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POKÉMON 2.B.A. MURDERER ~ A Poké-Murdergame
We will not submit to your game! We will bring whoever decides to murder us in cold blood to justice, and emerge victorious!
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"Oh, for that is the tragedy of this situation! We have no choice! We are nought but the playthings of a mad god!"

Witness the manner in which I swoon after saying this! Even in the midst of dire circumstances, a true adventurer must never forget their flair!
How are there so many unsavoury people here... I don't think we've seen everywhere yet, have we?

>Explore South East
hey who turned out the lights?
"Yes..." Fuiji says, "We don't have to be part of this. We might be trapped, for now, but... we can't give in to... this..."
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
"Guess we're gonna have to work together and survive."
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>Explore South East

[Oh, dear lord. The heat from the harsh sunlight in the Southern section mingles with the evaporation from the Eastern section's hot spring to create a truly unpleasant environment in the Southeastern section. The air is uncomfortably hot and sticky, and the dirt beneath you feels more akin to sand.]
If I can kick Dragonite ass, I can make it through this!

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

... I'm gonna go somewhere else before I melt.

>Explore NorthEast
hey who turned out the lights?
>Explore North East

[Ah, that's better... or is it? The Eastern section's humidity lingers here as well, coupled with the Northern section's chill. The grass is covered in dew droplets, and the trees are dripping with moisture. And, of course, there are plenty of puddles of both clean water and mud.]
> Explore Southeast
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>Explore Southeast

[Again, now that all 9 sections of the forest have been explored, moving between them is a free action.]
The Lycanroc thinks to itself.

Refreshing... quiet... I think I could relax here. Get my bearings on this nightmare. Maybe wake up from this...

They look around, then curl up and try to think through everything that happened.
hey who turned out the lights?
Rosario decides to explore a bit, trying to find someplace even remotely clean.

>Explore Northeast first.
So I adore Karre from Star Wars: Visions now. That was completely unexpected since I'm not a huge Star Wars fan or anything.
>Explore Northeast

[...I—I literally just said moving between different parts of the forest is a free action now, heh heh.]
Mawile decides to check out the Eastern area now... oooh, that hot spring looks pretty nice.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Hrm... much of our abode for the foreseeable future is far too hot for my tastes. I am a being of ice, after all. I decide to rest for a while in the Northeast section, pondering how best to ensure as few lives as possible are claimed for this deranged Hoopa's entertainment.
Meanwhile, in the starting area, a certain giant blue mass of fur started to move.
He sat up and yawned then looked around, sniffing the air as he did so.
"Damn. Did anyone get the number of that bus? ...Eh, five more minutes."
As soon as he woke up, the Snorlax fell back into a slumber. If anyone tried to move him, he wouldn't put up a fight.
ATV decides to head to the southern area himself. It was perfect: Hot, but not arid nor humid. His ideal place.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

Gengar also heads to the southern area. Nice and hot, the way he likes it.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Sabine headed southeast, the closest temperature to her home in Victory Road.
Mawile's just gonna vibe in the hot spring for a bit.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Meanwhile, in the starting area, a Lucario decides to look around the area. "..hm, what an odd event. Had this happen before?" she thought while doing so.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Squirt went and chilled down south. It was nice and warm...but not humid.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Lord Helix decides to take residence in the eastern section as well. Maybe even chill in the hot spring. His Majesty IS a Water-type, after all.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Rosario decides to look around a bit more, finding the hot springs. Well, that's fascinating, at least.

"Hmm... It does look relaxing..."

However, can they truly step into it? What if the water is filled with more germs...?

Ah, but they need to get the remainder of the mud off as well...

"My, what a dilemma...
So I adore Karre from Star Wars: Visions now. That was completely unexpected since I'm not a huge Star Wars fan or anything.

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