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POKÉMON 2.B.A. MURDERER ~ A Poké-Murdergame
"The icicle being the weapon seems likely... and the killer could just melt the evidence away afterwards!"
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
"I-icicle weapon? Egads! Have you been suspecting me this whole time?"
"I mean it was broken off a tree, so technically it could've been anyone who could have, well... broken it off a tree."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"No... but there are some icicles hanging from the trees in the northern section, and one... was broken off" Fuiji says. "Not to mentioned the puddle of cold water found recently..."
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
"..wait wait wait. If that's the case, wouldn't that mean the possibility of an accomplice? Or is this water puddle a product of time?"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
"Oh, such relief! Then you will believe me if I say I never left the northwest section all night?"
"Sue and I took shifts in the Weast together!"
Where the fuck is the weast.
"I was in the center area the whole time."
Stupid doomed timeline...
> Check arena
"I was in the South-Eastern area the whole night, if you need my alibi."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
“I was in the South the whole time. Didn't see nothin’ though. So don't ask me how that puddle got there.”
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Well, it couldn't have been me. I don't have feet to speak of.
I, likewise, never left the Northwest section either. And even if I did...

Lord Helix shows his tentacles and distinct lack of feet.

I have no feet or toes...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"And I've been here in the center area all night. I haven't moved at all."
> show off feet, just to make sure your name is completely cleared
>show off feet, just to make sure your name is completely cleared

[Sadly, all three-toed footprints currently found have been scrubbed away by accident. You have nothing to compare your own feet to.]
> Show off feet anyway
"... So aside from Ted, our culprit list is hopelessly big. This is going to be a tough ca-"

Doober freezes in place, staring out for a bit, before continuing.

"Wha? Where are we?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Mawile just gives Doober a weird look. She can't tell if he's got some kind of memory issue or if he's covering for something more... sinister.
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Alack and alas! It appears we have a severe deficit of evidence! Except for..."

> sniff the bloody puddle that was once the murder weapon. Surely my sensitive vulpine nose can detect some hint of the killer's scent within this liquid!
>sniff the bloody puddle that was once the murder weapon

[You can pick up Squirt's scent and one other, but you can't quite discern whose it is...]
"Hrm. There is a scent to this liquid discinct from poor deceased Squirt's... but I cannot determine who it may belong to. A quandary indeed."
"Bro that stinks, what if you tasted it?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Your friendly neighbourhood Lycanroc finally turns up.

So... there's been another murder, right? Can someone very briefly catch me up on the paltry information we might have?
hey who turned out the lights?

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