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Your Final Frontier
The last thing you remember is your apprehension. It only took a moment. Perhaps you saw it coming, perhaps not. Either way, there was a warrant out for your death, and the Alliance has never been a group that respects international jurisdiction. Whatever was the case, the results were the same. You were arrested. Summery execution seemed likely, but somewhere along the line, you were singled out. As a result of this, you've ended up in a vaguely culturally insensitive Tiki bar on some island resort in the middle of a vast ocean. Ostensibly, it's quite nice. In practice, you have no idea how you got on the island, and no idea how you're going to get off. An old TV, clearly placed more for the theme of the restaurant than for actual functionality flares to life, and your captor appears on the screen.

Alright, alright. Let'ss get formalitiess out of the way, Floran'ss name iss Sendri, the reasson floran brought you here iss becausse floran iss bored, you're very lucky to be sselected, blah blah, you've got a chance to walk out alive, under normal circumstancess you'd be dead, etcetera. The point iss, you're going to be killing each other, and ssome people are going to judge you as you do sso! Fun will be had by all, but mosstly by uss. Sso, Judgess. Camera guy? Whatever your name iss. Pan over to them, would you?

Seven individuals are on camera. Two look like they've done this before. First, it stops on a person who looks exactly like your mental image of a diplomat.

Thiss iss Markov Margrave. You heard the phrase "dresss for the job you want"? Well, he did. Anyway... moving on.

Margrave remains silent. The camera focuses in on one of the two who seem nonplussed by the situation, who is busy looking like an Off-brand version of the female Tropico Presidente.

Tennysen B. Hayes. She'ss a returning judge, and a closse associate of floran'ss. Anything to ssay to our captivess?

You'll be fun to watch die. I know it.

...Okay! Cool! Yess. She'ss great, floran sswearss. Anyway, moving on...

Next, a faceless pink being, apparently made entirely of plasma and tungsten.

Thiss iss Lithium. She'ss in charge of your food ssupply, and she'll drop off ssome weaponss on the issland, in casse you don't want to improvise.

Hi! Y'all owe me big for not lettin' y'all starve, don't ya forget it!

Next, Sendri indicates a floran who's dressed almost exactly like them, but much shorter.

Thiss iss Liwari. They've alsso done thiss before.

Liwari just salutes. No comment whatsoever escapes them. Sendri moves on to the remaining three, first stopping by an extremely pale woman, dressed in some kind of clerical vestments.

Melisandre Vayar. She'ss alsso done thiss before, but she wassn't able to pay attention that time. She will thiss time.

Wow, it's so weird to be able to SEE all of you! I'm sure you'll all do great.

Alright, lasst two. We'll do thiss rapidfire now. Judgebot 3000, becausse our ssixth judge dropped out at the lasst moment. Floran'ss ssure it will work, if IT ever getss around to fixing the thing.

Sendri passes by the miniature server rack wearing a judge's wig and then indicates the last judge. She's dressed in a stupidly garish uniform, blue and red and gold.

Lasst and probably leasst, Florida Keyes. She holdss thiss issland and demanded to be a judge.

Hell yeah I did! Anyway, if you're going to bleed out, do it somewhere easy to clean up, and try to die close to the bone forest so I can add you to the attractions more easily, and...

Alright, thank you!

