These files were supposedly recovered from a military intelligence agency of an undisclosed government. The story they tell has not been verified. It is told in the format of recordings from diplomatic meetings and news reports from the area in question, interspersed with notes from an unknown analyst. If the veracity of these files is confirmed, it provides a useful insight into the events of the civil war of 199x.
xxxx/10/14, Report delivered by foreign double agent, translated by Analysts [Redacted] & [Redacted]
Annotated by Lead Analyst [Redacted]
Background of incident: The assassination of GEN. LYNN GLADWELL three weeks after her coup against the government of the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF OBYCHINZK sparked a succession crisis for who would be in charge of OBYCHINZK. (The assassin was never identified), [not by you, maybe] but is believed to have been a former (Obychinzkian government operative) retaliating for the coup. [he was a lone fameseeker] The Obychinzkian region has historically been without long-term stable governance, apart from a brief period of democratic governance from (195x-196x) [no comment] likely due to the large variety and enormous quantity of natural resources in the area, such as (GOLD, OIL, COPPER, and RARE EARTHS.) [resource curse strikes again?] Previous OBYCHINZK government policy favored (arresting perceived dissidents to work in the resource extraction industries) for low to nonexistent wages. [Prison slave labor: a growth industry] GEN. GLADWELL revised the policy to instead enlist members of the citizenry belonging to minority religious and ethnic groups rather than rely purely on arbitrary detention shortly before her assassination.
[Note: Original report had Lynn Gladwell and Obychinzk covered by pseudonyms. No other identifying information was hidden, so it was relatively easy to figure out those pseudonyms. This combined with the incorrect information about the assassination indicates that either our inside source is feeding us false reports, or they genuinely do not know.]
Incident: After the coup, GEN. GLADWELL was largely welcomed as a hero for toppling the deeply unpopular government. However, her brutality against the populace began almost immediately after her national tour concluded. [who could have seen a coup ending badly?] (The security forces very quickly started rebelling against GEN. GLADWELL, who was unpopular among the military) [this is why you scope out your ruling coalition before you coup], though they did not launch a countercoup immediately. GLADWELL was assassinated while making a speech in the capital city. She had not had time to establish any sort of succession plan, nor was the Semi-Unitary Presidential Republic government able to take back over, as GLADWELL's coup was too bloody and left their regime almost entirely destroyed. Thus, the state spiraled very quickly into a civil war. Several local movements rose up and declared themselves the rightful rulers of OBYCHINZK, seizing areas of land and resources. (However, while only one could ultimately rule, none of them had a hope of achieving that alone.) [weird editorializing. Possible sign of forgery? Sloppy reporter? Unclear.]
Welcome to Uncivil War, the new wild wacky Florien Format! This one is a game of DIPLOMACY! There is no randomness, only BETRAYAL! There are four to seven factions in this upcoming civil war, and thus, up to seven players.
Note: It is preferred you produce an OC for this game, though any character will be accepted. Your character is the commander of a faction of Obychinzkian revolutionaries, attempting to become the rightful rulers of this incredibly resource-rich (and resultantly democracy-poor) country.
The signup sheet is a little different this time around, with a couple extra details. For reference, here is General Gladwell's.
Commander Name: General Lynn Gladwell.
Age: 38
Pronouns/Gender: She/Her
Appearance: (Description or Image) See Above.
Background: General Gladwell is a young officer who rapidly got promoted to the rank of general due to her family knowing the previous ruling family. She quickly became regarded as a ticking time bomb, but she was not removed from the army before she managed to coordinate a sudden coup to seize control of Obychinzk.
Other: Speaks in The muddy green of #8eaa83 in arial black.
Faction: The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Obychinzk (AFDRO)
Faction Description: The AFDRO is a combined volunteer/conscript army equipped with twenty-year old technology. They're highly nationalistic and often violent towards civilians, ruling through terror. They've, for years, had a problem with selling military equipment on the black market, allowing it to fall into the hands of various rebel groups who now all claim Obychinzk should be ruled by someone else.
Reason for fighting: To reestablish the long-standing extraction state under Gladwell, and to benefit from the kickbacks she gives them for keeping her in power.
Folderizing, is, of course, optional. Naming and describing your faction is not.
