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The Murder Challenge
Entrapta emerges from the storage room, happy to have woke up with a pulse.
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
Kanade also wakes up...

... Um... Okay.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Michelle comes out of her room, yawning and tugging her cardigan back onto her shoulder.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Selen(ium) nervously comes out of her room, strumming her guitar. Everyone ok?

> Check if anyone's not ok
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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"The pills worked! I didn't feel possessed all night. How about you?"
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
Bywyn climbs out from behind a makeshift blind in the hallway. 

See Mizheltd? I told you the pills prevented possession. The doubters proved wrong! It is ancient wisdom from the far north-western lands confirmed by modern scientists, and now by you! Oh, incidentally, four bodies went between the rooms upstairs while I watched. So I think we can think on that.
I am the They who says it!
...No, no feelings of possession.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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"I mostly read all night, since it's hard to sleep when you're expecting someone to burst into your room and kill you at any time. I'm fine though, if a bit tired."
Stupid doomed timeline...
If none of the rest of us who didn't take pills felt possessed, I'm not sure it proves anything, Bywyn. And unless you know who those people moving about were, not sure that helps either. Can you tell us that?
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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I uhh

OOC:(am waiting for a response from the gm as to whether or not that information was obtained, though it should be super easy at least to match up rooms to people)

am thinking about that. Yes. And it proves a lot if the one person who took my pills did not report possession. Why, it proves there's no ill side effects! Take them! There's no risk to you, just ten dollars each and we can do a study every night and likely prevent deaths!
I am the They who says it!
I locked myself in my cell to make sure I wouldn't escape. I heard footsteps, but I thought it was just the other hosts trying to find a way out." She gently chewed her lip. "We'd better find the body." A chill went up her spine when she realized Mettaton hadn't woke up yet...
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
"You said they were five dollars before. Are you counting the fact Entrapta is fine as another clinical test?"

Michelle... isn't really waiting for an answer to this though; she's going to

Stupid doomed timeline...
Five dollars each per pill, not per treatment. I recommend two per night. Most other anti-possession treatments don't work and charge far more.

>Check the rooms one by one for the corpse of the stickbugger who did stickbuggeth everyone in death.
I am the They who says it!
"Ah, okay. 'Cause it wouldn't be fair to raise the price in such desperate times, you know. Amyway okay yeah sure I'll keep that in mind despite, as I said, not having any cash on me."
Stupid doomed timeline...
> She joins Bywyn in looking for a body.
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
> Selen(ium) is also, as previously said in an actiony way, looking for any body that might be around
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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Kanade, uneasy...

>Joins in the body search
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Anyway, if Entrapta is fine, I suppose, sure, it does prove that whatever Bywyn's hawking doesn't have nasty side effects. In her physiology, anyway. It's a sample size of one. The rest of us could still have an allergic reaction to something in it, or something.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Mettaton rolls out of his bedroom.


> join the body search
Okay, I have an idea, but you all are going to hate it and complain most greatly likely, and it only applies if we don't find a body. Just keep that in mind so this doesn't come out of nowhere and you all decide that I'M the glowie because of this genius idea in the vein of Vextriziss the Voidgazer's foresight and her gift of prophecy. (which your deeply skeptical energies lead me to think you would not believe in despite the great scientific evidence to the contrary.)
I am the They who says it!
Mettaton was still alive! Entrapta released her anxiety in one breath. "We don't have any evidence that anyone was possessed yet. What's your idea?"
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
No, no. We need to see that in fact, no one is dead before I present my idea.
I am the They who says it!
"Well, logically, since you heard four people walking around and some of us still haven't reported to the rest of us, someone is bound to have died."
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
...Not necessarily. For sure. I mean, from what we heard yesterday it seems likely somebody was going to kill another of us, willingly or not, yes. But so far we haven't found anybody dead, the people we haven't heard from still could just be sleeping. Really deeply.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.

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