teammates, looking excited and disappointed at the same time.

We're a eccentric bunch, aren't we? Don't worry, I'll sure we'll take this kitchen by storm! ...Right? Heh... heh...

The doctor is not confident about that at all.
"Ah, yes, I suggested we introduce ourselves, didn't I? Terribly sorry, it slipped my mind. I am Prince Stolas, of the House of Goetia. That you would likely already know, were you demons, but I'm venturing outside my usual haunts for a little while. The same old gets dull, after all!"
Soda pop is all good and all, Seedy Joe says to Tommy, but I was thinkin' more moonshine. That's somethin' that'll knock ya off your feet there, friend, let me tell ya.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
The Shag comes back, not noticing the dead body of the man.

“Ok, we're all here, good.”

(OOC: Taking a shower, I'll be back soon)
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Google Translate looks through the manual. So those were the rules, huh... "Hi there! I ... translate Google!" (Oh hey! I'm... Google Translate!) she says to her teammates. Might as well introduce herself...
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
"Since I have already introduced myself but this is for everyone who hasn't heard me, I am Steambot 3000, also I am a robot in case you need to know I can't eat or drink." It said thinking of eating sushi but can't because robot.
"moonshine? is that a new soda?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Oh, are we drinking? I'll have some wine if you've got it!"

Linda sounded kind of excited about the prospect of drinking without Bob or the kids judging her for it.
Stupid doomed timeline...
This is better than any soda or wine. But hey, let me pour you fine folks some of this here stuff.

He pulls out a jug and takes out some paper cups he kept in his backpack and pours Tommy and Linda some of his moonshine, which has have 95% alcohol content. Do they know what they're about to get into? He offers them both the cups.

Anyone else want some?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
...yeah, Linda's gonna drink it anyway.

Stupid doomed timeline...
“I'll take some to look at and maybe take inspiration if we need to make something like beer batter fish.”
"I should've FUCKING KNOWN that this is 0% a
FoundationSCP Foundation
mission at ALL! I'm just a fucking janitor, and there are way too many anomalous entities here!" A man wearing a janitor uniform with a name patch reading "J1-13" yells.

"Fuck it. Name's Henrik Sturmatem. You can call me Henrik."
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed

Fish battered in moonshine? Why didn't I think of that? Feed all that to the celebrities that are comin' by and we'll have ourselves a party! Yee-haw!

Seedy Joe giddily gives Steambot a cup of his incredibly potent alcoholic drink.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Linda's coughing a bit from the moonshine.

"Whoa, this is strong!"
Stupid doomed timeline...

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