The rules!
 Conduct Rule 1. This may seem a given, but No Godmodding or otherwise poor behavior. That will get you immediately executed by the judges in disgust, and you will be banned from any future iterations. You are not the only person playing this game, so you may not tell other people what their characters do, only suggest. If you have something cool you would like to do that requires the coordination of another player, consider planning it aforehand in DMs
Conduct Rule 2. Nigh on any sort of character will be approved, as the Alliance is very accepting (though we retain the right to veto certain characters if they flagrantly violate NSFW rules or something along those lines.) But remember, anyone can die. However, don't conflate in-character conflict and out-of-character conflict. The character you are playing may be an absolute jerk, but you should not be to your fellow players out-of-character.
Conduct Rule 3. If you are dead, no speaking in the thread or giving away clues until the game is over, (With one exception we will get to later). You can spectate the thread, but not post. As a result, there will be no direct quoting of my DMs without my express permission.
Conduct Rule 4. It is expected of players that they remain active in the thread. If a player does not post or actively participate for over 48 hours, the player will be notified and a replacement will begin to be sought. If no replacement is found in an additional 48 hours and the player remains inactive, the player will be executed and considered DEAD.
Conduct Rule 5. No telling people who the murderers are outside of this thread if you know but are dead. If we get alerted to such behavior, you will be barred from participating again.
Conduct Rule 6. No post editing. Yes, that includes to fix mistakes. You may make a second post, but never edit your post. That way, if you say something that implicates you, you can't take it back.
Now that the conduct rules are out of the way, here's some gameplay rules.
Rule 1. This is a Mafia-style game. That means there's a day phase and a night phase. In the day phase, you can talk and walk and things. In the night phase, you can walk, but you can only talk to characters in the same room as you and the judges (via DMs). The murderer team gets to kill someone during this phase, and other players may also act.
Rule 2. There are two main teams. Team innocents, who's goal is to stop the murderers by executing them, and team murderers, who's job is to kill innocents until the teams are equal in size.
Rule 3. Unlike some of the murdergames, the night phase will NOT end when there is a kill. The night phase will continue until the posted time. This is to prevent induction of who the murderer is based on out-of-game knowledge, such as time-zones and who was active and posting at the time.
Rule 4. All actions at night must be DM'd to the GM, else they will not happen. We will be keeping careful track of the map and player locations as well, so keep that in mind. You may also DM the GM covert actions during the day.
Rule 5. Remain in character as the character you put forth in the thread.
Rule 6. The murderer team will have a number of members based on how many people we think will be fair for the game. This could be anywhere from 2-3 depending on whether signups fill or not.
Rule 7. No stalling will be permitted. If no deaths happen in 2 day phases and 2 night phases in a row, the team which most recently killed someone wins, and the Alliance executes every person on the other team.
Rule 8. Execution is by majority vote. Votes are formatted as /Vote (The person you want to vote off). Players can retract their vote at any time before a majority is reached, but once a majority is reached, no votes can be retracted, and the execution will proceed once we get back.
Rule 9. It is mandatory you describe how you murder the target (E.G., [i]Disposable Mark strikes Minecraft-Former-Presidential-Candidate Horace Greely with the sword, decapitating him. Disposable Mark then throws the sword into a potted plant nearby and hides out in a nearby bathroom.[/i] Rather than "I murder that guy".)

Rule 10. At the start of the game, everyone will receive a DM containing their role. If you are on the murderer team, you will also be told who your teammates are.
Now, here's judge-twist part.
Rule 11. The players are NOT the only people who get to vote! The seven directors of the Alliance have bets placed on who makes it out alive, and are watching this for their own entertainment after all. At the start of each day phase, they vote. If a player has more than twice as low a score as the next competitor, they get three votes. If a player has the lowest score but not twice as low, they receive two votes and the runner-up receives one. If there is a tie, the one who gets two votes is determined randomly. (A three way tie will give a vote to each, a four or more way will have it randomly determined.)
Rule 12. Each of the Alliance directors has their own table of likes and dislikes, own animosities and friendships with other members, own behaviors, and own bet on who makes it out alive, and who dies. They also each have a ranked list of favorite players. Those who can manipulate the Alliance members, especially late game, will have a much easier time of it.
Rule 13. The Alliance judges most assuredly did not drink their "play fair" juice this morning (or any morning). They're all too happy to let their favorite players bend the rules a little bit. They can get you items you might want, gain you access to otherwise restricted areas, and other fun stuff like that.

The Roles!
Team Innocent
Your goal is to kill all the murderers via execution. You will receive a roll to help your friends or hinder the murderers.

The Medic:

You have some medical experience, and several healing potions. During the night phase, you may attempt to heal someone. They will survive anything that doesn't explicitly ignore healing. However, if they are a murderer and they attempt to kill someone, you die instead.

The Investigator:
The First Step for Research is Wikipedia. No, I'm serious!

You have a connection to the internet server, but only Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit! NO ONE CAN STOP YOU! You can go on a Wiki Walk against any player each night phase. You will be told five rolls they could have, one of which is true, at the end of the night phase.

The White-Hat Gunslinger:
The New Sheriff In Town.

You have a gun. A normal gun, with enough bullets for every murderer. However, with the gun comes a warning that you will die instead, should you fire on an innocent. Once a night phase, you may fire on someone. If they are a murderer, they die. If they are innocent, you die.

The Cartoon:
Go Forth, My Bill Murray Army!

You often stumble ass-backwards into success. No matter how many errors you make, you always seem to come out on top. Twice per game, you may activate your luck at night. You will survive anything that doesn't explicitly ignore your protection.