The map is as follows. Stars represent resource areas. Areas with filled in colored stars (which are in colored territories) are the home territories of that particular faction. Each faction starts with one ship and two infantry brigades in locations which is indicated here (Tanks are infantry, not-tanks are ships.)
![[Image: unknown.png]](
![[Image: Flag_of_Obychinzk.png]](
xxxx/10/14, Report delivered by foreign double agent, translated by Analysts [Redacted] & [Redacted]
Annotated by Lead Analyst [Redacted]
Background of incident: The assassination of GEN. LYNN GLADWELL three weeks after her coup against the government of the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF OBYCHINZK sparked a succession crisis for who would be in charge of OBYCHINZK. (The assassin was never identified), [not by you, maybe] but is believed to have been a former (Obychinzkian government operative) retaliating for the coup. [he was a lone fameseeker] The Obychinzkian region has historically been without long-term stable governance, apart from a brief period of democratic governance from (195x-196x) [no comment] likely due to the large variety and enormous quantity of natural resources in the area, such as (GOLD, OIL, COPPER, and RARE EARTHS.) [resource curse strikes again?] Previous OBYCHINZK government policy favored (arresting perceived dissidents to work in the resource extraction industries) for low to nonexistent wages. [Prison slave labor: a growth industry] GEN. GLADWELL revised the policy to instead enlist members of the citizenry belonging to minority religious and ethnic groups rather than rely purely on arbitrary detention shortly before her assassination.
[Note: Original report had Lynn Gladwell and Obychinzk covered by pseudonyms. No other identifying information was hidden, so it was relatively easy to figure out those pseudonyms. This combined with the incorrect information about the assassination indicates that either our inside source is feeding us false reports, or they genuinely do not know.]
Incident: After the coup, GEN. GLADWELL was largely welcomed as a hero for toppling the deeply unpopular government. However, her brutality against the populace began almost immediately after her national tour concluded. [who could have seen a coup ending badly?] (The security forces very quickly started rebelling against GEN. GLADWELL, who was unpopular among the military) [this is why you scope out your ruling coalition before you coup], though they did not launch a countercoup immediately. GLADWELL was assassinated while making a speech in the capital city. She had not had time to establish any sort of succession plan, nor was the Semi-Unitary Presidential Republic government able to take back over, as GLADWELL's coup was too bloody and left their regime almost entirely destroyed. Thus, the state spiraled very quickly into a civil war. Several local movements rose up and declared themselves the rightful rulers of OBYCHINZK, seizing areas of land and resources. (However, while only one could ultimately rule, none of them had a hope of achieving that alone.) [weird editorializing. Possible sign of forgery? Sloppy reporter? Unclear.]
Welcome to Uncivil War, the new wild wacky Florien Format! This one is a game of DIPLOMACY! There is no randomness, only BETRAYAL! There are four to seven factions in this upcoming civil war, and thus, up to seven players.
The rules are simple. Control more than half the resources of Obychinzk, and you win, or, if every commander still standing agrees, Obychinzk can be balkanized, and the game ends in a draw between the remaining players. You will be assigned your starting territories at game start. (You can also look at the pinned video in the discord channel for an audio format of the rules.)
The gameplay is divided into three phases and two seasons. These all cycle as follows.
Season, Spring:
Phase one, Diplomacy.
In the diplomacy phase, players talk among themselves and come to agreements about what to do. Agreements are only enforced by mutual trust, and betrayal is inevitable. If there are 4-5 players, all diplomacy takes place in the forum thread. If there are 6-7 players, negotiation may take place in public in the forum thread OR in secret DMs with the GM (florien) CCd in, or even both at the same time.
Phase two, Wartime.
Every player provides secret orders for their army in a DM directly to the GM (still florien). A unit may be ordered to move to an adjacent space, support an adjacent unit to hold an area if it gets attacked, support an adjacent unit to launch an attack into a space that both units are adjacent to and capable of moving to, or to not move at all. A land unit may also move to any coastal region if there is an unbroken chain of naval units in the ocean between their current position and destination. (however each naval unit can only convoy one unit per season. Also, this is only for movement, support cannot be convoyed) Only one unit can occupy a region at any time. If multiple units are headed to the same region, the one with the most support moves there. If they have the same support, neither moves. If a unit giving support is attacked, it does not provide support.
