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[Fin] Fuck it, here's another Destroy the Godmodder thread
* Florien's credit-stealing pet!

With an obscure trick, the pet steals the credit for the Godmodder's previous attack, and turns it against them!

* 940 damage to the Godmodder!

* Florien's Poison VI!
* Florien's Necrosis VI!

The Godmodder starts dripping some unhealthy-looking black goo.

... Ew.

* Playing's... uh...


You cannot comprehend the true form of Playing's attack! 117 damage to the Godmodder!

* Cassie's attack!

With a yeet, the tear gas explodes in the Godmodder's face!

It seems to have reacted badly with Florien's DoT spells... oh, but that's a good thing in this context, isn't it!

* 128 damage to the Godmodder!

* Jupiter's assistance!  Awe recovers 267 HP!

* MP's attack!

MP whips up a tornado and sends it at the Godmodder... but they swiftly dodge it!

Joke's on you, I played Snowgrave!

* Miss! 0 damage to the Godmodder!

* MP's Railgun!

With a noise that can only be described as *railgun noise*, the railgun ejects the sword at a speed defying human comprehension!

* Critical hit! 1,924 damage to the Godmodder!

* Blue demon's attack!

The blue demon swings a blade of water at the Godmodder, who dodges it almost without looking.

* Miss! 0 damage to the Godmodder!

What is this segment? Water blades is the same.

* The Godmodder takes 227 damage from poison!
* The Godmodder takes 282 damage from necrosis!
* Awe recovers 47 HP.

Godmodder: 995,755/1,000,000
Awe: -498/100 -- INCAPACITATED
Florien's shield: ???/???
Jupiter's shield: ???/???

* If you think this game contains anything resembling balance, think again.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fuck it, here's another Destroy the Godmodder thread - by wingedcatgirl - 04-05-2022, 06:26:19 AM

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