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The Big Freeze Signups
Welcome to the signup and basic rules thread for THE BIG FREEZE!
Rules for the RP are simple: This is a character-driven, longform RP set in rural Canada during an apocalyptic event. I would prefer if character are human, without any special powers, and if you would prefer to use colored text, keep it readable.

[b]SKILLS[/b] How have you survived so far?
[b]BRIEF BIO[/b]

Catherine "Cathy" Harjo | Mackie
Molly Perkins | Huney
Abigail "Abby" Roy | TheGeekArtist08
Vincent "Voxel" J. Broni | madface7
Eve & Alex Bingham | DookieIdiotNimrod
Peter Wolf | MatthewLM
[Image: 332600_bH0KKkyG.png]

NAME Catherine "Cathy" Harjo
AGE 28
APPEARANCE Tall and thin, with green eyes, olive skin, and shoulder length brown hair. She has a scar on her cheek from a past animal attack.
LIKES Watercolor paintings, dogs, and elk stew
SKILLS  Cathy grew up hunting with her uncles, where they taught her how to kill and butcher most animals legal to hunt in Oklahoma.
BRIEF BIO Born in Oklahoma City, Cathy's parents died in a car crash when she was a baby. She was raised by her Muskogee Creek grandmother and uncles, who were sad to see her grow up and move north to go to school in Michigan, where she got her degree in social work. Invited to go to graduate school in Canada, she was on the road to getting her Ph.D when the Big Freeze hit.
OTHER Picrew is Djarn's Character Maker by Djarn. Cathy speaks in #45B5AA
NAME: Molly Perkins
AGE: 36
GENDER: Female
APPEARANCE: Uhhhh, hmmm, I'll come back to you on that one.
LIKES: Warm soup, unopened boxes of ammunition, Microsoft Flight Simulator.
DISLIKES: Eggs, they taste terrible.
SKILLS: Gun. Lots of gun.
BRIEF BIO: Molly at the age of 9 felt the panic of the apocalypse at a young age, growing up in a household that bought completely into the Y2K bug. While, of course, nothing quite came of that, how her family felt in that time always stuck with her, and she grabbed a habit of stockpiling since then. It was probably around 2020 when she started stockpiling weaponry. After everything that happened that year, she felt it was best she stocks up on everything. Looks like that's already paying off. Now at the ripe age of 36, she's perfectly prepared for the Snowpocalypse.
OTHER: Kind of emotionally blank, really puts surviving first in most scenarios.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
You're in! Be sure to think of an appearance or find a faceclaim so we know what Molly looks like!
[Image: abigail-abby-roy.png?width=544&height=544]

NAME: Abigail "Abby" Roy
AGE: 21
GENDER: Female, though occasionally she jokingly says that her gender is "Female-ish"
PREFERRED PRONOUNS: She/her or they/them 
APPEARANCE: Short, light brown hair with a braid. Wears pink ear muffs and a white scarf. Also wears a white shirt and grey jeans, as well as a beige cape. Wears brown boots and white stockings. Often carries around a quiver and a bow (as in the one for archery) on her back. (This is the Picrew used for the image, created by sushicore.)
LIKES: Apples, the arts, and flowers.
DISLIKES: Summer - She always prefers snow anyways.
SKILLS: Archery and cooking. She was taught to cook ever since a young age, while she learns archery when she was 14.
BRIEF BIO: Abby's life was pretty decent for the most part. Snow was a regular part of life (though not as catastrophic as the one here) and her family life was quite happy. She was studying in the University of British Columbia when the Big Freeze hit. 
OTHER: She likes to draw and write on her free time. Quite the Anti-Nihilist. A mythology and folktale nerd.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Youre in! Have fun!
[Image: 94097_zPUHdYqi.png]

NAME: Vincent "Voxel" J. Broni
AGE: 35
LIKES: Ducks, slimegirls, drugs, Ikea, songwriting, singing, guitar, space travel, video games, aliens, clowns, pizza, pasta, and Meat
DISLIKES: Himself, frogs, Sundays, and his mission control associate Chadley
SKILLS: He schut gud, he has expert piloting abilities, and he's been adapted to the cold quickly... It's unclear exactly how he's become so accustomed to the cold, but he has.
BRIEF BIO: When he was a little New York boy, he discovered in a dream that he'd love to escape the pale blue dot he lived on, but was forced into a job in the city, until he got fed up with his father and started running to forget his worries and refusing to settle for less than his dreams. At age 26, he saw another light and found the V.I.N.E. (Venturous Intergalactic Navigation Establishment), a space program in Reno, Nevada, where he met his mentally unstable flight director Chadley. Voxel made many far away trips to and from the stars, having a tendency to get stranded along the way. On a planet in an unknown galaxy is where he found his pet Meat, a carnivorous slimy worm with a human-like head that speaks in strange quacking noises. His hobby is game streaming, which was sadly shut down after most of the electronics went out.
OTHER: Speaks in bright green.
Welcome to the Big Freeze!
[Image: 165901_PPVI8Gyp.png]

NAME: Eve & Alex Bingham.
AGE: 13 & 12
GENDER: Female & Male
PREFERRED PRONOUNS: For Eve, She/her. For Alex, He/Him
APPEARANCE: Eve has a jacket, a black bow and very long and messy hair (As a result of time). Alex has shorter hair (He cut his hair with scissors he found) and a sweatshirt. He used to have short hair, and dislikes the longer hair because he, quote, "Looks like a girl."
LIKES: Each other. Other Humans. Food (Specifically Twinkies). Video games. Ruins of past suburban and urban life, especially ones that double as shelter. Games. Hot weather. California.
DISLIKES: Snow. Death. Orphanages. Miss Greenbaum. 
SKILLS How have you survived so far?
BRIEF BIO: At the age of 9, the Bingham children moved from Anaheim, California (Where they were born) to Canada. Life was normal until the freeze...and in April of 2026, a giant snowstorm erupted in their city and collapsed their house while the family was on commute. From then on, the Binghams were homeless. In early July, Jill Bingham and Wally Bingham (Mom & Dad) could no longer care for their kids; Jill was dying of some sort of cold, and Wally was starving to death. So they sent them to an orphanage getting it's money from parents sending off their kids. The orphanage was right next to a factory, so that's how they got food. The only problem was that Miss Greenbaum, the owner, was very mean and downright abusive towards the orphans. She wouldn't give Alex or Eve food or water until they confessed that their parents had died. She also hit any child who misbehaved, and tried to down the spirits of any child who came, calling Eve (Who still had a positive spirit despite this) and Alex (Who fought her with sarcasm) "Ugly", "Brats, "Asshats", and even "Bitches"! To a child!  Those are just some of the horrors (You'll learn more along the way) But after about 2 weeks, the pair escaped. Since then, they've been searching through ruins for food and shelter on their own.
OTHER: Eve Talks like this and Alex talks like this.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Welcome in!

NAME: Peter Wolf

AGE: 44



APPEARANCE: Receeding brown hair with bold blue eyes, a red button down shirt, blue jeans and black steel toed boots.

LIKES: Working with his hands, watching football, having a beer with the guys.

DISLIKES: Being away from his family for as long as he has.

SKILLS: Very handy with tools, can build and fix things pretty well.

BRIEF BIO: Peter is from Detroit, Michigan, has a wife named Miranda and three children, Frank (17), Julie (13) and Harriet (9). He works as a construction worker who tends to go around the state of Michigan and a surrounding territories, including trips to Canada. He finds himself trapped up in Canada in the hellish winter and has his desire to see his family again that keeps him going.

OTHER: Speaks in bold brown.

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