(Orders are formatted as follows, to prevent confusion. "Unit in <region> is moving to <neighboring region>" or "Unit in <region> is supporting unit in <neighboring region>". If a region has two coasts [such as the Grychak exurbs or Chylenbol] and you're occupying it with a naval unit, you must specify what coast you're occupying. "Naval Unit in <Region> will occupy the South Coast of <Region>" This is to prevent ships from mysteriously teleporting through landmasses.)
If a unit which has been attacked loses, it is forced to retreat or be destroyed.
Phase three, Resolution.
Once the actions are resolved and revealed, everyone DMs to the GM where any successfully attacked units are retreating to without posting in the thread in between. It must be an adjacent territory, and it can't be a currently occupied province, nor can it be a province which was left unoccupied due to a standoff in the previous wartime phase or the province from which the attacker moved. If the player retreating is unable to retreat, or does not want to retreat the unit, it is destroyed. If a space is retreated to by two units, both units are destroyed.
Season, Fall:
Diplomacy: As previous.
Wartime: As previous.
Resolution: As previous.
Consolidation: Any occupied resource sites switch to the side of the occupier. Then, each player may recruit new units until they have as many units as resource sites, building them in their home territories (the resource sites they controlled at the start of the game). If a player has more units than resources, they are required to disband extras (they may choose which ones get disbanded.) Obviously, naval units cannot be built at inland sites, only coastal ones. A player may decline to recruit more units for any reason. All this is done via DM too.
If a player no longer controls any of their home regions, they are eliminated, and the players involved in their fall determine what to do with the commander.
Then the whole thing cycles until there's a winner or the territory is balkanized!
The gameplay is divided into three phases and two seasons. These all cycle as follows.
Season, Spring:
Phase one, Diplomacy.
In the diplomacy phase, players talk among themselves and come to agreements about what to do. Agreements are only enforced by mutual trust, and betrayal is inevitable. If there are 4-5 players, all diplomacy takes place in the forum thread. If there are 6-7 players, negotiation may take place in public in the forum thread OR in secret DMs with the GM (florien) CCd in, or even both at the same time.
Phase two, Wartime.
Every player provides secret orders for their army in a DM directly to the GM (still florien). A unit may be ordered to move to an adjacent space, support an adjacent unit to hold an area if it gets attacked, support an adjacent unit to launch an attack into a space that both units are adjacent to and capable of moving to, or to not move at all. A land unit may also move to any coastal region if there is an unbroken chain of naval units in the ocean between their current position and destination. (however each naval unit can only convoy one unit per season. Also, this is only for movement, support cannot be convoyed) Only one unit can occupy a region at any time. If multiple units are headed to the same region, the one with the most support moves there. If they have the same support, neither moves. If a unit giving support is attacked, it does not provide support.
(Orders are formatted as follows, to prevent confusion. "Unit in <region> is moving to <neighboring region>" or "Unit in <region> is supporting unit in <neighboring region>". If a region has two coasts [such as the Grychak exurbs or Chylenbol] and you're occupying it with a naval unit, you must specify what coast you're occupying. "Naval Unit in <Region> will occupy the South Coast of <Region>" This is to prevent ships from mysteriously teleporting through landmasses.)
If a unit which has been attacked loses, it is forced to retreat or be destroyed.
Phase three, Resolution.
Once the actions are resolved and revealed, everyone DMs to the GM where any successfully attacked units are retreating to without posting in the thread in between. It must be an adjacent territory, and it can't be a currently occupied province, nor can it be a province which was left unoccupied due to a standoff in the previous wartime phase or the province from which the attacker moved. If the player retreating is unable to retreat, or does not want to retreat the unit, it is destroyed. If a space is retreated to by two units, both units are destroyed.
Season, Fall:
Diplomacy: As previous.
Wartime: As previous.
Resolution: As previous.
Consolidation: Any occupied resource sites switch to the side of the occupier. Then, each player may recruit new units until they have as many units as resource sites, building them in their home territories (the resource sites they controlled at the start of the game). If a player has more units than resources, they are required to disband extras (they may choose which ones get disbanded.) Obviously, naval units cannot be built at inland sites, only coastal ones. A player may decline to recruit more units for any reason. All this is done via DM too.
