09-04-2021, 00:52:38 AM
(09-04-2021, 00:34:53 AM)Kennifer Wrote: Was Kim even in the right place mentally for this? I guess she'll see...
1. Equip yourself with weapons from the storage room, maybe a disguise or two, and any way you can break into the airport unnoticed.
A couple easily concealed pistols and knives should do the trick. As for the disguise... let's go with a flight attendant. Surely that will allow for easy access anywhere in the airport? Maybe grab one of those blonde wigs people were investigating earlier. Go for the whole Britney Spears "Toxic" video thing. Make up a fake ID and everything.
2. Make your way into the airport undetected.
Time to "borrow" another ordinary car. Who'd think anything of a flight attendant in uniform driving to the airport in an ordinary unmarked car?
3. Raid the plane and incapacitate or kill any guards that you can.
Kim's gonna convince people she's one of the new flight attendants. Fake ID and all. If that doesn't work do a bit of "convincing" with those weapons, but hopefully she's not gonna need these til she comes across the guards. Then it's throwing knife time or headshot time, depending on their proximity and the angles and shit.
4. Collect the weapons and stow them away.
Just throw them in the beverage cart. What happens to those beverages, who cares? Not Kim. She's gonna take that cart off the plane and back to her car. Anyone questions her? Hopefully she's still got ammo.
5. Take them back to the mansion.
Kim has rolled an 8, 6, 7, 10 and 3 for a total of 34 points.
1. You get yourself a nice pair of guns and knives to conceal. And you get that blonde wig and the blue dress. You look a lot like Britney Spears in “Toxic”, except for the tattoos. You look damn good and more than prepared for action. And you make a convincing fake ID, going under the name “Rhoda Hotte”.
2. As good as you look, no one gives you a second thought as you drive into the airport in your unmarked car.
3. She manages to get in via her fake ID. She does end up shooting the guards, but it goes fine enough for her. And she looks like a nice Charlie's Angel doing it.
4. You put everything in the beverage cart and take them to your car, seemingly without incident. But once you open up the cart, you find the weight of the weapons have burst open the beverages. Now they're all sticky and watery. Should have tossed them out before loading them up. Oh, well. What's a good cleaning that won't do the trick?
5. As you load them up, one of the bazookas go off, launching a rocket that hits the wall of the airport. Now the FBI is coming after you. You wisely decide to jet out of there before they become a problem for you. Time to ditch the ID and wig as they're now looking for Rhoda Hotte.
I like bananas. They're yellow.