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POKÉMON 2.B.A. MURDERER ~ A Poké-Murdergame
"Okay, Radar and I will stick together tonight."
Stupid doomed timeline...
“Guess I'll team up with the Beverly Hillbilly”, Gengar says, pointing to the Ninetales. “You can ease up with the robust talk now; you're not foolin’ everyone now.”
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"I'll stick with you"

Doober points to whoever posts next. There is no getting out of it. No Uno reverse cards to save the day. Whoever posts next is Doobered.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
[Don't worry, Ringtoss will act as your safety turtle, next poster!]
actually Doober will partner with whoever posts next now, unless it's Ringtoss again in which case it's whoever posts after that
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Well, since Guy offered before... Yahtzee.
[Kye kinda just.. Raises her hand/paw.]
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
"bro what's uuuuup." Doober runs up to Guy. "yo do I know you from somewhere? feel like we met before"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Yo, Doober, have you by any chance ate any funky leaves in your lifetime? Particularly anything three-cloved?"
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"whatcha mean?"

"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Never mind..."
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"...Maybe if you were a Braixen or something, but nah, I don't think I've met you before."
"knew a braixen, but she died. think she got better though."

"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Did you say something? You seem to be muttering under your breath there, pal."
"im still silencing him man don't worry"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Uh.... should I be concerned?"
I like bananas. They're yellow.
I give the Gengar the dirtiest look I can muster.

"Who are you to tell me what aspects of my character are true and false? I shall speak however I please."

Despite my reservations, I do indeed pad over to stand by the Shadow Pokemon's side.
[Aaand night falls.]

[24 hours. Killers, try not to forget to kill someone this time?]
[After a night that seems like an eternity, the day begins anew. Ringtoss is grumbling and rubbing his forehead in the center section.]

Arceus on Wario's motorbike, that was way more of a pain than I was expectin’... Ahem! ‘Ey you! Yeah, all'a you knuckleheads! I'm gettin’ tired'a dealin’ wit’ ya bullcrap, t’ be honest. From Doober bein’ a nuisance t’ Sabine tryin’ t’ get my head on a silver platter every time I turn ‘round—you're all too much fo’ me t’ handle on my own! Soooo... I'm callin’ in backup.” [He yanks one of his rings off his horns and turns it into a portal, soon thereafter posing dramatically as though introducing someone.] “A'right, a'right, please welcome your new host, the one, the only...”
(A Braixen comes out of the portal.)

Greetings. I am the one and the only Ember. As you can probably see, I am a Braixen, and... wait...

(Ember looks over the remaining Pokémon.)

Hey... you didn't tell me that I'd have to work with plebeians!
[The Hoopa quickly closes the ring portal and hangs the ring back on his horn before Ember can get cold feet.] “Pfft, ‘course I didn't. Would'a been a lost cause tryin'a get you on my side if I did! Don't worry, you'll warm up to ‘em eventually, I'm sure.”
Gengar says in a mocking tone of voice "Ooh, the big, bad Ringtoss can't handle us Pokemon by himself and has to call for help. Ha ha ha ha ha, what a loser. Not such a tough guy callin' for help to look over us now, are ya?"

Gengar then gets insulted over Ember's comments. "Hey, who you callin' a peabrain?!"
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Hmph. I should have expected that a mere Gengar like yourself wouldn't be able to understand. So, basically, what it means is that you are inferior to me.
For my next trick, how about I kick your ass?
[Kye looks at the Braixen curiously.]

"...oh, greetings. I suppose it's nice to meet you." [She says as she offers her paw for a.. Handshake..? Pawshake? Eh.]
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
"...Inferior? Are you... just here to insult us?" Fuiji says.
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers

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