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The Turned Tables
Zecro didn't care which door he locked. All he cared about was keeping his tablet safe, so he went back to his room, grabbed it, and kept it with him while keeping an eye out for intruders. He's not gonna be sleeping tonight due to caffeine-induced paranoia.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Jeeves teleported into the room, leaning against the wall and muttering under his breath.

"You motherfuckers are damn lucky I was cleanin' the glass out of literally everythin'. That cat woulda been impaled on a goddamn spike."
Audley starts speaking.

“Everybody report to the study.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Helena takes one more swig of brandy and heads to the dusty I mean study
Stupid doomed timeline...
[host2 is already in the study; content to hear whatever motive Audley has in store for them.]
Jenkins teleported into the study. Unlike before, he was front and center. His back was to everyone else.
DeeDee uses her magic portals to appear to the study...

Oh gee. I wonder what new motive we have THIS time...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Jenkins waited for everyone to file in then started to talk.

"So, me and the lady were talkin' while the stupid cat was breakin' the chandelier. Some of y'all have been havin' too easy a time in this game so from now until y'all find another killer, all of  y'all will have somethin' important taken away from you."
Good luck finding anything I have left.
Helena is still holding on to her guitar, although it's not the only concern on her mind.
Stupid doomed timeline...
I didn't really have anything in the first place, so good luck.
Jenkins walked around the room, looking each of the survivors in the eye.

“First off will be you, kid.” He took Tory's hat and balanced it on his horn.

Then he snapped his fingers and said “Space lady, yer magic's gone.”

Then he turned over to Mr. Zecro. “Yer jittery as fuck, dude, so no coffee fer you.”

He looked over at Helena for a bit longer then took her guitar without saying anything.
DeeDee immediately falls over to the ground.

... I... At least I have my scythe...

DeeDee's gotten so accustomed to floating that she forgot to walk... And stumbles. She proceeds to use the scythe as a walking cane.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Helena just sulks a bit, though at least she's still drunk enough to realize that this is... probably better for her continuing to survive than taking her booze but letting her keep the guitar. She's also still drunk enough not to say this out loud.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Jenkins looked around at both V and Host2.

“Both of y'all have been too close fer comfort so y'all are gonna be separated fer a day or so. Every time y'all get close, this happens.”

Jenkins snapped his fingers and Host2 was now on the opposite side of the house. Without breaking stride, he moved on to Mikado.

“Yer the only one that's not allowed ta drink, feller.”

His final victim was Maria. He snapped his fingers and her tablet was attached to his waist.

“And I'll be takin’ this.”
... sure, whatever. I'm not that attached to him, but I'm certainly not more attached to anything else, so I guess that was the optimal play or whatever.
(06-23-2021, 15:33:39 PM)wingedcatgirl Wrote: ... sure, whatever. I'm not that attached to him, but I'm certainly not more attached to anything else, so I guess that was the optimal play or whatever.

”Oh, really? Well, think about how he'll react to this. He certainly isn't going to take this well. The person who idolizes you, who spends every night with you. You're not the one being harmed here.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
[And surely enough, host2 isn't taking this well. At all.] My headmistress? Why... can't I even get close to you? HEY! WHY MUST I BE FUCKING SEPARATED FROM THE ONE THAT GAVE ME LIFE AND PURPOSE? WHY?
So Mikado's the only one not allowed to drink, meaning I still can?

Helena sounded partly relieved; while she would've loved to play some music (and show off the actual talent she's got while drunk), at least she doesn't have the double disadvantage of "being too dumb to figure out how to kill anyone" and "being so annoying someone would probably kill her immediately" that sobriety would provide.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Is that so. Have fun with it.
“Consider this an act of mercy. Now if you'll excuse me…”

Jeeves teleported out to face Host2. “Because a’ what I said, y'all are too close.”
[host2 stops to think for a second. Is it true that he has been dedicating too much of his time to his headmistress Could V actually be... wrong? After a session of deep thought, he decides that he is better off helping his headmistress.] ...I need a drink. [He then stomps out to the bar to get himself a drink to take his mind off everything right now.]
Helena also goes to get another drink. Best to keep her wits about her and not annoy everyone, of course.
Stupid doomed timeline...
V has shrugged loudly to herself and moved to the library.
“So I hope you enjoy your little rehab tonight. Remember, you get them back tomorrow…if someone dies.”

She walks over to Jenkins.

“You. Me. Library.”

She walks off.

“Oh, and night phase begins tomorrow at 12:00 PM EST.”
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food

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