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POKÉMON 2.B.A. MURDERER ~ A Poké-Murdergame
"A fella' by the name of Squirt died. Apparently some icicles might be involved, I'm not entirely sure."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Icicles? So... this killer was in the Northwest section, perhaps? Didn't someone go that way before nightfall?
hey who turned out the lights?
> Search the northwest area
"Are you sure we still need to search?"

"I'm pretty sure we've found everything..."
“All I know was Iron Helix was out there.”
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"And the footprints rule him out. It's too bad Isbrand couldn't make out who the other scent from that puddle belonged to. Anyone else with a strong nose want to try?"
Stupid doomed timeline...
"I have a nose!"

"I also have a nose."

"With our powers combined, we have the power of TWO noses!"

"I don't know if it works that way, but..."
>sniff around the puddle
>sniff around the puddle

[Nope. Doesn't work that way, apparently.]
Hey, so Helix was in the place where the probable murder weapon was, right? So, they either saw the killer take the icicle which seem unlikely given their silence, or they gave the killer the thing. Either way, Helix definitely knows something.
hey who turned out the lights?
"So Helix had to have seen it?"

"Ohhhh! SUS!"

"Stop saying that..."
I would like to say that I had NO involvement in the murder. In fact, the only thing I did last night...

Lord Helix pauses for dramatic effect.

...was hypnotize Doober. That's why I know for a fact it wasn't him.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
... and you left the place you were patrolling to do that, Mr Helix? Oh well. What else do we have?
hey who turned out the lights?
"Helix, the Hypnotist can flip either way. That doesn't prove your innocence."
Hm... So it seems... But even so... I am not an accomplice in this... I am very much innocent and I will prove it to all of you!

>Look for anything to clear your name
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Question... did you find a definite weapon, or reamains of a weapon? I know I'm hearing about an icicle, but I'd like my mind at rest.
hey who turned out the lights?
“We're just puttin’ two and two together. The missing icicle from the Northwest and the puddle we found in the South. All we got to go off of.”
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Well, there was a melted puddle with blood in it, some of it was Squirt's, there was also someone else's scent there but Isbrand couldn't make out whose. I think,"
Stupid doomed timeline...
That all? No footprints, loose fur, dying message or anything? If that's the case, my best guess is that the killer was in the South section for a portion of the night. Any idea who that is, Mr Gengar?
hey who turned out the lights?
“Like I said, didn't see nothin’. Whoever it wad proved to be a sneaky one.”
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"There were some footprints at one point, with three toes. But they kiiiiinda got ruined while we were trying to investigate whose they could be. They were pretty faint anyway but I definitely remember seeing three toes!"
Stupid doomed timeline...
“That left me and Doober and he said a few others had three toes. Which were those again?”
I like bananas. They're yellow.
... Chimchars have three toes too, right?
hey who turned out the lights?
Wel, were the toes pointed or curved?

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