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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
"It's possible, but... Did anyone know Cookie Monster was in the kitchen last night, and if so who?"

Alexis checks through her notes again.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Slow turn to Kellensea and Kai. "Kellensea did attest to them being in the kitchen before "Bow ran them off." It is entirely possible that they could've spotted Cookie Monster entering the kitchen, and saw the fluff laying around. Perhaps they weren't even planning on framing him at first until they saw the fuzz, and got the idea. It would make a lot of sense, but I'm just making a bunch of guesses and theories here with what's been laid out in front of me."
"It's probably good to have theories besides the seemingly obvious one, I agree."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Ah, but you're considering a quite impossible scenario. You see, the victim was killed before I even got to the balcony, before Kai got to the kitchen. This much I ascertained from some cursory adventuring knowledge about how to determine time of death. (Remarkably useful, that, for telling when a trap last activated, or whether there's something hostile loose in the area when you stumble upon a room of people who are dead who should have been alive.) But the point is, the murder happened before I even entered the balcony, much less... Wait.

Kellensea pauses, stands up, and walks off.
>Check if the hallway tripwire sensors connect back to anything, then go there, and see if the cookie monster passed over them early in the night.
I am the They who says it!
>investigate Cookie Monster's fur again. Do Sesame Street monsters naturally shed? [Bow, 7]
Examining Cookie Monster shows that his fur does appear to suffer natural wear and tear over time, which would lead to it eventually falling out.

>Check if the hallway tripwire sensors connect back to anything, then go there, and see if the cookie monster passed over them early in the night. [Kellensea, 8]
The hallway sensors connect back to the Admin map, of course. Kellensea heads off to check out the computer...
From what I can gather, it is possible for Cookie Monster to shed. Maybe the killer used some shed hair to frame him?
Or maybe...

Kellensea speaks slowly and sarcastically.

Just maybe... COOKIE MONSTER FUCKING DID IT. But we'll see soon enough.
I am the They who says it!
Kellensea stares at the readout.

Alright, there's the murder, there's the events I was involved with, yeah, this all makes sense, five people moving, one of them me, and I saw three of them, there's Kai finding the body... Huh.

Inexplicably, there's a "someone went to medbay" way earlier than previous events would indicate.

>Check Medbay for whoever that might have been, and what they might have done while there.
I am the They who says it!
Bow decides to...

>check out the admin room's report for herself
Alexis also wants to

>Check out this report, as she's probably missing things in her notes. Especially since most of the notes are now ramblings about Kellensea's ego.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"It could simply be possible that the killer wasn't intending on framing anyone until they saw the opportunity." He shrugged, and

>Decided to check the reports too.
...interesting. Somebody was in storage last night.

>investigate storage for any evidence
The person in storage was me. Like I said earlier. I went there. Then I left.

>Also see if you can figure out precisely which bedrooms had their occupants leave.
I am the They who says it!
"It looks like the kitchen and Medbay were popular spots... people meeting up in various places throughout the night, it would seem..."

She compares the printout with her notes, then writes down a few more things. Namely, about the bedroom which she's guessing to be Doug's that people had gone in and out of, and where this fits into the other sequences of events.
Stupid doomed timeline...
>investigate storage for any evidence [Bow, 9]
Bow searches Storage, but finds nothing of obvious interest.

>Also see if you can figure out precisely which bedrooms had their occupants leave. [Kellensea]
Most of the rooms are identical, making it hard for Kellensea to figure out who they belong to. However, Monika, Cookie Monster, and Ranma all decorated their rooms -- and of the three, only Cookie Monster's room was ever empty during the night.

And yes, Doug's room -- distinguishable from the rest by his still-cooling corpse -- was the one that had two people in it off and on.
Ranma was looking at the patterns, mostly at the kitchen. "Of course they don't give us the names. That'd be way too easy, wouldn't it?"

>Try to figure out anything from the reports.
Me, Kai, Kellensea, and Cookie all left their rooms during the night obviously, but who was the other person?

