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[Fin] Fuck it, here's another Destroy the Godmodder thread
The Florien gets back up, looking very not dead all of a sudden.

"Oh cool guess I'm back up now"

CREDITTHIEF PET (charged by others) IS GO! It charges in, swinging a sword and coopting parse-damage with all the strength of something strong, ready to take credit for what other people do.

The dots finish casting.

Poison-based dot [6/6]

Necrotic-based dot [6/6]

and both activate.

"Ha! Those have crits on every tick! Oh, should probably fix that guy over there. Where the hell is our cleric? What kind of raid is this?"

Raise Dead on Awe [1/3]

And instead of launching a direct attack... "DAMAGE SHIELD!"

As a shield bubble appears to protect the Raid Florien from the likely incoming attacks.
I am the They who says it!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fuck it, here's another Destroy the Godmodder thread - by Florien - 04-02-2022, 21:50:26 PM

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