The Hero:
Step one: Break and Enter. Step two: Murder. Step three... wait, wrong kind of hero.

You've trained in all forms of combat. The Navy Seal Copypasta might as well be about you. Of course, you are an innocent, and if you attempt to kill someone, you will still die. Once a night, you may choose someone to protect. If they are attacked, you will die, but so will the murderer. If you are attacked, you will die. If you protect a murderer who attempts to kill, you will die. If you protect a murderer who is being healed by a medic and the murderer attempts a kill, you die and the murderer dies, and the medic lives. The Black Hat Gunslinger can still shoot you dead though, no matter what.

The Illusionist:
NOT a magician!

You have some sort of magic, or perhaps are just tricky. You can swap any two players each night. Anything that would happen to one will happen to the other, and vice versa. This includes murder, and may even be able to cause a murderer to kill their own.

The Necromancer:
The dead tell no tales, but they do give nice short statements.

You have some sort of magic, or perhaps a connection to someone who does. You can speak with the dead twice per game, asking the GM a question of 20 words or less. The dead player will then respond in 20 words or less, and you will be told their reply.

The Watcher:
It's the eye of the camera, the thrill of the sight!

You have a drone which can fly around the island and take pictures. You can keep tabs on a single room, or a single path between two buildings. Anything that happens there, you will see.
Team Murderers
Your job is to kill until you are equal in number to the innocents. You will know your teammates. You all have a chip in your brains to make sure you don't do things like out your teammates or just not ever kill. The murderer team may kill one person per night phase. Of course, maybe you wanted this from the start.

The Black-Hat Gunslinger:
The New Sheriff in town, if you ignore the old, dead sheriff over there.

No one can survive your aim! Once per game, you may shoot a person dead. Nothing can save them. You can also perform normal kill actions, if you want to save your shot.

The Ninja:
Featuring 100 stealth in the skyrim system.

You can instantly kill anyone once per game. This counts as a normal kill action, but there will be no evidence left behind. The body will not be found.
The Unknown Quantities
They could be on EITHER side! Ooh, Spooky.

The Pickpocket:
The Ultimate Percussionist!

Your pickpocketing skills are above zero! Once per night, you may attempt to pickpocket a player. You will play rock paper scissors. On a win, you find out their role, and may prevent them from using their role ability for the night. On a tie, you escape, but don't get anything. On a loss, you get seen, and get nothing.

The Victim of Circumstance:
Wrong place, wrong time, much like a human on the Hawaiian islands in the Permian.

You weren't supposed to be here. You have pity points with the judges, and may redirect three of their votes a game. People will know you did this, though.
The Suppressor:
You're a knockout!

You were given some darts coated with some substance. They're capable of knocking anyone out for the night, preventing them from moving or taking any actions. Do note, if you're on the murderer team, you cannot kill unless you are the only one left.

The Profiler:
Three-quarters may be popular, but Ancient Egypt had the right idea!

You have information that others don't on the judges. You know what makes two of them tick, and can swap people in their lists as you please. You may also re-order every judge's preferences completely, once per game.
The Third Party
No, you're not a libertarian or a green party member or a liberal-democrat or a quebequoi separatist or something silly like that. You just have your own goal for victory.

The Captured Spy:
You're a bit of a joker. Why, one might even say you're a regular court jester. In practice however, you might just be a fool.

You've heard of the jester role? This is your role. Sendri's playing with their food, and has offered you a way to get out. If you are sentenced to death by a vote, you will be released, and choose one person who voted for you to die in your place. If you are killed during the night or survive to the end, however, you die.

Alright, that'ss out of the way. The mapss are over there on the brochuress... Oh, and don't try to sswim out, you know that human game, ssubnautica or whatever? Well, the wildlife in thiss ocean iss like that, except bigger, and more territorial. And there'ss more of it. Bassically, you need OUR help to get off thiss issland. Have fun on there!

Map link here. https://imgur.com/a/3C9URiV
I am the They who says it!
From the radio tower, a floran skateboards on the island's roads. They're wearing a backwards baseball cap, sunglasses, a hoodie, and some shiny Oxy-Codones. They call out to no one in particular,  "WHAT'SSS UP MY BROSSS! IT'S YOUR HOMIE, THE MOSSST EPIC FLORAN THISSS SSSIDE OF THE GALAXY....COOL SENDRI!"
The young floran then proceeds to kickflip and dab. 

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Monaca is right here right now!