>try to figure out the other person who left their room
Hey LOOK everybody I figured it out again! It's still the cookie monster. Like, it's not even close to not being the cookie monster. At this point, you're just being contrarian. Also, the fourth person was pretty obviously Haruka, who encountered me in the Medbay later. If the cookie monster is being framed, why would there be no evidence of a cover up? Now, I believe it's quite clear. The Cookie monster left its room last night. The Cookie monster went to the kitchen last night, by its own admission, where it grabbed the gloves, which match up with the bruising, as do the cookie monster's hands. To perform such an elaborate framing, the person would have to know that the cookie monster would LEAVE ITS ROOM, yet none of the OTHER people who left their rooms that night claim to have seen the Cookie monster, indicating that none of them favor framing the cookie monster. The lack of fingerprints just proves the point further, the Cookie monster has none, but does have fuzz. Again, I reiterate, we could have ended this hours ago. THE EVIDENCE IS CLEAR! CONFESS, COOKIE MONSTER, OR I WILL HUNT DOWN YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY, AND PUT THEIR HEADS ON PIKES!

Kellensea, once again, slams her fist down on the table, and awaits her vindication.
I am the They who says it!
"You read the reports. More than on person went to the kitchen. Stop being so hell-bent on Cookie being the culprit. You even admitted that you and Kai went to the kitchen yourselves. Now put your hurt ego back up for five minutes and shut up. You're honestly not helping Kai's case with how you're able to ignore some evidence to him such as the handprint matching up with him, yet a couple of fuzz is what got you so convinced that Cookie did it. Just saying, you've been focused on one person this whole time.
Look. It doesn't matter that I went to the kitchen. What matters is that the body was dead BEFORE I even got there, before Kai went there. I see no reason for Kai to double back and go to the kitchen after committing murder just to utterly fail to get an alibi. If you weren't SO CONVINCED I am incapable of being right, you would have fallen in line and we'd be done here. You know I've killed before, I've said as much. So, who do you think knows how murderers think? LET ME BE RIGHT! Just look at the damn body for yourself if you don't trust me. You'll see it was killed very early in the night indeed. Look at the logs! You can see that, quite plainly, the murder happened before I, Kai, and Bow got to the kitchen. One person entered the kitchen, then that one person left the kitchen and then the murder happened! That narrows it down to Haruka and the cookie monster, and Haruka's hands sure as hell don't fit the marks. There is, quite simply, no other possibility that fits the evidence as well as your precious fucking cookie monster having committed this crime! If anyone's ego here is hurt, it's your frail-ass ego that can't accept that you didn't do SHIT to advance this case, that all you've done is waffle and hum and ha.

Kellensea then thinks back over the conversation. She knows she can't make Ranma cave, but she can make him even more plainly wrong-looking.

You say it's suspicious that the gloves contained fuzz. You accused me of being behind the planting of fuzz, seeing as I was the one finding it. Now, if the fuzz was cut from the Cookie monster, as your "fraying" thing implies, that would mean someone would have to be in the same room as the cookie monster. But, at no point before the murder was anyone alone with one other person aside from Doug and his murderer. So, can you explain that?
I am the They who says it!
"Then why had someone gone into Doug's room here, before anyone was in the kitchen? What was that about?"

She points at the printout.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Scouting it out. Maybe they changed their mind, or went back to get stuff together. Either way, that's not relevant, because Doug was still alive after that.
I am the They who says it!
"So you're saying Doug was killed here. When someone entered the room, one person left, and then the other person left?"

She points at the readout again.

"Who was the second person, then, do you think?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
Kellensea seems happy, for the first time in a while.

YES! Alexis, is it? YES! That's what I've been saying! That bit! Doug dies, and drops off the reading, then the cookie monster, the second person in the room, also drops off as it leaves, then it goes to the bathroom and disposes of evidence, then returns to its room! That's where the murder happened!
I am the They who says it!
"Yes, it's Alexis. All right, so that's the murder, if being killed counts as leaving-- can the Host confirm this for us, dying counts as 'leaving' on the readouts? It still doesn't prove for sure who the killer is, mind you, so don't gloat too much yet. Or any more at all, because to be honest? It's only making you enemies."

Alexis pauses.

"Hey, host guy? Does a death show as someone 'leaving the room' on the readout, can you confirm this please?"
Stupid doomed timeline...

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