Name: Nintendo and SEGA
Gender/Pronouns: He/him and she/her
Backstory: Nintendo and SEGA are the rulers of two prosperous nations that border each other. In the past, the two were constantly on each others' throats. However, this rivalry has faded, and now they get along relatively well. She will even invite Nintendo to play together once in a while. This is mainly due to Nintendo finding new competitors recently, though even these competitions are somewhat friendly.
Personality: Nintendo is a laid-back and kind person, while SEGA is energetic, cheerful, and friendly.
Strengths: Nintendo now inherits some new powers. He can shoot out flames and ice and summon a sword he can wield. SEGA can run really fast, and can roll around.
Weaknesses: For all his kindness, Nintendo tends to see himself as superior, and can sometimes be vain and arrogant, even demanding at times. SEGA is a very poor swimmer, and somewhat ditzy to boot.
Favorite YouTube Channel: Many Youtube channels that promote them and their products. For Nintendo, however, he may draw the line at some.
Other: Nintendo speaks in red and SEGA in blue.
Gender/Pronouns: He/him and she/her
Backstory: Nintendo and SEGA are the rulers of two prosperous nations that border each other. In the past, the two were constantly on each others' throats. However, this rivalry has faded, and now they get along relatively well. She will even invite Nintendo to play together once in a while. This is mainly due to Nintendo finding new competitors recently, though even these competitions are somewhat friendly.
Personality: Nintendo is a laid-back and kind person, while SEGA is energetic, cheerful, and friendly.
Strengths: Nintendo now inherits some new powers. He can shoot out flames and ice and summon a sword he can wield. SEGA can run really fast, and can roll around.
Weaknesses: For all his kindness, Nintendo tends to see himself as superior, and can sometimes be vain and arrogant, even demanding at times. SEGA is a very poor swimmer, and somewhat ditzy to boot.
Favorite YouTube Channel: Many Youtube channels that promote them and their products. For Nintendo, however, he may draw the line at some.
Other: Nintendo speaks in red and SEGA in blue.