A certain green-haired green-eyed kid in a wheelchair arrives at the island.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Mark applauds the kickin' rad plant person. "Now that's hip and/or with it."
Selen(ium) gives a thumbs up. Nice moves. She's walking all over the place with headphones on, listening to the backing music of her band. You can still hear it through the headphones on. She's jumping up and down to the music, and singing. Apparently. It sounds more like yelling. You are less than zero... you are less than zero... you're not even minus nothing, zero has it's uses and YOU HAVE NONE!...
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
A man with big teeth and a crazed look in his eyes appears and spots everyone

Last thing I remembered is goin' campin' and someone put a bag over my head and blacked out. Did you all take me to this place? Are you all from the CIA? You all here to bug me?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Cool Sendri makes a fingergun at Mark. "YEAH! YOU GOT THE SSPIRIT, YOU BODALICIOUSS DUDE!"

Hearing Selen sing, they give her a thumbs up and begin headbanging and air guitaring. "SSICK SSOUNDS, HATCHETTE!"

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Selen(ium) takes her headphones off. Huh? CIA? I thought this was some sort of contest. My manager signed me up for it. Mami is going to lose her shit.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Holly... didn't know what she'd done to be marked for death, really. Probably some kind of science they'd disapproved of. A botany experiment on this weird plant person's distant relative, maybe. But here she was, on... an island, for some reason. Hopefully at least the weather would be pleasant, if nothing else was.

...and then this other plant person just... skateboarded over. What. And then more rather... interesting looking people started to arrive.

"What the hell is going on here?"

She already looked done with this shit and it had barely begun. Not a good sign.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Selenium does grin at Cool Sendri. Back at you!
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
A robot that can be best described as a calculator on wheels rolls on the scene.

He looks at Sendri.

Oh... I guess you're from Area 51. You're not here to probe us, are you? That shit hurts like a son-of-a-bitch.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Pretend that "I'mMettaton" is "I'm Mettaton".
Cool Sendri skateboards around the crazed man. "DON'T WORRY, DUDE! THE ONLY THING FLORAN'SS GONNA PROBE IS YOUR MOM! BUT SSERIOUSSLY, IF FLORAN CAN RECALL CORRECTLY, FLORAN'SS DUDE? THEY WON'T "PROBE" US. JUSST EXECUTE USS VIOLENTLY." They say it in that continued "cool" tone of voice, as if it was something they've already come to terms with.

They then skateboard to Mettaton. "HEY, LOOK, YOU GROOVY ROBRO? YOU ALRIGHT?

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

Wait a minute. Did that guy on the TV say we were arrested, for real? Like I said, my mami is gonna flip her shit and chew out me an my no-good manager. Like... what were we arrested for? And (she looks at Cool Sendri) why you look so much like him?

I don't mind being on an island, tho. With a tiki bar. Yo.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
"Bet I can patent their lives if anything goes wrong," Mark says.
"Yeah, the island is kind of nice. The whole killing game thing, on the other hand..."

She figured the rest probably went without saying.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Over some speaker somewhere in the building...

As much as floran iss actively hoping thiss "cool sendri" fallss off their sskateboard and breakss all their limbss and then catchess fire or ssomething, they are correct. You almosst certainly will not be probed. Unlesss one of our designated executionerss decidess to go at you with one of thosse cattle execution devicess. Not the rivet gun oness, the electric oness. You know what floran'ss talking about. Anyway, Selenium. Floran would make a club 27 joke, but we didn't actually pull your certificate, and alsso you're not dead yet. But the point iss, floran has no idea why mosst of you were here, floran wassn't the only one who made the lisst. Probably ssubverssion of our government. Or ssupporting the RIAA or ssomething maybe.
I am the They who says it!
Mettaton responds to Cool Sendri in the the most dudebro voice he can make.

If anyone here tries to kill me, you better believe I won't go down fightin'. And it is a nice island. And I like the way the girl with the headphones thinks. A bar kind of sweetens the deal.
I like bananas. They're yellow.

and i may not be loved
but they'll always recall my name
out on the streets, but i do what i gotta do

"I do enjoy a nice Bloody Mary after icing a target," Mark muses.
"Is botany experimentation subversive of your government or something?" Holly mused.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Huh? The RIAA? Those no good pieces of mierda? I get a better return without them poking their noses where they don't belong, and you know my fans hate them. Not good for business.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Arrested? This island doesn't look like a prison to me...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...

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