If a player no longer controls any of their home regions, they are eliminated, and the players involved in their fall determine what to do with the commander.
Then the whole thing cycles until there's a winner or the territory is balkanized!
Note: It is preferred you produce an OC for this game, though any character will be accepted. Your character is the commander of a faction of Obychinzkian revolutionaries, attempting to become the rightful rulers of this incredibly resource-rich (and resultantly democracy-poor) country.
The signup sheet is a little different this time around, with a couple extra details. For reference, here is General Gladwell's.
General Lynn Gladwell
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Commander Name: General Lynn Gladwell.
Age: 38
Pronouns/Gender: She/Her
Appearance: (Description or Image) See Above.
Background: General Gladwell is a young officer who rapidly got promoted to the rank of general due to her family knowing the previous ruling family. She quickly became regarded as a ticking time bomb, but she was not removed from the army before she managed to coordinate a sudden coup to seize control of Obychinzk.
Other: Speaks in The muddy green of #8eaa83 in arial black.
Faction: The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Obychinzk (AFDRO)
Faction Description: The AFDRO is a combined volunteer/conscript army equipped with twenty-year old technology. They're highly nationalistic and often violent towards civilians, ruling through terror. They've, for years, had a problem with selling military equipment on the black market, allowing it to fall into the hands of various rebel groups who now all claim Obychinzk should be ruled by someone else.
Reason for fighting: To reestablish the long-standing extraction state under Gladwell, and to benefit from the kickbacks she gives them for keeping her in power.
Folderizing, is, of course, optional. Naming and describing your faction is not.
The map is as follows. Stars represent resource areas. Areas with filled in colored stars (which are in colored territories) are the home territories of that particular faction. Each faction starts with one ship and two infantry brigades in locations which is indicated here (Tanks are infantry, not-tanks are ships.)
The Map of the Democratic Republic of Obychinzk
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Optional but highly recommended lore stuff to consider below.
Possibly Excessive Lore Drop.pdf (Size: 133.15 KB / Downloads: 22)
The international community is watching. They are not helping. Who are the leaders who will step up to try to reunite Obychinzk? What are their armies, and what are their aims?

The international community is watching. They are not helping. Who are the leaders who will step up to try to reunite Obychinzk? What are their armies, and what are their aims?
1. Pointmaid: Alexandra the Great, leader of the (New Macedonian Empire.) [Why do I always get stuck with the nutjobs]
2. Matthew: Ralphael Markham, leader of the (Organization for Special Interests) of Obychinzk [Very upfront. I don't know if I like it, but it's certainly different.]
3. Kennifer: Juniper Banks, leader of the Juniper (Banks Obychinzk Company) [Sounds like a foreign interest group. East India Company Thing? Investigate Further.]
4. Despair's Archon of Memes: W.O.R. OS, leader of the Mechancius (Imperium) [Odd naming choice, considering subject seems to believe in a unitary system. Maybe computers pick words because they sound good too?]
5. TenOfSwords13: (Lara Dolre), leader of Dolre Military Industries. [Known quantity. Already existed in the country. Came in under Vychadoré Senior. Affiliated with old shadow cabinet?]
Lee The Hammer: (Titus Shannon), leader of The Movement for Police Authority and Enforcement [American, came out of nowhere, and very openly authoritarian. I'd say it's a Pampas Argentina Situation, but he seems to have done this without much outside support aside from being independently wealthy.]
6. MadameButterflyKnife: (August Fox, A.K.A. The Big Fire) leader of The Legion for the Light of Liberty. [Another known quantity, regime change squads are common enough. Alatania Backed?]
Important disclaimer regarding Diplomacy's reputation
Diplomacy is a game known for causing intense emotional reactions, and has a mario-party like reputation at making people angry. You WILL be betrayed by people you thought you could trust. It's fine to react horrified and hurt in-character, and it's fine to feel bad about the betrayal in the moment, but if you don't think you can emotionally handle a betrayal without going into some kind of emotional spiral, you might want to sit this one out.