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Last Summer
> Try to lift the machine up
I like bananas. They're yellow.
okay yeah that ju2t gave me a headache.

>What are those flecks on the cord?
Stupid doomed timeline...
> Try to lift the machine up

Not even the powers of Rusty Shackleford can lift this damned cabinet up.

> What are those flecks on the cord?

They look like tiny little flecks of metal.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

Seems like no one can lift this. I'm willing to bet someone could only lift this if they were helped by someone else, oh yes.~
Ow... Dale whines in pain pathetically, straining his scrawny self, then going on to

>seeing if the arcade cabinet also have any of those metal flecks
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> See if the arcade cabinet has any of those metal flecks

Nope, just the cord for some reason. Not like you could even tell if it did have any metal flecks considering most of the cabinet's covered in gore.

The intercom crackles to life once again.

Juuuuuust a lil' reminder, gang! Your deadline to investigate and vote off potential scum is 7:30 pm CST on 8/11! Look carefully and choose wisely~!

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

But lemon creature, not only could I lift such a small cabinet of unremarkable scale, Mr. Voorhees over there just DID lift it without aid! And you seem like a strong fellow yourself! Aside from all that, tipping one of these things is presumably not particularly hard, even for the smaller and frailer among you, and many of you presumably have other things which could allow for tipping of the cabinet without worrying about your own strength!

Big Ben looks at the scene.

>Find all the physical evidence /j
>Lift the Cabinet over your head to prove the point, and do a stereotypical carnival strongman pose while doing so.
I am the They who says it!
> Lift cabinet above your head

DAMN SON, YOU SWOLE AF. It's... quite the display of strength.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

In fact, the cord. What was it used for? Surely if the individual or individuals involved in this gruesome scene were strong enough to lift the cabinet unaided, they would not bother to do anything with the cord. What purpose could it have served?

>Investigate the cord to determine what purpose it could have served.
I am the They who says it!
Yuki is horrified to see what's left of Selen(ium). "Who... who would do such a thing? And this game cabinet..."

≥does it look like something was used to move it?
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
>Does the cord look like it could have been cut (possibly with something metal)?
Stupid doomed timeline...
> Investigate purpose of the cord

Seems like it was used by the killer as a way to reliably hold into the cabinet as they pulverized Selen(ium)'s remains.

> Does it look like something was used to move it?

Nope, just raw strength and the assistance of the cord.

> Does the cord look like it could have been cut (possibly with something metal)?

It looks like it was straight-up ripped from the wall.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

2o due two the weiight of the cabiinuet iit look2 liike ja2on or the pre2iident are the only one2 who could have liifted iit alone, but the 2la2her2 could have worked together on the kiill, ii2 thii2 riight?
Stupid doomed timeline...
It's certainly possible. Slashers workin' together as a team.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"That is very correct. Slashers working together to result in clues leading to conflicting parties to throw us off. Our first finger of suspicion should be pointed at Jason and The President however."
ii feel liike we 2hould be careful choo2iing the mo2t obviiou2 2u2pect2 though, after what happened ye2terday when liibre 2eemed two be obviiou2ly guiilty. but that doe2nt mean the pre2iident or ja2on are ab2olved from guiilt, ju2t that we don't want two jump two the mo2t obviiou2 2olutiion riight away.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Right. Nothin' here really is what it seems, Dale says, looking upwards at nothing in particular, just appearing like a conspiracy theorist in deep thought.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
What of your prosthetic limb, Lars? Is it a strong limb? Attempt to move the cabinet like everyone else did, if you would.

After all, you haven't made an attempt to move the cabinet yourself, and it would be unfair to discount you just because of your otherwise small size.
I am the They who says it!
"Guys, if I killed someone, I would readily admit that shit. I've killed before, I'll kill again, and I'm proud of it, but I'm telling you you're looking at the wrong slasher if you're gunning for me."
So you killed before, and you're going to kill again, but you didn't do this particular murder? Perhaps that's true, but if you're going to kill again, we should attempt to prevent that. You should not go around killing people. I assume you understand the wrongness of doing that?

Big Ben stares incredulously at Jason.

What reason do we have for not immediately executing you, Mr. Voorhees, with your statement of intent to kill "again"? I surely speak for the people of the United States of America when I say I don't want to get murdered.
I am the They who says it!
". .that's legit the worst thing to confess right now! That's lowkey kinda suspicious, y'know?"

". .but also? Didn't you just lifted that cabinet, tall old guy? Unless somehow that's not a part of the crime. ."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Remember folks, 7:30 pm CST on 8/11 is approaching... make it snappy and make it RIGHT.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

Yes, I just lifted the cabinet. Though it's been established that Mr. Voorhees can also do that, and it's not been established whether or not Mx. Lars or a number of others can do that, and it's not been established whether or not the murderer enlisted the help of another of theirs to battering-ram the cabinet into the music performer, producing this... gruesome scene.

But of course, Mr. Voorhees has actually said he has killed in the past and intends to kill again! This is not merely "low-key suspicious" as you put it, my confectionary friend! It is, in fact, High-Key an admission of GUILT! Justice demands a DEATH SENTENCE for the crime of serial... or perhaps mass murder! Even if he is not one of those arrayed against us, surely he's too dangerous to allow to live! Are you others with me on this? If not, I applaud your innocence and willingness to forgive and trust, but nonetheless, this is an admitted MURDERER! We cannot seriously just discount that one of the murderers may be hiding in plain sight like this!
I am the They who says it!
[The cookie gives Ben a look of disappointment.]

". .yeahhhh, no. I don't like your fancy-ass words, man. Besides, you don't need to yell. Won't be votin' just yet, but I'll keep an eye on you."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
I do not yell! I don't believe you are grasping the gravity of the situation here! A man has just confessed to murder and stated his intent to commit more, and you are standing idly by, even daring to imply the pointing of fingers at the one who says that "perhaps the one who has admitted to committing murders, says that he intends to commit more murders, and has the capacity to commit THIS murder is could be involved in the murder at hand?"

Big Ben harumphs loudly, but there's a note of shock behind it.

Perhaps it doesn't explain the strange metal flecks, but perhaps it doesn't need to! Those could be a ploy by the murderer or murderers! Either way, you seem to be trying to seem "smart" by not looking at the obvious choice! I cannot be the only one here who thinks that when someone admits to being a murderer who, it greatly alarms me that I have to repeat this, INTENDS TO KILL AGAIN, that the responsible choice is to stop them before they DO kill again! What POSSIBLE reason could you have to think that it wouldn't be a good idea to at the very least consider executing Mr. Voorhees? At the very least, Mr. Voorhees should tell us what he intends to do instead of killing us all, as he has implied, or give us a good reason to not throw him to the mercy... or lack thereof, of our vile captor.
I am the They who says it!

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